Va prezint o lista in ordine alfabetica de texte electronice despre religie, mitologie, legende și folclor, precum și teme oculte și esoterice.
Lista Titlu : A
Abdu'l-Baha in London 'Abdu'l-Baha
Abominable Snowmen: Legend Come to Life Ivan T. Sanderson [1961, 1847-50]
The Aborigines of Western Australia Albert F. Calvert [1894]
Abortion in the Bible J.B. Hare [2008, 1847-50]
About The Angel of the Prairies [1847-50]
Absurdities of the Bible Clarence Darrow
THE ABYSS EXPERIENCE -- Generating the Abyss Experience Benjamin Rowe [1847-50]
Achomawi and Atsugewi Tales and Achomawi Myths Roland B. Dixon [1908, 1909, 1847-50]
36. Acts, Part I John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
37. Acts, Part II John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
Açvaghosha's Discourse on the Awakening of Faith in the Mahâyâna Teitaro Suzuki [1900]
2500 Adages of Imam Ali [1847-50]
Adapa and the food of Life R. W. Rogers [1912]
Address to the Nobility R.S. Grignon, Martin Luther [1847-50]
The Adornment of the Spiritual Marriage Jan van Ruysbroeck, C. A. Wynschenk Dom, Evelyn Underhill [1916]
The Advent of Divine Justice Shoghi Effendi
The Adventures of Odysseus and the Tale of Troy Padraic Colum, Homer [1918, 1847-50]
ADVORPT -- 90th region in the progression of the Aethyrs Anon. [1847-50]
The Aeneid of Virgil John Dryden, Virgil [1697, 1847-50]
THE AEONIC PERSPECTIVE -- Temples, INRI/IRNI and the Set/Horus Duality Benjamin Rowe [1847-50]
Aethiopis (Fragments) Homer, Hugh G. Evelyn-White [1847-50]
Afrikaans Bible [1953]
Agamemnon Edmund Doidge Anderson Morshead, Aeschylus [1881, 1847-50]
Age of Reason Thomas Paine [1794]
Aino Folk-Tales Basil Hall Chamberlain [1888, 1847-50]
Ajax R. C. Trevelyan, Sophocles [1919, 1847-50]
The Alawite Boook Ali bin Abi-Talib [1847-50]
Albanian Bible
Alcestis Richard Aldington, Euripides [1847-50]
Alchemical Catechism A.E. Waite
An Alchemical Mass
The Alchemy of Happiness Al-Ghazzali, Claud Field [1909, 1847-50]
Alchemy Rediscovered and Restored A. Cockren [1941]
Alexandrines: translated from the "Cherubinischer Wandersmann" Julia Bilger, Angelus Silesius [1944]
The Algonquin Legends of New England Charles G. Leland [1898, 1847-50]
All's Well That Ends Well William Shakespeare [1847-50]
Altantida (L'Antlantide) Pierre Benoit, Mary C. Tongue, Mary Ross [1920]
The Amazons Guy Cadogan Rothery [1910, 1847-50]
American Indian Fairy Tales Margaret Compton [1907, 1847-50]
American Standard Version [1901]
Amharic Bible (NT)
Amitabha Paul Carus [1906]
The Ananga Ranga Richard Burton [1885, 1847-50]
Anathema of Zos: Automatic Writing Austin Osman Spare [1847-50]
Ancient and Modern Initiation Max Heindel [1847-50]
Ancient Art and Ritual Jane Harrison [1913, 1847-50]
Ancient Egyptian Legends Margaret Alice Murray [1920, 1847-50]
Ancient Fragments I. P. Cory [1832, 1847-50]
The Ancient Irish Goddess of War WM Hennessey [1870]
Ancient Jewish Proverbs Abraham Cohen [1911, 1847-50]
Ancient Legends, Mystic Charms, and Superstitions of Ireland Francesca Speranza Wilde [1887]
Ancient Tales and Folk-lore of Japan Richard Gordon Smith [1918, 1847-50]
Ancilla to the Pre-Socratic Philosophers Kathleen Freeman [1948, 1847-50]
Andromache E. P. Coleridge, Euripides [1910, 1847-50]
The Angel of the Prairies, A Dream of the Future Parley Parker Pratt [1880, 1847-50]
Animism G.W. Gilmore [1919, 1847-50]
Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol I Justin Martyr, Irenaeaus [1847-50]
Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. II Hermas, Tatian, Athenagoras, Theophilus, Clement of Alexandria [1847-50]
Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. III Tertullian [1847-50]
Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. IV Tertullian, Origen [1847-50]
Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. IX Clement, Origen [1847-50]
Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. V Hippolytus, Cyprian, Caius, Novatian [1847-50]
Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. VI Gregory Thaumaturgus, Dionysius the Great, Julius Africanus, Anatolius, Methodius, Arnobius [1847-50]
Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. VII Lactantius, Venantius, Asterius, Victorinus, Dionysius [1847-50]
Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. VIII [1847-50]
Antigone R. C. Jebb, Sophocles [1902, 1847-50]
Antony and Cleopatra William Shakespeare [1847-50]
Aphrodite (Ancient Manners) Pierre Louÿs, Willis L. Parker, Frank J. Buttera [1932, 1847-50]
Apocalypse Explained Emanuel Swedenborg, John Whitehead [1757-9, 1911, 1847-50]
Apocalypse Revealed Emanuel Swedenborg, John Whitehead [1766, 1912, 1847-50]
Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha
Apocrypha Arabica Margaret Dunlop Gibson [1901]
Apollonius of Tyana George Robert Stowe Mead [1901, 1847-50]
Apology (the Death of Socrates) Benjamin Jowett, Plato [1871, 1847-50]
The Apostles' Creed
Apu Ollantay Clements Markham [1910, 1847-50]
The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ Levi H. Dowling [1920]
The 1001 Arabian Nights Richard Burton [1850, 1847-50]
The Arabian Nights' Entertainments Andrew Lang, H. J. Ford [1898, 1847-50]
Arabian Poetry W. A. Clouston [1881, 1847-50]
Arabian Wisdom John Wortabet [1913, 1847-50]
Arabic Bible Eli Smith, Cornelius Van Allen Van Dyck [1865]
Arabic Thought and Its Place in History De Lacy O'Leary [1922, 1847-50]
Aradia, Gospel of the Witches Charles G. Leland [1899, 1847-50]
Aramaic Bible (NT)
The Aran Islands John M. Synge [1907]
Arcana Coelestia Emanuel Swedenborg, John F. Potts [1749-56, 1905-10, 1847-50]
Architecture, Mysticism and Myth W.R. Lethaby [1892, 1847-50]
The Argonautica R.C. Seaton, Apollonius Rhodius [1912, 1847-50]
Armenian Legends and Poems Zabelle C. Boyajian [1916]
Arohanui: Letters to New Zealand Shoghi Effendi
The Art of War Sun Tzu, Lionel Giles [1910, 1847-50]
The Art of Worldly Wisdom Balthasar Gracian, Joseph Jacobs [1892, 1847-50]
An Arthurian Miscellany [1847-50]
Articles of Faith from the Jewish Encyclopedia [1847-50]
The Articles of Faith of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints [1847-50]
As You Like It William Shakespeare [1847-50]
Astro-Diagnosis, A Guide To Healing Max Heindel, Augusta Foss Heindel [1847-50]
Astrology and Religion Among the Greeks and Romans Franz Cumont [1912]
At the Back of the Black Man's Mind R. E. Dennett [1906]
At the Earth's Core Edgar Rice Burroughs [1914, 1847-50]
The Athanasian Creed
Athanasian Creed Emanuel Swedenborg, Samuel H. Worcester [1759, 1885, 1847-50]
The Atharva-Veda Maurice Bloomfield [1897, 1847-50]
Atlantis, the Antediluvian World Ignatius Donnelly [1882]
Atom-Smashing Power of Mind Charles Fillmore [1949, 1847-50]
The Aurora of the Philosophers Paracelsus, A.E. Waite
Austin Osman Spare and the Zos Kia Cultus [1847-50]
Australian Legendary Tales K. Langloh Parker, Andrew Lang [1897]
Australian Legends C.W Peck [1925]
The Authoress of the Odyssey Samuel Butler [1922, 1847-50]
Aw-aw-tam Indian Nights (Myths and Legends of the Pima) J. William Lloyd [1911, 1847-50]
The Awakening of Faith of Ashvagosha Timothy Richard [1907]
Lista Titlu : B
The Babylonian Legends of Creation E. A. Wallis Budge [1921]
The Babylonian Story of the Deluge and the Epic of Gilgamish. E. A. Wallis Budge [1929]
The Babylonian Talmud in Selection Leo Auerbach [1944, 1847-50]
The Bacchantes Euripides [1847-50]
Baha'i Administration Shoghi Effendi
Baha'i Education
Baha'i Prayers
Baha'i World Faith
Baha'u'llah and the New Era Esslemont
Baloma; the Spirits of the Dead in the Trobriand Islands Bronislaw Malinowski [1916, 1847-50]
Baltic Wizards Frances Jenkins Olcott [1928, 1847-50]
The Baltimore (Catholic) Catechism [1891]
The Barddas, Vol. I Iolo Morganwg, J. Williams Ab Ithel [1862]
The Barddas, Vol. II Iolo Morganwg, J. Williams Ab Ithel [1874]
Basic English Bible S.H. Hooke [1941, 1949]
Basque Bible (NT)
Basque Legends Wentworth Webster [1879]
The Battle of Frogs and Mice Homer, Hugh G. Evelyn-White [1847-50]
The Battle of Karbala [1847-50]
Bede's Ecclesiastical History of England Bede, A.M. Sellar [731, 1907]
Beowulf (Anglo-Saxon) [1847-50]
Beowulf (Modern English) Francis B. Gummere [1910, 1847-50]
Beside the Fire Douglas Hyde [1910]
The Bhagavad Gita Edwin Arnold [1885, 1847-50]
The Bhagavad Gita International Gita Society [1847-50]
The Bhagavad Gita in Sanskrit [1847-50]
The Bhagavadgîtâ (SBE 8) Kâshinâth Trimbak Telang [1882, 1847-50]
Bible Maps
Bible, Greek New Testament
Bible, The Apocrypha
Bible, the King James Version
The Bible, The Koran, and the Talmud Dr. G. Weil [1863, 1847-50]
Bible, The Septuagint
Bible, the Tanakh
Bible, Vulgate
The Biblical Antiquities of Philo M. R. James [1917]
Biblical Blasphemy Thomas Paine
Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament Carl Friedrich Keil, Franz Delitzsch [1857-78]
The Biography of the Bible Ernest Sutherland Bates [1937]
Bird Parliament Farid ud-Din Attar, Edward Fitzgerald [1889, 1847-50]
Black Marigolds Bilhana, Edward Powys Mathers [1919, 1847-50]
Blackfoot Lodge Tales George Bird Grinnell [1892, 1847-50]
The Blue Fairy Book Andrew Lang [1889, 1847-50]
The Book Concerning The Tincture Of The Philosophers Paracelsus, A.E. Waite
The Book of Abraham, Its Authenticity Established... Geo. Reynolds [1879, 1847-50]
The Book of Ceremonial Magic Arthur Edward Waite [1913, 1847-50]
The Book of Chilam Balam of Chumayel Ralph L. Roys [1930, 1847-50]
The Book of Dzyan H.P. Blatavsky [1888]
The Book of Earths Edna Kenton [1928, 1847-50]
The Book of Enoch R.H. Charles [1917]
The Book of Enoch the Prophet Richard Laurence [1917]
The Book of Filial Duty Ivan Chen [1908, 1847-50]
A Book of Folklore Sabine Baring-Gould [1913]
The Book of Giants
The Book of Hallowe'en Ruth Edna Kelley [1919, 1847-50]
The Book of Jasher
The Book of Jubilees R.H. Charles [1917]
The Book of Kells Edward Sullivan [1920]
Book of Knowledge [1847-50]
The Book of Mormon [1847-50]
The Book of Nature Myths Florence Holbrook [1904, 1847-50]
The Book of Noodles W. A. Clouston [1888, 1847-50]
The Book of Odes L. Cranmer-Byng [1908, 1847-50]
A Book of Old English Ballads George Wharton Edwards, Hamilton W. Mabie [1896, 1847-50]
The Book of Pleasure (Self-Love). The Psychology of Ecstasy. Austin Osman Spare [1847-50]
The Book of Poetry James Legge [1876, 1847-50]
The Book of Revelation Clarence Larkin [1919]
A Book of Saints and Wonders Augusta Gregory [1906]
The Book of Talismans, Amulets and Zodiacal Gems William Thomas Pavitt, Kate Pavitt [1914, 1847-50]
The Book of Tea Kakuzo Okakura [1906]
THE BOOK OF THE ARCHER -- Using the Astrological Chart as a Lamen Benjamin Rowe [1847-50]
The Book of the Bee E. A. Wallis Budge [1886]
The Book of the Cave of Treasures E. A. Wallis Budge [1927]
Book of the Damned Charles Fort [1919, 1847-50]
The Book of the Goddess Anna Livia Plurabelle [2002, 1847-50]
The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage S.L. MacGregor Mathers [1900, 1847-50]
Book of the Seniors Benjamin Rowe [1847-50]
The Book of Were-Wolves Sabine Baring-Gould [1865, 1847-50]
The Books of Adam and Eve
Brahma-Knowledge L.D. Barnett [1911, 1847-50]
Breton Bible (NT Gospels)
Brief Exposition Emanuel Swedenborg, John Whitehead [1769, 1892, 1847-50]
British Goblins Wirt Sikes [1881]
Brother of the Third Degree Will L. Garver [1842, 1847-50]
The Brown Fairy Book Andrew Lang [1904, 1847-50]
The Buddha's Way of Virtue W.D.C. Wagiswara, K.J. Saunders [1920]
Buddha, the Word Paul Carus
Buddhism and Immortality William Sturgis Bigelow [1908]
Buddhism In Tibet Emil Schlaginteweit [1863]
Buddhism in Translations Henry Clarke Warren [1896]
A Buddhist Bible Dwight Goddard [1932]
The Buddhist Catechism Henry S. Olcott [1908]
Buddhist Mahâyâna Texts (SBE 49) E.B. Cowell, F. Max Müller, J. Kakakusu [1894]
Buddhist Psalms S. Yamabe, L. Adams Beck [1921]
Buddhist Scriptures E. J. Thomas [1913]
Buddhist Suttas (SBE11) T.W. Rhys Davids [1881]
The Builders Joseph Fort Newton [1914, 1847-50]
Bulfinch's Mythology Thomas Bulfinch [1855, 1847-50]
Bunyan James Anthony Froude [1901]
The Burden of Isis James Teackle Dennis [1910, 1847-50]
Bushido, The Soul of Japan Inazo Nitobe [1905, 1847-50]
The Bustan of Sadi Sadi, A. Hart Edwards [1911, 1847-50]
Bygone Beliefs Herbert Stanley Redgrove [1921, 1847-50]
Lista Titlu : C
The Cabala Bernhard Pick [1913, 1847-50]
THE CACODEMONS -- Invoking the Cacodemons with the Temples Benjamin Rowe [1847-50]
Cæsar's Column Ignatius Donnelly [1890, 1847-50]
The Call of Kumayl [1847-50]
The Calls of Enoch [1847-50]
The Calls of Enoch [1847-50]
The Candle of Vision AE, George William Russell [1918]
The Canon of Reason and Virtue D.T. Suzuki, Paul Carus [1913, 1847-50]
Canons Emanuel Swedenborg, John Whitehead [1769, 1914, 1847-50]
The Canterbury Tales and Other Works of Chaucer (Middle English) Geoffrey Chaucer [1400, 1847-50]
Carmina Gadelica, Vol. I Alexander Carmicheal [1900]
Carmina Gadelica, Vol. II Alexander Carmicheal [1900]
45. Catholic Epistles John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
The Cattle Raid of Cualnge L. Winifred Faraday [1904]
The Cattle-Raid of Cooley (Táin Bó Cúailnge)
The Cellular Cosmogony Koresh, Cyrus Reed Teed [1922, 1847-50]
The Celtic Dragon Myth J. F. Campbell, George Henderson [1911]
Celtic Fairy Tales Joseph Jacobs [1892]
Celtic Folklore: Welsh and Manx John Rhys [1900]
Celtic Myth and Legend Charles Squire [1905]
Celtic Twilight W. B. Yeats [1902, 1847-50]
Celtic Wonder Tales Ella Young [1910]
Ceremonies and Traditions of the Diegueño Indians Constance Goddard Du Bois [1908, 1847-50]
The Chaldæan Oracles of Zoroaster W. Wynn Westcott [1895, 1847-50]
The Chaldean Account of Genesis George Smith [1876]
The Chaldean Account of the Deluge George Smith [1873]
Chamorro Bible (partial)
The Champions of the Round Table Howard Pyle [1905, 1847-50]
Chaos Monasticism Peter Carroll [1847-50]
Charity Emanuel Swedenborg, John Whitehead [1766, 1914, 1847-50]
Charmides, or Temperance Benjamin Jowett, Plato [1871, 1847-50]
The Cherokee Ball Play James Mooney [1890, 1847-50]
Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair William Morris [1895, 1847-50]
The Children of Odin Padraic Colum, Willy Pogany [1920, 1847-50]
Chinese Buddhism Joseph Edkins [1893]
Chinese Occultism Paul Carus [1907, 1847-50]
Chinese Union Version Bible [1919]
Chinigchinich Geronimo Boscana, Alfred Robinson [1846, 1847-50]
Chinook Texts Franz Boas [1894, 1847-50]
The Choephori (Libation Bearers) Edmund Doidge Anderson Morshead, Aeschylus, Edmund Doidge Anderson Morshead [1881, 1847-50, 1881]
Christ In Islâm James Robson [1929, 1847-50]
Christ Our Great High Priest Martin Luther [1847-50]
Christ's Holy Sufferings Martin Luther [1847-50]
Christian Healing, The Science of Being Charles Fillmore [1926, 1847-50]
Christian Topography Cosmas Indiopleustes, J. W. McCrindle [1897, 1847-50]
A Christmas Carol Charles Dickens [1843, 1847-50]
Christmas in Ritual and Tradition Clement A. Miles [1912, 1847-50]
The Chronicles of Jerahmeel Moses Gaster [1899]
Chukchee Mythology Waldemar Bogoras [1910]
Church Order [1618-9]
Citadel of Faith Shoghi Effendi
The City of the Sun Tommaso Campanella [1637, 1847-50]
Civil Disobedience Henry David Thoreau [1849, 1847-50]
Clairvoyance Charles Webster Leadbeater [1899, 1847-50]
Cliges Chretien DeTroyes, W.W. Comfort [1914, 1847-50]
Clothed With The Sun Anna Kingsford [1889, 1847-50]
The Cloud of Unknowing Anonymous, Evelyn Underhill [1400, 1922]
The Cloud Upon the Sanctuary Karl Eckartshausen, Isabel de Steiger, A.E. Waite [1909, 1847-50]
Clowns, Priests, and Festivals of the Kâ'-kâ Frank Hamilton Cushing [1885, 1847-50]
The Code of Hammurabi L.W. King [1915]
The Code of Handsome Lake Arthur C. Parker [1913, 1847-50]
Code of the Illuminati Abbé Barreul, Robert Edward Clifford [1798, 1847-50]
Coelum philosophorum Paracelsus, A.E. Waite
Coffee in the Gourd J. Frank Dobie [1923]
Collectanea Chemica A. E. Waite [1893]
The Columbus Platform: The Guiding Principles Of Reform Judaism [1937] [1847-50]
Comedy of Errors William Shakespeare [1847-50]
The Coming of the Fairies Arthur Conan Doyle [1922, 1847-50]
Commentary on the Bible Adam Clarke [1831]
A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments Robert Jamieson, A. R. Fausset, David Brown [1882]
Common Sense Thomas Paine [1776]
A Common-Sense View of the Mind Cure Laura M. Westall [1908, 1847-50]
The Communistic Societies of the United States Charles Nordhoff [1875, 1847-50]
Complete Commentary on the Whole Bible Matthew Henry [1706]
The Complete Corpus of Anglo-Saxon Poetry [1847-50]
The Complete Sayings of Jesus Arthur Hinds, Norman Vincent Peale [1927]
Comte de Gabalis Abbé N. de Montfaucon de Villars [1913, 1847-50]
The Comte de St. Germain Isabel Cooper-Oakley [1912, 1847-50]
Concise Commentary on the Whole Bible Matthew Henry
Concordance of the King James Version
The Conference of Baghdad's Ulema [1847-50]
The Confessions of Jacob Boehme Jacob Boehme, W. Scott Palmer, Eveyln Underhill [1920, 1847-50]
The Confessions of Saint Augustine St. Augustine, Edward Bouverie Pusey [401, 1909-14]
Confucian Analects (Lun Yü) Confucius, James Legge [1893, 1847-50]
The Confucian Canon in Chinese and English Confucius, James Legge [1893, 1847-50]
Confucianism and Its Rivals Herbert Allen Giles [1915, 1847-50]
Conjugial Love Emanuel Swedenborg [1768, 1847-50]
The Consciousness of the Atom Alice A. Bailey [1922, 1847-50]
The Contest of Homer and Hesiod Homer, Hugh G. Evelyn-White [1847-50]
Conversation on Religion and Antisemitism Albert Einstein
Coos Texts Leo Frachtenberg [1913, 1847-50]
Coptic Bible (NT)
39. Corinthians, Part I John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
40. Corinthians, Part II John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
Coriolanus William Shakespeare [1847-50]
Corn Raising: The Decay of the Seed Frank Hamilton Cushing [1884, 1847-50]
Corn Raising: The Regeneration of the Seed Frank Hamilton Cushing [1884, 1847-50]
Coronis Emanuel Swedenborg, John Whitehead [1771, 1914, 1847-50]
Corpus Hermeticum G.R.S. Mead
Correspondence R.H.M. Elwes, Baruch Spinoza [1883, 1847-50]
Cosmic Consciousness Richard Maurice Bucke [1901, 1847-50]
Cratylus Benjamin Jowett, Plato [1871, 1847-50]
The Creation Account of the Uitoto of Colombia, South America [1847-50]
Creation and the Origin of Corn Frank Hamilton Cushing [1884, 1847-50]
Creation Myths of Primitive America Jeremiah Curtin [1898, 1847-50]
Creative Mind Ernest Holmes [1923, 1847-50]
Creative Mind and Success Ernest Holmes [1919, 1847-50]
The Creed of Buddha Edmond Holmes [1919]
The Creed of Half Japan Arthur Lloyd [1911]
The Crescent Moon Rabindranath Tagore [1913, 1847-50]
The Crest-Jewel of Wisdom Śankarâchârya, Charles Johnston [1946, 1847-50]
The Crimson Fairy Book Andrew Lang [1903, 1847-50]
Critias Benjamin Jowett, Plato [1871, 1847-50]
The Critique of Judgement Immanuel Kant [1790, 1847-50]
The Critique of Practical Reason Immanuel Kant [1788, 1847-50]
The Critique of Pure Reason Immanuel Kant [1781, 1847-50]
Crito Benjamin Jowett, Plato [1871, 1847-50]
Croatian Bible
The Crock of Gold James Stephens [1912]
Cuchulain of Muirthemne Augusta Gregory [1902]
The Culture of the Luiseño Indians Philip Stedman Sparkman [1908, 1847-50]
Cushing: Zuñi Folk Tales Frank Hamilton Cushing [1901, 1847-50]
The Customs and Traditions of the Aboriginal Natives of North Western Australia John G. Withnell [1901]
The Cyclops E. P. Coleridge, Euripides [1910, 1847-50]
Cymbeline William Shakespeare [1847-50]
The Cypria (Fragments) Homer, Hugh G. Evelyn-White [1847-50]
Lista Titlu : D
The Da Vinci Notebooks Leonardo Da Vinci, Jean Paul Richter [1883]
Dæmonology King James the First [1597, 1591, 1847-50]
Dakshinamurti Stotra Alladi Mahadeva Sastri [1920, 1847-50]
Dancing Gods Erna Fergusson [1931, 1847-50]
24. Daniel, Part I John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
25. Daniel, Part II John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
Danish Bible
The Danish History Saxo Grammaticus, Oliver Elton [1905, 1847-50]
Darby Bible J.N. Darby [1890]
The Dawn Breakers Nabil
The Dawn of a New Day Shoghi Effendi
The Dawn of the World C. Hart Merriam [1910, 1847-50]
De Conjugio Emanuel Swedenborg, John Whitehead [1766, 1914, 1847-50]
De Domino Emanuel Swedenborg, Samuel H. Worcester [1760, 1885, 1847-50]
De Iside et Osiride Plutarch [1847-50]
De Verbo Emanuel Swedenborg, John Whitehead [1762, 1914, 1847-50]
Death and Funeral Customs among the Omahas Francis La Flesche [1889, 1847-50]
Death Of Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui [1847-50]
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Vol. 1 Edward Gibbon [1847-50, 1788]
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Vol. 2 Edward Gibbon [1847-50, 1788]
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Vol. 3 Edward Gibbon [1847-50, 1788]
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Vol. 4 Edward Gibbon [1847-50, 1788]
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Vol. 5 Edward Gibbon [1847-50, 1788]
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Vol. 6 Edward Gibbon [1847-50, 1788]
Defining Chaos Jaq D. Hawkins, Mark Chao [1847-50]
The Delight Makers Adolf F. Bandelier [1890, 1847-50]
The Demotic Magical Papyrus of London and Leiden F.Ll. Griffith, Herbert Thompson [1904, 1847-50]
The Descent of Man Charles Darwin [1871]
Descent of the Goddess Ishtar into the Lower World M. Jastrow [1915]
The Destruction of Dá Derga's Hostel Whitely Stokes [1910]
Development of Muslim Theology, Jurisprudence and Constitutional Theory Duncan B. MacDonald [1903, 1847-50]
Development of Religion and Thought in Ancient Egypt James Henry Breasted [1912, 1847-50]
The Devî Gita Swami Vijnanananda, Hari Prasanna Chatterji [1921, 1847-50]
Devil Worship in France Arthur Edward Waite [1896, 1847-50]
Devil Worship: The Sacred Books and Traditions of the Yezidiz Isya Joseph [1919]
The Devils of Loudun Edmund Goldsmid [1887, 1847-50]
The Dhammapada and The Sutta Nipâta (SBE10), Max Müller, V. Fausböll [1881]
Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion David Hume [1779, 1847-50]
Dialogues of the Buddha T.W. Rhys Davids [1899]
Did Nostradamus predict the WTC disaster? John Bruno Hare [2001, 1847-50]
The Didache Charles H. Hoole [1894]
The Dionysian Artificers Hippolyto Joseph da Costa [1820, 1847-50]
Directives from the Guardian Shoghi Effendi
Discourse on the Method of Rightly Conducting the Reason, and Seeking Truth in the Sciences Rene Descartes [1847-50]
A Discourse on the Worship of Priapus Richard Payne Knight [1786, 1847-50]
The Discourses Epictetus [101, 1847-50]
The Discourses of Epictetus Arrian, P.E. Matheson [1916, 1847-50]
The Divine Comedy Dante Alighieri [1306-21, 1888]
DIVINE CREATION AND INTIATION -- The process of Aeonic Emanations Benjamin Rowe [1847-50]
Divine Love Emanuel Swedenborg, John Whitehead [1762-3, 1914, 1847-50]
Divine Love and Wisdom Emanuel Swedenborg, John C. Ager [1763, 1890, 1847-50]
Divine Providence Emanuel Swedenborg, William Frederic Wunsch [1764, 1851, 1847-50]
The Divine Pymander Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus, John Everard [1650, 1847-50]
Divine Wisdom Emanuel Swedenborg, John Whitehead [1762-3, 1914, 1847-50]
The Diwan of Abu'l-Ala Henry Baerlein [1911, 1847-50]
The Diwan of Zeb-un-Nissa Zeb-un-Nissa, Magan Lal, Duncan Westbrook [1913, 1847-50]
Doctrine and Covenants [1847-50]
Doctrine of Faith Emanuel Swedenborg, John F. Potts [1763, 1904, 1847-50]
Doctrine of Life Emanuel Swedenborg, John F. Potts [1763, 1904, 1847-50]
Doctrine of Sacred Scriptures Emanuel Swedenborg, John F. Potts [1763, 1904, 1847-50]
The Doctrine of the Last Things W.O.E. Oesterley [1908]
Doctrine of the Lord Emanuel Swedenborg, John F. Potts [1763, 1904, 1847-50]
The Doctrine Of The Mean (Chung Yung) Confucius, James Legge [1893, 1847-50]
The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ Anne Catherine Emmerich [1843]
Don Rodriguez Edward Plunkett, Lord Dunsany [1922, 1847-50]
The Dore Lectures on Mental Science Thomas Troward [1909, 1847-50]
Douay-Rheims Bible Richard Challoner [1752]
Dracula Bram Stoker [1897, 1847-50]
Dragons and Dragon Lore Ernest Ingersoll [1928, 1847-50]
A Dreamer's Tales Edward Plunkett, Lord Dunsany [1910, 1847-50]
The Druid Path Marah Ellis Ryan [1917]
Drums and Shadows Mary Granger [1940]
Duncan's Masonic Ritual and Monitor Malcolm C. Duncan [1866, 1847-50]
Dutch Statenvertaling Bible [1635]
The Duties of the Heart Rabbi Bachye, Edwin Collins [1909, 1847-50]
A Dweller on Two Planets Frederick S. Oliver [1905]
Dynamic Thought Henry Thomas Hamblin [1921, 1847-50]
Lista Titlu : E
Early British Trackways, Moats, Mounds, Camps and Sites Alfred Watkins [1922, 1847-50]
Early Life of the Pennsylvania Germans A. Monroe Aurand, Jr. [194?]
The Earthly Paradise, (December-February) William Morris [1870, 1847-50]
The Earthly Paradise, (March-August) William Morris [1868, 1847-50]
The Earthly Paradise, (September-November) William Morris [1870, 1847-50]
Earths in the Universe Emanuel Swedenborg, John Whitehead [1758, 1892, 1847-50]
Eastern Armenian Bible (partial)
Easton's Bible Dictionary
The Eclogues J.W. MacKail, Virgil [1934, 1847-50]
The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science Thomas Troward [1909, 1847-50]
The Egyptian Book of the Dead E. A. Wallis Budge [1895, 1847-50]
The Egyptian Heaven and Hell E. A. Wallis Budge [1905, 1847-50]
The Egyptian Heaven and Hell Vol II: The Book of Gates E. A. Wallis Budge [1905, 1847-50]
The Egyptian Heaven and Hell Vol III: The Egyptian Heaven and Hell E. A. Wallis Budge [1905, 1847-50]
The Egyptian Heaven and Hell Vol. I: The Book of the Am-Tuat E. A. Wallis Budge [1905, 1847-50]
Egyptian Magic E. A. Wallis Budge [1901, 1847-50]
Egyptian Myth and Legend Donald A. Mackenzie [1907, 1847-50]
Egyptian Mythology and Egyptian Christianity Samuel Sharpe, E. A. Wallis Budge [1863, 1847-50, 1900]
Eighteen Treatises from the Mishna D. A. Sola, M. J. Raphall [1843, 1847-50]
Electra E. P. Coleridge, Euripides [1910, 1847-50]
Electra R. C. Jebb, Sophocles [1873, 1847-50]
The Eleusinian and Bacchic Mysteries Thomas Taylor [1891, 1847-50]
Emerald Tablet of Hermes
The Enchiridion Epictetus [1847-50]
The Enclosed Garden of the Truth Hakîm Abû' L-Majd Majdûd Sanâ'î, J. Stephenson [1910, 1847-50]
Enemies of the Cross of Christ Martin Luther [1847-50]
The English and Scottish Popular Ballads Francis James Child [1882, 1898, 1847-50]
English Fairy and Other Folk Tales Edwin Sidney Hartland, C.E. Brock [1890, 1847-50]
English Fairy Tales Joseph Jacobs, John D. Batten [1890, 1847-50]
English Gipsies and Their Language Charles G. Leland [1874, 1847-50]
The Enneads of Plotinus Plotinus, Stephen MacKenna, B. S. Page [1917-1930, 1847-50]
An Enochian dictionary Fra:. Michael 111 [1847-50]
Enochian Magick Anon. [1847-50]
Enochian Rituals Anon. [1847-50]
ENOCHIAN TEMPLES -- Contruction of the Macrocosmic Enochian Temples Benjamin Rowe [1847-50]
An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding David Hume [1748, 1847-50]
The Enuma Elish (The Epic of Creation) L. W. King [1902]
The Epic of Gilgamish R. Campbell Thompson [1928]
The (Episcopal) Book of Common Prayer [1979]
Epistle to the Son of the Wolf
Epistle to the Son of the Wolf Baha'u'llah
The Epistles of Apollonius of Tyana Apollonius, F.C. Conybeare [1912, 1847-50]
Erec et Enide Chretien DeTroyes, W.W. Comfort [1914, 1847-50]
Erewhon, or Over the Range Samuel Butler [1872, 1847-50]
Eskimo Folk-tales Knud Rasmussen, W. Worster [1921, 1847-50]
Esoteric Teachings of the Tibetan Tantra C.A. Musés [1961]
Esperanto Bible
An Essay on Dream Thomas Paine
An essay on the pronunciation of Enochian Christeos Pir [1847-50]
Essays on Suicide and the Immortality of the Soul David Hume [1755, 1847-50]
Essays, First Series Ralph Waldo Emerson [1847-50]
Essays, Second Series Ralph Waldo Emerson [1847-50]
Estonian Bible (partial)
An Eternal Career Frank L. Hammer [1947, 1847-50]
Ethica (Latin text of The Ethics) Baruch Spinoza, Baruch Spinoza [1677, 1847-50]
Ethics R.H.M. Elwes, Baruch Spinoza [1883, 1847-50]
The Ethics of Confucius Miles Menander Dawson [1915, 1847-50]
Ethnography of the Cahuilla Indians A. L. Kroeber [1908, 1847-50]
Etidorhpa John Uri Lloyd [1897, 1847-50]
Etruscan Roman Remains in Popular Tradition Charles G. Leland [1893, 1847-50]
The Euahlayi Tribe K. Langloh Parker, Andrew Lang [1905]
Euripides and His Age Gilbert Murray, Euripides [1847-50]
Euthydemus Benjamin Jowett, Plato [1871, 1847-50]
Euthyphro Benjamin Jowett, Plato [1871, 1847-50]
Evidence from Scripture and History of the Second Coming of Christ William Miller [1842]
The Evil Eye Frederick Thomas Elworthy [1895, 1847-50]
The Evolution of the Dragon Grafton Elliot Smith [1919, 1847-50]
Examination Of The Prophecies Thomas Paine
Excerpts from Peter Carroll's Works part 1 Peter Carroll [1847-50]
Excerpts from Peter Carroll's Works part 2 Peter Carroll [1847-50]
Excerpts from Ssuma Ch'ien Ssuma Ch'ien, Herbert J. Allen [1894-5, 1847-50]
Excerpts from the Gospel of Mary
Explanatory Notes on the Whole Bible John Wesley [1754-65]
Exposition of the Entire Bible John Gill [1746-63]
Extra-Sensory Perception Joseph Banks Rhine [1934, 1847-50]
22. Ezekiel, Part I John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
23. Ezekiel, Part II John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
Lista Titlu : F
The Fables of Aesop Aesop, George Fyler Townsend [1887, 1847-50]
Facing Life Fearlessly Clarence Darrow
The Faerie Queene Edmund Spenser [1596, 1847-50]
Fairies Gertrude M. Faulding [1913]
Fairy and Folk Tales of the Irish Peasantry W. B. Yeats [1888, 1847-50]
Fairy Legends and Traditions Thomas Crofton Croker [1825]
The Fairy Mythology Thomas Keightley [1870]
Fairy Tales of Modern Greece Theodore P. Gianakoulis , Georgia H. MacPherson [1930, 1847-50]
The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries W.Y. Evans-Wentz [1911]
Famous Men of the Middle Ages John Henry Haaren [1910, 1847-50]
A Feast of Lanterns L. Cranmer-Byng [1916, 1847-50]
Feng Shui Ernest J. Eitel [1873, 1847-50]
The Festival of The Sun [1847-50]
Festivals of Western Europe Dorothy Gladys Spicer [1958, 1847-50]
Fetichism in West Africa Robert Hamill Nassau [1904]
The Feuds of the Clans Alexander MacGregor [1907]
Fictitious and Symbolic Creatures in Art John Vinycomb [1909, 1847-50]
Fifty Christmas Poems for Children Florence B. Hyett [1923, 1847-50]
Fifty-One Tales Edward Plunkett, Lord Dunsany [1915, 1847-50]
Finnish Bible [1776]
First 1000 lines of Chromosome One of the Human Genome. [1847-50]
THE FIRST KEY -- An Analysis of the First Enochian Call or Key Benjamin Rowe [1847-50]
Five Bodies and Eight Vargnas [1847-50]
Five Great Vows (Maha-vratas) [1847-50]
Five Stages of Greek Religion Gilbert Murray [1925, 1847-50]
The Fly Mark Twain
The Flying Saucers Are Real Donald Keyhoe [1950, 1847-50]
The Fo-Sho-Hing-Tsan-King (SBE19) Asvaghosha Bodhisattva, Dharmaraksha, Samuel Beal [1883]
The Focus of Life Austin Osman Spare [1847-50]
Folk Stories from Southern Nigeria Elphinstone Dayrell, Andrew Lang [1910]
Folk Tales From the Russian Verra Xenophontovna Kalamatiano de Blumenthal [1903, 1847-50]
Folk Tales of Brittany Elsie Masson [1929]
Folk-lore of Shakespeare T.F. Thiselton Dyer [1883, 1847-50]
Folk-lore of the Holy Land; Moslem, Christian and Jewish J. E. Hanauer [1907]
The Folk-Lore of the Isle of Man A.W. Moore [1891]
Folk-Lore of the Pennsylvania Germans W. J. Hoffman [1888-9]
Folk-Lore of Women Thomas Firminger Thiselton-Dyer [1906, 1847-50]
Folklore and Legends: Oriental Charles John Tibbitts [1889]
Footnotes to French ed. of The Dawn Breakers
The Forgotten Books of Eden Rutherford H. Platt, Jr. [1926]
Form and Form and the Dance Drama Frank Hamilton Cushing [1896, 1847-50]
Fortune-Telling by Cards P.R.S. Foli [1915, 1847-50]
Forty Modern Fables George Ade [1901, 1847-50]
Forty-four Turkish Fairy Tales Ignácz Kúnos, Willy Pogany [1913]
Foundations of World Unity 'Abdu'l-Baha
The Fountain of Life Solomon ibn Gabirol, Harry E. Wedeck [1962, 1847-50]
The Four Ancient Books of Wales William F. Skene [1868]
Fourteen Auspicious Dreams [1847-50]
Foxe's Book of Martyrs John Foxe [1560]
Fragments of a Faith Forgotten G.R.S. Mead [1900, 1847-50]
Fragments of the Epic Cycle Homer, Hugh G. Evelyn-White [1847-50]
Fragments that Remain of the Lost Writings of Proclus Proclus, Thomas Taylor [1825, 1847-50]
Frankenstein Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley [1831, 1847-50]
Freher's Process in the Philosophical Work
French Bible Louis Segond [1910]
Friar Bacon: His Discovery of the Miracles Of Art, Nature, And Magick [1659]
From India to the Planet Mars Théodore Flournoy, Daniel B. Vermilye [1900, 1847-50]
From Ritual To Romance Jessie L. Weston [1920, 1847-50]
From the Closed World to the Infinite Universe Alexandre Koyre [1957]
From the Upanishads Charles Johnston [1889, 1847-50]
Fruit-Gathering Rabindranath Tagore [1916, 1847-50]
Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals Immanuel Kant [1785, 1847-50]
Funeral Customs Bertram S. Puckle [1904, 1847-50]
Fusang Charles G. Leland [1875, 1847-50]
Lista Titlu : G
41. Galatians and Ephesians John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
The Game of Life and How to Play It Florence Scovel Shinn [1925, 1847-50]
Garden Cities of To-morrow Ebenezer Howard [1902, 1847-50]
The Garden of Eden; or The Paradise Lost & Found Victoria Claflin Woodhull [1890, 1847-50]
The Gardnerian Book of Shadows Gerald Gardner [1847-50]
The Garuda Purana Ernest Wood, S.V. Subrahmanyam [1911, 1847-50]
The Gateless Gate Ekai, Huikai, Mu-mon, Nyogen Senzaki, Paul Reps [1934]
Gematria Values of the Enochian Characters Anon. [1847-50]
General Ahiman Rezon Daniel Sickels [1868, 1847-50]
General Book of the Tarot A.E. Thierens [1930, 1847-50]
1. Genesis, Part I John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
2. Genesis, Part II John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
The Geneva Bible Translation Notes [1599]
Genji Monogatari Murasaki Shikibu, Suematsu Kencho [1900, 1847-50]
Geoffrey of Monmouth Geoffrey of Monmouth, Sebastian Evans [1129, 1904, 1847-50]
Georgian Bible (partial)
Georgian Folk Tales Marjory Wardrop [1894]
The Georgics J.W. MacKail, Virgil [1934, 1847-50]
German Bible Martin Luther [1545]
The Gist of Swedenborg Julian K. Smyth, William F. Wunsch [1920]
Gitanjali Rabindranath Tagore [1913, 1847-50]
Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah Baha'u'llah
Gleanings In Buddha-Fields Lafcadio Hearn [1897]
Gleanings of a Mystic Max Heindel [1847-50]
The Glory of the Shia World P. M. Sykes, Khan Bhadur Ahmad din Khan [1910, 1847-50]
Glory of the World
Gnosis Anon. [1847-50]
Gnostic John the Baptizer G.R.S. Mead [1924]
The Gnostics and Their Remains Charles William King [1887, 1847-50]
The Goal of Life Hiram Butler [1908, 1847-50]
God Passes By Shoghi Effendi
God the Savior Emanuel Swedenborg, John Whitehead [1768, 1914, 1847-50]
The Gododdin Poems William F. Skene [1868]
Gods and Fighting Men Augusta Gregory [1904]
The Gods of Pegana Edward Plunkett, Lord Dunsany [1905, 1847-50]
The Golden Asse Apuleius, William Adlington [1566, 1847-50]
The Golden Bough Sir James Frazer [1922, 1847-50]
Golden Chain of Homer
The Golden Mountain Meyer Levin [1932, 1847-50]
The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus
The Golden Verses of Pythagoras Florence M. Firth, Pythagoras [1902, 1847-50]
The Golden Verses of Pythagoras Fabre d'Olivet, Pythagoras [1917, 1847-50]
Gorgias Benjamin Jowett, Plato [1871, 1847-50]
The Gospel of Barnabas Lonsdale and Laura Ragg [1907, 1847-50]
The Gospel of Buddha: Compiled from Ancient Records Paul Carus [1909]
The Gospel of Ramakrishna Mahendra Nath Gupta, Swami Abhedananda [1907, 1847-50]
The Gospel of Thomas [200]
Gothic Bible (partial)
The Grateful Dead, the History of a Folk Story Gordon Hall Gerould [1908, 1847-50]
The Great Controversy Ellen G. White [1858]
The Great Learning (Ta Hsüeh) Confucius, James Legge [1893, 500 BCE, 200 BCE, 1847-50]
The Great March Rose G. Lurie [1931, 1847-50]
Great Systems of Yoga Ernest Wood [1954, 1847-50]
Greek Popular Religion Martin P. Nilsson [1940, 1847-50]
The Green Fairy Book Andrew Lang [1892, 1847-50]
The Grey Fairy Book Andrew Lang [1900, 1847-50]
The Grihya Sutras, Part 1 (SBE 29) Hermann Oldenberg [1886, 1847-50]
The Grihya Sutras, Part 2 (SBE 30) Hermann Oldenberg [1892, 1847-50]
Grimm's Household Tales Jakob Grimm, Wilhelm Grimm, Margaret Hunt [1812, 1847-50]
The Guide for the Perplexed Moses Maimonides, M. Freidländer [1904, 1847-50]
The Gulistan Sa'di, Edwin Arnold [1899, 1847-50]
Gypsy Folk Tales Francis Hindes Groomes [1899, 1847-50]
Gypsy Sorcery and Fortune Telling Charles G. Leland [1891, 1847-50]
Lista Titlu : H
An H.P. Lovecraft Anthology H.P. Lovecraft [1847-50]
29. Habakkuk, Zephaniah, and Haggai John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
Hadith of Bukhari [1847-50]
Haggada For Pesach According To Chabad-Lubavitch Custom [1847-50]
Haida Songs John R. Swanton [1912, 1847-50]
Hail Mary (Ave Maria)
Hamlet William Shakespeare [1847-50]
The Hanged Poems F.E. Johnson, Sheikh Faiz-ullah-bhai [1917, 1847-50]
Harmonies of the World Johannes Kepler, Charles Glenn Wallis [1939]
3. Harmony of the Law, Part I John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
4. Harmony of the Law, Part II John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
5. Harmony of the Law, Part III John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
6. Harmony of the Law, Part IV John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
The Hatha Yoga Pradipika Pancham Sinh [1914, 1847-50]
Hausa Folklore Maalam Shaihu, R. Sutherland Rattray [1913]
Hawaiian Folk Tales Thomas G. Thrum [1907, 1847-50]
Hawaiian Historical Legends W.D. Westervelt [1923, 1847-50]
Hawaiian Legends of Ghosts and Ghost-Gods W.D. Westervelt [1916, 1847-50]
Hawaiian Legends of Old Honolulu W.D. Westervelt [1915, 1847-50]
Hawaiian Legends of Volcanoes W.D. Westervelt [1916, 1847-50]
Hawaiian Mythology Martha Warren Beckwith [1940, 1847-50]
Heaven and Hell Emanuel Swedenborg, John C. Ager [1758, 1900, 1847-50]
Hebraic Literature Maurice Harris [1901, 1847-50]
44. Hebrews John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
Hecuba E. P. Coleridge, Euripides [1910, 1847-50]
Heidelberg Catechism
Heimskringla or The Chronicle of the Kings of Norway Snorri Sturlson, Samuel Laing [1844, 1847-50]
Helen E. P. Coleridge, Euripides [1910, 1847-50]
The Heracleidae E. P. Coleridge, Euripides [1910, 1847-50]
Heracles E. P. Coleridge, Euripides [1910, 1847-50]
Herland Charlotte Perkins Stetson Gilman [1906, 1847-50]
The Hermetic Arcanum
The Hermetic Museum Arthur Edward Waite [1893]
The Hero of Esthonia W. F. Kirby [1895, 1847-50]
Hero Tales and Legends of the Rhine Lewis Spence [1915, 1847-50]
Hero-Myths and Legends of the British Race Maud Isabel Ebbutt [1910, 1847-50]
The Heroes, or Greek Fairy Tales for my Children Charles Kingsley [1901, 1847-50]
Heroic Ballads of Servia George Rapnall Noyes, Leonard Bacon [1913, 1847-50]
The Heroic Enthusiasts [1887 and 1889]
Heroic Romances of Ireland (2 Vols.) A. H. Leahy [1905-6]
The Hidden Church of the Holy Graal Arthur Edward Waite [1909, 1847-50]
The Hidden Power Thomas Troward [1921, 1847-50]
Hidden Treasures of the Ancient Qabalah Elias Gewurz, William Walker Atkinson [1918, 1847-50]
The Hidden Words of Baha'u'llah Baha'u'llah
The Hieroglyphics of Horapollo Alexander Turner Cory [1840, 1847-50]
High Endeavours: Messages to Alaska Shoghi Effendi
The High History of the Holy Graal Chretien DeTroyes, Sebastian Evans [1898, 1847-50]
The Hindu Book of Astrology Bhakti Seva [1902]
Hindu Mysticism S.N. Dasgupta [1927, 1847-50]
Hindu Mythology, Vedic and Puranic W.J. Wilkins [1900, 1847-50]
Hippolytus E. P. Coleridge, Euripides [1910, 1847-50]
Historic Lecture W. Wynn Westcott [1847-50]
The History of Herodotus G. C. Macaulay, Herodotus [1890, 1847-50]
The History of Philosophy in Islam T. J. De Boer [1903, 1847-50]
The History of the Devil Paul Carus [1900, 1847-50]
The History of the Knights Templars Charles G. Addison [1842, 1847-50]
History of the Talmud Michael L. Rodkinson [1847-50, 1918]
History of Utah, 1540-1886 Hubert Howe Bancroft [1889, 1847-50]
The Hollow Land William Morris [1856, 1847-50]
The Holy Piby Robert Athlyi Rogers [1924-8]
The Holy Qur'an: Arabic Text, Pronunciation Guide Yusuf Ali [1847-50]
The Holy Quran Abdullah Yusuf Ali [1934, 1847-50]
The Holy Scriptures Jewish Publication Society [1917]
The Home and the World Rabindranath Tagore [1915, 1847-50]
Homeric Fragments Hugh G. Evelyn-White, Homer [1914, 1847-50]
The Homeric Hymns Hugh G. Evelyn-White, Homer [1914, 1847-50]
Hortulanus' Commentary on the Emerald Tablet
26. Hosea John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
The House of the Hidden Places W. Marsham Adams [1895, 1847-50]
The House of the Wolfings William Morris [1889, 1847-50]
How I Found the Lost Atlantis, The Source of All Civilization Paul Schliemann [1912]
How To Be A Yogi Swâmi Abhedânanda [1902, 1847-50]
The Human Atmosphere Walter J. Kilner [1920, 1847-50]
Human Nature in the Bible William Lyon Phelps [1922]
A Hundred Verses from Old Japan William N. Porter [1909, 1847-50]
Hungarian Bible Gáspár Károli [1590]
Hupa Texts Pliny Earle Goddard [1904, 1847-50]
The Hymn of Jesus, Echoes from the Gnosis G.R.S. Mead [1907]
Hymn to Kâlî: Karpûrâdi-Stotra Arthur Avalon, John Woodroffe [1922, 1847-50]
The Hymns of Orpheus Thomas Taylor, Orpheus [1792, 1847-50]
The Hymns of the Atharvaveda Ralph T.H. Griffith [1895-6, 1847-50]
Hymns of the Eastern Church J. Neale [1884]
Hymns of the Tamil Saivite Saints F. Kingsbury, G.P. Phillips [1829, 1847-50]
Hymns to the Goddess Arthur Avalon, John Woodroffe [1913, 1847-50]
Lista Titlu : I
I Remember Lemuria Richard S. Shaver [1948, 1847-50]
Icelandic Sagas, Vol. 3: The Orkneyingers Saga George W. Dasent [1894, 1847-50]
The Ideals of the East Kakuzo Okakura [1904, 1847-50]
The Idylls of the King Alfred Lord Tennyson [1847-50]
The Iliad and Odyssey [Unicode Greek] Homer [1847-50]
The Iliad of Homer Samuel Butler, Homer [1898, 1847-50]
Illustrations of Masonry William Morgan [1827, 1847-50]
Imitation of Christ Thomas a Kempis, William Benham [1418, 1886]
In Days To Come Ashtar, Ethel P. Hill [1957, 1847-50]
In Ghostly Japan Lafcadio Hearn [1899, 1847-50]
In the Beginning: A Navaho Creation Myth Frank Goldtooth, Stanley A. Fishler [1953, 1847-50]
In the Pronaos of the Temple of Wisdom Franz Hartmann [1890, 1847-50]
In The Seven Woods W. B. Yeats [1903, 1847-50]
In Tune with the Infinite Ralph Waldo Trine [1910, 1847-50]
In Wicklow and West Kerry John M. Synge [1912]
India in Primitive Christianity Arthur Lillie [1909]
Indian Fairy Tales Joseph Jacobs [1912, 1847-50]
Indian Idylls Edwin Arnold [1883, 1847-50]
Indian Myth and Legend Donald A. Mackenzie [1913, 1847-50]
Indian Myths of South Central California. A. L. Kroeber [1907, 1847-50]
Indian Why Stories Frank Linderman [1915, 1847-50]
Indians of the Yosemite Valley and Vicinity Galen Clark [1904, 1847-50]
Influence of the Phallic Idea in the Religions of Antiquity C. Staniland Wake [1870, 1847-50]
Initiation, Human and Solar Alice A. Bailey [1922, 1847-50]
An Inquiry into the Animism and Folk-Lore of the Guiana Indians. [1915, 1847-50]
An Inquiry into the Religious Tenets of the Yezeedees George Percy Badger [1852]
The Institutes of the Christian Religion John Calvin, Henry Beveridge [1845]
The Institutes of Vishnu (SBE 7) Julius Jolly [1880, 1847-50]
Interaction of the Soul and Body Emanuel Swedenborg, John Whitehead [1769, 1892, 1847-50]
The Interior Castle St. Teresa of Avila [1921]
Intermediate Types Among Primitive Folk Edward Carpenter [1914, 1847-50]
An Introduction to Astrology William Lilly, Zadkiel [1852]
Introduction to Cybercraft Mike Morgan [1847-50]
Introduction to the Metaphysic of Morals Immanuel Kant [1785, 1847-50]
Introduction to Zuñi Ceremonialism Ruth Bunzel [1847-50, 1929-1930]
Invitation to the New Church Emanuel Swedenborg, John Whitehead [1771, 1914, 1847-50]
Ioläus Edward Carpenter [1918, 1847-50]
Ion Robert Potter, Euripides [1887, 1847-50]
Ion Benjamin Jowett, Plato [1871, 1847-50]
IOT Anon. [1847-50]
Iphigenia At Aulis Euripides [1847-50]
Iphigenia in Tauris Robert Potter, Euripides [1887, 1847-50]
Irish Druids and Old Irish Religions James Bonwick [1894, 1847-50]
Irish Fairy Tales James Stephens [1920]
The Irish Sketch-book William Makepeace Thackeray [1845]
Irish Witchcraft and Demonology St. John D. Seymour [1913, 1847-50]
The Iron Heel Jack London [1909, 1847-50]
Iroquoian Cosmology J.N.B. Hewitt [1903, 1847-50]
The Iroquois Book of Rites H.E. Hale [1883, 1847-50]
13. Isaiah, Part I John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
14. Isaiah, Part II John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
15. Isaiah, Part III John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
16. Isaiah, Part IV John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
Ishtar and Izdubar Leonidas Le Cenci Hamilton [1884]
The Isiac Tablet of Cardinal Bembo W. Wynn Westcott [1887, 1847-50]
Isis Unveiled Helena P. Blavatsky [1877, 1847-50]
Islam John A. Williams [1962, 1847-50]
Italian Bible Giovanni Diodati [1649]
Lista Titlu : J
Jaina Sutras, Part I Hermann Jacobi [1884, 1847-50]
Jaina Sutras, Part II Hermann Jacobi [1884, 1847-50]
Jamaica Anansi Stories Martha Warren Beckwith [1924]
Japan Will Turn Ablaze
Japan, An Attempt At Interpretation Lafcadio Hearn [1904, 1847-50]
Japanese Fairy Tales Teresa Peirce Williston, Sanchi Ogawa [1911, 1847-50]
Japanese Haiku Peter Beilenson [1955, 1847-50]
Jataka Tales Ellen C. Babbit [1912]
The Jataka, Vol. I Robert Chalmers, E.B. Cowell [1895]
The Jataka, Vol. II W. H. D. Rouse, E.B. Cowell [1895]
The Jataka, Vol. III H.T. Francis, E.B. Cowell [1897]
The Jataka, Vol. IV W.H.D. Rouse, E.B. Cowell [1901]
The Jataka, Vol. V H.T. Francis, E.B. Cowell [1905]
The Jataka, Vol. VI E.B. Cowell, W.H.D. Rouse [1907]
The Jefferson Bible Thomas Jefferson [1902]
17. Jeremiah and Lamentations, Part I John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
18. Jeremiah and Lamentations, Part II John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
19. Jeremiah and Lamentations, Part III John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
20. Jeremiah and Lamentations, Part IV John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
21. Jeremiah and Lamentations, Part V John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
Jesus An Essene Edward Planta Nesbit [1895]
Jesus Christ Heals Charles Fillmore [1939, 1847-50]
Jesus, the Last Great Initiate Edouard Schuré, F. Rothwell [1908, 1847-50]
Jewish Fairy Tales and Legends Aunt Naomi, Gertrude Landa [1919, 1847-50]
Jewish Magic and Superstition: A Study in Folk Religion Joshua Trachtenberg [1939, 1847-50]
Jewish Mysticism J. Abelson [1913, 1847-50]
Jicarilla Apache Texts Pliny Earle Goddard [1911, 1847-50]
27. Joel, Amos, Obadiah John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
John Wesley's Place in History Woodrow Wilson [1915]
34. John, Part I John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
35. John, Part II John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
28. Jonah, Micah, Nahum John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
7. Joshua John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
A Journey in Southern Siberia Jeremiah Curtin [1909]
Journey to the Center of the Earth Jules Verne, Frederick Amadeus Malleson [1877, 1847-50]
A Journey to the Earth's Interior Marshall B. Gardner [1920, 1847-50]
Julius Caeser William Shakespeare [1847-50]
Lista Titlu : K
Kabbalah - Sepher Yetzirah W.W. Westcot [1887, 1847-50]
The Kabbalah Unveiled S.L. MacGregor Mathers [1912, 1847-50]
The Kabbalah, or the Religious Philosophy of the Hebrews Adolphe Franck [1926, 1847-50]
Kabyle Bible (NT)
Kaffir (Xhosa) Folk-Lore George McCall Theal [1886]
The Kalevala (English) John Martin Crawford [1888, 1847-50]
The Kalevala (Finnish) Elias Lönnrot [1847-50]
Kali the Mother Sister Nivedita, Margaret E. Noble [1900, 1847-50]
Kalidasa: Translations of Shakuntala and Other Works Kalidasa, Arthur W. Ryder [1914, 1847-50]
Kama Sutra of Vatsayayana Richard Burton [1883, 1847-50]
The Karezza Method J. William Lloyd [1931, 1847-50]
Karezza, Ethics of Marriage Alice B. Stockham [1903, 1847-50]
Karma-Yoga Swami Vivekananda [1921, 1847-50]
The Kasîdah Hâjî Abdû El-Yezdî, Sir Richard Burton [1880, 1847-50]
The Kebra Nagast E. A. Wallis Budge [1922]
Keep a True Lent Charles Fillmore [1953, 1847-50]
The Key of Gold: 23 Czech Folk Tales Josef Baudis [1917, 1847-50]
The Key of Solomon The King S. Liddell MacGregor Mathers [1888, 1847-50]
King Arthur: Tales of the Round Table Andrew Lang, H.J. Ford [1902, 1847-50]
King Henry the Eighth William Shakespeare [1847-50]
King Henry the Fifth William Shakespeare [1847-50]
King Henry the Fourth, Part I William Shakespeare [1847-50]
King Henry the Fourth, Part II William Shakespeare [1847-50]
King Henry the Sixth, Part I William Shakespeare [1847-50]
King Henry the Sixth, Part II William Shakespeare [1847-50]
King Henry the Sixth, Part III William Shakespeare [1847-50]
King John William Shakespeare [1847-50]
King Lear William Shakespeare [1847-50]
The King of Ireland's Son Padraic Colum [1916]
King Richard the Second William Shakespeare [1847-50]
King Richard the Third William Shakespeare [1847-50]
The Kitab al Khazari Judah Hallevi, Hartwig Hirschfeld [1905, 1847-50]
The Kitab-i-Aqdas
The Kitab-i-Aqdas (The Most Holy Book) Baha'u'llah
The Kitab-i-Iqan (Book of Certitude)
The Kitab-i-Iqan (The Book of Certitude) Baha'u'llah
Know Your Magnetic Field William E. Gray [1947, 1847-50]
Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and Its Attainment Rudolf Steiner, George Metaxa [1947, 1847-50]
Kogoshui: Gleanings from Ancient Stories Genchi Katō, Hikoshirō Hoshino [1926, 1847-50]
The Kojiki Basil Hall Chamberlain [1919, 1847-50]
The Kojiki Basil Hall Chamberlain [1919, 1847-50]
The Koran J.M. Rodwell [1876, 1847-50]
Korean Bible
Koryak Texts Waldemar Bogoras [1917]
The Kumulipo Liliuokalani [1897, 1847-50]
The Kumulipo, A Hawaiian Creation Chant Martha Warren Beckwith [1951, 1847-50]
Kundalini: The Mother of the Universe Rishi Singh Gherwal [1930, 1847-50]
Kung-Fu, or Tauist Medical Gymnastics John Dudgeon [1895, 1847-50]
Kutune Shirka, The Ainu Epic Arthur Waley [1953, 1847-50]
Kwaidan Lafcadio Hearn [1904, 1847-50]
Kwakiutl Tales Franz Boas [1910, 1847-50]
The Kybalion Three Initiates, William Walker Atkinson [1912, 1847-50]
Lista Titlu : L
Laches or Courage Benjamin Jowett, Plato [1871, 1847-50]
Lair of the White Worm Bram Stoker [1911, 1847-50]
THE LAND -- Medieval Social Structure and the Achadian Tree Benjamin Rowe [1847-50]
Laotzu's Tao and Wu Wei Dwight Goddard, Henri Borel [1919, 1847-50]
Laotzu's Tao and Wu Wei (2nd ed.) Dwight Goddard, Henri Borel [1939, 1847-50]
Large Catechism Martin Luther [1847-50]
Last Judgment Emanuel Swedenborg, John Whitehead [1758, 1892, 1847-50]
Last Judgment Continued Emanuel Swedenborg, John Whitehead [1758, 1892, 1847-50]
Last Judgment Posthumous Emanuel Swedenborg, John Whitehead [1757-9, 1914, 1847-50]
Last of the Voudoos Lafcadio Hearn [1885]
Later Poems W. B. Yeats [1922, 1847-50]
Latvian Bible (NT)
The Laughable Stories of Bar-Hebraeus E.A.W. Budge [1897]
The Law and the Word Thomas Troward [1921, 1847-50]
Laws Benjamin Jowett, Plato [1871, 1847-50]
The Laws of Manu George Bühler [1886, 1847-50]
The Laxdaela Saga Muriel Press [1899, 1847-50]
The Lay of the Cid R. Selden Rose, Leonard Bacon [1919, 1847-50]
Le Morte d'Arthur Sir Thomas Malory [1847-50]
The Legend of Tauquitch and Algoot George Wharton James [1903, 1847-50]
Legendary Fictions of the Irish Celts Patrick Kennedy [1891]
Legends and Myths of the Aboriginal Indians of British Guiana. William Henry Brett [1880, 1847-50]
Legends and Popular Tales of the Basque People Mariana Monteiro [1887]
Legends and Romances of Brittany Lewis Spence [1917]
Legends and Romances of Spain Lewis Spence [1920, 1847-50]
Legends and Stories of Ireland Samuel Lover [1831, 1834]
Legends of Babylonia and Egypt Leonard W. King [1916]
The Legends of Genesis Hermann Gunkel [1901]
Legends of Maui W.D. Westervelt [1910, 1847-50]
Legends of the Gods: The Egyptian Texts E. A. Wallis Budge [1912, 1847-50]
Legends of the Jews Louis Ginzberg [1909, 1847-50]
The Lesser Key of Solomon S.L. MacGregor Mathers, Aleister Crowley [1904, 1847-50]
Lessons in Truth H. Emilie Cady [1894, 1847-50]
A Letter from a Gentleman David Hume [1754, 1847-50]
Letter to Menoeceus Epicurus [1847-50]
Letters From The Earth Mark Twain [1909]
Letters from the Guardian to Australia and New Zealand Shoghi Effendi
Letters of Myrtle Fillmore Myrtle Fillmore [1936, 1847-50]
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft Sir Walter Scott [1885, 1847-50]
Leviathan Thomas Hobbes [1651, 1847-50]
The Life and Death of Cormac the Skalda W.G. Collingwood, J. Stefansson [1901, 1847-50]
The Life and Doctrines of Jacob Boehme Jacob Boehme, Franz Hartmann [1891, 1847-50]
Life and Its Mysteries Frank L. Hammer [1945, 1847-50]
The Life of Apollonius of Tyana Philostratus, F.C. Conybeare [1912, 1847-50]
The Life of Buddha Andre Ferdinand Herold, Paul C. Blum [1922, 1927]
Life Without Principle Henry David Thoreau [1863, 1847-50]
The Light of Divine Guidance (volume 1) [Message to Germany and Austria] Shoghi Effendi
The Light of Divine Guidance (volume 2) Shoghi Effendi
The Lilac Fairy Book Andrew Lang [1910, 1847-50]
The Little Clay Cart Shudraka, Arthur W. Ryder [1905, 1847-50]
The Little Flowers of St. Francis W. Heywood [1906]
The Little Iliad (Fragments) Homer, Hugh G. Evelyn-White [1847-50]
Little Known Facts about the Amish and the Mennonites A. Monroe Aurand, Jr. [1938]
The Liturgy of Funerary Offerings E. A. Wallis Budge [1909, 1847-50]
Liturgy of the Reformed Churches of the Netherlands
Lives of the Greek Heroines Louisa Menzies, Charles G. Leland [1880, 1847-50, 1899]
Lives of the Saints Alban Butler, John Gilmary Shea, Benziger [1894]
Lo! Charles Fort [1931, 1847-50]
Looking Backwards Edward Bellamy [1888, 1847-50]
The Lord's Prayer
The Lore and the Lure of The Yosemite Herbert Earl Wilson [1922, 1847-50]
Lore of the Unicorn Odell Shepard [1930, 1847-50]
The Lore of the Whare-Wananga S. Percy Smith [1913, 1847-50]
The Lost Books of the Bible Rutherford H. Platt, Jr. [1926]
The Lost Continent Cutcliffe Hyne [1900]
The Lost Lemuria W. Scott-Elliot [1904]
The Lotus of Power Ritual Josh Norton [1847-50]
Love and Death Sri Arobindo [1921, 1847-50]
The Love Books of Ovid J. Lewis May, Ovid, Publius Ovidius Naso [1930, 1847-50]
The Love Letters of Abelard and Heloise Israel Gollancz, Honnor Morten [1128, 1901]
Love's Coming of Age Edward Carpenter [1906, 1847-50]
A Lovers' Complaint William Shakespeare [1847-50]
Loves Labour Lost William Shakespeare [1847-50]
THE LOWER TEMPLE -- Construction of the Microcosmic Temples Benjamin Rowe [1847-50]
The Lusiad Luis de Camoens, William Julius Mickle [1776, 1877, 1847-50]
Lysis, or Friendship Benjamin Jowett, Plato [1871, 1847-50]
Lista Titlu : M
The Mabinogion Charlotte Guest [1877]
Macbeth William Shakespeare [1847-50]
The Magic of Horse-Shoes, with other Folk-Lore Notes Florence Holbrook [1904, 1847-50]
Magic Songs of the West Finns, Vol. I John Abercromby [1898, 1847-50]
Magic Songs of the West Finns, Vol. II John Abercromby, Elias Lönnrot [1898, 1847-50]
The Magical Pact of The Illuminnates Of Thanateros Peter Carroll [1847-50]
The Magus Francis Barrett [1801, 1847-50]
The Magus Peter Carroll [1847-50]
The Mahabharata Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1883-1896, 1847-50]
The Mahabharata in Sanskrit [1847-50]
The Mahabharata, Book 10: Sauptika Parva Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1847-50, 1883-1896]
The Mahabharata, Book 11: Stri Parva Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1847-50, 1883-1896]
The Mahabharata, Book 12: Santi Parva Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1847-50, 1883-1896]
The Mahabharata, Book 13: Anusasana Parva Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1847-50, 1883-1896]
The Mahabharata, Book 14: Aswamedha Parva Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1847-50, 1883-1896]
The Mahabharata, Book 15: Asramavasika Parva Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1847-50, 1883-1896]
The Mahabharata, Book 16: Mausala Parva Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1847-50, 1883-1896]
The Mahabharata, Book 17: Mahaprasthanika Parva Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1847-50, 1883-1896]
The Mahabharata, Book 18: Svargarohanika Parva Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1847-50, 1883-1896]
The Mahabharata, Book 1: Adi Parva Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1847-50, 1883-1896]
The Mahabharata, Book 2: Sabha Parva Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1847-50, 1883-1896]
The Mahabharata, Book 3: Vana Parva Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1847-50, 1883-1896]
The Mahabharata, Book 4: Virata Parva Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1847-50, 1883-1896]
The Mahabharata, Book 5: Udyoga Parva Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1847-50, 1883-1896]
The Mahabharata, Book 6: Bhishma Parva Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1847-50, 1883-1896]
The Mahabharata, Book 7: Drona Parva Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1847-50, 1883-1896]
The Mahabharata, Book 8: Karna Parva Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1847-50, 1883-1896]
The Mahabharata, Book 9: Shalya Parva Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1847-50, 1883-1896]
Mahanirvana Tantra Arthur Avalon, John Woodroffe [1913, 1847-50]
Maidu Texts Roland B. Dixon [1912, 1847-50]
Maimonides: Ani Maamin - I believe... [1847-50]
Male Continence John Humphrey Noyes [1872, 1847-50]
The Malleus Maleficarum Montague Summers [1486, 1928, 1847-50]
The Man in the Panther's Skin Shota Rustaveli, Marjory Scott Wardrop [1912]
The Man of Sorrows John Nelson Darby [no date (pre-1882)]
The Manifestation of Kali in Universe as an Astrophysical Anomaly Persona Navitae 353 [1847-50]
Mankind United Arthur Bell [1936, 1847-50]
Manners, Customs, and Observances: Their Origin and Significance Leopold Wagner [1894, 1847-50]
A Manual of Hadith Maulana Muhammad Ali [1944, 1847-50]
Manual of Zen Buddhism Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki [1935]
Manx Bible (partial) [1772]
Many Swans: Sun Myth of the North American Indians Amy Lowell [1920, 1847-50]
Maori Bible
Maori Religion and Mythology Edward Shortland [1882, 1847-50]
The Maqámát of Badí‘ al-Zamán al-Hamadhání Badí‘ al-Zamán al-Hamadhání, W.J. Prendergast [1915, 1847-50]
Mars Percivel Lowell [1895, 1847-50]
Martin Luther's 95 Theses Martin Luther [1517, 1847-50]
Mary the Prophetess
The Masculine Cross and Ancient Sex Worship Sha Rocco, Hargrave Jennings [1874, 1847-50]
The Masnavi Rumi, E.H. Whinfield [1898, 1847-50]
The Master Key System Charles F. Haanel [1919, 1847-50]
Master Singers of Japan Clara A. Walsh [1914, 1847-50]
31. Matthew, Mark and Luke, Part I John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
32. Matthew, Mark and Luke, Part II John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
33. Matthew, Mark and Luke, Part III John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
Max Heindel's Letters to Students Max Heindel [1910, 1919, 1847-50]
Maya Hieroglyphic Writing (excerpts) J. Eric S. Thompson [1950, 1847-50]
Mazes and Labyrinths W.H. Matthews [1922, 1847-50]
Meaning Of Ashta Prakari Puja [1847-50]
The Meaning of Masonry W. L. Wilmshurst [1922, 1847-50]
Measure for Measure William Shakespeare [1847-50]
Medea E. P. Coleridge, Euripides [1910, 1847-50]
Meditations Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, George Long [1847-50]
Meditations on First Philosophy Rene Descartes [1641, 1847-50]
Memorials of the Faithful 'Abdu'l-Baha
Mencius Mencius, James Legge [1895, 371-289 B.C.E., 1847-50]
Meno Benjamin Jowett, Plato [1871, 1847-50]
Mental Radio Upton Sinclair [1930, 1847-50]
Merchant of Venice William Shakespeare [1847-50]
Merry Wives of Windsor William Shakespeare [1847-50]
The Mesnevi Rumi, Eflaki, James W. Redhouse [1881, 1847-50]
Message of the Stars Max Heindel, Augusta Foss Heindel [1847-50]
Messages to America Shoghi Effendi
The Metamorphoses Sir Samuel Garth, John Dryden, Alexander Pope, Joseph Addison, William Congreve, Ovid, Publius Ovidius Naso [1717, 1847-50]
The Metaphysical Elements of Ethics Immanuel Kant [1780, 1847-50]
Midrash Tanhuma [1847-50]
Midsummers' Night Dream William Shakespeare [1847-50]
The Migration of Symbols Goblet d'Alviella [1894, 1847-50]
Mimes of the Courtesans A.L.H., Lucian of Samosata [1928, 1847-50]
The Minor Law Books (SBE 33) Julius Jolly [1880, 1847-50]
A Miracle in Stone: or The Great Pyramid of Egypt Joseph A. Seiss [1877, 1847-50]
The Mirror of Alchemy
The Mishkât Al-Anwar Al-Ghazzali, W.H.T. Gairdner [1924, 1847-50]
Mission Memories John Steven McGroarty, Frederick V. Carpenter [1929, 1847-50]
A Mission Record of the California Indians A. L. Kroeber [1908, 1847-50]
Miwok Myths Edward Winslow Gifford [1917, 1847-50]
Modern Hebrew Bible
A Modern Utopia H.G. Wells [1909, 1847-50]
The Monadology Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz [1898, 1847-50]
Monty Python. and the Holy Grail Monty Python [1847-50]
Moon Lore Timothy Harley [1885]
Morals and Dogma Albert Pike [1871, 1847-50]
More Celtic Fairy Tales Joseph Jacobs [1894]
More English Fairy Tales Joseph Jacobs, John D. Batten [1894, 1847-50]
More Translations from the Chinese Arthur Waley [1919, 1847-50]
The Most Holy Trinosophia Comte de Saint-Germain, Manly Palmer Hall [1933, 1847-50]
The Most Pleasant and Delectable Tale of The Marriage of Cupid and Psyche Apuleius, William Adlington, Dorothy Mullock [1914, 1847-50]
Mother Shipton Investigated William H. Harrison [1881, 1847-50]
The Mountain Chant, A Navajo Ceremony Washington Matthews [1887, 1847-50]
Much Ado About Nothing William Shakespeare [1847-50]
Musings of a Chinese Mystic Chuang Tzu, Lionel Giles [1909, 1847-50]
My Own Life David Hume [1777, 1847-50]
My Trip to Mars William Ferguson [1959, 1847-50]
The Mycenaean Origin of Greek Mythology Martin P. Nilsson [1932, 1847-50]
Mysteries of Genesis Charles Fillmore [1936, 1847-50]
Mysteries of John Charles Fillmore [1946, 1847-50]
The Mysteries of Mithra Franz Cumont [1903, 1847-50]
Mysteries of the Qabalah Elias Gewurz, William Walker Atkinson [1922, 1847-50]
Mysticism Evelyn Underhill [1911, 1847-50]
Mysticism, Christian and Buddhist Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki [1957]
The Mystics of Islam Reynold A. Nicholson [1914, 1847-50]
The Myth of the Birth of the Hero Otto Rank [1914, 1847-50]
Mythical Monsters Charles Gould [1886, 1847-50]
The Mythology of the Diegueños Constance Goddard Du Bois [1901, 1847-50]
Mythology of the Mission Indians Constance Goddard Du Bois [1904, 1906, 1847-50]
Myths and Folklore of Ireland Jeremiah Curtin [1890]
Myths and Legends of Babylonia and Assyria Donald A. Mackenzie [1915]
Myths and Legends of California and the Old Southwest Katherine Berry Judson [1912, 1847-50]
Myths and Legends of China Edward T.C. Werner [1922, 1847-50]
Myths and Legends of Our Own Land Charles M. Skinner [1896]
Myths and Legends of the Andamans A.R. Radcliffe-Brown [1922]
Myths and Legends of the Bantu Alice Werner [1933]
Myths and Legends of the Celtic Race Thomas Rolleston [1911]
Myths and Tales of the Southeastern Indians John R. Swanton [1929, 1847-50]
Myths of Crete and Pre-Hellenic Europe Donald A. Mackenzie [1917, 1847-50]
Myths of Greece and Rome Jane Harrison [1928, 1847-50]
Myths of Ífè John Wyndham [1921]
The Myths of Mexico and Peru Lewis Spence [1913, 1847-50]
Myths of the Cherokee James Mooney [1900, 1847-50]
Lista Titlu : N
The Nō Plays of Japan Arthur Waley [1921, 1847-50]
Narratives of the Rites and Laws of the Yncas Clements R. Markham [1873, 1847-50]
The Native Tribes of Central Australia Baldwin Spencer, F. J. Gillen [1899]
Native Tribes of the Northern Territory of Australia Baldwin Spencer [1914]
The Natural History of Religion David Hume [1757, 1847-50]
Navaho Myths, Prayers, and Songs Washington Matthews [1906, 1847-50]
Navaho Origin Legend A. M. Stephen [1930, 1847-50]
Navaho Texts Pliny Earle Goddard [1933, 1847-50]
Navajo Creation Myth Hasteen Klah, Mary C. Wheelwright [1942, 1847-50]
The Navajo Indians William M. Edwardy [1890, 1847-50]
The Negro W.E.B. Du Bois [1915]
The New Atlantis Francis Bacon [1627, 1847-50]
New England Primer [1843]
The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine Emanuel Swedenborg, John Whitehead [1758, 1892, 1847-50]
New Lands Charles Fort [1923, 1847-50]
New Orleans Superstitions Lafcadio Hearn [1886]
The New Word Allen Upward [1910, 1847-50]
News from Nowhere William Morris [1891, 1847-50]
The Nibelungenlied Daniel B. Shumway [1909, 1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. I Eusebius [1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. II Socrates Scholasticus, Sozomen [1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. III Theodoret, Jerome, Gennadius, Rufinus [1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. IV Athanasius [1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. IX Hilary of Poitiers, John of Damascus [1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. V [1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. VI Jerome [1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. VII Cyril of Jerusalem, Gregory Nazianzen [1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. VIII Basil [1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. X Ambrose [1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. XI Sulpitius Severus, Vincent of Lerins, John Cassian [1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. XII Leo the Great, Gregory the Great [1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. XIII Gregory the Great (II), Ephraim Syrus, Aphrahat [1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. XIV [1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. I St. Augustine [1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. II St. Augustine [1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. III St. Augustine [1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. IV St. Augustine [1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. IX St. Chrysostom [1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. V St. Augustine [1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. VI St. Augustine [1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. VII St. Augustine [1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. VIII St. Augustine [1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. X St. Chrysostom [1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. XI St. Chrysostom [1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. XII St. Chrysostom [1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. XIII St. Chrysostom [1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. XIV St. Chrysostom [1847-50]
Nicene Creed
The Nicomachean Ethics William David Ross, Aristotle [1908, 1847-50]
Nihongi Part 1 W.G. Ashton [1847-50, 1896]
Nihongi Part 2 W.G. Ashton [1847-50, 1896]
Nihongi Part 3 W.G. Ashton [1847-50, 1896]
Nihongi Part 4 W.G. Ashton [1847-50, 1896]
Nine Tattvas (Principles) [1847-50]
Noa Noa Paul Gauguin, Otto Frederick Theis [1919, 1847-50]
Noqoìlpi, the Gambler: A Navajo Myth Washington Matthews [1889, 1847-50]
The Norse Discovery of America Arthur Middleton Reeves, North Ludlow Beamish, Rasmus B. Anderson [1906, 1847-50]
Norwegian Bible [1930]
Nostradamus: The Man Who Saw Through Time Lee McCann [1941, 1847-50]
Notes on the Bible Albert Barnes [1834]
Notes on the Book of the Revelation John Nelson Darby [1876]
Notes on the Folk-Lore of the North-East of Scotland Walter Gregor [1881]
Notes on the Folklore of the Fjort R. E. Dennett [1898]
Notes on the Shoshonean Dialects of Southern California A. L. Kroeber [1909, 1847-50]
Numbers, Their Occult Power and Mystic Virtues W. Wynn Westcott [1911, 1847-50]
Lista Titlu : O
Oahspe, A Kosmon Bible in the Words of Jehovih and his Angel Embassadors John Ballou Newbrough [1882, 1912, 1847-50]
Occult Science in India Louis Jacolliot, William L. Felt [1919, 1847-50]
Oceanic Mythology Roland B. Dixon [1916, 1847-50]
Octarine: Rituals and Spell Objectives and Design in Eight Magics Peter Carroll [1847-50]
The Odyssey of Homer Samuel Butler, Homer [1900, 1847-50]
Oedipus at Colonus F. Storr, Sophocles [1912-3, 1847-50]
Oedipus the King (Oedipus Rex) F. Storr, Sophocles [1912-3, 1847-50]
The Oera Linda Book Wiliam R. Sandbach [1876]
Of Essay Writing David Hume [1742, 1847-50]
Of Prayer John Calvin, Henry Beveridge [1845]
Of Superstition and Enthusiasm David Hume [1741, 1847-50]
Of the Delicacy of Taste and Passion David Hume [1741, 1847-50]
Of the Liberty of the Press David Hume [1741, 1847-50]
Of The Office of Preaching Martin Luther [1847-50]
Of the Rise and Progress of the Arts and Sciences David Hume [1742, 1847-50]
Of the Standard of Taste David Hume [1757, 1847-50]
Of Tragedy David Hume [1757, 1847-50]
The Official Monitor of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, State of Texas [1922, 1847-50]
Old Deccan Days Mary Frere [1868, 1847-50]
Old Indian Legends Zitkala-Sa [1901, 1847-50]
Old Norse Poems Lee M. Hollander [1936, 1847-50]
The Old North Trail Walter McClintock [1910, 1847-50]
Old Peter's Russian Tales Arthur Ransome [1916, 1847-50]
The Olive Fairy Book Andrew Lang [1910, 1847-50]
On Faith & Coming to Christ Martin Luther [1847-50]
On Generation and Corruption H. H. Joachim, Aristotle [1922, 1847-50]
On Liberty John Stuart Mill [1859, 1847-50]
On prayer; purpose in nature; meaning of life; the soul; a personal God Albert Einstein
On the Christian Life John Calvin, Henry Beveridge [1845]
On The Heavens J. L. Stocks, Aristotle [1922, 1847-50]
On the Improvement of Understanding R.H.M. Elwes, Baruch Spinoza [1883, 1847-50]
On the Migration of Fables Max Muller [1881, 1847-50]
On The Nature Of Things Titus Lucretius Carus, William Ellery Leonard [1847-50]
On the Philadelphian Gold
On the Study of Celtic Literature Matthew Arnold [1867]
Ophiolatreia Anonymous [1889, 1847-50]
The Oracles of Nostradamus Charles A. Ward [1891, 1847-50]
The Orange Fairy Book Andrew Lang [1906, 1847-50]
Ordinary of the Mass [1921]
Orestes E. P. Coleridge, Euripides [1910, 1847-50]
Oriental Mysticism E.H. Palmer [1867, 1847-50]
The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism Franz Cumont [1911, 1847-50]
The Origin and Significance of the Great Pyramid C. Staniland Wake [1882, 1847-50]
Origin Myth of Acoma Matthew W. Stirling [1942, 1847-50]
Origin Myths of the Navaho Indians Aileen O'Bryan [1956, 1847-50]
The Origin of Oahspe [1847-50]
Origin of Species Charles Darwin [1872]
Original Hebrew of a Portion of Ecclesiasticus A.E. Cowley, A. Neubauer [1897, 1847-50]
The Origins of Popular Superstitions and Customs T. Sharper Knowlson [1910, 1847-50]
The Origins of the Druze People and Religion Philip K. Hitti [1928]
Orlando Furioso Ludovico Ariosto, William Stewart Rose [1823-31, 1847-50]
Orpheus, Myths of the World Padraic Colum [1930, 1847-50]
Othello William Shakespeare [1847-50]
Other Tongues--Other Flesh George Hunt Williamson [1953, 1847-50]
Outline of Zuñi Mytho-Sociologic Organization Frank Hamilton Cushing [1891-1892, 1847-50]
Lista Titlu : P
The Pact (IOT) - The Story So Far Peter Carroll [1847-50]
Pagan and Christian Creeds Edward Carpenter [1922, 1847-50]
Pagan Christs: Studies in Comparative Hierology John M. Robertson [1911]
Pagan Prayers Marah Ellis Ryan [1913, 1847-50]
Pagan Regeneration Harold R. Willoughby [1929, 1847-50]
Pageant of the Popes John Farrow [1942]
Pahlavi Texts, Part I: (SBE 5) The Bundahis, Bahman Yast and Shayâst Lâ-Shâyast E.W. West [1880, 1847-50]
Pahlavi Texts, Part II (SBE 18) E.W. West [1882, 1847-50]
Pahlavi Texts, Part III (SBE 24) E.W. West [1885, 1847-50]
Pahlavi Texts, Part IV (SBE 37) E.W. West [1892, 1847-50]
Pahlavi Texts, Part V (SBE 47) E.W. West [1897, 1847-50]
Pale Ink Henriette Mertz [1953, 1847-50]
The Parable of the Sower Martin Luther [1847-50]
Paradigm Shifts and Aeonics Peter Carroll [1847-50]
Paradise Found William F. Warren [1885, 1847-50]
Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained John Milton [1667, 1671]
Paradoxes of the Highest Science Éliphas Lévi, Anonymous, H.P. Blavatsky [1922, 1847-50]
Paris Talks 'Abdu'l-Baha
Parmenides Benjamin Jowett, Plato [1871, 1847-50]
The Path of Light L.D. Barnett [1909]
The Path on the Rainbow George W. Cronyn [1918, 1847-50]
THE PATHS -- A brief listing of the Achadian Paths Benjamin Rowe [1847-50]
Pearl of Great Price [1847-50]
A Peep at the Pixies, or Legends of the West Anna Eliza Bray, Hablot K. Browne [1854, 1847-50]
Pellucidar Edgar Rice Burroughs [1915, 1847-50]
Pensees Blaise Pascal [1660, 1847-50]
The People's New Testament B.W. Johnson [1891]
The Perfumed Garden Shaykh Umar ibn Muhammed al-Nefzawi, Richard Burton [1886, 1847-50]
Pericles, Prince of Tyre William Shakespeare [1847-50]
The Persians Robert Potter, Aeschylus [1809, 1847-50]
The Peyote Cult Paul Radin [1925, 1847-50]
Phaedo Benjamin Jowett, Plato [1871, 1847-50]
Phaedrus Benjamin Jowett, Plato [1871, 1847-50]
Phallic Worship Hodder M. Westropp [1870, 1847-50]
The Phantom of the Poles William Reed [1909, 1847-50]
Philebus Benjamin Jowett, Plato [1871, 1847-50]
42. Philippians, Colossians, and Thessalonians John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
Philippine Folk Tales Mabel Cook Cole [1916]
Philippine Folklore Stories John Maurice Miller [1904]
The Philistines, Their History and Civilization Robert Alexander Stewart Macalister [1913]
Philoctetes Thomas Francklin, Sophocles [1759, 1847-50]
The Philosophy of Alfarabi Alfarabi, Robert Hammond [1947, 1847-50]
The Philosophy of Natural Magic Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, Henry Morley, L.W. de Laurence [1913, 1847-50]
The Phoenissae E. P. Coleridge, Euripides [1910, 1847-50]
The Phynodderree and Other Legends of the Isle of Man Edward Callow [1882]
The Phynodderree and Other Legends of the Isle of Man Edward Callow [1882]
The Pictorial Key to the Tarot A.E. Waite [1911, 1847-50]
Pilgrim's Progress John Bunyan [1678]
The Pink Fairy Book Andrew Lang [1897, 1847-50]
Pistis Sophia G.R.S. Mead [1921]
The Planet Mars and its Inhabitants Eros Urides, J.L. Kennon [1922, 1847-50]
Plays of Gods and Men Edward Plunkett, Lord Dunsany [1917, 1847-50]
A Plea for Captain John Brown Henry David Thoreau [1853, 1847-50]
Plutarch's Morals: Theosophical Essays Charles William King, Plutarch [1908, 1847-50]
Poems from the Divan of Hafiz Hafiz, Gertrude Lowthian Bell [1897, 1847-50]
The Poems of Ossian James Macpherson [1773]
The Poems of Sappho John Myers O'Hara, Sappho [1910, 1847-50]
The Poems of Sappho Edwin Marion Cox, Sappho [1925, 1847-50]
The Poems of Sappho (Unicode) Edwin Marion Cox, Sappho [1925, 1847-50]
The Poetic Edda Henry Adams Bellows [1936, 1847-50]
Poetics S.H. Butcher, Aristotle [1902, 1847-50]
The Political Aspects of S. Augustine's 'City of God' John Neville Figgis [1921]
Politics Benjamin Jowett, Aristotle [1885, 1847-50]
the Polyglot Bible
Polynesian Mythology George Grey [1854, 1847-50]
Pomo Bear Doctors S. B. Barrett [1917, 1847-50]
The Popul Vuh Lewis Spence [1908, 1847-50]
Popular Romances of the West of England Robert Hunt [1903, 1847-50]
Popular Tales from the Norse George Dasent [1904, 1847-50]
Popular Tales of the West Highlands, Vol. I J. F. Campbell [1890]
Popular Tales of the West Highlands, Vol. II J. F. Campbell [1890]
Popular Tales of the West Highlands, Vol. III J. F. Campbell [1890]
Popular Tales of the West Highlands, Vol. IV J. F. Campbell [1890]
Portuguese Bible João Ferreira de Almeida [1691]
Potawatomi Bible (partial) Lykins [1844]
Pow-wows; or Long Lost Friend by George Hohman [1820]
The Prayer of Abu Hamzah [1847-50]
Prayers and Meditations Baha'u'llah
The Prem Sagur Lallu Lal, W. Hollings [1848, 1847-50]
The Priapeia L.C. Smithers, Richard Burton [1890, 1847-50]
Principal Teachings of the True Sect of Pure Land Yejitsu Okusa [1915]
Principia Chaotica Peter Carroll [1847-50]
Principia Discordia Robert Anton Wilson [1847-50]
A Problem in Greek Ethics John Addington Symonds [1901, 1847-50]
A Problem in Modern Ethics John Addington Symonds [1896, 1847-50]
Proclamation of Baha'u'llah Baha'u'llah
Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics Immanuel Kant [1783, 1847-50]
Prolegomena to the History of Ancient Israel Julius Wellhausen [1885]
Prolegomena to the Study of Greek Religion Jane Harrison [1922, 1847-50]
Prolegomena to the Study of Old Welsh Poetry Edward Anwyl [1903]
Prometheus Bound Edmund Doidge Anderson Morshead, Aeschylus [1881, 1847-50]
The Promise of World Peace
The Promised Day is Come Shoghi Effendi
The Promised Key G.G. Maragh, Leonard Percival Howell [1935]
The Promulgation of Universal Peace 'Abdu'l-Baha
Proofs of a Conspiracy John Robison [1912, 1847-50]
The Prophecies of Nostradamus Nostradamus [1847-50]
The Prophecies of Paracelsus Paracelsus, J.K [1915, 1847-50]
The Prophecies of the Brahan Seer Alexander Mackenzie, Andrew Lang [1899]
Prophets and Psalms Emanuel Swedenborg, J.E. Schreck [1761, 1900, 1847-50]
The Prophets, Their Lives and Their Stories Abdul-Sâhib Al-Hasani Al-'âmili [1847-50]
The Prose Edda Snorri Sturlson, Arthur Gilchrist Brodeur [1916, 1847-50]
Prosperity Charles Fillmore [1936, 1847-50]
The Prosperity of Humankind
Protagoras Benjamin Jowett, Plato [1871, 1847-50]
The Provincial Letters Blaise Pascal [1657, 1847-50]
Psalms of the Sisters Caroline A. F. Rhys Davids [1909]
8. Psalms, Part I John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
9. Psalms, Part II John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
10. Psalms, Part III John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
11. Psalms, Part IV John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
12. Psalms, Part V John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
Psychic Phenomena of Jamaica Joseph J. Williams [1934]
Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos J.M. Ashmand [1833]
Pueblo Indian Folk-Stories Charles F. Lummis [1910, 1847-50]
The Punishment of the Stingy and Other Indian Stories George Bird Grinnell [1901, 1847-50]
The Pyramid Texts Samuel A. B. Mercer [1952, 1847-50]
Pythagoras and the Delphic Mysteries Edouard Schuré [1906, 1847-50]
The Questions of King Milinda, Part I (SBE35) T. W. Rhys Davids [1890]
The Questions of King Milinda, Part II (SBE36) T. W. Rhys Davids [1894]
The Quimby Manuscripts Phineas Parkhurst Quimby, Horatio W. Dresser [1921, 1847-50]
The Qur'an Mohammed Marmaduke Pickthall [1930, 1847-50]
The Qur’ân, Part I (SBE 6) E.H. Palmer [1880, 1847-50]
The Qur’ân, Part II (SBE 9) E.H. Palmer [1880, 1847-50]
Lista Titlu : R
A Rabbi's Impressions of the Oberammergau Passion Play Joseph Krauskopf [1901, 1847-50]
Ragnarok: The Age of Fire and Gravel Ignatius Donnelly [1883]
Raja Yoga Yogi Ramacharaka, William Walker Atkinson [1906, 1847-50]
Ramakrishna, His Life and Sayings F. Max Müller [1898, 1847-50]
Rámáyan Of Válmíki Ralph T. H. Griffith [1870-1874, 1847-50]
The Ramayana and Mahabharata R. Dutt [1899, 1847-50]
The Ramayana in Sanskrit [1847-50]
Rape of Lucrece William Shakespeare [1847-50]
The Real History of the Rosicrucians Arthur Edward Waite [1887, 1847-50]
The Realness of Witchcraft in America A. Monroe Aurand, Jr. [1942]
Records of the Past, 2nd Series, Vol. I A. H. Sayce [1888]
Records of the Past, 2nd Series, Vol. II A. H. Sayce [1888]
Records of the Past, 2nd Series, Vol. III A. H. Sayce [1890]
Records of the Past, 2nd Series, Vol. IV A. H. Sayce [1890]
The Red Fairy Book Andrew Lang [1890, 1847-50]
Reform Judaism - 1885 Pittsburgh Conference [1847-50]
Reform Judaism - A Centenary Perspective [1847-50]
Relax with Yoga Arthur Liebers [1960, 1847-50]
Religion and Myth James Macdonald [1883]
Religion and Science Albert Einstein
The Religion Of Babylonia And Assyria Theophilus G. Pinches
The Religion of Numa Jesse Benedict Carter [1906, 1847-50]
The Religion of the Ancient Celts J. A. MacCulloch [1911]
Religion of the Indians of California A. L. Kroeber [1907, 1847-50]
The Religion of the Koran Arthur N. Wollaston [1911, 1847-50]
The Religion of the Luiseño Indians of Southern California Constance Goddard Du Bois [1908, 1847-50]
The Religion of the Samurai Kaiten Nukariya [1913]
The Religion of the Sikhs Dorothy Field [1914, 1847-50]
The Religions of South Vietnam in Faith and Fact US Department of the Navy, Bureau of Naval Personnel,Chaplains Division [1967]
Religious Cults Associated with the Amazons Florence Mary Bennett [1912, 1847-50]
Religious Practices of the Diegueño Indians T. T. Waterman [1910, 1847-50]
The Religious System of the Amazulu Henry Callaway [1870]
Remarks on Shamanism Frank Hamilton Cushing [1897, 1847-50]
The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects Edward J. Ruppelt [1956, 1847-50]
Representative Government John Stuart Mill [1861, 1847-50]
The Republic Benjamin Jowett, Plato [1871, 1847-50]
The Returns and The Telegony (Fragments) Homer, Hugh G. Evelyn-White [1847-50]
The Revealing Word Charles Fillmore [1959, 1847-50]
Rhesus Euripides [1847-50]
Rig Veda Americanus (Aztec Hymns) Daniel G. Brinton [1890, 1847-50]
The Rig-Veda Ralph Griffith [1896, 1847-50]
Rig-Veda (Sanskrit) [1847-50]
Rights of Man Thomas Paine [1791]
THE RITUAL OF THE HEPTAGRAM -- Using Dee's Heptarchic System Benjamin Rowe [1847-50]
THE RITUAL OF THE HEXAGRAM -- An experimental Enochian Ritual Benjamin Rowe [1847-50]
Robin Hood Paul Creswick, N.C. Wyeth [1902, 1847-50]
Roe v. Wade US Supreme Court [1973, 1847-50]
The Roman and Greek Questions Plutarch, Frank Cole Babbitt, Plutarch [1938, 1847-50]
Romani Bible (NT)
38. Romans John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
Romeo and Juliet William Shakespeare [1847-50]
The Roots of the Mountains William Morris [1889, 1847-50]
The Rosetta Stone E. A. Wallis Budge [1893, 1905, 1847-50]
The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception Max Heindel [1847-50]
The Rosicrucian Mysteries Max Heindel [1847-50]
The Rosicrucians William Wynn Westcott [1847-50]
The Rosicrucians, Their Rites and Mysteries Hargrave Jennings [1907, 1870, 1847-50]
Roumanian Fairy Tales and Legends E.B. Mawr [1881, 1847-50]
The Royal Museum at Naples Stanislas Marie César Famin [1871, 1847-50]
The Royal Parchment Scroll of Black Supremacy Fitz Balintine Pettersburg [1926]
The Rubayyat of Omar Khayyam Omar Khayyam, Edward Fitzgerald [1859, 1847-50]
Russian Bible [1876]
Lista Titlu : S
The S'rimad Devî Bhâgawatam Swami Vijnanananda, Hari Prasanna Chatterji [1921, 1847-50]
A Saboba Origin-Myth George Wharton James [1902, 1847-50]
The Sack of Ilium (fragments) Arctinus of Miletus, Homer, Hugh G. Evelyn-White [1847-50]
The Sacred Books and Early Literature of the East, Vol. IV: Medieval Hebrew [1917, 1847-50]
Sacred Books of the East, Volume 16 James Legge [1899, 1847-50]
Sacred Books of the East, Volume 27 James Legge [1885, 1847-50]
Sacred Books of the East, Volume 28 James Legge [1885, 1847-50]
Sacred Books of the East, Volume 3 James Legge [1879, 1847-50]
The Sacred Fire Ben Zion Goldberg [1930, 1847-50]
Sacred Formulas of the Cherokee James Mooney [1891, 1847-50]
The Sacred Laws of the Âryas, Part I (SBE 2) George Bühler [1879, 1847-50]
The Sacred Laws of the Âryas, Part II (SBE 14) George Bühler [1879, 1847-50]
Sacred Places in China Carl F. Kupfer [1911, 1847-50]
The Sacred Symbols of Mu James Churchward [1933]
Sacred Texts Timeline John Bruno Hare [1999, 1847-50]
The Sacred Theory of the Earth Thomas Burnet [1691, 1847-50]
Saddhana, The Realisation of Life Rabindranath Tagore [1916, 1847-50]
Saddharma-pundarîka (The Lotus Sutra) (SBE 21) H. Kern [1884]
Sadi's Scroll of Wisdom Sadi, Arthur N. Wollaston [1906, 1847-50]
Salaman and Absal Nur ad-Din Abd ar-Rahman Jami, Edward Fitzgerald [1904, 1847-50]
The Sama-Veda Ralph Griffith [1895, 1847-50]
The Samoan Story of Creation John Fraser [1891, 1847-50]
The Sand Reckoner Archimedes, Thomas L. Heath [1881, 1847-50]
The Sánkhya Aphorisms of Kapila James R. Ballantyne [1885, 1847-50]
Sanskrit dictionary [1847-50]
Sappho and Phaon Mary Robinson, Sappho [1796, 1847-50]
The Satapatha Brahmana, Part I (SBE 12) Julius Eggeling [1882, 1847-50]
The Satapatha Brahmana, Part II (SBE 26) Julius Eggeling [1885, 1847-50]
The Satapatha Brahmana, Part III (SBE 41) Julius Eggeling [1894, 1847-50]
The Satapatha Brahmana, Part IV (SBE 43) Julius Eggeling [1897, 1847-50]
The Satapatha Brahmana, Part V (SBE 44) Julius Eggeling [1900, 1847-50]
The Satyricon of Petronius Gaius Petronius, Alfred R. Allinson [1930, 1847-50]
The Sayings of Lao Tzu Lao Tzu, Lionel Giles [1905, 1847-50]
Sayings of the Jewish Fathers (Pirqe Aboth) Charles Taylor [1897, 1847-50]
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures Mary Baker Eddy [1910]
The Science of Breath Yogi Ramacharaka, William Walker Atkinson [1904, 1847-50]
The Science of Fairy Tales Edwin Sidney Hartland [1891]
The Science of Geting Rich Wallace Delois Wattles [1910, 1847-50]
The Science of Mind Ernest Holmes [1926, 1847-50]
The Science of Right Immanuel Kant [1790, 1847-50]
Scofield Reference Notes Cyrus Ingerson Scofield [1917]
Scottish Fairy and Folk Tales Sir George Douglas [1773]
Scottish Gaelic Bible (Gospel of Mark)
The Second Battle of Mag Tuired (Cath Maige Tuired)
The Second Helvetic Confession
THE SECOND KEY -- Experiments with the Second Enochian Call or Key Benjamin Rowe [1847-50]
The Secret Common-Wealth of Elves, Fauns and Fairies Robert Kirk, Andrew Lang [1893]
The Secret Doctrine Helena P. Blavatsky [1888, 1847-50]
The Secret Doctrine of the Rosicrucians Magus Incognito, William Walker Atkinson [1918, 1847-50]
The Secret Door To Success Florence Scovel Shinn [1941, 1847-50]
The Secret History of Procopius Richard Atwater, Procopius [1927, 1847-50]
The Secret of Divine Civilization 'Abdu'l-Baha
The Secret of the Ages Robert Collier [1926, 1847-50]
The Secret of the Saucers Ofreo M. Angelucci, Ray Palmer [1955, 1847-50]
The Secret of the Universe Nathan R. Wood [1932, 1847-50]
The Secret Rose Garden Sa'd Ud Din Mahmud Shabistari, Florence Lederer [1920, 1847-50]
The Secret Science Behind Miracles Max Freedom Long [1948, 1847-50]
Secret Societies of the Middle Ages Thomas Keightley [1837, 1847-50]
The Secret Teachings of All Ages Manley Palmer Hall [1928, 1847-50]
The Secrets of the Self Muhammad Iqbal, Reynold A. Nicholson [1920, 1847-50]
The Seeming Unreality of the Spiritual Life Henry Churchill King [1908]
Select Works of Sri Sankaracharya S. Venkataramanan [1921, 1847-50]
Selected Religious Poems of Solomon ibn Gabirol Solomon ibn Gabirol, Israel Zangwill [1923, 1847-50]
Selections from The Cherubinic Wanderer J. E. Crawford Flitch, Angelus Silesius [1932]
Selections from the Poetry of the Afghans H. G. Raverty [1867, 1847-50]
Selections from the Writings of `Abdu'l-Baha 'Abdu'l-Baha
Selections from the Writings of Lord Dunsany Edward Plunkett, Lord Dunsany [1912, 1847-50]
Selections from the Writings of the Bab Bab
Selestor's Men of Atlantis Clara Iza von Ravn [1937]
Self-Contradictions of the Bible William Henry Burr [1860]
Self-Suggestion Max Freedom Long [1958, 1847-50]
Seneca Indian Myths Jeremiah Curtin [1922, 1847-50]
Sepher Yezirah Isidor Kalisch [1877, 1847-50]
SET / HORUS -- Further examination of the Set/Horus Mythos Benjamin Rowe [1847-50]
The Seven Against Thebes Edmund Doidge Anderson Morshead, Aeschylus [1881, 1847-50]
The Seven Evil Spirits R. C. Thompson [1903]
The Seven Tablets of Creation L.W. King [1902]
The Seven Valleys and the Four Valleys Baha'u'llah
Seventh Book of Moses [1847-50]
The Seventh Letter J. Harward, Plato [1928, 1847-50]
The Shah Namah Ferdowsi, Helen Zimmern [1883, 1847-50]
Shakti and Shâkta Arthur Avalon, John Woodroffe [1918, 1847-50]
Shaman, Saiva and Sufi R.O. Winstedt [1925, 1847-50]
Shamanism in Siberia M. A. Czaplicka [1914, 1847-50]
She-rab Dong-bu (The Tree of Wisdom) W. L. Cambell [1919]
The Shepherd And The Daughter Of The Sun [1847-50]
Shibboleth: A Templar Monitor George Cooper Connor [1894, 1847-50]
Shinran and His Work: Studies in Shinshu Theology Arthur Lloyd [1910]
Shri Guru Granth Sahib [1847-50]
The Shundai Zatsuwa (A Japanese Philosopher) Kyuso, Muro Naokiyo, George William Knox [1892, 1847-50]
The Sibylline Oracles Milton S. Terry [1899, 1847-50]
The Signature of All Things Jacob Boehme, Anonymous [1912, 1847-50]
The Sikh Religion, Volume 1 Max Arthur MacAuliffe [1909, 1847-50]
The Six Keys of Eudoxus
Six Universal Substances (Dravyas) [1847-50]
Sixth Book of Moses [1847-50]
Sixty Folk-Tales from Exclusively Slavonic Sources A. H. Wratisalw [1890, 1847-50]
Skullfuck ritual Anon. [1847-50]
Slavery in Massachusetts Henry David Thoreau [1854, 1847-50]
Slavonic Life of Adam and Eve
Small Catechism Martin Luther [1847-50]
The Smokey the Bear Sutra Gary Snyder
The Smoky God Willis George Emerson [1908, 1847-50]
Solar Biology Hiram A. Butler [1887]
Solomon Schechter - Studies in Judaism - The Dogmas of Judaism [1847-50]
Some Answered Questions 'Abdu'l-Baha
Some Myths and Legends of the Australian Aborigines William Jenkyn Thomas [1923]
SOME NOTES ON GEMATRIA IN LIBER AL -- Random musings on Liber AL Benjamin Rowe [1847-50]
Some Western Shoshoni Myths Julian H. Steward [1943, 1847-50]
The Song of Roland Charles Scott Moncrief [1919, 1847-50]
The Songs of Bilitis Pierre Louÿs, Alvah C. Bessie, Bilitis, Pierre Louys [1926, 1847-50]
Songs of Innocence and of Experience William Blake [1789-1794, 1847-50]
Songs of Kabîr Kabir, Rabindranath Tagore, Evelyn Underhill [1915, 1847-50]
The Songs of the Russian People W.R.S. Ralston [1872, 1847-50]
Songs of the Tewa Herbert Joseph Spinden [1931, 1847-50]
Sonnets William Shakespeare [1847-50]
Sophist Benjamin Jowett, Plato [1871, 1847-50]
The Sorceress Jules Michelet, Alfred Richard Allinson [1939, 1847-50]
The Sorceries of Zos Austin O. Spare, Kenneth Grant [1847-50]
The Soul of the Indian Charles Eastman [1911, 1847-50]
South African Folk-Tales James A. Honey [1910]
Spanish Bible Casiodoro de Reina, Cipriano de Valera [1602, 1909]
Specimens of Ainu Folk-lore John Batchelor [1888-1893, 1847-50]
Specimens of Bushman Folklore W.H.I. Bleek, L.C. Lloyd [1911]
Spider Woman, A Story of Navajo Weavers and Chanters Gladys Reichard [1934, 1847-50]
Spiritual Diary Emanuel Swedenborg, George Bush, John H. Smithson, James F. Buss [1747-65, 1883-9, 1847-50]
The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola St. Ignatius of Loyola, Elder Mullan [1522-1524, 1548, 1909]
The Splendour of God Eric Hammond [1909]
Sports and Pastimes of the People of England Joseph Strutt [1903, 1847-50]
Srimad-Bhagavad-Gita Swami Swarupananda [1909, 1847-50]
The Standard Prayer Book Simeon Singer [1915, 1847-50]
Statement on Baha'u'llah
Statesman Benjamin Jowett, Plato [1871, 1847-50]
Stolen Legacy George G.M. James [1954]
The Stone of the Philosophers Edward Kelly
Stonehenge and Other British Stone Monuments Astronomically Considered Norman Lockyer [1906, 1847-50]
Stonehenge, A Temple Restor'd to the British Druids William Stukeley [1740, 1847-50]
Stories from the Faerie Queene Mary Macleod [1916, 1847-50]
Stories of Russian Folk-Life Donald A. Mackenzie [1916, 1847-50]
The Stories of the Months and Days Reginald C. Couzens [1923, 1847-50]
The Story of Atlantis W. Scott-Elliot [1896]
The Story of Beowulf Strafford Riggs, Henry Pitz [1933, 1847-50]
The Story of Burnt Njal George Webbe Dasent [1861, 1847-50]
The Story of Egil Skallagrimsson (Egil's Saga) W.C. Green [1893, 1847-50]
The Story of Gio Ridgely Torrence [1935, 1847-50]
The Story of Gisli the Outlaw George Webbe Dasent [1866, 1847-50]
The Story of Grettir the Strong Eirikr Magnusson, William Morris [1869, 1847-50]
The Story of Mormonism James E. Talmage [1918, 1847-50]
The Story of My Misfortunes: The Autobiography of Peter Abelard Peter Abelard, Henry Adams Bellows [1922]
The Story of the Chaup; A Myth of the Diegueños Constance Goddard Du Bois [1904, 1847-50]
The Story of the Glittering Plain William Morris [1891, 1847-50]
The Story of the Volsungs William Morris, Eirikr Magnusson [1888, 1847-50]
The Story of Utopias Lewis Mumford [1922, 1847-50]
The Story of Viga-Glum Sir Edmund Head [1866, 1847-50]
Stray Birds Rabindranath Tagore [1916, 1847-50]
Studies from an Eastern Home Sister Nivedita, Margaret E. Noble [1913, 1847-50]
Studies in Islamic Mysticism Reynold Alleyne Nicholson [1921, 1847-50]
A Study of Fairy Tales Laura F. Kready [1916, 1847-50]
The SubGenius Manifesto Bob Dobbs [1847-50]
The Subjection of Women John Stuart Mill [1869, 1847-50]
A Sufi Message of Spritual Liberty Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan [1914, 1847-50]
Sumerian Mythology Samuel Noah Kramer [1944, 1961]
Summa Theologica St. Thomas Aquinas, The Fathers of the English Dominican Province [1948]
Summer Legends Rudolph Baumbach, Helen B. Dole [1888, 1847-50]
The Sun Dance and Other Ceremonies of the Oglala Division of The Teton Dakota. J. R. Walker [1917, 1847-50]
Sun Lore of All Ages William Tyler Olcott [1914]
The Sundering Flood William Morris [1897, 1847-50]
The Suppliants E. P. Coleridge, Euripides [1910, 1847-50]
The Suppliants Edmund Doidge Anderson Morshead, Aeschylus [1881, 1847-50]
Survivals in Belief Among the Celts George Henderson [1911]
Swahili Bible (NT)
Swedish Bible [1917]
The Sword of Welleran and Other Stories Edward Plunkett, Lord Dunsany [1908, 1847-50]
Symbolical Masonry H. L. Haywood [1923, 1847-50]
The Symbolism of Freemasonry Albert G. Mackey [1882, 1847-50]
The Symbolism of the Tarot P. D. Ouspensky [1913, 1847-50]
Symposium Benjamin Jowett, Plato [1871, 1847-50]
Symzonia; Voyage of Discovery Adam Seaborn, John Cleves Symmes [1820, 1847-50]
Synod of Dordrecht [1618-9]
Synopsis of the Books of the Bible John Nelson Darby [1857-62]
The Syrian Goddess Herbert A. Strong, Lucian of Samosata [1913, 1847-50]
Lista Titlu : T
T'ai Shang Kan-Ying P'ien Teitaro Suzuki, Paul Carus [1906, 1847-50]
Table of Zuñi Sounds Ruth Bunzel [1847-50, 1929-1930]
Tablet to August Forel 'Abdu'l-Baha
Tablets of 'Abdu'l-Baha 'Abdu'l-Baha
Tablets of Baha'u'llah Revealed after the Kitab-i-Aqdas Baha'u'llah
Tablets of the Divine Plan 'Abdu'l-Baha
Taboo, Magic, Spirits Eli Edward Burriss [1931, 1847-50]
Tagalog Bible [1905]
The Tale of the Armament of Igor Leonard A. Magnus [1915, 1847-50]
Tales and Maxims from the Midrash Samuel Rapaport [1907, 1847-50]
Tales and Traditions of the Eskimo Henry Rink [1875, 1847-50]
Tales from Chaucer Geoffrey Chaucer, Charles Cowden Clarke [1833, 1847-50]
Tales of Fairies and of the Ghost World Jeremiah Curtin [1895]
Tales of the Cochiti Indians Ruth Benedict [1931, 1847-50]
Tales of the Dartmoor Pixies William Crossing [1890, 1847-50]
Tales of the Enchanted Islands of the Atlantic Thomas Wentworth Higginson [1898, 1847-50]
Tales of the North American Indians Stith Thompson [1929, 1847-50]
Tales of Wonder Edward Plunkett, Lord Dunsany [1916, 1847-50]
Tales of Yukaghir, Lamut, and Russianized Natives of Eastern Siberia Waldemar Bogoras [1918]
Talks on Truth Charles Fillmore [1912, 1847-50]
The Talmud Joseph Barclay [1878, 1847-50]
The Talmud, Tract Baba Bathra (Last Gate) Michael L. Rodkinson [1847-50, 1918]
The Talmud, Tract Baba Kama (First Gate), Part II and Tract Baba Metzia (Middle Gate) Michael L. Rodkinson [1847-50, 1918]
The Talmud, Tract Sabbath Michael L. Rodkinson [1847-50, 1918]
The Talmud, Tract Sanhedrin: Section Jurisprudence (Damages) Michael L. Rodkinson [1847-50, 1918]
The Talmud, Tracts Aboth, Derech Eretz-Rabba, Derech Eretz-Zuta, and Baba Kama (First Gate) Michael L. Rodkinson [1847-50, 1918]
The Talmud, Tracts Betzh, Succah, Moed Katan, Taanith, Megilla and Ebel Rabbathi or Semahoth Michael L. Rodkinson [1847-50, 1918]
The Talmud, Tracts Erubin, Shekalim, Rosh Hashana Michael L. Rodkinson [1847-50, 1918]
The Talmud, Tracts Maccoth, Shebuoth, Eduyoth, Abuda Zara, and Horioth Michael L. Rodkinson [1847-50, 1918]
The Talmud, Tracts Pesachim, Yomah and Hagiga Michael L. Rodkinson [1847-50, 1918]
The Talmud: Selections H. Polano [1876, 1847-50]
Taming of the Shrew William Shakespeare [1847-50]
The Tao Teh King: A Short Study in Comparative Religion C. Spurgeon Medhurst [1905, 1847-50]
Tao, The Great Luminant Evan S. Morgan [1933, 1847-50]
Tao-te Ching James Legge [1891, 1847-50]
Taoist Teachings Translated from the Book of Lieh-Tzü Lionel Giles [1912, 1847-50]
Taoist Texts Frederic Henry Balfour [1884, 1847-50]
Taoist Texts, Part I (SBE 39) Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Jame Legge [1891, 1847-50]
Taoist Texts, Part II (SBE40) Chuang Tzu, Jame Legge [1891, 1847-50]
The Tarjuman al-Ashwaq al-Arabi, Reynold A. Nicholson [1911, 1847-50]
The Tarot S.L. MacGregor Mathers [1888, 1847-50]
The Tarot of the Bohemians Papus, A. P Morton [1896, 1847-50]
Te Pito Te Henua, Or Easter Island William J. Thomson [1891, 1847-50]
Teach Us to Pray Charles Fillmore [1941, 1847-50]
Teachings of An Initiate Max Heindel [1847-50]
The Teachings of Zoroaster S.A. Kapadia [1905, 1847-50]
Tempest William Shakespeare [1847-50]
THE TEMPLE OF FIRE -- Consecrating the Temple of the Fire Tablet Benjamin Rowe [1847-50]
The Temporary Autonomous Zone, Ontological Anarchy, Poetic Terrorism Hakim Bey [1847-50]
Ten Virtues Of Monks [1847-50]
Tenderfoot Days George Robert Bird [1918, 1847-50]
Tertium Organum P.D. Ouspensky [1922, 1847-50]
Teutonic Myth and Legend Donald Mackenzie [1912, 1847-50]
A Textbook of Theosophy C.W. Leadbeater [1912, 1847-50]
The Texts of the White Yajurveda Ralph T.H. Griffith [1899, 1847-50]
The Book of Wonder Edward Plunkett, Lord Dunsany [1912, 1847-50]
Theaetetus Benjamin Jowett, Plato [1871, 1847-50]
The Theogony Hugh G. Evelyn-White, Hesiod [1914, 1847-50]
The Theogony in Greek Hesiod [1847-50]
The Theological Declaration of Barmen [1934]
A Theologico-Political Treatise R.H.M. Elwes, Baruch Spinoza [1883, 1847-50]
Theory of the Earth James Hutton [1788, 1795, 1847-50]
Theosophy Rudolf Steiner, Elizabeth Douglas Shields [1910, 1847-50]
Think and Grow Rich Napoleon Hill [1938, 1847-50]
The Thirteen Wants by Mordecai M. Kaplan [1847-50]
Thirty Minor Upanishads K. Narayanasvami Aiyar [1914, 1847-50]
Thou Shalt Not Kill Mark Twain
Thought Relics Rabindranath Tagore [1921, 1847-50]
Three Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonous George Berkeley [1713, 1847-50]
Three Inca Prayers [1847-50]
Thrice-Greatest Hermes, Vol. 1 G.R.S. Mead [1906, 1847-50]
Thrice-Greatest Hermes, Vol. 2 G.R.S. Mead [1906, 1847-50]
Thrice-Greatest Hermes, Vol. 3 G.R.S. Mead [1906, 1847-50]
The Thunder Bird Tootooch Legends W. L. Weber [1936, 1847-50]
Thus Spake Zarathustra Friedrich Nietzsche [1891, 1847-50]
Tibetan Folk Tales A.L. Shelton [1925]
Tilak of Tibet Ann Hackett [1944, 1847-50]
Timaeus Benjamin Jowett, Plato [1871, 1847-50]
Time and the Gods Edward Plunkett, Lord Dunsany [1906, 1847-50]
Timeline: Origin of Major Religions John Bruno Hare [1999, 1847-50]
Timon of Athens William Shakespeare [1847-50]
43. Timothy, Titus, and Philemon John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
Titus Andronicus William Shakespeare [1847-50]
Tlingit Myths and Texts John R. Swanton [1909, 1847-50]
Tom Tit Tot, An Essay on Savage Philosophy in Folk-Tale Edward Clodd [1898]
Tower Legends Bertha Palmer Lane [1932, 1847-50]
Traces of a Hidden Tradition in Masonry and Medieval Mysticism Isabel Cooper-Oakley [1900, 1847-50]
Traces of the Norse Mythology in the Isle of Man P.M.C. Kermode [1904]
The Trachiniae R. C. Jebb, Sophocles [1902, 1847-50]
Tract on the Tincture and Oil of Antimony Roger Bacon
Tractate Berakoth A. Lukyn Williams [1921, 1847-50]
Tractate Sanhedrin, Mishnah and Tosefta Herbert Danby [1919, 1847-50]
Traditions and Hearthside Stories of West Cornwall, (Volume 1) William Bottrell [1870]
Traditions and Hearthside Stories of West Cornwall, (Volume 2) William Bottrell [1873]
Traditions of the Hopi H.R. Voth [1905, 1847-50]
The Transcendalist Ralph Waldo Emerson [1847-50]
The Transmigration of the Seven Brahmans Henry David Thoreau [1931, 1847-50]
A Travellers Narrative 'Abdu'l-Baha
The Treasure of Atlantis J. Allan Dunn [1916]
The Treasure of Treasures for Alchemists Paracelsus, A.E. Waite
The Treasury of David Charles Haddon Spurgeon [1869-85]
Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge R. A. Torrey [1880]
A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge George Berkeley [1710, 1847-50]
The Treatise of Eusebius Against the Life of Apollonius by Philostratus Eusebius, F.C. Conybeare [1912, 1847-50]
A Treatise on Jainism [1847-50]
The Trial of Christ David K. Breed [1948]
The Tribes of the Thirty-Fifth Parallel [1858, 1847-50]
Triumphal Chariot of Antimony Basil Valentine
Troilus and Cressida William Shakespeare [1847-50]
The Trojan Women Gilbert Murray, Euripides [1847-50]
The Trojan Women Euripides [1847-50]
True Christian Religion Emanuel Swedenborg, John Whitehead [1771, 1906, 1847-50]
True Irish Ghost Stories St. John D. Seymour, Harry L. Neligan [1914]
A True Story: Parallel English/Greek Lucian of Samosata [1847-50]
Truth of a Hopi Edmund Nequatewa [1936, 1847-50]
Tsimshian Texts (Nass River Dialect) Franz Boas [1902, 1847-50]
Tsimshian Texts (New Series) Franz Boas [1912, 1847-50]
Turba Philosophorum (part 1)
Turba Philosophorum (part 2)
Turkish Bible
Tutankhamen: Amenism, Atenism and Egyptian Monotheism E. A. Wallis Budge [1923, 1847-50]
Twelfth Night William Shakespeare [1847-50]
Twelve Powers of Man Charles Fillmore [1930, 1847-50]
Twelve Reflections or Bhavnas [1847-50]
Twelve Vows Of Layperson [1847-50]
Twenty-two Goblins Arthur W. Ryder [1912, 1847-50]
Two Gentlemen of Verona William Shakespeare [1847-50]
Two Myths of the Mission Indians A. L. Kroeber [1906, 1847-50]
Two Noble Kinsmen William Shakespeare [1847-50]
Two Orations of the Emperor Julian Thomas Taylor, Julian [1793, 1847-50]
The Twofold Use of the Law & Gospel: "Letter" & "Spirit" Martin Luther [1847-50]
Lista Titlu : U
The Udâna Dawsonne Melanchthon Strong [1902]
Ukrainian Bible (NT) Paneleimon Kulish [1871]
Under the Prophet in Utah Frank J. Cannon, Harvey J. O'Higgins [1911, 1847-50]
Unfolding Destiny Shoghi Effendi
Unicode Qur'an [1847-50]
The Unicorn: A Mythological Investigation Robert Brown [1881, 1847-50]
The Union Haggadah The Central Conference of American Rabbis, Isidore Lipton [1923, 1847-50]
Unitarian Christianity William Ellery Channing [1819]
The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ Nicolas Notovitch, J. H. Connelly, L. Landsberg [1890]
Unveiled Mysteries Godfré Ray King, Guy Warran Ballard [1934, 1847-50]
Unveiling a Parallel Alice Ilgenfritz Jones, Ella Merchant [1893, 1847-50]
Unwritten Literature of Hawaii: The Sacred Songs of the Hula Nathaniel B. Emerson [1909, 1847-50]
The Upanishads, Part I (SBE 1) Max Müller [1879, 1847-50]
The Upanishads, Part II (SBE 15) Max Müller [1884, 1847-50]
Utilitarianism John Stuart Mill [1863, 1847-50]
Utopia Thomas More [1516, 1847-50]
Lista Titlu : V
The Vampire Codex Michelle Belanger [1847-50]
The Vampire Ritual Book Michelle Belanger [2003, 1847-50]
The Vampire, his Kith and Kin Montague Summers [1928, 1847-50]
The Vampyre John Polidori [1819, 1847-50]
The Varieties of Religious Experience William James [1902, 1847-50]
The Vedântâ-Sûtras (SBE 48) Râmânuja, George Thibaut [1904, 1847-50]
The Vedântâ-Sûtras Part I (SBE 34) Sankarâkârya, George Thibaut [1890, 1847-50]
The Vedântâ-Sûtras Part II (SBE 38) Sankarâkârya, George Thibaut [1896, 1847-50]
Vedic Hymns, Part I (SBE 32) F. Max Müller [1891, 1847-50]
Vedic Hymns, Part II (SBE 46) Hermann Oldenberg [1897, 1847-50]
A Vedic Reader for Students A.A. Macdonell [1917, 1847-50]
The Veil of Isis or Mysteries of the Druids W. Winwood Reade [1861, 1847-50]
Venus and Adonis William Shakespeare [1847-50]
Verses of Vemana Vemana, C.P. Brown [1829, 1847-50]
Vietnamese Bible [1934]
Vikram and The Vampire Richard R. Burton [1870, 1847-50]
Vinaya Texts (Part I) (SBE13) T.W. Rhys Davids, Herman Oldenberg [1881]
Vinaya Texts (Part II) (SBE17) T.W. Rhys Davids, Herman Oldenberg [1882]
Vinaya Texts (Part III) (SBE20) T.W. Rhys Davids, Herman Oldenberg [1885]
Vincent's Word Studies Marvin R. Vincent [1886]
Vindication of the Rights Of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft [1792, 1847-50]
The Violet Fairy Book Andrew Lang [1901, 1847-50]
Viracocha And The Coming Of The Incas [1847-50]
The Virgin of the World Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus, Anna Kingsford, Edward Maitland [1885, 1847-50]
The Vishnu Purana H.H. Wilson [1840, 1847-50]
A vision of the Square "T" of ISMT of the Fiery Lesser Angle of the Earth Tablet Anon. [1847-50]
Visions and Beliefs in the West of Ireland Augusta Gregory [1920]
A Visit from St. Nicholas Clement C. Moore [1823, 1847-50]
The Vita Merlini Geoffrey of Monmouth, John Jay Parry [1925, 1847-50]
Vol. II: The Descent of the Sun F.W. Bain [1903, 1847-50]
Vol. III: A Heifer of the Dawn F.W. Bain [1904, 1847-50]
Vol. IV: In the Great God's Hair F.W. Bain [1905, 1847-50]
Volume I: Lectures Robert G. Ingersoll
Volume II: Lectures Robert G. Ingersoll
Voodoo and Obeahs Joseph J. Williams [1932]
The Voyage of Bran Meyer Kuno [1895]
Voyage of the Beagle Charles Darwin [1909]
Vril, the Power of the Coming Race Edward Bulwer-Lytton [1871]
Lista Titlu : W
Wagner's Ring of the Niblung Richard Wagner, Margaret Armour, Arthur Rackham [1910, 1847-50]
Walam Olum Daniel G. Brinton [1885, 1847-50]
Walden, or Life in the Woods Henry David Thoreau [1854, 1847-50]
A Wanderer in the Spirit Lands Franchezzo, A. Farnese [1896, 1847-50]
The Wandering Host David Starr Jordan [1904, 1847-50]
The War of the Worlds Orson Wells [1938, 1847-50]
The War of the Worlds H.G. Wells [1898, 1847-50]
The War Prayer Mark Twain
The Water of the Wondrous Isles William Morris [1897, 1847-50]
The Way of Power Lily Adams Beck [1928, 1847-50]
The Way to Nirvana L. de la Vallée Poussin [1917]
We Met the Space People Helen Mitchell, Betty Mitchell [1959, 1847-50]
The Web of Indian Life Sister Nivedita, Margaret E. Noble [1904, 1847-50]
Webster's Bible Noah Webster [1833]
The Well at the World's End William Morris [1896, 1847-50]
The Welsh Fairy Book W. Jenkyn Thomas [1907]
Western Armenian Bible (NT)
The Westminster Confession of Faith
Westminster Larger Catechism
Westminster Shorter Catechism [1674]
Weymouth New Testament [1903]
What All the World's A-Seeking Ralph Waldo Trine [1896, 1847-50]
What is Man Mark Twain
The Wheat & The Tares Martin Luther [1847-50]
When the Storm God Rides: Tejas and other Indian Legends Florence Stratton, Bessie M. Reid, Berniece Burrough [1936, 1847-50]
White Horse Emanuel Swedenborg, John Whitehead [1758, 1892, 1847-50]
Why I Am An Agnostic Clarence Darrow
Wild Talents Charles Fort [1933, 1847-50]
The Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Baha 'Abdu'l-Baha
The Winter's Tale William Shakespeare [1847-50]
The Wisdom of Israel Edwin Collins [1910, 1847-50]
The Wisdom of Rastafari by Haile Selassie
Wisdom of the Ages Zertoulem, George A. Fuller [1916, 1847-50]
The Wisdom of the Egyptians Brian Brown [1923, 1847-50]
The Wisdom of the Talmud Ben Zion Bokser [1951, 1847-50]
The Witch-Cult in Western Europe Margaret Murray [1921, 1847-50]
The Witch-Persecutions George L. Burr [1896, 1847-50]
With the Adepts: An Adventure Among the Rosicrucians Franz Hartmann [1910, 1847-50]
Wolof Bible (NT)
Woman and the New Race Margaret Sanger [1920, 1847-50]
The Woman's Bible Elizabeth Cady Stanton [1895, 1847-50]
Woman's Mysteries of a Primitive People D. Amaury Talbot [1915]
Woman, Church, and State Matilda Joslyn Gage [1893, 1847-50]
Wonder Tales from Scottish Myth and Legend Donald Alexander Mackenzie [1917]
Wonderful Ethiopians of the Ancient Cushite Empire Drusilla Dunjee Houston [1927]
The Wood Beyond the World William Morris [1894, 1847-50]
Works and Days Hugh G. Evelyn-White, Hesiod [1914, 1847-50]
The Works of Dionysius the Areopagite Dionysius the Areopagite, John Parker [400, 1897]
The Works of Flavius Josephus Josephus, William Whiston [1737, 1847-50]
Works of Julius Caesar Julius Caesar, W.A. McDevitte, W.S. Bohn [1869, 1847-50]
The Works of Lucian H. W. Fowler, F. G. Fowler, Lucian of Samosata [1905, 1847-50]
The works of Margaret Murray John Bruno Hare [1847-50]
Works of St. Anselm St. Anselm, Sidney Norton Deane [1903]
The Works of Stephen Charnock Stephen Charnock [1629-1690]
The Works of Tacitus Alfred John Church, William Jackson Brodribb [1864-1877, 1847-50]
World English Bible [2000]
The World Order of Baha'u'llah Shoghi Effendi
The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors Kersey Graves [1860]
The Worm Ouroboros E. R. Eddison [1922, 1847-50]
The Worship of the Generative Powers Thomas Wright [1866, 1847-50]
Worship of the Serpent John Bathurst Deane [1833, 1847-50]
The Writings of St. Francis of Assisi Paschal Robinson [1905]
Lista Titlu :X
Xhosa Bible
Lista Titlu : Y
The Yajur Veda (Taittiriya Sanhita) Arthur Berriedale Keith [1914, 1847-50]
Yana Texts Edward Sapir [1910, 1847-50]
Yang Chu's Garden of Pleasure Anton Forke [1912, 1847-50]
Yaqui Myths and Legends Ruth Warner Giddings [1959, 1847-50]
The Yatkar-i-Zariran or Memoirs of Zarir [1847-50]
The Yellow Fairy Book Andrew Lang [1894, 1847-50]
The Yengishiki or Shinto Rituals [1847-50]
Yin Chih Wen, The Tract of the Quiet Way Teitaro Suzuki, Paul Carus [1906, 1847-50]
Yoga Lessons for Developing Spiritual Consciousness A. P. Mukerji, William Walker Atkinson [1911, 1847-50]
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Charles Johnston, Patanjali [1912, 1847-50]
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali [1847-50]
Yoga Vashisht or Heaven Found Rishi Singh Gherwal [1930, 1847-50]
Yoruba Legends M. I. Ogumefu [1929]
The Yoruba Speaking Peoples A.B. Ellis [1894]
Young's Literal Translation Robert Young [1862]
Your Forces and How to Use Them Christian D. Larson [1912, 1847-50]
Your Word Is Your Wand Florence Scovel Shinn [1928, 1847-50]
Yucatan Before and After the Conquest Diego de Landa, William Gates [1937, 1847-50]
Yukara, epos of the Ainus Kiyoko Miura [1847-50]
Title List: Z
Zanoni Edward Bulwer Lytton [1842, 1847-50]
30. Zechariah, Malachai John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
Zen for Americans Soyen Shaku, Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki [1906]
The Zend Avesta, Part I: Vendîdâd (SBE 4) James Darmesteter [1880, 1847-50]
The Zend Avesta, Part II: The Sîrôzahs, Yasts and Nyâyis (SBE 23) James Darmesteter [1882, 1847-50]
The Zend Avesta, Part III: (SBE 31) The Yasna, Visparad, Âfrînagân, Gâhs and Miscellaneous Fragments L.H. Mills [1887, 1847-50]
Zetetic Astronomy: Earth Not a Globe Parallax, Samuel Birley Rowbotham [1881, 1847-50]
THE ZODIACAL ROUND -- The precessional sequence as steps in Creativity Benjamin Rowe [1847-50]
The Zohar: Bereshith to Lekh Lekha Nurho de Manhar [1900-14, 1847-50]
Zuñi Fetiches Frank Hamilton Cushing [1883, 1847-50]
Zuñi Origin Myths Ruth Bunzel [1847-50, 1929-1930]
Lista Autori : A
A.L.H.; Lucian of Samosata: Mimes of the Courtesans [1928]
'Abdu'l-Baha: Abdu'l-Baha in London
'Abdu'l-Baha: Foundations of World Unity
'Abdu'l-Baha: Memorials of the Faithful
'Abdu'l-Baha: Paris Talks
'Abdu'l-Baha: The Promulgation of Universal Peace
'Abdu'l-Baha: Some Answered Questions
'Abdu'l-Baha: The Secret of Divine Civilization
'Abdu'l-Baha: Selections from the Writings of `Abdu'l-Baha
'Abdu'l-Baha: Tablets of 'Abdu'l-Baha
'Abdu'l-Baha: Tablet to August Forel
'Abdu'l-Baha: Tablets of the Divine Plan
'Abdu'l-Baha: A Travellers Narrative
'Abdu'l-Baha: The Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Baha
Abelard, Peter; Henry Adams Bellows: The Story of My Misfortunes: The Autobiography of Peter Abelard [1922]
Abelson, J.: Jewish Mysticism [1913]
Abercromby, John: Magic Songs of the West Finns, Vol. I [1898]
Abercromby, John; Elias Lönnrot: Magic Songs of the West Finns, Vol. II [1898]
Abhedananda, Swami; Mahendra Nath Gupta: The Gospel of Ramakrishna [1907]
Abhedânanda, Swâmi: How To Be A Yogi [1902]
Abi-Talib, Ali bin: The Alawite Boook [1847-50]
Adams, W. Marsham: The House of the Hidden Places [1895]
Addison, Charles G.: The History of the Knights Templars [1842]
Addison, Joseph; Sir Samuel Garth; John Dryden; Alexander Pope; William Congreve; Ovid; Publius Ovidius Naso: The Metamorphoses [1717]
Ade, George: Forty Modern Fables [1901]
Adlington, William; Apuleius; Dorothy Mullock: The Most Pleasant and Delectable Tale of The Marriage of Cupid and Psyche [1914]
Adlington, William; Apuleius: The Golden Asse [1566]
AE; George William Russell: The Candle of Vision [1918]
Aeschylus; Edmund Doidge Anderson Morshead: Agamemnon [1881]
Aeschylus; Edmund Doidge Anderson Morshead; Edmund Doidge Anderson Morshead: The Choephori (Libation Bearers) [1881]
Aeschylus; Robert Potter: The Persians [1809]
Aeschylus; Edmund Doidge Anderson Morshead: Prometheus Bound [1881]
Aeschylus; Edmund Doidge Anderson Morshead: The Seven Against Thebes [1881]
Aeschylus; Edmund Doidge Anderson Morshead: The Suppliants [1881]
Aesop; George Fyler Townsend: The Fables of Aesop [1887]
Africanus, Julius; Gregory Thaumaturgus; Dionysius the Great; Anatolius; Methodius; Arnobius: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. VI [1847-50]
Ager, John C.; Emanuel Swedenborg: Divine Love and Wisdom [1763]
Ager, John C.; Emanuel Swedenborg: Heaven and Hell [1758]
Agrippa, Heinrich Cornelius; Henry Morley; L.W. de Laurence: The Philosophy of Natural Magic [1913]
Aiyar, K. Narayanasvami: Thirty Minor Upanishads [1914]
Al-'âmili, Abdul-Sâhib Al-Hasani: The Prophets, Their Lives and Their Stories [1847-50]
al-Arabi; Reynold A. Nicholson: The Tarjuman al-Ashwaq [1911]
Al-Ghazzali; W.H.T. Gairdner: The Mishkât Al-Anwar [1924]
Al-Ghazzali; Claud Field: The Alchemy of Happiness [1909]
al-Hamadhání, Badí‘ al-Zamán; W.J. Prendergast: The Maqámát of Badí‘ al-Zamán al-Hamadhání [1915]
al-Nefzawi, Shaykh Umar ibn Muhammed; Richard Burton: The Perfumed Garden [1886]
Aldington, Richard; Euripides: Alcestis [1847-50]
Alexandria, Clement of; Hermas; Tatian; Athenagoras; Theophilus: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. II [1847-50]
Alfarabi; Robert Hammond: The Philosophy of Alfarabi [1947]
Ali, Abdullah Yusuf: The Holy Quran [1934]
Ali, Maulana Muhammad: A Manual of Hadith [1944]
Ali, Yusuf: The Holy Qur'an: Arabic Text, Pronunciation Guide [1847-50]
Alighieri, Dante: The Divine Comedy [1306-21]
Allen, Herbert J.; Ssuma Ch'ien: Excerpts from Ssuma Ch'ien [1894-5]
Allinson, Alfred R.; Gaius Petronius: The Satyricon of Petronius [1930]
Allinson, Alfred Richard; Jules Michelet: The Sorceress [1939]
Almeida, João Ferreira de: Portuguese Bible [1691]
Ambrose: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. X [1847-50]
Anatolius; Gregory Thaumaturgus; Dionysius the Great; Julius Africanus; Methodius; Arnobius: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. VI [1847-50]
Anderson, Rasmus B.; Arthur Middleton Reeves; North Ludlow Beamish: The Norse Discovery of America [1906]
Angelucci, Ofreo M.; Ray Palmer: The Secret of the Saucers [1955]
Anon.: Enochian Rituals [1847-50]
Anon.: Gnosis [1847-50]
Anon.: IOT [1847-50]
Anon.: Skullfuck ritual [1847-50]
Anon.: ADVORPT -- 90th region in the progression of the Aethyrs [1847-50]
Anon.: A vision of the Square "T" of ISMT of the Fiery Lesser Angle of the Earth Tablet [1847-50]
Anon.: Gematria Values of the Enochian Characters [1847-50]
Anon.: Enochian Magick [1847-50]
Anonymous; Evelyn Underhill: The Cloud of Unknowing [1400]
Anonymous; Éliphas Lévi; H.P. Blavatsky: Paradoxes of the Highest Science [1922]
Anonymous; Jacob Boehme: The Signature of All Things [1912]
Anonymous: Ophiolatreia [1889]
Anselm, St.; Sidney Norton Deane: Works of St. Anselm [1903]
Antoninus, Marcus Aurelius; George Long: Meditations [1847-50]
Anwyl, Edward: Prolegomena to the Study of Old Welsh Poetry [1903]
Aphrahat; Gregory the Great (II); Ephraim Syrus: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. XIII [1847-50]
Apollonius; F.C. Conybeare: The Epistles of Apollonius of Tyana [1912]
Apuleius; William Adlington; Dorothy Mullock: The Most Pleasant and Delectable Tale of The Marriage of Cupid and Psyche [1914]
Apuleius; William Adlington: The Golden Asse [1566]
Aquinas, St. Thomas; The Fathers of the English Dominican Province: Summa Theologica [1948]
Archimedes; Thomas L. Heath: The Sand Reckoner [1881]
Areopagite, Dionysius the; John Parker: The Works of Dionysius the Areopagite [400]
Ariosto, Ludovico; William Stewart Rose: Orlando Furioso [1823-31]
Aristotle; William David Ross: The Nicomachean Ethics [1908]
Aristotle; H. H. Joachim: On Generation and Corruption [1922]
Aristotle; J. L. Stocks: On The Heavens [1922]
Aristotle; S.H. Butcher: Poetics [1902]
Aristotle; Benjamin Jowett: Politics [1885]
Armour, Margaret; Richard Wagner; Arthur Rackham: Wagner's Ring of the Niblung [1910]
Arnobius; Gregory Thaumaturgus; Dionysius the Great; Julius Africanus; Anatolius; Methodius: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. VI [1847-50]
Arnold, Edwin: The Bhagavad Gita [1885]
Arnold, Edwin: Indian Idylls [1883]
Arnold, Edwin; Sa'di: The Gulistan [1899]
Arnold, Matthew: On the Study of Celtic Literature [1867]
Arobindo, Sri: Love and Death [1921]
Arrian; P.E. Matheson: The Discourses of Epictetus [1916]
Ashmand, J.M.: Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos [1833]
Ashtar; Ethel P. Hill: In Days To Come [1957]
Ashton, W.G.: Nihongi Part 1 [1847-50]
Ashton, W.G.: Nihongi Part 2 [1847-50]
Ashton, W.G.: Nihongi Part 3 [1847-50]
Ashton, W.G.: Nihongi Part 4 [1847-50]
Asterius; Lactantius; Venantius; Victorinus; Dionysius: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. VII [1847-50]
Athanasius: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. IV [1847-50]
Athenagoras; Hermas; Tatian; Theophilus; Clement of Alexandria: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. II [1847-50]
Atkinson, William Walker; A. P. Mukerji: Yoga Lessons for Developing Spiritual Consciousness [1911]
Atkinson, William Walker; Elias Gewurz: Hidden Treasures of the Ancient Qabalah [1918]
Atkinson, William Walker; Three Initiates: The Kybalion [1912]
Atkinson, William Walker; Elias Gewurz: Mysteries of the Qabalah [1922]
Atkinson, William Walker; Yogi Ramacharaka: Raja Yoga [1906]
Atkinson, William Walker; Yogi Ramacharaka: The Science of Breath [1904]
Atkinson, William Walker; Magus Incognito: The Secret Doctrine of the Rosicrucians [1918]
Attar, Farid ud-Din; Edward Fitzgerald: Bird Parliament [1889]
Atwater, Richard; Procopius: The Secret History of Procopius [1927]
Auerbach, Leo: The Babylonian Talmud in Selection [1944]
Augustine, St.; Edward Bouverie Pusey: The Confessions of Saint Augustine [401]
Augustine, St.: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. I [1847-50]
Augustine, St.: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. II [1847-50]
Augustine, St.: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. III [1847-50]
Augustine, St.: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. IV [1847-50]
Augustine, St.: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. V [1847-50]
Augustine, St.: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. VI [1847-50]
Augustine, St.: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. VII [1847-50]
Augustine, St.: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. VIII [1847-50]
Avalon, Arthur; John Woodroffe: Hymns to the Goddess [1913]
Avalon, Arthur; John Woodroffe: Hymn to Kâlî: Karpûrâdi-Stotra [1922]
Avalon, Arthur; John Woodroffe: Mahanirvana Tantra [1913]
Avalon, Arthur; John Woodroffe: Shakti and Shâkta [1918]
Avila, St. Teresa of: The Interior Castle [1921]
Lista Autori : B
Bab: Selections from the Writings of the Bab
Babbit, Ellen C.: Jataka Tales [1912]
Babbitt, Frank Cole; Plutarch; Plutarch: The Roman and Greek Questions [1938]
Bachye, Rabbi; Edwin Collins: The Duties of the Heart [1909]
Bacon, Francis: The New Atlantis [1627]
Bacon, Leonard; R. Selden Rose: The Lay of the Cid [1919]
Bacon, Leonard; George Rapnall Noyes: Heroic Ballads of Servia [1913]
Bacon, Roger: Tract on the Tincture and Oil of Antimony
Badger, George Percy: An Inquiry into the Religious Tenets of the Yezeedees [1852]
Baerlein, Henry: The Diwan of Abu'l-Ala [1911]
Baha'u'llah: Epistle to the Son of the Wolf
Baha'u'llah: Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah
Baha'u'llah: The Hidden Words of Baha'u'llah
Baha'u'llah: The Kitab-i-Iqan (The Book of Certitude)
Baha'u'llah: The Kitab-i-Aqdas (The Most Holy Book)
Baha'u'llah: Proclamation of Baha'u'llah
Baha'u'llah: Prayers and Meditations
Baha'u'llah: The Seven Valleys and the Four Valleys
Baha'u'llah: Tablets of Baha'u'llah Revealed after the Kitab-i-Aqdas
Bailey, Alice A.: The Consciousness of the Atom [1922]
Bailey, Alice A.: Initiation, Human and Solar [1922]
Bain, F.W.: Vol. II: The Descent of the Sun [1903]
Bain, F.W.: Vol. III: A Heifer of the Dawn [1904]
Bain, F.W.: Vol. IV: In the Great God's Hair [1905]
Balfour, Frederic Henry: Taoist Texts [1884]
Ballantyne, James R.: The Sánkhya Aphorisms of Kapila [1885]
Ballard, Guy Warran; Godfré Ray King: Unveiled Mysteries [1934]
Bancroft, Hubert Howe: History of Utah, 1540-1886 [1889]
Bandelier, Adolf F.: The Delight Makers [1890]
Barclay, Joseph: The Talmud [1878]
Baring-Gould, Sabine: The Book of Were-Wolves [1865]
Baring-Gould, Sabine: A Book of Folklore [1913]
Barnes, Albert: Notes on the Bible [1834]
Barnett, L.D.: The Path of Light [1909]
Barnett, L.D.: Brahma-Knowledge [1911]
Barrett, Francis: The Magus [1801]
Barrett, S. B.: Pomo Bear Doctors [1917]
Barreul, Abbé; Robert Edward Clifford: Code of the Illuminati [1798]
Basil: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. VIII [1847-50]
Batchelor, John: Specimens of Ainu Folk-lore [1888-1893]
Bates, Ernest Sutherland: The Biography of the Bible [1937]
Batten, John D.; Joseph Jacobs: English Fairy Tales [1890]
Batten, John D.; Joseph Jacobs: More English Fairy Tales [1894]
Baudis, Josef: The Key of Gold: 23 Czech Folk Tales [1917]
Baumbach, Rudolph; Helen B. Dole: Summer Legends [1888]
Beal, Samuel; Asvaghosha Bodhisattva; Dharmaraksha: The Fo-Sho-Hing-Tsan-King (SBE19) [1883]
Beamish, North Ludlow; Arthur Middleton Reeves; Rasmus B. Anderson: The Norse Discovery of America [1906]
Beck, L. Adams; S. Yamabe: Buddhist Psalms [1921]
Beck, Lily Adams: The Way of Power [1928]
Beckwith, Martha Warren: Jamaica Anansi Stories [1924]
Beckwith, Martha Warren: Hawaiian Mythology [1940]
Beckwith, Martha Warren: The Kumulipo, A Hawaiian Creation Chant [1951]
Bede; A.M. Sellar: Bede's Ecclesiastical History of England [731]
Beilenson, Peter: Japanese Haiku [1955]
Belanger, Michelle: The Vampire Codex [1847-50]
Belanger, Michelle: The Vampire Ritual Book [2003]
Bell, Arthur: Mankind United [1936]
Bell, Gertrude Lowthian; Hafiz: Poems from the Divan of Hafiz [1897]
Bellamy, Edward: Looking Backwards [1888]
Bellows, Henry Adams; Peter Abelard: The Story of My Misfortunes: The Autobiography of Peter Abelard [1922]
Bellows, Henry Adams: The Poetic Edda [1936]
Benedict, Ruth: Tales of the Cochiti Indians [1931]
Benham, William; Thomas a Kempis: Imitation of Christ [1418]
Bennett, Florence Mary: Religious Cults Associated with the Amazons [1912]
Benoit, Pierre; Mary C. Tongue; Mary Ross: Altantida (L'Antlantide) [1920]
Benziger; Alban Butler; John Gilmary Shea: Lives of the Saints [1894]
Berkeley, George: Three Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonous [1713]
Berkeley, George: A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge [1710]
Bessie, Alvah C.; Pierre Louÿs; Bilitis; Pierre Louys: The Songs of Bilitis [1926]
Beveridge, Henry; John Calvin: The Institutes of the Christian Religion [1845]
Beveridge, Henry; John Calvin: On the Christian Life [1845]
Beveridge, Henry; John Calvin: Of Prayer [1845]
Bey, Hakim: The Temporary Autonomous Zone, Ontological Anarchy, Poetic Terrorism [1847-50]
Bigelow, William Sturgis: Buddhism and Immortality [1908]
Bilger, Julia; Angelus Silesius: Alexandrines: translated from the "Cherubinischer Wandersmann" [1944]
Bilhana; Edward Powys Mathers: Black Marigolds [1919]
Bilitis; Pierre Louÿs; Alvah C. Bessie; Pierre Louys: The Songs of Bilitis [1926]
Bird, George Robert: Tenderfoot Days [1918]
Blake, William: Songs of Innocence and of Experience [1789-1794]
Blatavsky, H.P.: The Book of Dzyan [1888]
Blavatsky, H.P.; Éliphas Lévi; Anonymous: Paradoxes of the Highest Science [1922]
Blavatsky, Helena P.: Isis Unveiled [1877]
Blavatsky, Helena P.: The Secret Doctrine [1888]
Bleek, W.H.I.; L.C. Lloyd: Specimens of Bushman Folklore [1911]
Bloomfield, Maurice: The Atharva-Veda [1897]
Blum, Paul C.; Andre Ferdinand Herold: The Life of Buddha [1922]
Blumenthal, Verra Xenophontovna Kalamatiano de: Folk Tales From the Russian [1903]
Boas, Franz: Chinook Texts [1894]
Boas, Franz: Kwakiutl Tales [1910]
Boas, Franz: Tsimshian Texts (Nass River Dialect) [1902]
Boas, Franz: Tsimshian Texts (New Series) [1912]
Bodhisattva, Asvaghosha; Dharmaraksha; Samuel Beal: The Fo-Sho-Hing-Tsan-King (SBE19) [1883]
Boehme, Jacob; W. Scott Palmer; Eveyln Underhill: The Confessions of Jacob Boehme [1920]
Boehme, Jacob; Franz Hartmann: The Life and Doctrines of Jacob Boehme [1891]
Boehme, Jacob; Anonymous: The Signature of All Things [1912]
Bogoras, Waldemar: Chukchee Mythology [1910]
Bogoras, Waldemar: Koryak Texts [1917]
Bogoras, Waldemar: Tales of Yukaghir, Lamut, and Russianized Natives of Eastern Siberia [1918]
Bohn, W.S.; Julius Caesar; W.A. McDevitte: Works of Julius Caesar [1869]
Bokser, Ben Zion: The Wisdom of the Talmud [1951]
Bonwick, James: Irish Druids and Old Irish Religions [1894]
Borel, Henri; Dwight Goddard: Laotzu's Tao and Wu Wei [1919]
Borel, Henri; Dwight Goddard: Laotzu's Tao and Wu Wei (2nd ed.) [1939]
Boscana, Geronimo; Alfred Robinson: Chinigchinich [1846]
Bottrell, William: Traditions and Hearthside Stories of West Cornwall, (Volume 1) [1870]
Bottrell, William: Traditions and Hearthside Stories of West Cornwall, (Volume 2) [1873]
Boyajian, Zabelle C.: Armenian Legends and Poems [1916]
Bray, Anna Eliza; Hablot K. Browne: A Peep at the Pixies, or Legends of the West [1854]
Breasted, James Henry: Development of Religion and Thought in Ancient Egypt [1912]
Breed, David K.: The Trial of Christ [1948]
Brett, William Henry: Legends and Myths of the Aboriginal Indians of British Guiana. [1880]
Brinton, Daniel G.: Rig Veda Americanus (Aztec Hymns) [1890]
Brinton, Daniel G.: Walam Olum [1885]
Brock, C.E.; Edwin Sidney Hartland: English Fairy and Other Folk Tales [1890]
Brodeur, Arthur Gilchrist; Snorri Sturlson: The Prose Edda [1916]
Brodribb, William Jackson; Alfred John Church: The Works of Tacitus [1864-1877]
Brown, Brian: The Wisdom of the Egyptians [1923]
Brown, C.P.; Vemana: Verses of Vemana [1829]
Brown, David; Robert Jamieson; A. R. Fausset: A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments [1882]
Brown, Robert: The Unicorn: A Mythological Investigation [1881]
Browne, Hablot K.; Anna Eliza Bray: A Peep at the Pixies, or Legends of the West [1854]
Bucke, Richard Maurice: Cosmic Consciousness [1901]
Budge, E. A. Wallis: The Kebra Nagast [1922]
Budge, E. A. Wallis: The Babylonian Legends of Creation [1921]
Budge, E. A. Wallis: The Babylonian Story of the Deluge and the Epic of Gilgamish. [1929]
Budge, E. A. Wallis: The Book of the Bee [1886]
Budge, E. A. Wallis: The Book of the Cave of Treasures [1927]
Budge, E. A. Wallis: The Egyptian Heaven and Hell Vol. I: The Book of the Am-Tuat [1905]
Budge, E. A. Wallis: The Egyptian Book of the Dead [1895]
Budge, E. A. Wallis: The Egyptian Heaven and Hell [1905]
Budge, E. A. Wallis: The Egyptian Heaven and Hell Vol III: The Egyptian Heaven and Hell [1905]
Budge, E. A. Wallis: Egyptian Magic [1901]
Budge, E. A. Wallis; Samuel Sharpe: Egyptian Mythology and Egyptian Christianity [1863]
Budge, E. A. Wallis: The Egyptian Heaven and Hell Vol II: The Book of Gates [1905]
Budge, E. A. Wallis: Legends of the Gods: The Egyptian Texts [1912]
Budge, E. A. Wallis: The Liturgy of Funerary Offerings [1909]
Budge, E. A. Wallis: The Rosetta Stone [1893]
Budge, E. A. Wallis: Tutankhamen: Amenism, Atenism and Egyptian Monotheism [1923]
Budge, E.A.W.: The Laughable Stories of Bar-Hebraeus [1897]
Bühler, George: The Laws of Manu [1886]
Bühler, George: The Sacred Laws of the Âryas, Part I (SBE 2) [1879]
Bühler, George: The Sacred Laws of the Âryas, Part II (SBE 14) [1879]
Bulfinch, Thomas: Bulfinch's Mythology [1855]
Bulwer-Lytton, Edward: Vril, the Power of the Coming Race [1871]
Bunyan, John: Pilgrim's Progress [1678]
Bunzel, Ruth: Table of Zuñi Sounds [1847-50]
Bunzel, Ruth: Zuñi Origin Myths [1847-50]
Bunzel, Ruth: Introduction to Zuñi Ceremonialism [1847-50]
Burnet, Thomas: The Sacred Theory of the Earth [1691]
Burr, George L.: The Witch-Persecutions [1896]
Burr, William Henry: Self-Contradictions of the Bible [1860]
Burriss, Eli Edward: Taboo, Magic, Spirits [1931]
Burrough, Berniece; Florence Stratton; Bessie M. Reid: When the Storm God Rides: Tejas and other Indian Legends [1936]
Burroughs, Edgar Rice: At the Earth's Core [1914]
Burroughs, Edgar Rice: Pellucidar [1915]
Burton, Richard; L.C. Smithers: The Priapeia [1890]
Burton, Richard: The 1001 Arabian Nights [1850]
Burton, Richard: The Ananga Ranga [1885]
Burton, Richard; Shaykh Umar ibn Muhammed al-Nefzawi: The Perfumed Garden [1886]
Burton, Richard: Kama Sutra of Vatsayayana [1883]
Burton, Richard R.: Vikram and The Vampire [1870]
Burton, Sir Richard; Hâjî Abdû El-Yezdî: The Kasîdah [1880]
Bush, George; Emanuel Swedenborg; John H. Smithson; James F. Buss: Spiritual Diary [1747-65]
Buss, James F.; Emanuel Swedenborg; George Bush; John H. Smithson: Spiritual Diary [1747-65]
Butcher, S.H.; Aristotle: Poetics [1902]
Butler, Alban; John Gilmary Shea; Benziger: Lives of the Saints [1894]
Butler, Hiram: The Goal of Life [1908]
Butler, Hiram A.: Solar Biology [1887]
Butler, Samuel: The Authoress of the Odyssey [1922]
Butler, Samuel; Homer: The Iliad of Homer [1898]
Butler, Samuel; Homer: The Odyssey of Homer [1900]
Butler, Samuel: Erewhon, or Over the Range [1872]
Buttera, Frank J.; Pierre Louÿs; Willis L. Parker: Aphrodite (Ancient Manners) [1932]
Lista Autori : C
Cady, H. Emilie: Lessons in Truth [1894]
Caesar, Julius; W.A. McDevitte; W.S. Bohn: Works of Julius Caesar [1869]
Caius; Hippolytus; Cyprian; Novatian: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. V [1847-50]
Callaway, Henry: The Religious System of the Amazulu [1870]
Callow, Edward: The Phynodderree and Other Legends of the Isle of Man [1882]
Callow, Edward: The Phynodderree and Other Legends of the Isle of Man [1882]
Calvert, Albert F.: The Aborigines of Western Australia [1894]
Calvin, John; John King: 1. Genesis, Part I [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 2. Genesis, Part II [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 3. Harmony of the Law, Part I [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 4. Harmony of the Law, Part II [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 5. Harmony of the Law, Part III [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 6. Harmony of the Law, Part IV [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 7. Joshua [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 8. Psalms, Part I [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 9. Psalms, Part II [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 10. Psalms, Part III [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 11. Psalms, Part IV [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 12. Psalms, Part V [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 13. Isaiah, Part I [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 14. Isaiah, Part II [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 15. Isaiah, Part III [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 16. Isaiah, Part IV [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 17. Jeremiah and Lamentations, Part I [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 18. Jeremiah and Lamentations, Part II [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 19. Jeremiah and Lamentations, Part III [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 20. Jeremiah and Lamentations, Part IV [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 21. Jeremiah and Lamentations, Part V [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 22. Ezekiel, Part I [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 23. Ezekiel, Part II [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 24. Daniel, Part I [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 25. Daniel, Part II [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 26. Hosea [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 27. Joel, Amos, Obadiah [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 28. Jonah, Micah, Nahum [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 29. Habakkuk, Zephaniah, and Haggai [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 30. Zechariah, Malachai [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 31. Matthew, Mark and Luke, Part I [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 32. Matthew, Mark and Luke, Part II [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 33. Matthew, Mark and Luke, Part III [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 34. John, Part I [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 35. John, Part II [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 36. Acts, Part I [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 37. Acts, Part II [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 38. Romans [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 39. Corinthians, Part I [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 40. Corinthians, Part II [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 41. Galatians and Ephesians [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 42. Philippians, Colossians, and Thessalonians [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 43. Timothy, Titus, and Philemon [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 44. Hebrews [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 45. Catholic Epistles [1847-50]
Calvin, John; Henry Beveridge: The Institutes of the Christian Religion [1845]
Calvin, John; Henry Beveridge: On the Christian Life [1845]
Calvin, John; Henry Beveridge: Of Prayer [1845]
Cambell, W. L.: She-rab Dong-bu (The Tree of Wisdom) [1919]
Camoens, Luis de; William Julius Mickle: The Lusiad [1776]
Campanella, Tommaso: The City of the Sun [1637]
Campbell, J. F.; George Henderson: The Celtic Dragon Myth [1911]
Campbell, J. F.: Popular Tales of the West Highlands, Vol. I [1890]
Campbell, J. F.: Popular Tales of the West Highlands, Vol. II [1890]
Campbell, J. F.: Popular Tales of the West Highlands, Vol. III [1890]
Campbell, J. F.: Popular Tales of the West Highlands, Vol. IV [1890]
Cannon, Frank J.; Harvey J. O'Higgins: Under the Prophet in Utah [1911]
Carmicheal, Alexander: Carmina Gadelica, Vol. I [1900]
Carmicheal, Alexander: Carmina Gadelica, Vol. II [1900]
Carpenter, Edward: Pagan and Christian Creeds [1922]
Carpenter, Edward: Ioläus [1918]
Carpenter, Edward: Intermediate Types Among Primitive Folk [1914]
Carpenter, Edward: Love's Coming of Age [1906]
Carpenter, Frederick V.; John Steven McGroarty: Mission Memories [1929]
Carroll, Peter: Excerpts from Peter Carroll's Works part 1 [1847-50]
Carroll, Peter: Excerpts from Peter Carroll's Works part 2 [1847-50]
Carroll, Peter: The Magus [1847-50]
Carroll, Peter: Chaos Monasticism [1847-50]
Carroll, Peter: Octarine: Rituals and Spell Objectives and Design in Eight Magics [1847-50]
Carroll, Peter: The Pact (IOT) - The Story So Far [1847-50]
Carroll, Peter: Paradigm Shifts and Aeonics [1847-50]
Carroll, Peter: Principia Chaotica [1847-50]
Carroll, Peter: The Magical Pact of The Illuminnates Of Thanateros [1847-50]
Carter, Jesse Benedict: The Religion of Numa [1906]
Carus, Paul: Amitabha [1906]
Carus, Paul: The Gospel of Buddha: Compiled from Ancient Records [1909]
Carus, Paul: Buddha, the Word
Carus, Paul: Chinese Occultism [1907]
Carus, Paul: The History of the Devil [1900]
Carus, Paul; D.T. Suzuki: The Canon of Reason and Virtue [1913]
Carus, Paul; Teitaro Suzuki: T'ai Shang Kan-Ying P'ien [1906]
Carus, Paul; Teitaro Suzuki: Yin Chih Wen, The Tract of the Quiet Way [1906]
Carus, Titus Lucretius; William Ellery Leonard: On The Nature Of Things [1847-50]
Cassian, John; Sulpitius Severus; Vincent of Lerins: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. XI [1847-50]
Ch'ien, Ssuma; Herbert J. Allen: Excerpts from Ssuma Ch'ien [1894-5]
Challoner, Richard: Douay-Rheims Bible [1752]
Chalmers, Robert; E.B. Cowell: The Jataka, Vol. I [1895]
Chamberlain, Basil Hall: Aino Folk-Tales [1888]
Chamberlain, Basil Hall: The Kojiki [1919]
Chamberlain, Basil Hall: The Kojiki [1919]
Channing, William Ellery: Unitarian Christianity [1819]
Chao, Mark; Jaq D. Hawkins: Defining Chaos [1847-50]
Charles, R.H.: The Book of Enoch [1917]
Charles, R.H.: The Book of Jubilees [1917]
Charnock, Stephen: The Works of Stephen Charnock [1629-1690]
Chatterji, Hari Prasanna; Swami Vijnanananda: The S'rimad Devî Bhâgawatam [1921]
Chatterji, Hari Prasanna; Swami Vijnanananda: The Devî Gita [1921]
Chaucer, Geoffrey: The Canterbury Tales and Other Works of Chaucer (Middle English) [1400]
Chaucer, Geoffrey; Charles Cowden Clarke: Tales from Chaucer [1833]
Chen, Ivan: The Book of Filial Duty [1908]
Child, Francis James: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads [1882]
Chrysostom, St.: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. IX [1847-50]
Chrysostom, St.: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. X [1847-50]
Chrysostom, St.: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. XI [1847-50]
Chrysostom, St.: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. XII [1847-50]
Chrysostom, St.: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. XIII [1847-50]
Chrysostom, St.: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. XIV [1847-50]
Church, Alfred John; William Jackson Brodribb: The Works of Tacitus [1864-1877]
Churchward, James: The Sacred Symbols of Mu [1933]
Clark, Galen: Indians of the Yosemite Valley and Vicinity [1904]
Clarke, Adam: Commentary on the Bible [1831]
Clarke, Charles Cowden; Geoffrey Chaucer: Tales from Chaucer [1833]
Clement; Origen: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. IX [1847-50]
Clifford, Robert Edward; Abbé Barreul: Code of the Illuminati [1798]
Clodd, Edward: Tom Tit Tot, An Essay on Savage Philosophy in Folk-Tale [1898]
Clouston, W. A.: The Book of Noodles [1888]
Clouston, W. A.: Arabian Poetry [1881]
Cockren, A.: Alchemy Rediscovered and Restored [1941]
Cohen, Abraham: Ancient Jewish Proverbs [1911]
Cole, Mabel Cook: Philippine Folk Tales [1916]
Coleridge, E. P.; Euripides: Andromache [1910]
Coleridge, E. P.; Euripides: The Cyclops [1910]
Coleridge, E. P.; Euripides: Electra [1910]
Coleridge, E. P.; Euripides: Hecuba [1910]
Coleridge, E. P.; Euripides: Helen [1910]
Coleridge, E. P.; Euripides: The Heracleidae [1910]
Coleridge, E. P.; Euripides: Heracles [1910]
Coleridge, E. P.; Euripides: Hippolytus [1910]
Coleridge, E. P.; Euripides: Medea [1910]
Coleridge, E. P.; Euripides: Orestes [1910]
Coleridge, E. P.; Euripides: The Phoenissae [1910]
Coleridge, E. P.; Euripides: The Suppliants [1910]
Collier, Robert: The Secret of the Ages [1926]
Collingwood, W.G.; J. Stefansson: The Life and Death of Cormac the Skalda [1901]
Collins, Edwin; Rabbi Bachye: The Duties of the Heart [1909]
Collins, Edwin: The Wisdom of Israel [1910]
Colum, Padraic; Homer: The Adventures of Odysseus and the Tale of Troy [1918]
Colum, Padraic: Orpheus, Myths of the World [1930]
Colum, Padraic: The King of Ireland's Son [1916]
Colum, Padraic; Willy Pogany: The Children of Odin [1920]
Comfort, W.W.; Chretien DeTroyes: Cliges [1914]
Comfort, W.W.; Chretien DeTroyes: Erec et Enide [1914]
Compton, Margaret: American Indian Fairy Tales [1907]
Confucius; James Legge: The Confucian Canon in Chinese and English [1893]
Confucius; James Legge: Confucian Analects (Lun Yü) [1893]
Confucius; James Legge: The Great Learning (Ta Hsüeh) [1893]
Confucius; James Legge: The Doctrine Of The Mean (Chung Yung) [1893]
Congreve, William; Sir Samuel Garth; John Dryden; Alexander Pope; Joseph Addison; Ovid; Publius Ovidius Naso: The Metamorphoses [1717]
Connelly, J. H.; Nicolas Notovitch; L. Landsberg: The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ [1890]
Connor, George Cooper: Shibboleth: A Templar Monitor [1894]
Conybeare, F.C.; Apollonius: The Epistles of Apollonius of Tyana [1912]
Conybeare, F.C.; Philostratus: The Life of Apollonius of Tyana [1912]
Conybeare, F.C.; Eusebius: The Treatise of Eusebius Against the Life of Apollonius by Philostratus [1912]
Cooper-Oakley, Isabel: The Comte de St. Germain [1912]
Cooper-Oakley, Isabel: Traces of a Hidden Tradition in Masonry and Medieval Mysticism [1900]
Cory, Alexander Turner: The Hieroglyphics of Horapollo [1840]
Cory, I. P.: Ancient Fragments [1832]
Costa, Hippolyto Joseph da: The Dionysian Artificers [1820]
Court, US Supreme: Roe v. Wade [1973]
Couzens, Reginald C.: The Stories of the Months and Days [1923]
Cowell, E.B.; Robert Chalmers: The Jataka, Vol. I [1895]
Cowell, E.B.; W. H. D. Rouse: The Jataka, Vol. II [1895]
Cowell, E.B.; H.T. Francis: The Jataka, Vol. III [1897]
Cowell, E.B.; W.H.D. Rouse: The Jataka, Vol. IV [1901]
Cowell, E.B.; H.T. Francis: The Jataka, Vol. V [1905]
Cowell, E.B.; W.H.D. Rouse: The Jataka, Vol. VI [1907]
Cowell, E.B.; F. Max Müller; J. Kakakusu: Buddhist Mahâyâna Texts (SBE 49) [1894]
Cowley, A.E.; A. Neubauer: Original Hebrew of a Portion of Ecclesiasticus [1897]
Cox, Edwin Marion; Sappho: The Poems of Sappho [1925]
Cox, Edwin Marion; Sappho: The Poems of Sappho (Unicode) [1925]
Cranmer-Byng, L.: The Book of Odes [1908]
Cranmer-Byng, L.: A Feast of Lanterns [1916]
Crawford, John Martin: The Kalevala (English) [1888]
Creswick, Paul; N.C. Wyeth: Robin Hood [1902]
Croker, Thomas Crofton: Fairy Legends and Traditions [1825]
Cronyn, George W.: The Path on the Rainbow [1918]
Crossing, William: Tales of the Dartmoor Pixies [1890]
Crowley, Aleister; S.L. MacGregor Mathers: The Lesser Key of Solomon [1904]
Cumont, Franz: Astrology and Religion Among the Greeks and Romans [1912]
Cumont, Franz: The Mysteries of Mithra [1903]
Cumont, Franz: The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism [1911]
Curtin, Jeremiah: A Journey in Southern Siberia [1909]
Curtin, Jeremiah: Creation Myths of Primitive America [1898]
Curtin, Jeremiah: Seneca Indian Myths [1922]
Curtin, Jeremiah: Myths and Folklore of Ireland [1890]
Curtin, Jeremiah: Tales of Fairies and of the Ghost World [1895]
Cushing, Frank Hamilton: Outline of Zuñi Mytho-Sociologic Organization [1891-1892]
Cushing, Frank Hamilton: Zuñi Fetiches [1883]
Cushing, Frank Hamilton: Remarks on Shamanism [1897]
Cushing, Frank Hamilton: Form and Form and the Dance Drama [1896]
Cushing, Frank Hamilton: Corn Raising: The Decay of the Seed [1884]
Cushing, Frank Hamilton: Corn Raising: The Regeneration of the Seed [1884]
Cushing, Frank Hamilton: Clowns, Priests, and Festivals of the Kâ'-kâ [1885]
Cushing, Frank Hamilton: Creation and the Origin of Corn [1884]
Cushing, Frank Hamilton: Cushing: Zuñi Folk Tales [1901]
Cyprian; Hippolytus; Caius; Novatian: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. V [1847-50]
Czaplicka, M. A.: Shamanism in Siberia [1914]
Lista Autori : D
d'Alviella, Goblet: The Migration of Symbols [1894]
d'Olivet, Fabre; Pythagoras: The Golden Verses of Pythagoras [1917]
Da Vinci, Leonardo; Jean Paul Richter: The Da Vinci Notebooks [1883]
Damascus, John of; Hilary of Poitiers: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. IX [1847-50]
Danby, Herbert: Tractate Sanhedrin, Mishnah and Tosefta [1919]
Darby, J.N.: Darby Bible [1890]
Darby, John Nelson: Synopsis of the Books of the Bible [1857-62]
Darby, John Nelson: The Man of Sorrows [no date (pre-1882)]
Darby, John Nelson: Notes on the Book of the Revelation [1876]
Darmesteter, James: The Zend Avesta, Part I: Vendîdâd (SBE 4) [1880]
Darmesteter, James: The Zend Avesta, Part II: The Sîrôzahs, Yasts and Nyâyis (SBE 23) [1882]
Darrow, Clarence: Absurdities of the Bible
Darrow, Clarence: Facing Life Fearlessly
Darrow, Clarence: Why I Am An Agnostic
Darwin, Charles: Voyage of the Beagle [1909]
Darwin, Charles: The Descent of Man [1871]
Darwin, Charles: Origin of Species [1872]
Dasent, George: Popular Tales from the Norse [1904]
Dasent, George W.: Icelandic Sagas, Vol. 3: The Orkneyingers Saga [1894]
Dasent, George Webbe: The Story of Gisli the Outlaw [1866]
Dasent, George Webbe: The Story of Burnt Njal [1861]
Dasgupta, S.N.: Hindu Mysticism [1927]
Davids, Caroline A. F. Rhys: Psalms of the Sisters [1909]
Davids, T. W. Rhys: The Questions of King Milinda, Part I (SBE35) [1890]
Davids, T. W. Rhys: The Questions of King Milinda, Part II (SBE36) [1894]
Davids, T.W. Rhys: Dialogues of the Buddha [1899]
Davids, T.W. Rhys: Buddhist Suttas (SBE11) [1881]
Davids, T.W. Rhys; Herman Oldenberg: Vinaya Texts (Part I) (SBE13) [1881]
Davids, T.W. Rhys; Herman Oldenberg: Vinaya Texts (Part II) (SBE17) [1882]
Davids, T.W. Rhys; Herman Oldenberg: Vinaya Texts (Part III) (SBE20) [1885]
Dawson, Miles Menander: The Ethics of Confucius [1915]
Dayrell, Elphinstone; Andrew Lang: Folk Stories from Southern Nigeria [1910]
De Boer, T. J.: The History of Philosophy in Islam [1903]
Deane, John Bathurst: Worship of the Serpent [1833]
Deane, Sidney Norton; St. Anselm: Works of St. Anselm [1903]
Delitzsch, Franz; Carl Friedrich Keil: Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament [1857-78]
Dennett, R. E.: Notes on the Folklore of the Fjort [1898]
Dennett, R. E.: At the Back of the Black Man's Mind [1906]
Dennis, James Teackle: The Burden of Isis [1910]
Descartes, Rene: Discourse on the Method of Rightly Conducting the Reason, and Seeking Truth in the Sciences [1847-50]
Descartes, Rene: Meditations on First Philosophy [1641]
DeTroyes, Chretien; W.W. Comfort: Cliges [1914]
DeTroyes, Chretien; W.W. Comfort: Erec et Enide [1914]
DeTroyes, Chretien; Sebastian Evans: The High History of the Holy Graal [1898]
Dharmaraksha; Asvaghosha Bodhisattva; Samuel Beal: The Fo-Sho-Hing-Tsan-King (SBE19) [1883]
Dickens, Charles: A Christmas Carol [1843]
Diodati, Giovanni: Italian Bible [1649]
Dionysius; Lactantius; Venantius; Asterius; Victorinus: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. VII [1847-50]
Dixon, Roland B.: Achomawi and Atsugewi Tales and Achomawi Myths [1908]
Dixon, Roland B.: Maidu Texts [1912]
Dixon, Roland B.: Oceanic Mythology [1916]
Dobbs, Bob: The SubGenius Manifesto [1847-50]
Dobie, J. Frank: Coffee in the Gourd [1923]
Dole, Helen B.; Rudolph Baumbach: Summer Legends [1888]
Dom, C. A. Wynschenk; Jan van Ruysbroeck; Evelyn Underhill: The Adornment of the Spiritual Marriage [1916]
Donnelly, Ignatius: Atlantis, the Antediluvian World [1882]
Donnelly, Ignatius: Ragnarok: The Age of Fire and Gravel [1883]
Donnelly, Ignatius: Cæsar's Column [1890]
Douglas, Sir George: Scottish Fairy and Folk Tales [1773]
Dowling, Levi H.: The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ [1920]
Doyle, Arthur Conan: The Coming of the Fairies [1922]
Dresser, Horatio W.; Phineas Parkhurst Quimby: The Quimby Manuscripts [1921]
Dryden, John; Sir Samuel Garth; Alexander Pope; Joseph Addison; William Congreve; Ovid; Publius Ovidius Naso: The Metamorphoses [1717]
Dryden, John; Virgil: The Aeneid of Virgil [1697]
Du Bois, Constance Goddard: The Story of the Chaup; A Myth of the Diegueños [1904]
Du Bois, Constance Goddard: Ceremonies and Traditions of the Diegueño Indians [1908]
Du Bois, Constance Goddard: Mythology of the Mission Indians [1904]
Du Bois, Constance Goddard: The Mythology of the Diegueños [1901]
Du Bois, Constance Goddard: The Religion of the Luiseño Indians of Southern California [1908]
Du Bois, W.E.B.: The Negro [1915]
Dudgeon, John: Kung-Fu, or Tauist Medical Gymnastics [1895]
Duncan, Malcolm C.: Duncan's Masonic Ritual and Monitor [1866]
Dunn, J. Allan: The Treasure of Atlantis [1916]
Dunsany, Edward Plunkett, Lord: A Dreamer's Tales [1910]
Dunsany, Edward Plunkett, Lord: Don Rodriguez [1922]
Dunsany, Edward Plunkett, Lord: Fifty-One Tales [1915]
Dunsany, Edward Plunkett, Lord: The Gods of Pegana [1905]
Dunsany, Edward Plunkett, Lord: Plays of Gods and Men [1917]
Dunsany, Edward Plunkett, Lord: Selections from the Writings of Lord Dunsany [1912]
Dunsany, Edward Plunkett, Lord: The Sword of Welleran and Other Stories [1908]
Dunsany, Edward Plunkett, Lord: Time and the Gods [1906]
Dunsany, Edward Plunkett, Lord: Tales of Wonder [1916]
Dunsany, Edward Plunkett, Lord: The Book of Wonder [1912]
Dutt, R.: The Ramayana and Mahabharata [1899]
Dyck, Cornelius Van Allen Van; Eli Smith: Arabic Bible [1865]
Dyer, T.F. Thiselton: Folk-lore of Shakespeare [1883]
Lista Autori : E
Eastman, Charles: The Soul of the Indian [1911]
Ebbutt, Maud Isabel: Hero-Myths and Legends of the British Race [1910]
Eckartshausen, Karl; Isabel de Steiger; A.E. Waite: The Cloud Upon the Sanctuary [1909]
Eddison, E. R.: The Worm Ouroboros [1922]
Eddy, Mary Baker: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures [1910]
Edkins, Joseph: Chinese Buddhism [1893]
Edwards, A. Hart; Sadi: The Bustan of Sadi [1911]
Edwards, George Wharton; Hamilton W. Mabie: A Book of Old English Ballads [1896]
Edwardy, William M.: The Navajo Indians [1890]
Effendi, Shoghi: The Advent of Divine Justice
Effendi, Shoghi: Arohanui: Letters to New Zealand
Effendi, Shoghi: Baha'i Administration
Effendi, Shoghi: Citadel of Faith
Effendi, Shoghi: Directives from the Guardian
Effendi, Shoghi: The Dawn of a New Day
Effendi, Shoghi: God Passes By
Effendi, Shoghi: High Endeavours: Messages to Alaska
Effendi, Shoghi: The Light of Divine Guidance (volume 1) [Message to Germany and Austria]
Effendi, Shoghi: The Light of Divine Guidance (volume 2)
Effendi, Shoghi: Letters from the Guardian to Australia and New Zealand
Effendi, Shoghi: Messages to America
Effendi, Shoghi: The Promised Day is Come
Effendi, Shoghi: Unfolding Destiny
Effendi, Shoghi: The World Order of Baha'u'llah
Eflaki; Rumi; James W. Redhouse: The Mesnevi [1881]
Eggeling, Julius: The Satapatha Brahmana, Part I (SBE 12) [1882]
Eggeling, Julius: The Satapatha Brahmana, Part II (SBE 26) [1885]
Eggeling, Julius: The Satapatha Brahmana, Part III (SBE 41) [1894]
Eggeling, Julius: The Satapatha Brahmana, Part IV (SBE 43) [1897]
Eggeling, Julius: The Satapatha Brahmana, Part V (SBE 44) [1900]
Einstein, Albert: Conversation on Religion and Antisemitism
Einstein, Albert: On prayer; purpose in nature; meaning of life; the soul; a personal God
Einstein, Albert: Religion and Science
Eitel, Ernest J.: Feng Shui [1873]
Ekai; Huikai; Mu-mon; Nyogen Senzaki; Paul Reps: The Gateless Gate [1934]
El-Yezdî, Hâjî Abdû; Sir Richard Burton: The Kasîdah [1880]
Ellis, A.B.: The Yoruba Speaking Peoples [1894]
Elton, Oliver; Saxo Grammaticus: The Danish History [1905]
Elwes, R.H.M.; Baruch Spinoza: Correspondence [1883]
Elwes, R.H.M.; Baruch Spinoza: Ethics [1883]
Elwes, R.H.M.; Baruch Spinoza: A Theologico-Political Treatise [1883]
Elwes, R.H.M.; Baruch Spinoza: On the Improvement of Understanding [1883]
Elworthy, Frederick Thomas: The Evil Eye [1895]
Emerson, Nathaniel B.: Unwritten Literature of Hawaii: The Sacred Songs of the Hula [1909]
Emerson, Ralph Waldo: Essays, First Series [1847-50]
Emerson, Ralph Waldo: Essays, Second Series [1847-50]
Emerson, Ralph Waldo: The Transcendalist [1847-50]
Emerson, Willis George: The Smoky God [1908]
Emmerich, Anne Catherine: The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ [1843]
Epictetus: The Discourses [101]
Epictetus: The Enchiridion [1847-50]
Epicurus: Letter to Menoeceus [1847-50]
Esslemont: Baha'u'llah and the New Era
Euripides; Richard Aldington: Alcestis [1847-50]
Euripides; E. P. Coleridge: Andromache [1910]
Euripides: The Bacchantes [1847-50]
Euripides; E. P. Coleridge: The Cyclops [1910]
Euripides; Gilbert Murray: Euripides and His Age [1847-50]
Euripides; E. P. Coleridge: Electra [1910]
Euripides; E. P. Coleridge: Hecuba [1910]
Euripides; E. P. Coleridge: Helen [1910]
Euripides; E. P. Coleridge: The Heracleidae [1910]
Euripides; E. P. Coleridge: Heracles [1910]
Euripides; E. P. Coleridge: Hippolytus [1910]
Euripides; Robert Potter: Ion [1887]
Euripides; Robert Potter: Iphigenia in Tauris [1887]
Euripides: Iphigenia At Aulis [1847-50]
Euripides; E. P. Coleridge: Medea [1910]
Euripides; E. P. Coleridge: Orestes [1910]
Euripides; E. P. Coleridge: The Phoenissae [1910]
Euripides: Rhesus [1847-50]
Euripides; E. P. Coleridge: The Suppliants [1910]
Euripides: The Trojan Women [1847-50]
Euripides; Gilbert Murray: The Trojan Women [1847-50]
Eusebius: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. I [1847-50]
Eusebius; F.C. Conybeare: The Treatise of Eusebius Against the Life of Apollonius by Philostratus [1912]
Evans, Sebastian; Geoffrey of Monmouth: Geoffrey of Monmouth [1129]
Evans, Sebastian; Chretien DeTroyes: The High History of the Holy Graal [1898]
Evans-Wentz, W.Y.: The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries [1911]
Evelyn-White, Hugh G.; Hesiod: The Theogony [1914]
Evelyn-White, Hugh G.; Hesiod: Works and Days [1914]
Evelyn-White, Hugh G.; Homer: Aethiopis (Fragments) [1847-50]
Evelyn-White, Hugh G.; Homer: The Cypria (Fragments) [1847-50]
Evelyn-White, Hugh G.; Homer: Fragments of the Epic Cycle [1847-50]
Evelyn-White, Hugh G.; Homer: The Battle of Frogs and Mice [1847-50]
Evelyn-White, Hugh G.; Homer: Homeric Fragments [1914]
Evelyn-White, Hugh G.; Homer: The Contest of Homer and Hesiod [1847-50]
Evelyn-White, Hugh G.; Homer: The Homeric Hymns [1914]
Evelyn-White, Hugh G.; Arctinus of Miletus; Homer: The Sack of Ilium (fragments) [1847-50]
Evelyn-White, Hugh G.; Homer: The Little Iliad (Fragments) [1847-50]
Evelyn-White, Hugh G.; Homer: The Returns and The Telegony (Fragments) [1847-50]
Everard, John; Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus: The Divine Pymander [1650]
Lista Autori : F
Faiz-ullah-bhai, Sheikh; F.E. Johnson: The Hanged Poems [1917]
Famin, Stanislas Marie César: The Royal Museum at Naples [1871]
Faraday, L. Winifred: The Cattle Raid of Cualnge [1904]
Farnese, A.; Franchezzo: A Wanderer in the Spirit Lands [1896]
Farrow, John: Pageant of the Popes [1942]
Faulding, Gertrude M.: Fairies [1913]
Fausböll, V.; Max Müller: The Dhammapada and The Sutta Nipâta (SBE10), [1881]
Fausset, A. R.; Robert Jamieson; David Brown: A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments [1882]
Felt, William L.; Louis Jacolliot: Occult Science in India [1919]
Ferdowsi; Helen Zimmern: The Shah Namah [1883]
Ferguson, William: My Trip to Mars [1959]
Fergusson, Erna: Dancing Gods [1931]
Field, Claud; Al-Ghazzali: The Alchemy of Happiness [1909]
Field, Dorothy: The Religion of the Sikhs [1914]
Figgis, John Neville: The Political Aspects of S. Augustine's 'City of God' [1921]
Fillmore, Charles: Atom-Smashing Power of Mind [1949]
Fillmore, Charles: Christian Healing, The Science of Being [1926]
Fillmore, Charles: Jesus Christ Heals [1939]
Fillmore, Charles: Keep a True Lent [1953]
Fillmore, Charles: Mysteries of Genesis [1936]
Fillmore, Charles: Mysteries of John [1946]
Fillmore, Charles: Prosperity [1936]
Fillmore, Charles: Talks on Truth [1912]
Fillmore, Charles: Twelve Powers of Man [1930]
Fillmore, Charles: The Revealing Word [1959]
Fillmore, Charles: Teach Us to Pray [1941]
Fillmore, Myrtle: Letters of Myrtle Fillmore [1936]
First, King James the: Dæmonology [1597]
Firth, Florence M.; Pythagoras: The Golden Verses of Pythagoras [1902]
Fishler, Stanley A.; Frank Goldtooth: In the Beginning: A Navaho Creation Myth [1953]
Fitzgerald, Edward; Farid ud-Din Attar: Bird Parliament [1889]
Fitzgerald, Edward; Omar Khayyam: The Rubayyat of Omar Khayyam [1859]
Fitzgerald, Edward; Nur ad-Din Abd ar-Rahman Jami: Salaman and Absal [1904]
Flesche, Francis La: Death and Funeral Customs among the Omahas [1889]
Flitch, J. E. Crawford; Angelus Silesius: Selections from The Cherubinic Wanderer [1932]
Flournoy, Théodore; Daniel B. Vermilye: From India to the Planet Mars [1900]
Foli, P.R.S.: Fortune-Telling by Cards [1915]
Ford, H. J.; Andrew Lang: The Arabian Nights' Entertainments [1898]
Ford, H.J.; Andrew Lang: King Arthur: Tales of the Round Table [1902]
Forke, Anton: Yang Chu's Garden of Pleasure [1912]
Fort, Charles: Book of the Damned [1919]
Fort, Charles: New Lands [1923]
Fort, Charles: Lo! [1931]
Fort, Charles: Wild Talents [1933]
Fowler, F. G.; H. W. Fowler; Lucian of Samosata: The Works of Lucian [1905]
Fowler, H. W.; F. G. Fowler; Lucian of Samosata: The Works of Lucian [1905]
Foxe, John: Foxe's Book of Martyrs [1560]
Frachtenberg, Leo: Coos Texts [1913]
Franchezzo; A. Farnese: A Wanderer in the Spirit Lands [1896]
Francis, H.T.; E.B. Cowell: The Jataka, Vol. III [1897]
Francis, H.T.; E.B. Cowell: The Jataka, Vol. V [1905]
Franck, Adolphe: The Kabbalah, or the Religious Philosophy of the Hebrews [1926]
Francklin, Thomas; Sophocles: Philoctetes [1759]
Fraser, John: The Samoan Story of Creation [1891]
Frazer, Sir James: The Golden Bough [1922]
Freeman, Kathleen: Ancilla to the Pre-Socratic Philosophers [1948]
Freidländer, M.; Moses Maimonides: The Guide for the Perplexed [1904]
Frere, Mary: Old Deccan Days [1868]
Froude, James Anthony: Bunyan [1901]
Fuller, George A.; Zertoulem: Wisdom of the Ages [1916]
Lista Autori : G
Gabirol, Solomon ibn; Harry E. Wedeck: The Fountain of Life [1962]
Gabirol, Solomon ibn; Israel Zangwill: Selected Religious Poems of Solomon ibn Gabirol [1923]
Gage, Matilda Joslyn: Woman, Church, and State [1893]
Gairdner, W.H.T.; Al-Ghazzali: The Mishkât Al-Anwar [1924]
Ganguli, Kisari Mohan; Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa: The Mahabharata, Book 1: Adi Parva [1847-50]
Ganguli, Kisari Mohan; Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa: The Mahabharata, Book 2: Sabha Parva [1847-50]
Ganguli, Kisari Mohan; Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa: The Mahabharata, Book 3: Vana Parva [1847-50]
Ganguli, Kisari Mohan; Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa: The Mahabharata, Book 4: Virata Parva [1847-50]
Ganguli, Kisari Mohan; Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa: The Mahabharata, Book 5: Udyoga Parva [1847-50]
Ganguli, Kisari Mohan; Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa: The Mahabharata, Book 6: Bhishma Parva [1847-50]
Ganguli, Kisari Mohan; Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa: The Mahabharata, Book 7: Drona Parva [1847-50]
Ganguli, Kisari Mohan; Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa: The Mahabharata, Book 8: Karna Parva [1847-50]
Ganguli, Kisari Mohan; Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa: The Mahabharata, Book 9: Shalya Parva [1847-50]
Ganguli, Kisari Mohan; Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa: The Mahabharata, Book 10: Sauptika Parva [1847-50]
Ganguli, Kisari Mohan; Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa: The Mahabharata, Book 11: Stri Parva [1847-50]
Ganguli, Kisari Mohan; Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa: The Mahabharata, Book 12: Santi Parva [1847-50]
Ganguli, Kisari Mohan; Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa: The Mahabharata, Book 13: Anusasana Parva [1847-50]
Ganguli, Kisari Mohan; Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa: The Mahabharata, Book 14: Aswamedha Parva [1847-50]
Ganguli, Kisari Mohan; Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa: The Mahabharata, Book 15: Asramavasika Parva [1847-50]
Ganguli, Kisari Mohan; Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa: The Mahabharata, Book 16: Mausala Parva [1847-50]
Ganguli, Kisari Mohan; Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa: The Mahabharata, Book 17: Mahaprasthanika Parva [1847-50]
Ganguli, Kisari Mohan; Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa: The Mahabharata, Book 18: Svargarohanika Parva [1847-50]
Ganguli, Kisari Mohan: The Mahabharata [1883-1896]
Gardner, Gerald: The Gardnerian Book of Shadows [1847-50]
Gardner, Marshall B.: A Journey to the Earth's Interior [1920]
Garth, Sir Samuel; John Dryden; Alexander Pope; Joseph Addison; William Congreve; Ovid; Publius Ovidius Naso: The Metamorphoses [1717]
Garver, Will L.: Brother of the Third Degree [1842]
Gaster, Moses: The Chronicles of Jerahmeel [1899]
Gates, William; Diego de Landa: Yucatan Before and After the Conquest [1937]
Gauguin, Paul; Otto Frederick Theis: Noa Noa [1919]
Gennadius; Theodoret; Jerome; Rufinus: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. III [1847-50]
Gerould, Gordon Hall: The Grateful Dead, the History of a Folk Story [1908]
Gewurz, Elias; William Walker Atkinson: Hidden Treasures of the Ancient Qabalah [1918]
Gewurz, Elias; William Walker Atkinson: Mysteries of the Qabalah [1922]
Gherwal, Rishi Singh: Kundalini: The Mother of the Universe [1930]
Gherwal, Rishi Singh: Yoga Vashisht or Heaven Found [1930]
Gibbon, Edward: Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Vol. 1 [1847-50]
Gibbon, Edward: Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Vol. 2 [1847-50]
Gibbon, Edward: Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Vol. 3 [1847-50]
Gibbon, Edward: Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Vol. 4 [1847-50]
Gibbon, Edward: Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Vol. 5 [1847-50]
Gibbon, Edward: Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Vol. 6 [1847-50]
Gibson, Margaret Dunlop: Apocrypha Arabica [1901]
Giddings, Ruth Warner: Yaqui Myths and Legends [1959]
Gifford, Edward Winslow: Miwok Myths [1917]
Giles, Herbert Allen: Confucianism and Its Rivals [1915]
Giles, Lionel; Sun Tzu: The Art of War [1910]
Giles, Lionel; Chuang Tzu: Musings of a Chinese Mystic [1909]
Giles, Lionel; Lao Tzu: The Sayings of Lao Tzu [1905]
Giles, Lionel: Taoist Teachings Translated from the Book of Lieh-Tzü [1912]
Gill, John: Exposition of the Entire Bible [1746-63]
Gillen, F. J.; Baldwin Spencer: The Native Tribes of Central Australia [1899]
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins Stetson: Herland [1906]
Gilmore, G.W.: Animism [1919]
Ginzberg, Louis: Legends of the Jews [1909]
Goddard, Dwight: A Buddhist Bible [1932]
Goddard, Dwight; Henri Borel: Laotzu's Tao and Wu Wei [1919]
Goddard, Dwight; Henri Borel: Laotzu's Tao and Wu Wei (2nd ed.) [1939]
Goddard, Pliny Earle: Hupa Texts [1904]
Goddard, Pliny Earle: Navaho Texts [1933]
Goddard, Pliny Earle: Jicarilla Apache Texts [1911]
Goldberg, Ben Zion: The Sacred Fire [1930]
Goldsmid, Edmund: The Devils of Loudun [1887]
Goldtooth, Frank; Stanley A. Fishler: In the Beginning: A Navaho Creation Myth [1953]
Gollancz, Israel; Honnor Morten: The Love Letters of Abelard and Heloise [1128]
Gould, Charles: Mythical Monsters [1886]
Gracian, Balthasar; Joseph Jacobs: The Art of Worldly Wisdom [1892]
Grammaticus, Saxo; Oliver Elton: The Danish History [1905]
Granger, Mary: Drums and Shadows [1940]
Grant, Kenneth; Austin O. Spare: The Sorceries of Zos [1847-50]
Graves, Kersey: The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors [1860]
Gray, William E.: Know Your Magnetic Field [1947]
Great, Dionysius the; Gregory Thaumaturgus; Julius Africanus; Anatolius; Methodius; Arnobius: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. VI [1847-50]
Great, Gregory the; Leo the Great: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. XII [1847-50]
Great, Leo the; Gregory the Great: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. XII [1847-50]
Green, W.C.: The Story of Egil Skallagrimsson (Egil's Saga) [1893]
Gregor, Walter: Notes on the Folk-Lore of the North-East of Scotland [1881]
Gregory the Great (II); Ephraim Syrus; Aphrahat: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. XIII [1847-50]
Gregory, Augusta: Cuchulain of Muirthemne [1902]
Gregory, Augusta: Gods and Fighting Men [1904]
Gregory, Augusta: A Book of Saints and Wonders [1906]
Gregory, Augusta: Visions and Beliefs in the West of Ireland [1920]
Grey, George: Polynesian Mythology [1854]
Griffith, F.Ll.; Herbert Thompson: The Demotic Magical Papyrus of London and Leiden [1904]
Griffith, Ralph: The Rig-Veda [1896]
Griffith, Ralph: The Sama-Veda [1895]
Griffith, Ralph T. H.: Rámáyan Of Válmíki [1870-1874]
Griffith, Ralph T.H.: The Hymns of the Atharvaveda [1895-6]
Griffith, Ralph T.H.: The Texts of the White Yajurveda [1899]
Grignon, R.S.; Martin Luther: Address to the Nobility [1847-50]
Grimm, Jakob; Wilhelm Grimm; Margaret Hunt: Grimm's Household Tales [1812]
Grimm, Wilhelm; Jakob Grimm; Margaret Hunt: Grimm's Household Tales [1812]
Grinnell, George Bird: Blackfoot Lodge Tales [1892]
Grinnell, George Bird: The Punishment of the Stingy and Other Indian Stories [1901]
Groomes, Francis Hindes: Gypsy Folk Tales [1899]
Guest, Charlotte: The Mabinogion [1877]
Gummere, Francis B.: Beowulf (Modern English) [1910]
Gunkel, Hermann: The Legends of Genesis [1901]
Gupta, Mahendra Nath; Swami Abhedananda: The Gospel of Ramakrishna [1907]
Lista Autori : H
Haanel, Charles F.: The Master Key System [1919]
Haaren, John Henry: Famous Men of the Middle Ages [1910]
Hackett, Ann: Tilak of Tibet [1944]
Hafiz; Gertrude Lowthian Bell: Poems from the Divan of Hafiz [1897]
Hale, H.E.: The Iroquois Book of Rites [1883]
Hall, Manley Palmer: The Secret Teachings of All Ages [1928]
Hall, Manly Palmer; Comte de Saint-Germain: The Most Holy Trinosophia [1933]
Hallevi, Judah; Hartwig Hirschfeld: The Kitab al Khazari [1905]
Hamblin, Henry Thomas: Dynamic Thought [1921]
Hamilton, Leonidas Le Cenci: Ishtar and Izdubar [1884]
Hammer, Frank L.: An Eternal Career [1947]
Hammer, Frank L.: Life and Its Mysteries [1945]
Hammond, Eric: The Splendour of God [1909]
Hammond, Robert; Alfarabi: The Philosophy of Alfarabi [1947]
Hanauer, J. E.: Folk-lore of the Holy Land; Moslem, Christian and Jewish [1907]
Hare, J.B.: Abortion in the Bible [2008]
Hare, John Bruno: Did Nostradamus predict the WTC disaster? [2001]
Hare, John Bruno: The works of Margaret Murray [1847-50]
Hare, John Bruno: Timeline: Origin of Major Religions [1999]
Hare, John Bruno: Sacred Texts Timeline [1999]
Harley, Timothy: Moon Lore [1885]
Harris, Maurice: Hebraic Literature [1901]
Harrison, Jane: Ancient Art and Ritual [1913]
Harrison, Jane: Myths of Greece and Rome [1928]
Harrison, Jane: Prolegomena to the Study of Greek Religion [1922]
Harrison, William H.: Mother Shipton Investigated [1881]
Hartland, Edwin Sidney: The Science of Fairy Tales [1891]
Hartland, Edwin Sidney; C.E. Brock: English Fairy and Other Folk Tales [1890]
Hartmann, Franz; Jacob Boehme: The Life and Doctrines of Jacob Boehme [1891]
Hartmann, Franz: In the Pronaos of the Temple of Wisdom [1890]
Hartmann, Franz: With the Adepts: An Adventure Among the Rosicrucians [1910]
Harward, J.; Plato: The Seventh Letter [1928]
Hawkins, Jaq D.; Mark Chao: Defining Chaos [1847-50]
Haywood, H. L.: Symbolical Masonry [1923]
Head, Sir Edmund: The Story of Viga-Glum [1866]
Hearn, Lafcadio: Last of the Voudoos [1885]
Hearn, Lafcadio: New Orleans Superstitions [1886]
Hearn, Lafcadio: Gleanings In Buddha-Fields [1897]
Hearn, Lafcadio: In Ghostly Japan [1899]
Hearn, Lafcadio: Japan, An Attempt At Interpretation [1904]
Hearn, Lafcadio: Kwaidan [1904]
Heath, Thomas L.; Archimedes: The Sand Reckoner [1881]
Heindel, Augusta Foss; Max Heindel: Astro-Diagnosis, A Guide To Healing [1847-50]
Heindel, Augusta Foss; Max Heindel: Message of the Stars [1847-50]
Heindel, Max; Augusta Foss Heindel: Astro-Diagnosis, A Guide To Healing [1847-50]
Heindel, Max: Ancient and Modern Initiation [1847-50]
Heindel, Max: Gleanings of a Mystic [1847-50]
Heindel, Max; Augusta Foss Heindel: Message of the Stars [1847-50]
Heindel, Max: The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception [1847-50]
Heindel, Max: Max Heindel's Letters to Students [1910]
Heindel, Max: The Rosicrucian Mysteries [1847-50]
Heindel, Max: Teachings of An Initiate [1847-50]
Henderson, George; J. F. Campbell: The Celtic Dragon Myth [1911]
Henderson, George: Survivals in Belief Among the Celts [1911]
Hennessey, WM: The Ancient Irish Goddess of War [1870]
Henry, Matthew: Complete Commentary on the Whole Bible [1706]
Henry, Matthew: Concise Commentary on the Whole Bible
Hermas; Tatian; Athenagoras; Theophilus; Clement of Alexandria: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. II [1847-50]
Herodotus; G. C. Macaulay: The History of Herodotus [1890]
Herold, Andre Ferdinand; Paul C. Blum: The Life of Buddha [1922]
Hesiod: The Theogony in Greek [1847-50]
Hesiod; Hugh G. Evelyn-White: The Theogony [1914]
Hesiod; Hugh G. Evelyn-White: Works and Days [1914]
Hewitt, J.N.B.: Iroquoian Cosmology [1903]
Heywood, W.: The Little Flowers of St. Francis [1906]
Higginson, Thomas Wentworth: Tales of the Enchanted Islands of the Atlantic [1898]
Hill, Ethel P.; Ashtar: In Days To Come [1957]
Hill, Napoleon: Think and Grow Rich [1938]
Hinds, Arthur; Norman Vincent Peale: The Complete Sayings of Jesus [1927]
Hippolytus; Cyprian; Caius; Novatian: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. V [1847-50]
Hirschfeld, Hartwig; Judah Hallevi: The Kitab al Khazari [1905]
Hitti, Philip K.: The Origins of the Druze People and Religion [1928]
Hobbes, Thomas: Leviathan [1651]
Hoffman, W. J.: Folk-Lore of the Pennsylvania Germans [1888-9]
Hohman, by George: Pow-wows; or Long Lost Friend [1820]
Holbrook, Florence: The Book of Nature Myths [1904]
Holbrook, Florence: The Magic of Horse-Shoes, with other Folk-Lore Notes [1904]
Hollander, Lee M.: Old Norse Poems [1936]
Hollings, W.; Lallu Lal: The Prem Sagur [1848]
Holmes, Edmond: The Creed of Buddha [1919]
Holmes, Ernest: Creative Mind [1923]
Holmes, Ernest: The Science of Mind [1926]
Holmes, Ernest: Creative Mind and Success [1919]
Homer; Hugh G. Evelyn-White: Aethiopis (Fragments) [1847-50]
Homer; Padraic Colum: The Adventures of Odysseus and the Tale of Troy [1918]
Homer; Hugh G. Evelyn-White: The Cypria (Fragments) [1847-50]
Homer; Hugh G. Evelyn-White: Fragments of the Epic Cycle [1847-50]
Homer; Hugh G. Evelyn-White: The Battle of Frogs and Mice [1847-50]
Homer: The Iliad and Odyssey [Unicode Greek] [1847-50]
Homer; Hugh G. Evelyn-White: Homeric Fragments [1914]
Homer; Hugh G. Evelyn-White: The Contest of Homer and Hesiod [1847-50]
Homer; Hugh G. Evelyn-White: The Homeric Hymns [1914]
Homer; Samuel Butler: The Iliad of Homer [1898]
Homer; Arctinus of Miletus; Hugh G. Evelyn-White: The Sack of Ilium (fragments) [1847-50]
Homer; Hugh G. Evelyn-White: The Little Iliad (Fragments) [1847-50]
Homer; Samuel Butler: The Odyssey of Homer [1900]
Homer; Hugh G. Evelyn-White: The Returns and The Telegony (Fragments) [1847-50]
Honey, James A.: South African Folk-Tales [1910]
Hooke, S.H.: Basic English Bible [1941]
Hoole, Charles H.: The Didache [1894]
Hoshino, Hikoshirō; Genchi Katō: Kogoshui: Gleanings from Ancient Stories [1926]
Houston, Drusilla Dunjee: Wonderful Ethiopians of the Ancient Cushite Empire [1927]
Howard, Ebenezer: Garden Cities of To-morrow [1902]
Howell, Leonard Percival; G.G. Maragh: The Promised Key [1935]
Huikai; Ekai; Mu-mon; Nyogen Senzaki; Paul Reps: The Gateless Gate [1934]
Hume, David: Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion [1779]
Hume, David: An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding [1748]
Hume, David: Essays on Suicide and the Immortality of the Soul [1755]
Hume, David: A Letter from a Gentleman [1754]
Hume, David: My Own Life [1777]
Hume, David: The Natural History of Religion [1757]
Hume, David: Of Superstition and Enthusiasm [1741]
Hume, David: Of Tragedy [1757]
Hume, David: Of the Standard of Taste [1757]
Hume, David: Of Essay Writing [1742]
Hume, David: Of the Delicacy of Taste and Passion [1741]
Hume, David: Of the Liberty of the Press [1741]
Hume, David: Of the Rise and Progress of the Arts and Sciences [1742]
Hunt, Margaret; Jakob Grimm; Wilhelm Grimm: Grimm's Household Tales [1812]
Hunt, Robert: Popular Romances of the West of England [1903]
Hutton, James: Theory of the Earth [1788]
Hyde, Douglas: Beside the Fire [1910]
Hyett, Florence B.: Fifty Christmas Poems for Children [1923]
Hyne, Cutcliffe: The Lost Continent [1900]
Lista Autori : I
Incognito, Magus; William Walker Atkinson: The Secret Doctrine of the Rosicrucians [1918]
Indiopleustes, Cosmas; J. W. McCrindle: Christian Topography [1897]
Ingersoll, Ernest: Dragons and Dragon Lore [1928]
Ingersoll, Robert G.: Volume I: Lectures
Ingersoll, Robert G.: Volume II: Lectures
Initiates, Three; William Walker Atkinson: The Kybalion [1912]
Iqbal, Muhammad; Reynold A. Nicholson: The Secrets of the Self [1920]
Irenaeaus; Justin Martyr: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol I [1847-50]
Ithel, J. Williams Ab; Iolo Morganwg: The Barddas, Vol. I [1862]
Ithel, J. Williams Ab; Iolo Morganwg: The Barddas, Vol. II [1874]
Lista Autori : J
J.K; Paracelsus: The Prophecies of Paracelsus [1915]
Jacobi, Hermann: Jaina Sutras, Part I [1884]
Jacobi, Hermann: Jaina Sutras, Part II [1884]
Jacobs, Joseph; Balthasar Gracian: The Art of Worldly Wisdom [1892]
Jacobs, Joseph: Indian Fairy Tales [1912]
Jacobs, Joseph: Celtic Fairy Tales [1892]
Jacobs, Joseph: More Celtic Fairy Tales [1894]
Jacobs, Joseph; John D. Batten: English Fairy Tales [1890]
Jacobs, Joseph; John D. Batten: More English Fairy Tales [1894]
Jacolliot, Louis; William L. Felt: Occult Science in India [1919]
James, George G.M.: Stolen Legacy [1954]
James, George Wharton: The Legend of Tauquitch and Algoot [1903]
James, George Wharton: A Saboba Origin-Myth [1902]
James, M. R.: The Biblical Antiquities of Philo [1917]
James, William: The Varieties of Religious Experience [1902]
Jami, Nur ad-Din Abd ar-Rahman; Edward Fitzgerald: Salaman and Absal [1904]
Jamieson, Robert; A. R. Fausset; David Brown: A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments [1882]
Jastrow, M.: Descent of the Goddess Ishtar into the Lower World [1915]
Jebb, R. C.; Sophocles: Antigone [1902]
Jebb, R. C.; Sophocles: Electra [1873]
Jebb, R. C.; Sophocles: The Trachiniae [1902]
Jefferson, Thomas: The Jefferson Bible [1902]
Jennings, Hargrave; Sha Rocco: The Masculine Cross and Ancient Sex Worship [1874]
Jennings, Hargrave: The Rosicrucians, Their Rites and Mysteries [1907]
Jerome; Theodoret; Gennadius; Rufinus: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. III [1847-50]
Jerome: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. VI [1847-50]
Jerusalem, Cyril of; Gregory Nazianzen: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. VII [1847-50]
Joachim, H. H.; Aristotle: On Generation and Corruption [1922]
Johnson, B.W.: The People's New Testament [1891]
Johnson, F.E.; Sheikh Faiz-ullah-bhai: The Hanged Poems [1917]
Johnston, Charles; Śankarâchârya: The Crest-Jewel of Wisdom [1946]
Johnston, Charles: From the Upanishads [1889]
Johnston, Charles; Patanjali: The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali [1912]
Jolly, Julius: The Institutes of Vishnu (SBE 7) [1880]
Jolly, Julius: The Minor Law Books (SBE 33) [1880]
Jones, Alice Ilgenfritz; Ella Merchant: Unveiling a Parallel [1893]
Jordan, David Starr: The Wandering Host [1904]
Joseph, Isya: Devil Worship: The Sacred Books and Traditions of the Yezidiz [1919]
Josephus; William Whiston: The Works of Flavius Josephus [1737]
Jowett, Benjamin; Aristotle: Politics [1885]
Jowett, Benjamin; Plato: Apology (the Death of Socrates) [1871]
Jowett, Benjamin; Plato: Charmides, or Temperance [1871]
Jowett, Benjamin; Plato: Cratylus [1871]
Jowett, Benjamin; Plato: Critias [1871]
Jowett, Benjamin; Plato: Crito [1871]
Jowett, Benjamin; Plato: Euthydemus [1871]
Jowett, Benjamin; Plato: Euthyphro [1871]
Jowett, Benjamin; Plato: Gorgias [1871]
Jowett, Benjamin; Plato: Ion [1871]
Jowett, Benjamin; Plato: Laches or Courage [1871]
Jowett, Benjamin; Plato: Laws [1871]
Jowett, Benjamin; Plato: Lysis, or Friendship [1871]
Jowett, Benjamin; Plato: Meno [1871]
Jowett, Benjamin; Plato: Parmenides [1871]
Jowett, Benjamin; Plato: Phaedo [1871]
Jowett, Benjamin; Plato: Phaedrus [1871]
Jowett, Benjamin; Plato: Philebus [1871]
Jowett, Benjamin; Plato: Protagoras [1871]
Jowett, Benjamin; Plato: The Republic [1871]
Jowett, Benjamin; Plato: Sophist [1871]
Jowett, Benjamin; Plato: Statesman [1871]
Jowett, Benjamin; Plato: Symposium [1871]
Jowett, Benjamin; Plato: Theaetetus [1871]
Jowett, Benjamin; Plato: Timaeus [1871]
Jr., A. Monroe Aurand,: Little Known Facts about the Amish and the Mennonites [1938]
Jr., A. Monroe Aurand,: Early Life of the Pennsylvania Germans [194?]
Jr., A. Monroe Aurand,: The Realness of Witchcraft in America [1942]
Jr., Rutherford H. Platt,: The Forgotten Books of Eden [1926]
Jr., Rutherford H. Platt,: The Lost Books of the Bible [1926]
Judson, Katherine Berry: Myths and Legends of California and the Old Southwest [1912]
Julian; Thomas Taylor: Two Orations of the Emperor Julian [1793]
Lista Autori : K
Kabir; Rabindranath Tagore; Evelyn Underhill: Songs of Kabîr [1915]
Kakakusu, J.; E.B. Cowell; F. Max Müller: Buddhist Mahâyâna Texts (SBE 49) [1894]
Kalidasa; Arthur W. Ryder: Kalidasa: Translations of Shakuntala and Other Works [1914]
Kalisch, Isidor: Sepher Yezirah [1877]
Kant, Immanuel: The Critique of Judgement [1790]
Kant, Immanuel: The Critique of Practical Reason [1788]
Kant, Immanuel: The Critique of Pure Reason [1781]
Kant, Immanuel: Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals [1785]
Kant, Immanuel: Introduction to the Metaphysic of Morals [1785]
Kant, Immanuel: The Metaphysical Elements of Ethics [1780]
Kant, Immanuel: Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics [1783]
Kant, Immanuel: The Science of Right [1790]
Kapadia, S.A.: The Teachings of Zoroaster [1905]
Károli, Gáspár: Hungarian Bible [1590]
Katō, Genchi; Hikoshirō Hoshino: Kogoshui: Gleanings from Ancient Stories [1926]
Keightley, Thomas: The Fairy Mythology [1870]
Keightley, Thomas: Secret Societies of the Middle Ages [1837]
Keil, Carl Friedrich; Franz Delitzsch: Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament [1857-78]
Keith, Arthur Berriedale: The Yajur Veda (Taittiriya Sanhita) [1914]
Kelley, Ruth Edna: The Book of Hallowe'en [1919]
Kelly, Edward: The Stone of the Philosophers
Kempis, Thomas a; William Benham: Imitation of Christ [1418]
Kencho, Suematsu; Murasaki Shikibu: Genji Monogatari [1900]
Kennedy, Patrick: Legendary Fictions of the Irish Celts [1891]
Kennon, J.L.; Eros Urides: The Planet Mars and its Inhabitants [1922]
Kenton, Edna: The Book of Earths [1928]
Kepler, Johannes; Charles Glenn Wallis: Harmonies of the World [1939]
Kermode, P.M.C.: Traces of the Norse Mythology in the Isle of Man [1904]
Kern, H.: Saddharma-pundarîka (The Lotus Sutra) (SBE 21) [1884]
Keyhoe, Donald: The Flying Saucers Are Real [1950]
Khan, Khan Bhadur Ahmad din; P. M. Sykes: The Glory of the Shia World [1910]
Khan, Pir-o-Murshid Inayat: A Sufi Message of Spritual Liberty [1914]
Khayyam, Omar; Edward Fitzgerald: The Rubayyat of Omar Khayyam [1859]
Kilner, Walter J.: The Human Atmosphere [1920]
King, Charles William; Plutarch: Plutarch's Morals: Theosophical Essays [1908]
King, Charles William: The Gnostics and Their Remains [1887]
King, Godfré Ray; Guy Warran Ballard: Unveiled Mysteries [1934]
King, Henry Churchill: The Seeming Unreality of the Spiritual Life [1908]
King, John; John Calvin: 1. Genesis, Part I [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 2. Genesis, Part II [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 3. Harmony of the Law, Part I [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 4. Harmony of the Law, Part II [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 5. Harmony of the Law, Part III [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 6. Harmony of the Law, Part IV [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 7. Joshua [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 8. Psalms, Part I [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 9. Psalms, Part II [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 10. Psalms, Part III [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 11. Psalms, Part IV [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 12. Psalms, Part V [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 13. Isaiah, Part I [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 14. Isaiah, Part II [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 15. Isaiah, Part III [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 16. Isaiah, Part IV [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 17. Jeremiah and Lamentations, Part I [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 18. Jeremiah and Lamentations, Part II [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 19. Jeremiah and Lamentations, Part III [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 20. Jeremiah and Lamentations, Part IV [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 21. Jeremiah and Lamentations, Part V [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 22. Ezekiel, Part I [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 23. Ezekiel, Part II [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 24. Daniel, Part I [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 25. Daniel, Part II [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 26. Hosea [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 27. Joel, Amos, Obadiah [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 28. Jonah, Micah, Nahum [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 29. Habakkuk, Zephaniah, and Haggai [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 30. Zechariah, Malachai [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 31. Matthew, Mark and Luke, Part I [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 32. Matthew, Mark and Luke, Part II [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 33. Matthew, Mark and Luke, Part III [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 34. John, Part I [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 35. John, Part II [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 36. Acts, Part I [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 37. Acts, Part II [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 38. Romans [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 39. Corinthians, Part I [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 40. Corinthians, Part II [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 41. Galatians and Ephesians [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 42. Philippians, Colossians, and Thessalonians [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 43. Timothy, Titus, and Philemon [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 44. Hebrews [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 45. Catholic Epistles [1847-50]
King, L. W.: The Enuma Elish (The Epic of Creation) [1902]
King, L.W.: The Code of Hammurabi [1915]
King, L.W.: The Seven Tablets of Creation [1902]
King, Leonard W.: Legends of Babylonia and Egypt [1916]
Kingsbury, F.; G.P. Phillips: Hymns of the Tamil Saivite Saints [1829]
Kingsford, Anna; Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus; Edward Maitland: The Virgin of the World [1885]
Kingsford, Anna: Clothed With The Sun [1889]
Kingsley, Charles: The Heroes, or Greek Fairy Tales for my Children [1901]
Kirby, W. F.: The Hero of Esthonia [1895]
Kirk, Robert; Andrew Lang: The Secret Common-Wealth of Elves, Fauns and Fairies [1893]
Klah, Hasteen; Mary C. Wheelwright: Navajo Creation Myth [1942]
Knight, Richard Payne: A Discourse on the Worship of Priapus [1786]
Knowlson, T. Sharper: The Origins of Popular Superstitions and Customs [1910]
Knox, George William; Kyuso; Muro Naokiyo: The Shundai Zatsuwa (A Japanese Philosopher) [1892]
Koresh; Cyrus Reed Teed: The Cellular Cosmogony [1922]
Koyre, Alexandre: From the Closed World to the Infinite Universe [1957]
Kramer, Samuel Noah: Sumerian Mythology [1944, 1961]
Krauskopf, Joseph: A Rabbi's Impressions of the Oberammergau Passion Play [1901]
Kready, Laura F.: A Study of Fairy Tales [1916]
Kroeber, A. L.: Ethnography of the Cahuilla Indians [1908]
Kroeber, A. L.: A Mission Record of the California Indians [1908]
Kroeber, A. L.: Notes on the Shoshonean Dialects of Southern California [1909]
Kroeber, A. L.: Religion of the Indians of California [1907]
Kroeber, A. L.: Indian Myths of South Central California. [1907]
Kroeber, A. L.: Two Myths of the Mission Indians [1906]
Kulish, Paneleimon: Ukrainian Bible (NT) [1871]
Kuno, Meyer: The Voyage of Bran [1895]
Kúnos, Ignácz; Willy Pogany: Forty-four Turkish Fairy Tales [1913]
Kupfer, Carl F.: Sacred Places in China [1911]
Kyuso; Muro Naokiyo; George William Knox: The Shundai Zatsuwa (A Japanese Philosopher) [1892]
Lista Autori : L
Lactantius; Venantius; Asterius; Victorinus; Dionysius: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. VII [1847-50]
Laing, Samuel; Snorri Sturlson: Heimskringla or The Chronicle of the Kings of Norway [1844]
Lal, Lallu; W. Hollings: The Prem Sagur [1848]
Lal, Magan; Zeb-un-Nissa; Duncan Westbrook: The Diwan of Zeb-un-Nissa [1913]
Landa, Diego de; William Gates: Yucatan Before and After the Conquest [1937]
Landa, Gertrude; Aunt Naomi: Jewish Fairy Tales and Legends [1919]
Landsberg, L.; Nicolas Notovitch; J. H. Connelly: The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ [1890]
Lane, Bertha Palmer: Tower Legends [1932]
Lang, Andrew; Elphinstone Dayrell: Folk Stories from Southern Nigeria [1910]
Lang, Andrew; K. Langloh Parker: Australian Legendary Tales [1897]
Lang, Andrew; K. Langloh Parker: The Euahlayi Tribe [1905]
Lang, Andrew; Alexander Mackenzie: The Prophecies of the Brahan Seer [1899]
Lang, Andrew; Robert Kirk: The Secret Common-Wealth of Elves, Fauns and Fairies [1893]
Lang, Andrew; H. J. Ford: The Arabian Nights' Entertainments [1898]
Lang, Andrew: The Blue Fairy Book [1889]
Lang, Andrew: The Brown Fairy Book [1904]
Lang, Andrew: The Crimson Fairy Book [1903]
Lang, Andrew: The Green Fairy Book [1892]
Lang, Andrew: The Grey Fairy Book [1900]
Lang, Andrew: The Lilac Fairy Book [1910]
Lang, Andrew: The Olive Fairy Book [1910]
Lang, Andrew: The Orange Fairy Book [1906]
Lang, Andrew: The Pink Fairy Book [1897]
Lang, Andrew: The Red Fairy Book [1890]
Lang, Andrew: The Violet Fairy Book [1901]
Lang, Andrew: The Yellow Fairy Book [1894]
Lang, Andrew; H.J. Ford: King Arthur: Tales of the Round Table [1902]
Larkin, Clarence: The Book of Revelation [1919]
Larson, Christian D.: Your Forces and How to Use Them [1912]
Laurence, L.W. de; Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa; Henry Morley: The Philosophy of Natural Magic [1913]
Laurence, Richard: The Book of Enoch the Prophet [1917]
Leadbeater, C.W.: A Textbook of Theosophy [1912]
Leadbeater, Charles Webster: Clairvoyance [1899]
Leahy, A. H.: Heroic Romances of Ireland (2 Vols.) [1905-6]
Lederer, Florence; Sa'd Ud Din Mahmud Shabistari: The Secret Rose Garden [1920]
Legge, Jame; Lao Tzu; Chuang Tzu: Taoist Texts, Part I (SBE 39) [1891]
Legge, Jame; Chuang Tzu: Taoist Texts, Part II (SBE40) [1891]
Legge, James: The Book of Poetry [1876]
Legge, James; Confucius: The Confucian Canon in Chinese and English [1893]
Legge, James; Confucius: Confucian Analects (Lun Yü) [1893]
Legge, James; Confucius: The Great Learning (Ta Hsüeh) [1893]
Legge, James; Confucius: The Doctrine Of The Mean (Chung Yung) [1893]
Legge, James: Sacred Books of the East, Volume 27 [1885]
Legge, James: Sacred Books of the East, Volume 28 [1885]
Legge, James; Mencius: Mencius [1895]
Legge, James: Sacred Books of the East, Volume 3 [1879]
Legge, James: Sacred Books of the East, Volume 16 [1899]
Legge, James: Tao-te Ching [1891]
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm: The Monadology [1898]
Leland, Charles G.: Fusang [1875]
Leland, Charles G.: The Algonquin Legends of New England [1898]
Leland, Charles G.: English Gipsies and Their Language [1874]
Leland, Charles G.: Aradia, Gospel of the Witches [1899]
Leland, Charles G.: Etruscan Roman Remains in Popular Tradition [1893]
Leland, Charles G.: Gypsy Sorcery and Fortune Telling [1891]
Leland, Charles G.; Louisa Menzies: Lives of the Greek Heroines [1880]
Leonard, William Ellery; Titus Lucretius Carus: On The Nature Of Things [1847-50]
Lerins, Vincent of; Sulpitius Severus; John Cassian: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. XI [1847-50]
Lethaby, W.R.: Architecture, Mysticism and Myth [1892]
Lévi, Éliphas; Anonymous; H.P. Blavatsky: Paradoxes of the Highest Science [1922]
Levin, Meyer: The Golden Mountain [1932]
Liebers, Arthur: Relax with Yoga [1960]
Liliuokalani: The Kumulipo [1897]
Lillie, Arthur: India in Primitive Christianity [1909]
Lilly, William; Zadkiel: An Introduction to Astrology [1852]
Linderman, Frank: Indian Why Stories [1915]
Lipton, Isidore; The Central Conference of American Rabbis: The Union Haggadah [1923]
Lloyd, Arthur: The Creed of Half Japan [1911]
Lloyd, Arthur: Shinran and His Work: Studies in Shinshu Theology [1910]
Lloyd, J. William: Aw-aw-tam Indian Nights (Myths and Legends of the Pima) [1911]
Lloyd, J. William: The Karezza Method [1931]
Lloyd, John Uri: Etidorhpa [1897]
Lloyd, L.C.; W.H.I. Bleek: Specimens of Bushman Folklore [1911]
Lockyer, Norman: Stonehenge and Other British Stone Monuments Astronomically Considered [1906]
London, Jack: The Iron Heel [1909]
Long, George; Marcus Aurelius Antoninus: Meditations [1847-50]
Long, Max Freedom: The Secret Science Behind Miracles [1948]
Long, Max Freedom: Self-Suggestion [1958]
Lönnrot, Elias: The Kalevala (Finnish) [1847-50]
Lönnrot, Elias; John Abercromby: Magic Songs of the West Finns, Vol. II [1898]
Louÿs, Pierre; Willis L. Parker; Frank J. Buttera: Aphrodite (Ancient Manners) [1932]
Louÿs, Pierre; Alvah C. Bessie; Bilitis; Pierre Louys: The Songs of Bilitis [1926]
Louys, Pierre; Pierre Louÿs; Alvah C. Bessie; Bilitis: The Songs of Bilitis [1926]
Lovecraft, H.P.: An H.P. Lovecraft Anthology [1847-50]
Lover, Samuel: Legends and Stories of Ireland [1831, 1834]
Lowell, Amy: Many Swans: Sun Myth of the North American Indians [1920]
Lowell, Percivel: Mars [1895]
Loyola, St. Ignatius of; Elder Mullan: The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola [1522-1524]
Lummis, Charles F.: Pueblo Indian Folk-Stories [1910]
Lurie, Rose G.: The Great March [1931]
Luther, Martin: German Bible [1545]
Luther, Martin; R.S. Grignon: Address to the Nobility [1847-50]
Luther, Martin: Christ's Holy Sufferings [1847-50]
Luther, Martin: Enemies of the Cross of Christ [1847-50]
Luther, Martin: Christ Our Great High Priest [1847-50]
Luther, Martin: Large Catechism [1847-50]
Luther, Martin: The Twofold Use of the Law & Gospel: "Letter" & "Spirit" [1847-50]
Luther, Martin: Of The Office of Preaching [1847-50]
Luther, Martin: Small Catechism [1847-50]
Luther, Martin: The Parable of the Sower [1847-50]
Luther, Martin: On Faith & Coming to Christ [1847-50]
Luther, Martin: The Wheat & The Tares [1847-50]
Luther, Martin: Martin Luther's 95 Theses [1517]
Lykins: Potawatomi Bible (partial) [1844]
Lytton, Edward Bulwer: Zanoni [1842]
Lista Autori : M
Mabie, Hamilton W.; George Wharton Edwards: A Book of Old English Ballads [1896]
Macalister, Robert Alexander Stewart: The Philistines, Their History and Civilization [1913]
Macaulay, G. C.; Herodotus: The History of Herodotus [1890]
MacAuliffe, Max Arthur: The Sikh Religion, Volume 1 [1909]
MacCulloch, J. A.: The Religion of the Ancient Celts [1911]
MacDonald, Duncan B.: Development of Muslim Theology, Jurisprudence and Constitutional Theory [1903]
Macdonald, James: Religion and Myth [1883]
Macdonell, A.A.: A Vedic Reader for Students [1917]
MacGregor, Alexander: The Feuds of the Clans [1907]
MacKail, J.W.; Virgil: The Eclogues [1934]
MacKail, J.W.; Virgil: The Georgics [1934]
MacKenna, Stephen; Plotinus; B. S. Page: The Enneads of Plotinus [1917-1930]
Mackenzie, Alexander; Andrew Lang: The Prophecies of the Brahan Seer [1899]
Mackenzie, Donald: Teutonic Myth and Legend [1912]
Mackenzie, Donald A.: Myths and Legends of Babylonia and Assyria [1915]
Mackenzie, Donald A.: Myths of Crete and Pre-Hellenic Europe [1917]
Mackenzie, Donald A.: Egyptian Myth and Legend [1907]
Mackenzie, Donald A.: Indian Myth and Legend [1913]
Mackenzie, Donald A.: Stories of Russian Folk-Life [1916]
Mackenzie, Donald Alexander: Wonder Tales from Scottish Myth and Legend [1917]
Mackey, Albert G.: The Symbolism of Freemasonry [1882]
Macleod, Mary: Stories from the Faerie Queene [1916]
MacPherson, Georgia H.; Theodore P. Gianakoulis : Fairy Tales of Modern Greece [1930]
Macpherson, James: The Poems of Ossian [1773]
Magnus, Leonard A.: The Tale of the Armament of Igor [1915]
Magnusson, Eirikr; William Morris: The Story of Grettir the Strong [1869]
Magnusson, Eirikr; William Morris: The Story of the Volsungs [1888]
Maimonides, Moses; M. Freidländer: The Guide for the Perplexed [1904]
Maitland, Edward; Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus; Anna Kingsford: The Virgin of the World [1885]
Malinowski, Bronislaw: Baloma; the Spirits of the Dead in the Trobriand Islands [1916]
Malleson, Frederick Amadeus; Jules Verne: Journey to the Center of the Earth [1877]
Malory, Sir Thomas: Le Morte d'Arthur [1847-50]
Manhar, Nurho de: The Zohar: Bereshith to Lekh Lekha [1900-14]
Maragh, G.G.; Leonard Percival Howell: The Promised Key [1935]
Markham, Clements: Apu Ollantay [1910]
Markham, Clements R.: Narratives of the Rites and Laws of the Yncas [1873]
Martyr, Justin; Irenaeaus: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol I [1847-50]
Masson, Elsie: Folk Tales of Brittany [1929]
Mathers, Edward Powys; Bilhana: Black Marigolds [1919]
Mathers, S. Liddell MacGregor: The Key of Solomon The King [1888]
Mathers, S.L. MacGregor: The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage [1900]
Mathers, S.L. MacGregor; Aleister Crowley: The Lesser Key of Solomon [1904]
Mathers, S.L. MacGregor: The Kabbalah Unveiled [1912]
Mathers, S.L. MacGregor: The Tarot [1888]
Matheson, P.E.; Arrian: The Discourses of Epictetus [1916]
Matthews, W.H.: Mazes and Labyrinths [1922]
Matthews, Washington: Noqoìlpi, the Gambler: A Navajo Myth [1889]
Matthews, Washington: Navaho Myths, Prayers, and Songs [1906]
Matthews, Washington: The Mountain Chant, A Navajo Ceremony [1887]
Mawr, E.B.: Roumanian Fairy Tales and Legends [1881]
May, J. Lewis; Ovid; Publius Ovidius Naso: The Love Books of Ovid [1930]
McCann, Lee: Nostradamus: The Man Who Saw Through Time [1941]
McClintock, Walter: The Old North Trail [1910]
McCrindle, J. W.; Cosmas Indiopleustes: Christian Topography [1897]
McDevitte, W.A.; Julius Caesar; W.S. Bohn: Works of Julius Caesar [1869]
McGroarty, John Steven; Frederick V. Carpenter: Mission Memories [1929]
Mead, G.R.S.: Gnostic John the Baptizer [1924]
Mead, G.R.S.: The Hymn of Jesus, Echoes from the Gnosis [1907]
Mead, G.R.S.: Corpus Hermeticum
Mead, G.R.S.: Pistis Sophia [1921]
Mead, G.R.S.: Fragments of a Faith Forgotten [1900]
Mead, G.R.S.: Thrice-Greatest Hermes, Vol. 1 [1906]
Mead, G.R.S.: Thrice-Greatest Hermes, Vol. 2 [1906]
Mead, G.R.S.: Thrice-Greatest Hermes, Vol. 3 [1906]
Mead, George Robert Stowe: Apollonius of Tyana [1901]
Medhurst, C. Spurgeon: The Tao Teh King: A Short Study in Comparative Religion [1905]
Mencius; James Legge: Mencius [1895]
Menzies, Louisa; Charles G. Leland: Lives of the Greek Heroines [1880]
Mercer, Samuel A. B.: The Pyramid Texts [1952]
Merchant, Ella; Alice Ilgenfritz Jones: Unveiling a Parallel [1893]
Merriam, C. Hart: The Dawn of the World [1910]
Mertz, Henriette: Pale Ink [1953]
Metaxa, George; Rudolf Steiner: Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and Its Attainment [1947]
Methodius; Gregory Thaumaturgus; Dionysius the Great; Julius Africanus; Anatolius; Arnobius: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. VI [1847-50]
Michael 111, Fra:.: An Enochian dictionary [1847-50]
Michelet, Jules; Alfred Richard Allinson: The Sorceress [1939]
Mickle, William Julius; Luis de Camoens: The Lusiad [1776]
Miles, Clement A.: Christmas in Ritual and Tradition [1912]
Miletus, Arctinus of; Homer; Hugh G. Evelyn-White: The Sack of Ilium (fragments) [1847-50]
Mill, John Stuart: On Liberty [1859]
Mill, John Stuart: Representative Government [1861]
Mill, John Stuart: Utilitarianism [1863]
Mill, John Stuart: The Subjection of Women [1869]
Miller, John Maurice: Philippine Folklore Stories [1904]
Miller, William: Evidence from Scripture and History of the Second Coming of Christ [1842]
Mills, L.H.: The Zend Avesta, Part III: (SBE 31) The Yasna, Visparad, Âfrînagân, Gâhs and Miscellaneous Fragments [1887]
Milton, John: Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained [1667]
Mitchell, Betty; Helen Mitchell: We Met the Space People [1959]
Mitchell, Helen; Betty Mitchell: We Met the Space People [1959]
Miura, Kiyoko: Yukara, epos of the Ainus [1847-50]
Moncrief, Charles Scott: The Song of Roland [1919]
Monmouth, Geoffrey of; Sebastian Evans: Geoffrey of Monmouth [1129]
Monmouth, Geoffrey of; John Jay Parry: The Vita Merlini [1925]
Monteiro, Mariana: Legends and Popular Tales of the Basque People [1887]
Mooney, James: The Cherokee Ball Play [1890]
Mooney, James: Myths of the Cherokee [1900]
Mooney, James: Sacred Formulas of the Cherokee [1891]
Moore, A.W.: The Folk-Lore of the Isle of Man [1891]
Moore, Clement C.: A Visit from St. Nicholas [1823]
More, Thomas: Utopia [1516]
Morgan, Evan S.: Tao, The Great Luminant [1933]
Morgan, Mike: Introduction to Cybercraft [1847-50]
Morgan, William: Illustrations of Masonry [1827]
Morganwg, Iolo; J. Williams Ab Ithel: The Barddas, Vol. I [1862]
Morganwg, Iolo; J. Williams Ab Ithel: The Barddas, Vol. II [1874]
Morley, Henry; Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa; L.W. de Laurence: The Philosophy of Natural Magic [1913]
Morris, William; Eirikr Magnusson: The Story of Grettir the Strong [1869]
Morris, William: Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair [1895]
Morris, William: The Earthly Paradise, (March-August) [1868]
Morris, William: The Earthly Paradise, (September-November) [1870]
Morris, William: The Earthly Paradise, (December-February) [1870]
Morris, William: The Roots of the Mountains [1889]
Morris, William: The Story of the Glittering Plain [1891]
Morris, William: The Sundering Flood [1897]
Morris, William: The Hollow Land [1856]
Morris, William: The House of the Wolfings [1889]
Morris, William: The Well at the World's End [1896]
Morris, William: The Water of the Wondrous Isles [1897]
Morris, William; Eirikr Magnusson: The Story of the Volsungs [1888]
Morris, William: The Wood Beyond the World [1894]
Morris, William: News from Nowhere [1891]
Morshead, Edmund Doidge Anderson; Aeschylus: Agamemnon [1881]
Morshead, Edmund Doidge Anderson; Aeschylus: The Choephori (Libation Bearers) [1881]
Morshead, Edmund Doidge Anderson; Aeschylus: The Choephori (Libation Bearers) [1881]
Morshead, Edmund Doidge Anderson; Aeschylus: Prometheus Bound [1881]
Morshead, Edmund Doidge Anderson; Aeschylus: The Seven Against Thebes [1881]
Morshead, Edmund Doidge Anderson; Aeschylus: The Suppliants [1881]
Morten, Honnor; Israel Gollancz: The Love Letters of Abelard and Heloise [1128]
Morton, A. P; Papus: The Tarot of the Bohemians [1896]
Mu-mon; Ekai; Huikai; Nyogen Senzaki; Paul Reps: The Gateless Gate [1934]
Mukerji, A. P.; William Walker Atkinson: Yoga Lessons for Developing Spiritual Consciousness [1911]
Mullan, Elder; St. Ignatius of Loyola: The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola [1522-1524]
Müller, F. Max; E.B. Cowell; J. Kakakusu: Buddhist Mahâyâna Texts (SBE 49) [1894]
Müller, F. Max: Ramakrishna, His Life and Sayings [1898]
Müller, F. Max: Vedic Hymns, Part I (SBE 32) [1891]
Müller, Max; V. Fausböll: The Dhammapada and The Sutta Nipâta (SBE10), [1881]
Muller, Max: On the Migration of Fables [1881]
Müller, Max: The Upanishads, Part I (SBE 1) [1879]
Müller, Max: The Upanishads, Part II (SBE 15) [1884]
Mullock, Dorothy; Apuleius; William Adlington: The Most Pleasant and Delectable Tale of The Marriage of Cupid and Psyche [1914]
Mumford, Lewis: The Story of Utopias [1922]
Murray, Gilbert; Euripides: Euripides and His Age [1847-50]
Murray, Gilbert; Euripides: The Trojan Women [1847-50]
Murray, Gilbert: Five Stages of Greek Religion [1925]
Murray, Margaret: The Witch-Cult in Western Europe [1921]
Murray, Margaret Alice: Ancient Egyptian Legends [1920]
Musés, C.A.: Esoteric Teachings of the Tibetan Tantra [1961]
Lista Autori : N
Nabil: The Dawn Breakers
Naokiyo, Muro; Kyuso; George William Knox: The Shundai Zatsuwa (A Japanese Philosopher) [1892]
Naomi, Aunt; Gertrude Landa: Jewish Fairy Tales and Legends [1919]
Naso, Publius Ovidius; J. Lewis May; Ovid: The Love Books of Ovid [1930]
Naso, Publius Ovidius; Sir Samuel Garth; John Dryden; Alexander Pope; Joseph Addison; William Congreve; Ovid: The Metamorphoses [1717]
Nassau, Robert Hamill: Fetichism in West Africa [1904]
Nazianzen, Gregory; Cyril of Jerusalem: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. VII [1847-50]
Neale, J.: Hymns of the Eastern Church [1884]
Neligan, Harry L.; St. John D. Seymour: True Irish Ghost Stories [1914]
Nequatewa, Edmund: Truth of a Hopi [1936]
Nesbit, Edward Planta: Jesus An Essene [1895]
Neubauer, A.; A.E. Cowley: Original Hebrew of a Portion of Ecclesiasticus [1897]
Newbrough, John Ballou: Oahspe, A Kosmon Bible in the Words of Jehovih and his Angel Embassadors [1882]
Newton, Joseph Fort: The Builders [1914]
Nicholson, Reynold A.; Muhammad Iqbal: The Secrets of the Self [1920]
Nicholson, Reynold A.: The Mystics of Islam [1914]
Nicholson, Reynold A.; al-Arabi: The Tarjuman al-Ashwaq [1911]
Nicholson, Reynold Alleyne: Studies in Islamic Mysticism [1921]
Nietzsche, Friedrich: Thus Spake Zarathustra [1891]
Nilsson, Martin P.: Greek Popular Religion [1940]
Nilsson, Martin P.: The Mycenaean Origin of Greek Mythology [1932]
Nitobe, Inazo: Bushido, The Soul of Japan [1905]
Nivedita, Sister; Margaret E. Noble: Kali the Mother [1900]
Nivedita, Sister; Margaret E. Noble: Studies from an Eastern Home [1913]
Nivedita, Sister; Margaret E. Noble: The Web of Indian Life [1904]
Noble, Margaret E.; Sister Nivedita: Kali the Mother [1900]
Noble, Margaret E.; Sister Nivedita: Studies from an Eastern Home [1913]
Noble, Margaret E.; Sister Nivedita: The Web of Indian Life [1904]
Nordhoff, Charles: The Communistic Societies of the United States [1875]
Norton, Josh: The Lotus of Power Ritual [1847-50]
Nostradamus: The Prophecies of Nostradamus [1847-50]
Notovitch, Nicolas; J. H. Connelly; L. Landsberg: The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ [1890]
Novatian; Hippolytus; Cyprian; Caius: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. V [1847-50]
Noyes, George Rapnall; Leonard Bacon: Heroic Ballads of Servia [1913]
Noyes, John Humphrey: Male Continence [1872]
Nukariya, Kaiten: The Religion of the Samurai [1913]
Lista Autori : O
O'Bryan, Aileen: Origin Myths of the Navaho Indians [1956]
O'Hara, John Myers; Sappho: The Poems of Sappho [1910]
O'Higgins, Harvey J.; Frank J. Cannon: Under the Prophet in Utah [1911]
O'Leary, De Lacy: Arabic Thought and Its Place in History [1922]
Oesterley, W.O.E.: The Doctrine of the Last Things [1908]
Ogawa, Sanchi; Teresa Peirce Williston: Japanese Fairy Tales [1911]
Ogumefu, M. I.: Yoruba Legends [1929]
Okakura, Kakuzo: The Book of Tea [1906]
Okakura, Kakuzo: The Ideals of the East [1904]
Okusa, Yejitsu: Principal Teachings of the True Sect of Pure Land [1915]
Olcott, Frances Jenkins: Baltic Wizards [1928]
Olcott, Henry S.: The Buddhist Catechism [1908]
Olcott, William Tyler: Sun Lore of All Ages [1914]
Oldenberg, Herman; T.W. Rhys Davids: Vinaya Texts (Part I) (SBE13) [1881]
Oldenberg, Herman; T.W. Rhys Davids: Vinaya Texts (Part II) (SBE17) [1882]
Oldenberg, Herman; T.W. Rhys Davids: Vinaya Texts (Part III) (SBE20) [1885]
Oldenberg, Hermann: The Grihya Sutras, Part 1 (SBE 29) [1886]
Oldenberg, Hermann: The Grihya Sutras, Part 2 (SBE 30) [1892]
Oldenberg, Hermann: Vedic Hymns, Part II (SBE 46) [1897]
Oliver, Frederick S.: A Dweller on Two Planets [1905]
Origen; Tertullian: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. IV [1847-50]
Origen; Clement: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. IX [1847-50]
Orpheus; Thomas Taylor: The Hymns of Orpheus [1792]
Ouspensky, P. D.: The Symbolism of the Tarot [1913]
Ouspensky, P.D.: Tertium Organum [1922]
Ovid; J. Lewis May; Publius Ovidius Naso: The Love Books of Ovid [1930]
Ovid; Sir Samuel Garth; John Dryden; Alexander Pope; Joseph Addison; William Congreve; Publius Ovidius Naso: The Metamorphoses [1717]
Lista Autori : P
Page, B. S.; Plotinus; Stephen MacKenna: The Enneads of Plotinus [1917-1930]
Paine, Thomas: Age of Reason [1794]
Paine, Thomas: Common Sense [1776]
Paine, Thomas: An Essay on Dream
Paine, Thomas: Biblical Blasphemy
Paine, Thomas: Examination Of The Prophecies
Paine, Thomas: Rights of Man [1791]
Palmer, E.H.: Oriental Mysticism [1867]
Palmer, E.H.: The Qur’ân, Part I (SBE 6) [1880]
Palmer, E.H.: The Qur’ân, Part II (SBE 9) [1880]
Palmer, Ray; Ofreo M. Angelucci: The Secret of the Saucers [1955]
Palmer, W. Scott; Jacob Boehme; Eveyln Underhill: The Confessions of Jacob Boehme [1920]
Papus; A. P Morton: The Tarot of the Bohemians [1896]
Paracelsus; A.E. Waite: Coelum philosophorum
Paracelsus; A.E. Waite: The Treasure of Treasures for Alchemists
Paracelsus; A.E. Waite: The Book Concerning The Tincture Of The Philosophers
Paracelsus; A.E. Waite: The Aurora of the Philosophers
Paracelsus; J.K: The Prophecies of Paracelsus [1915]
Parallax; Samuel Birley Rowbotham: Zetetic Astronomy: Earth Not a Globe [1881]
Parker, Arthur C.: The Code of Handsome Lake [1913]
Parker, John; Dionysius the Areopagite: The Works of Dionysius the Areopagite [400]
Parker, K. Langloh; Andrew Lang: Australian Legendary Tales [1897]
Parker, K. Langloh; Andrew Lang: The Euahlayi Tribe [1905]
Parker, Willis L.; Pierre Louÿs; Frank J. Buttera: Aphrodite (Ancient Manners) [1932]
Parry, John Jay; Geoffrey of Monmouth: The Vita Merlini [1925]
Pascal, Blaise: Pensees [1660]
Pascal, Blaise: The Provincial Letters [1657]
Patanjali; Charles Johnston: The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali [1912]
Pavitt, Kate; William Thomas Pavitt: The Book of Talismans, Amulets and Zodiacal Gems [1914]
Pavitt, William Thomas; Kate Pavitt: The Book of Talismans, Amulets and Zodiacal Gems [1914]
Peale, Norman Vincent; Arthur Hinds: The Complete Sayings of Jesus [1927]
Peck, C.W : Australian Legends [1925]
Persona Navitae 353: The Manifestation of Kali in Universe as an Astrophysical Anomaly [1847-50]
Petronius, Gaius; Alfred R. Allinson: The Satyricon of Petronius [1930]
Pettersburg, Fitz Balintine: The Royal Parchment Scroll of Black Supremacy [1926]
Phelps, William Lyon: Human Nature in the Bible [1922]
Phillips, G.P.; F. Kingsbury: Hymns of the Tamil Saivite Saints [1829]
Philostratus; F.C. Conybeare: The Life of Apollonius of Tyana [1912]
Pick, Bernhard: The Cabala [1913]
Pickthall, Mohammed Marmaduke: The Qur'an [1930]
Pike, Albert: Morals and Dogma [1871]
Pinches, Theophilus G.: The Religion Of Babylonia And Assyria
Pir, Christeos: An essay on the pronunciation of Enochian [1847-50]
Pitz, Henry; Strafford Riggs: The Story of Beowulf [1933]
Plato; Benjamin Jowett: Apology (the Death of Socrates) [1871]
Plato; Benjamin Jowett: Charmides, or Temperance [1871]
Plato; Benjamin Jowett: Cratylus [1871]
Plato; Benjamin Jowett: Critias [1871]
Plato; Benjamin Jowett: Crito [1871]
Plato; Benjamin Jowett: Euthydemus [1871]
Plato; Benjamin Jowett: Euthyphro [1871]
Plato; Benjamin Jowett: Gorgias [1871]
Plato; Benjamin Jowett: Ion [1871]
Plato; Benjamin Jowett: Laches or Courage [1871]
Plato; Benjamin Jowett: Laws [1871]
Plato; Benjamin Jowett: Lysis, or Friendship [1871]
Plato; Benjamin Jowett: Meno [1871]
Plato; Benjamin Jowett: Parmenides [1871]
Plato; Benjamin Jowett: Phaedo [1871]
Plato; Benjamin Jowett: Phaedrus [1871]
Plato; Benjamin Jowett: Philebus [1871]
Plato; Benjamin Jowett: Protagoras [1871]
Plato; Benjamin Jowett: The Republic [1871]
Plato; J. Harward: The Seventh Letter [1928]
Plato; Benjamin Jowett: Sophist [1871]
Plato; Benjamin Jowett: Statesman [1871]
Plato; Benjamin Jowett: Symposium [1871]
Plato; Benjamin Jowett: Theaetetus [1871]
Plato; Benjamin Jowett: Timaeus [1871]
Plotinus; Stephen MacKenna; B. S. Page: The Enneads of Plotinus [1917-1930]
Plurabelle, Anna Livia: The Book of the Goddess [2002]
Plutarch; Charles William King: Plutarch's Morals: Theosophical Essays [1908]
Plutarch; Frank Cole Babbitt: The Roman and Greek Questions [1938]
Plutarch; Frank Cole Babbitt: The Roman and Greek Questions [1938]
Plutarch: De Iside et Osiride [1847-50]
Pogany, Willy; Ignácz Kúnos: Forty-four Turkish Fairy Tales [1913]
Pogany, Willy; Padraic Colum: The Children of Odin [1920]
Poitiers, Hilary of; John of Damascus: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. IX [1847-50]
Polano, H.: The Talmud: Selections [1876]
Polidori, John: The Vampyre [1819]
Pope, Alexander; Sir Samuel Garth; John Dryden; Joseph Addison; William Congreve; Ovid; Publius Ovidius Naso: The Metamorphoses [1717]
Porter, William N.: A Hundred Verses from Old Japan [1909]
Potter, Robert; Aeschylus: The Persians [1809]
Potter, Robert; Euripides: Ion [1887]
Potter, Robert; Euripides: Iphigenia in Tauris [1887]
Potts, John F.; Emanuel Swedenborg: Arcana Coelestia [1749-56]
Potts, John F.; Emanuel Swedenborg: Doctrine of the Lord [1763]
Potts, John F.; Emanuel Swedenborg: Doctrine of Faith [1763]
Potts, John F.; Emanuel Swedenborg: Doctrine of Life [1763]
Potts, John F.; Emanuel Swedenborg: Doctrine of Sacred Scriptures [1763]
Poussin, L. de la Vallée: The Way to Nirvana [1917]
Pratt, Parley Parker: The Angel of the Prairies, A Dream of the Future [1880]
Prendergast, W.J.; Badí‘ al-Zamán al-Hamadhání: The Maqámát of Badí‘ al-Zamán al-Hamadhání [1915]
Press, Muriel: The Laxdaela Saga [1899]
Proclus; Thomas Taylor: Fragments that Remain of the Lost Writings of Proclus [1825]
Procopius; Richard Atwater: The Secret History of Procopius [1927]
Province, The Fathers of the English Dominican; St. Thomas Aquinas: Summa Theologica [1948]
Puckle, Bertram S.: Funeral Customs [1904]
Pusey, Edward Bouverie; St. Augustine: The Confessions of Saint Augustine [401]
Pyle, Howard: The Champions of the Round Table [1905]
Pythagoras; Florence M. Firth: The Golden Verses of Pythagoras [1902]
Pythagoras; Fabre d'Olivet: The Golden Verses of Pythagoras [1917]
Python, Monty: Monty Python. and the Holy Grail [1847-50]
Lista Autori : Q
Quimby, Phineas Parkhurst; Horatio W. Dresser: The Quimby Manuscripts [1921]
Lista Autori : R
Rabbis, The Central Conference of American; Isidore Lipton: The Union Haggadah [1923]
Rackham, Arthur; Richard Wagner; Margaret Armour: Wagner's Ring of the Niblung [1910]
Radcliffe-Brown, A.R.: Myths and Legends of the Andamans [1922]
Radin, Paul: The Peyote Cult [1925]
Ragg, Lonsdale and Laura: The Gospel of Barnabas [1907]
Ralston, W.R.S.: The Songs of the Russian People [1872]
Ramacharaka, Yogi; William Walker Atkinson: Raja Yoga [1906]
Ramacharaka, Yogi; William Walker Atkinson: The Science of Breath [1904]
Râmânuja; George Thibaut: The Vedântâ-Sûtras (SBE 48) [1904]
Rank, Otto: The Myth of the Birth of the Hero [1914]
Ransome, Arthur: Old Peter's Russian Tales [1916]
Rapaport, Samuel: Tales and Maxims from the Midrash [1907]
Raphall, M. J.; D. A. Sola: Eighteen Treatises from the Mishna [1843]
Rasmussen, Knud; W. Worster: Eskimo Folk-tales [1921]
Rattray, R. Sutherland; Maalam Shaihu: Hausa Folklore [1913]
Raverty, H. G.: Selections from the Poetry of the Afghans [1867]
Ravn, Clara Iza von: Selestor's Men of Atlantis [1937]
Reade, W. Winwood: The Veil of Isis or Mysteries of the Druids [1861]
Redgrove, Herbert Stanley: Bygone Beliefs [1921]
Redhouse, James W.; Rumi; Eflaki: The Mesnevi [1881]
Reed, William: The Phantom of the Poles [1909]
Reeves, Arthur Middleton; North Ludlow Beamish; Rasmus B. Anderson: The Norse Discovery of America [1906]
Reichard, Gladys: Spider Woman, A Story of Navajo Weavers and Chanters [1934]
Reid, Bessie M.; Florence Stratton; Berniece Burrough: When the Storm God Rides: Tejas and other Indian Legends [1936]
Reina, Casiodoro de; Cipriano de Valera: Spanish Bible [1602]
Reps, Paul; Ekai; Huikai; Mu-mon; Nyogen Senzaki: The Gateless Gate [1934]
Reynolds, Geo.: The Book of Abraham, Its Authenticity Established... [1879]
Rhine, Joseph Banks: Extra-Sensory Perception [1934]
Rhodius, Apollonius; R.C. Seaton: The Argonautica [1912]
Rhys, John: Celtic Folklore: Welsh and Manx [1900]
Richard, Timothy: The Awakening of Faith of Ashvagosha [1907]
Richter, Jean Paul; Leonardo Da Vinci: The Da Vinci Notebooks [1883]
Riggs, Strafford; Henry Pitz: The Story of Beowulf [1933]
Rink, Henry: Tales and Traditions of the Eskimo [1875]
Robertson, John M.: Pagan Christs: Studies in Comparative Hierology [1911]
Robinson, Alfred; Geronimo Boscana: Chinigchinich [1846]
Robinson, Mary; Sappho: Sappho and Phaon [1796]
Robinson, Paschal: The Writings of St. Francis of Assisi [1905]
Robison, John: Proofs of a Conspiracy [1912]
Robson, James: Christ In Islâm [1929]
Rocco, Sha; Hargrave Jennings: The Masculine Cross and Ancient Sex Worship [1874]
Rodkinson, Michael L.: The Talmud, Tract Sabbath [1847-50]
Rodkinson, Michael L.: The Talmud, Tracts Erubin, Shekalim, Rosh Hashana [1847-50]
Rodkinson, Michael L.: The Talmud, Tracts Pesachim, Yomah and Hagiga [1847-50]
Rodkinson, Michael L.: The Talmud, Tracts Betzh, Succah, Moed Katan, Taanith, Megilla and Ebel Rabbathi or Semahoth [1847-50]
Rodkinson, Michael L.: The Talmud, Tracts Aboth, Derech Eretz-Rabba, Derech Eretz-Zuta, and Baba Kama (First Gate) [1847-50]
Rodkinson, Michael L.: The Talmud, Tract Baba Kama (First Gate), Part II and Tract Baba Metzia (Middle Gate) [1847-50]
Rodkinson, Michael L.: The Talmud, Tract Baba Bathra (Last Gate) [1847-50]
Rodkinson, Michael L.: The Talmud, Tract Sanhedrin: Section Jurisprudence (Damages) [1847-50]
Rodkinson, Michael L.: The Talmud, Tracts Maccoth, Shebuoth, Eduyoth, Abuda Zara, and Horioth [1847-50]
Rodkinson, Michael L.: History of the Talmud [1847-50]
Rodwell, J.M.: The Koran [1876]
Rogers, R. W.: Adapa and the food of Life [1912]
Rogers, Robert Athlyi: The Holy Piby [1924-8]
Rolleston, Thomas: Myths and Legends of the Celtic Race [1911]
Rose, R. Selden; Leonard Bacon: The Lay of the Cid [1919]
Rose, William Stewart; Ludovico Ariosto: Orlando Furioso [1823-31]
Ross, Mary; Pierre Benoit; Mary C. Tongue: Altantida (L'Antlantide) [1920]
Ross, William David; Aristotle: The Nicomachean Ethics [1908]
Rothery, Guy Cadogan: The Amazons [1910]
Rothwell, F.; Edouard Schuré: Jesus, the Last Great Initiate [1908]
Rouse, W. H. D.; E.B. Cowell: The Jataka, Vol. II [1895]
Rouse, W.H.D.; E.B. Cowell: The Jataka, Vol. IV [1901]
Rouse, W.H.D.; E.B. Cowell: The Jataka, Vol. VI [1907]
Rowbotham, Samuel Birley; Parallax: Zetetic Astronomy: Earth Not a Globe [1881]
Rowe, Benjamin: THE FIRST KEY -- An Analysis of the First Enochian Call or Key [1847-50]
Rowe, Benjamin: THE ABYSS EXPERIENCE -- Generating the Abyss Experience [1847-50]
Rowe, Benjamin: THE AEONIC PERSPECTIVE -- Temples, INRI/IRNI and the Set/Horus Duality [1847-50]
Rowe, Benjamin: SOME NOTES ON GEMATRIA IN LIBER AL -- Random musings on Liber AL [1847-50]
Rowe, Benjamin: THE BOOK OF THE ARCHER -- Using the Astrological Chart as a Lamen [1847-50]
Rowe, Benjamin: THE CACODEMONS -- Invoking the Cacodemons with the Temples [1847-50]
Rowe, Benjamin: ENOCHIAN TEMPLES -- Contruction of the Macrocosmic Enochian Temples [1847-50]
Rowe, Benjamin: THE TEMPLE OF FIRE -- Consecrating the Temple of the Fire Tablet [1847-50]
Rowe, Benjamin: THE RITUAL OF THE HEXAGRAM -- An experimental Enochian Ritual [1847-50]
Rowe, Benjamin: THE RITUAL OF THE HEPTAGRAM -- Using Dee's Heptarchic System [1847-50]
Rowe, Benjamin: DIVINE CREATION AND INTIATION -- The process of Aeonic Emanations [1847-50]
Rowe, Benjamin: THE SECOND KEY -- Experiments with the Second Enochian Call or Key [1847-50]
Rowe, Benjamin: THE LOWER TEMPLE -- Construction of the Microcosmic Temples [1847-50]
Rowe, Benjamin: THE PATHS -- A brief listing of the Achadian Paths [1847-50]
Rowe, Benjamin: Book of the Seniors [1847-50]
Rowe, Benjamin: SET / HORUS -- Further examination of the Set/Horus Mythos [1847-50]
Rowe, Benjamin: THE LAND -- Medieval Social Structure and the Achadian Tree [1847-50]
Rowe, Benjamin: THE ZODIACAL ROUND -- The precessional sequence as steps in Creativity [1847-50]
Roys, Ralph L.: The Book of Chilam Balam of Chumayel [1930]
Rufinus; Theodoret; Jerome; Gennadius: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. III [1847-50]
Rumi; E.H. Whinfield: The Masnavi [1898]
Rumi; Eflaki; James W. Redhouse: The Mesnevi [1881]
Ruppelt, Edward J.: The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects [1956]
Russell, George William; AE: The Candle of Vision [1918]
Rustaveli, Shota; Marjory Scott Wardrop: The Man in the Panther's Skin [1912]
Ruysbroeck, Jan van; C. A. Wynschenk Dom; Evelyn Underhill: The Adornment of the Spiritual Marriage [1916]
Ryan, Marah Ellis: The Druid Path [1917]
Ryan, Marah Ellis: Pagan Prayers [1913]
Ryder, Arthur W.; Shudraka: The Little Clay Cart [1905]
Ryder, Arthur W.; Kalidasa: Kalidasa: Translations of Shakuntala and Other Works [1914]
Ryder, Arthur W.: Twenty-two Goblins [1912]
Lista Autori : S
Śankarâchârya; Charles Johnston: The Crest-Jewel of Wisdom [1946]
Sa'di; Edwin Arnold: The Gulistan [1899]
Sadi; A. Hart Edwards: The Bustan of Sadi [1911]
Sadi; Arthur N. Wollaston: Sadi's Scroll of Wisdom [1906]
Saint-Germain, Comte de; Manly Palmer Hall: The Most Holy Trinosophia [1933]
Samosata, Lucian of; H. W. Fowler; F. G. Fowler: The Works of Lucian [1905]
Samosata, Lucian of; A.L.H.: Mimes of the Courtesans [1928]
Samosata, Lucian of: A True Story: Parallel English/Greek [1847-50]
Samosata, Lucian of; Herbert A. Strong: The Syrian Goddess [1913]
Sanâ'î, Hakîm Abû' L-Majd Majdûd; J. Stephenson: The Enclosed Garden of the Truth [1910]
Sandbach, Wiliam R.: The Oera Linda Book [1876]
Sanderson, Ivan T.: Abominable Snowmen: Legend Come to Life [1961]
Sanger, Margaret: Woman and the New Race [1920]
Sankarâkârya; George Thibaut: The Vedântâ-Sûtras Part I (SBE 34) [1890]
Sankarâkârya; George Thibaut: The Vedântâ-Sûtras Part II (SBE 38) [1896]
Sapir, Edward: Yana Texts [1910]
Sappho; John Myers O'Hara: The Poems of Sappho [1910]
Sappho; Mary Robinson: Sappho and Phaon [1796]
Sappho; Edwin Marion Cox: The Poems of Sappho [1925]
Sappho; Edwin Marion Cox: The Poems of Sappho (Unicode) [1925]
Sastri, Alladi Mahadeva: Dakshinamurti Stotra [1920]
Saunders, K.J.; W.D.C. Wagiswara: The Buddha's Way of Virtue [1920]
Sayce, A. H.: Records of the Past, 2nd Series, Vol. I [1888]
Sayce, A. H.: Records of the Past, 2nd Series, Vol. II [1888]
Sayce, A. H.: Records of the Past, 2nd Series, Vol. III [1890]
Sayce, A. H.: Records of the Past, 2nd Series, Vol. IV [1890]
Schlaginteweit, Emil: Buddhism In Tibet [1863]
Schliemann, Paul: How I Found the Lost Atlantis, The Source of All Civilization [1912]
Scholasticus, Socrates; Sozomen: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. II [1847-50]
Schreck, J.E.; Emanuel Swedenborg: Prophets and Psalms [1761]
Schuré, Edouard: Pythagoras and the Delphic Mysteries [1906]
Schuré, Edouard; F. Rothwell: Jesus, the Last Great Initiate [1908]
Scofield, Cyrus Ingerson: Scofield Reference Notes [1917]
Scott, Sir Walter: Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft [1885]
Scott-Elliot, W.: The Story of Atlantis [1896]
Scott-Elliot, W.: The Lost Lemuria [1904]
Seaborn, Adam; John Cleves Symmes: Symzonia; Voyage of Discovery [1820]
Seaton, R.C.; Apollonius Rhodius: The Argonautica [1912]
Segond, Louis: French Bible [1910]
Seiss, Joseph A.: A Miracle in Stone: or The Great Pyramid of Egypt [1877]
Selassie, by Haile: The Wisdom of Rastafari
Sellar, A.M.; Bede: Bede's Ecclesiastical History of England [731]
Senzaki, Nyogen; Ekai; Huikai; Mu-mon; Paul Reps: The Gateless Gate [1934]
Seva, Bhakti: The Hindu Book of Astrology [1902]
Severus, Sulpitius; Vincent of Lerins; John Cassian: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. XI [1847-50]
Seymour, St. John D.; Harry L. Neligan: True Irish Ghost Stories [1914]
Seymour, St. John D.: Irish Witchcraft and Demonology [1913]
Shabistari, Sa'd Ud Din Mahmud; Florence Lederer: The Secret Rose Garden [1920]
Shaihu, Maalam; R. Sutherland Rattray: Hausa Folklore [1913]
Shakespeare, William: Antony and Cleopatra [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: A Lovers' Complaint [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: All's Well That Ends Well [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: As You Like It [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Comedy of Errors [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Coriolanus [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Cymbeline [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Hamlet [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Julius Caeser [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: King Henry the Fourth, Part I [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: King Henry the Fourth, Part II [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: King Henry the Fifth [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: King Henry the Sixth, Part I [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: King Henry the Sixth, Part II [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: King Henry the Sixth, Part III [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: King Henry the Eighth [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: King John [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: King Richard the Second [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: King Richard the Third [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: King Lear [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Loves Labour Lost [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Macbeth [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Much Ado About Nothing [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Measure for Measure [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Midsummers' Night Dream [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Merchant of Venice [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Merry Wives of Windsor [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Othello [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Pericles, Prince of Tyre [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Romeo and Juliet [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Rape of Lucrece [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Sonnets [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Titus Andronicus [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Troilus and Cressida [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Tempest [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Two Gentlemen of Verona [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Two Noble Kinsmen [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Timon of Athens [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Taming of the Shrew [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Twelfth Night [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: The Winter's Tale [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Venus and Adonis [1847-50]
Shaku, Soyen; Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki: Zen for Americans [1906]
Sharpe, Samuel; E. A. Wallis Budge: Egyptian Mythology and Egyptian Christianity [1863]
Shaver, Richard S.: I Remember Lemuria [1948]
Shea, John Gilmary; Alban Butler; Benziger: Lives of the Saints [1894]
Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft: Frankenstein [1831]
Shelton, A.L.: Tibetan Folk Tales [1925]
Shepard, Odell: Lore of the Unicorn [1930]
Shields, Elizabeth Douglas; Rudolf Steiner: Theosophy [1910]
Shikibu, Murasaki; Suematsu Kencho: Genji Monogatari [1900]
Shinn, Florence Scovel: The Game of Life and How to Play It [1925]
Shinn, Florence Scovel: The Secret Door To Success [1941]
Shinn, Florence Scovel: Your Word Is Your Wand [1928]
Shortland, Edward: Maori Religion and Mythology [1882]
Shudraka; Arthur W. Ryder: The Little Clay Cart [1905]
Shumway, Daniel B.: The Nibelungenlied [1909]
Sickels, Daniel: General Ahiman Rezon [1868]
Sikes, Wirt: British Goblins [1881]
Silesius, Angelus; Julia Bilger: Alexandrines: translated from the "Cherubinischer Wandersmann" [1944]
Silesius, Angelus; J. E. Crawford Flitch: Selections from The Cherubinic Wanderer [1932]
Sinclair, Upton: Mental Radio [1930]
Singer, Simeon: The Standard Prayer Book [1915]
Sinh, Pancham: The Hatha Yoga Pradipika [1914]
Skene, William F.: The Gododdin Poems [1868]
Skene, William F.: The Four Ancient Books of Wales [1868]
Skinner, Charles M.: Myths and Legends of Our Own Land [1896]
Smith, Eli; Cornelius Van Allen Van Dyck: Arabic Bible [1865]
Smith, George: The Chaldean Account of Genesis [1876]
Smith, George: The Chaldean Account of the Deluge [1873]
Smith, Grafton Elliot: The Evolution of the Dragon [1919]
Smith, Richard Gordon: Ancient Tales and Folk-lore of Japan [1918]
Smith, S. Percy: The Lore of the Whare-Wananga [1913]
Smithers, L.C.; Richard Burton: The Priapeia [1890]
Smithson, John H.; Emanuel Swedenborg; George Bush; James F. Buss: Spiritual Diary [1747-65]
Smyth, Julian K.; William F. Wunsch: The Gist of Swedenborg [1920]
Snyder, Gary: The Smokey the Bear Sutra
Society, International Gita: The Bhagavad Gita [1847-50]
Society, Jewish Publication: The Holy Scriptures [1917]
Sola, D. A.; M. J. Raphall: Eighteen Treatises from the Mishna [1843]
Sophocles; R. C. Trevelyan: Ajax [1919]
Sophocles; R. C. Jebb: Antigone [1902]
Sophocles; F. Storr: Oedipus at Colonus [1912-3]
Sophocles; R. C. Jebb: Electra [1873]
Sophocles; F. Storr: Oedipus the King (Oedipus Rex) [1912-3]
Sophocles; Thomas Francklin: Philoctetes [1759]
Sophocles; R. C. Jebb: The Trachiniae [1902]
Sozomen; Socrates Scholasticus: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. II [1847-50]
Spare, Austin O.; Kenneth Grant: The Sorceries of Zos [1847-50]
Spare, Austin Osman: Anathema of Zos: Automatic Writing [1847-50]
Spare, Austin Osman: The Focus of Life [1847-50]
Spare, Austin Osman: The Book of Pleasure (Self-Love). The Psychology of Ecstasy. [1847-50]
Sparkman, Philip Stedman: The Culture of the Luiseño Indians [1908]
Spence, Lewis: The Myths of Mexico and Peru [1913]
Spence, Lewis: The Popul Vuh [1908]
Spence, Lewis: Legends and Romances of Brittany [1917]
Spence, Lewis: Hero Tales and Legends of the Rhine [1915]
Spence, Lewis: Legends and Romances of Spain [1920]
Spencer, Baldwin; F. J. Gillen: The Native Tribes of Central Australia [1899]
Spencer, Baldwin: Native Tribes of the Northern Territory of Australia [1914]
Spenser, Edmund: The Faerie Queene [1596]
Spicer, Dorothy Gladys: Festivals of Western Europe [1958]
Spinden, Herbert Joseph: Songs of the Tewa [1931]
Spinoza, Baruch; R.H.M. Elwes: Correspondence [1883]
Spinoza, Baruch; R.H.M. Elwes: Ethics [1883]
Spinoza, Baruch: Ethica (Latin text of The Ethics) [1677]
Spinoza, Baruch: Ethica (Latin text of The Ethics) [1677]
Spinoza, Baruch; R.H.M. Elwes: A Theologico-Political Treatise [1883]
Spinoza, Baruch; R.H.M. Elwes: On the Improvement of Understanding [1883]
Spurgeon, Charles Haddon: The Treasury of David [1869-85]
Squire, Charles: Celtic Myth and Legend [1905]
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady: The Woman's Bible [1895]
Stefansson, J.; W.G. Collingwood: The Life and Death of Cormac the Skalda [1901]
Steiger, Isabel de; Karl Eckartshausen; A.E. Waite: The Cloud Upon the Sanctuary [1909]
Steiner, Rudolf; George Metaxa: Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and Its Attainment [1947]
Steiner, Rudolf; Elizabeth Douglas Shields: Theosophy [1910]
Stephen, A. M.: Navaho Origin Legend [1930]
Stephens, James: The Crock of Gold [1912]
Stephens, James: Irish Fairy Tales [1920]
Stephenson, J.; Hakîm Abû' L-Majd Majdûd Sanâ'î: The Enclosed Garden of the Truth [1910]
Steward, Julian H.: Some Western Shoshoni Myths [1943]
Stirling, Matthew W.: Origin Myth of Acoma [1942]
Stockham, Alice B.: Karezza, Ethics of Marriage [1903]
Stocks, J. L.; Aristotle: On The Heavens [1922]
Stoker, Bram: Dracula [1897]
Stoker, Bram: Lair of the White Worm [1911]
Stokes, Whitely: The Destruction of Dá Derga's Hostel [1910]
Storr, F.; Sophocles: Oedipus at Colonus [1912-3]
Storr, F.; Sophocles: Oedipus the King (Oedipus Rex) [1912-3]
Stratton, Florence; Bessie M. Reid; Berniece Burrough: When the Storm God Rides: Tejas and other Indian Legends [1936]
Strong, Dawsonne Melanchthon: The Udâna [1902]
Strong, Herbert A.; Lucian of Samosata: The Syrian Goddess [1913]
Strutt, Joseph: Sports and Pastimes of the People of England [1903]
Stukeley, William: Stonehenge, A Temple Restor'd to the British Druids [1740]
Sturlson, Snorri; Samuel Laing: Heimskringla or The Chronicle of the Kings of Norway [1844]
Sturlson, Snorri; Arthur Gilchrist Brodeur: The Prose Edda [1916]
Subrahmanyam, S.V.; Ernest Wood: The Garuda Purana [1911]
Sullivan, Edward: The Book of Kells [1920]
Summers, Montague: The Vampire, his Kith and Kin [1928]
Summers, Montague: The Malleus Maleficarum [1486]
Suzuki, D.T.; Paul Carus: The Canon of Reason and Virtue [1913]
Suzuki, Daisetz Teitaro: Mysticism, Christian and Buddhist [1957]
Suzuki, Daisetz Teitaro: Manual of Zen Buddhism [1935]
Suzuki, Daisetz Teitaro; Soyen Shaku: Zen for Americans [1906]
Suzuki, Teitaro: Açvaghosha's Discourse on the Awakening of Faith in the Mahâyâna [1900]
Suzuki, Teitaro; Paul Carus: T'ai Shang Kan-Ying P'ien [1906]
Suzuki, Teitaro; Paul Carus: Yin Chih Wen, The Tract of the Quiet Way [1906]
Swanton, John R.: Haida Songs [1912]
Swanton, John R.: Tlingit Myths and Texts [1909]
Swanton, John R.: Myths and Tales of the Southeastern Indians [1929]
Swarupananda, Swami: Srimad-Bhagavad-Gita [1909]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John F. Potts: Arcana Coelestia [1749-56]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: Apocalypse Explained [1757-9]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: Apocalypse Revealed [1766]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; Samuel H. Worcester: Athanasian Creed [1759]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: Brief Exposition [1769]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: Canons [1769]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: Charity [1766]
Swedenborg, Emanuel: Conjugial Love [1768]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: Coronis [1771]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: De Conjugio [1766]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; Samuel H. Worcester: De Domino [1760]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: Divine Love [1762-3]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John F. Potts: Doctrine of the Lord [1763]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John C. Ager: Divine Love and Wisdom [1763]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John F. Potts: Doctrine of Faith [1763]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John F. Potts: Doctrine of Life [1763]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; William Frederic Wunsch: Divine Providence [1764]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John F. Potts: Doctrine of Sacred Scriptures [1763]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: De Verbo [1762]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: Divine Wisdom [1762-3]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: Earths in the Universe [1758]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: God the Savior [1768]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John C. Ager: Heaven and Hell [1758]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: Invitation to the New Church [1771]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: Interaction of the Soul and Body [1769]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: Last Judgment [1758]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: Last Judgment Continued [1758]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: Last Judgment Posthumous [1757-9]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; J.E. Schreck: Prophets and Psalms [1761]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; George Bush; John H. Smithson; James F. Buss: Spiritual Diary [1747-65]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: True Christian Religion [1771]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine [1758]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: White Horse [1758]
Sykes, P. M.; Khan Bhadur Ahmad din Khan: The Glory of the Shia World [1910]
Symmes, John Cleves; Adam Seaborn: Symzonia; Voyage of Discovery [1820]
Symonds, John Addington: A Problem in Greek Ethics [1901]
Symonds, John Addington: A Problem in Modern Ethics [1896]
Synge, John M.: In Wicklow and West Kerry [1912]
Synge, John M.: The Aran Islands [1907]
Syrus, Ephraim; Gregory the Great (II); Aphrahat: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. XIII [1847-50]
Lista Autori : T
Tagore, Rabindranath; Kabir; Evelyn Underhill: Songs of Kabîr [1915]
Tagore, Rabindranath: The Crescent Moon [1913]
Tagore, Rabindranath: Fruit-Gathering [1916]
Tagore, Rabindranath: Gitanjali [1913]
Tagore, Rabindranath: The Home and the World [1915]
Tagore, Rabindranath: Saddhana, The Realisation of Life [1916]
Tagore, Rabindranath: Stray Birds [1916]
Tagore, Rabindranath: Thought Relics [1921]
Talbot, D. Amaury: Woman's Mysteries of a Primitive People [1915]
Talmage, James E.: The Story of Mormonism [1918]
Tatian; Hermas; Athenagoras; Theophilus; Clement of Alexandria: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. II [1847-50]
Taylor, Charles: Sayings of the Jewish Fathers (Pirqe Aboth) [1897]
Taylor, Thomas: The Eleusinian and Bacchic Mysteries [1891]
Taylor, Thomas; Proclus: Fragments that Remain of the Lost Writings of Proclus [1825]
Taylor, Thomas; Orpheus: The Hymns of Orpheus [1792]
Taylor, Thomas; Julian: Two Orations of the Emperor Julian [1793]
Teed, Cyrus Reed; Koresh: The Cellular Cosmogony [1922]
Telang, Kâshinâth Trimbak: The Bhagavadgîtâ (SBE 8) [1882]
Tennyson, Alfred Lord: The Idylls of the King [1847-50]
Terry, Milton S.: The Sibylline Oracles [1899]
Tertullian: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. III [1847-50]
Tertullian; Origen: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. IV [1847-50]
Thackeray, William Makepeace: The Irish Sketch-book [1845]
Thaumaturgus, Gregory; Dionysius the Great; Julius Africanus; Anatolius; Methodius; Arnobius: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. VI [1847-50]
Theal, George McCall: Kaffir (Xhosa) Folk-Lore [1886]
Theis, Otto Frederick; Paul Gauguin: Noa Noa [1919]
Theodoret; Jerome; Gennadius; Rufinus: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. III [1847-50]
Theophilus; Hermas; Tatian; Athenagoras; Clement of Alexandria: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. II [1847-50]
Thibaut, George; Sankarâkârya: The Vedântâ-Sûtras Part I (SBE 34) [1890]
Thibaut, George; Sankarâkârya: The Vedântâ-Sûtras Part II (SBE 38) [1896]
Thibaut, George; Râmânuja: The Vedântâ-Sûtras (SBE 48) [1904]
Thierens, A.E.: General Book of the Tarot [1930]
Thiselton-Dyer, Thomas Firminger: Folk-Lore of Women [1906]
Thomas, E. J.: Buddhist Scriptures [1913]
Thomas, W. Jenkyn: The Welsh Fairy Book [1907]
Thomas, William Jenkyn: Some Myths and Legends of the Australian Aborigines [1923]
Thompson, Herbert; F.Ll. Griffith: The Demotic Magical Papyrus of London and Leiden [1904]
Thompson, J. Eric S.: Maya Hieroglyphic Writing (excerpts) [1950]
Thompson, R. C.: The Seven Evil Spirits [1903]
Thompson, R. Campbell: The Epic of Gilgamish [1928]
Thompson, Stith: Tales of the North American Indians [1929]
Thomson, William J.: Te Pito Te Henua, Or Easter Island [1891]
Thoreau, Henry David: The Transmigration of the Seven Brahmans [1931]
Thoreau, Henry David: Civil Disobedience [1849]
Thoreau, Henry David: Life Without Principle [1863]
Thoreau, Henry David: A Plea for Captain John Brown [1853]
Thoreau, Henry David: Slavery in Massachusetts [1854]
Thoreau, Henry David: Walden, or Life in the Woods [1854]
Thrum, Thomas G.: Hawaiian Folk Tales [1907]
Tibbitts, Charles John: Folklore and Legends: Oriental [1889]
Tongue, Mary C.; Pierre Benoit; Mary Ross: Altantida (L'Antlantide) [1920]
Torrence, Ridgely: The Story of Gio [1935]
Torrey, R. A.: Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge [1880]
Townsend, George Fyler; Aesop: The Fables of Aesop [1887]
Trachtenberg, Joshua: Jewish Magic and Superstition: A Study in Folk Religion [1939]
Trevelyan, R. C.; Sophocles: Ajax [1919]
Trine, Ralph Waldo: In Tune with the Infinite [1910]
Trine, Ralph Waldo: What All the World's A-Seeking [1896]
Trismegistus, Hermes Mercurius; John Everard: The Divine Pymander [1650]
Trismegistus, Hermes Mercurius; Anna Kingsford; Edward Maitland: The Virgin of the World [1885]
Troward, Thomas: The Hidden Power [1921]
Troward, Thomas: The Law and the Word [1921]
Troward, Thomas: The Dore Lectures on Mental Science [1909]
Troward, Thomas: The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science [1909]
Twain, Mark: Letters From The Earth [1909]
Twain, Mark: Thou Shalt Not Kill
Twain, Mark: The Fly
Twain, Mark: The War Prayer
Twain, Mark: What is Man
Tzu, Chuang; Lionel Giles: Musings of a Chinese Mystic [1909]
Tzu, Chuang; Lao Tzu; Jame Legge: Taoist Texts, Part I (SBE 39) [1891]
Tzu, Chuang; Jame Legge: Taoist Texts, Part II (SBE40) [1891]
Tzu, Lao; Lionel Giles: The Sayings of Lao Tzu [1905]
Tzu, Lao; Chuang Tzu; Jame Legge: Taoist Texts, Part I (SBE 39) [1891]
Tzu, Sun; Lionel Giles: The Art of War [1910]
Lista Autori : U
Underhill, Evelyn; Jan van Ruysbroeck; C. A. Wynschenk Dom: The Adornment of the Spiritual Marriage [1916]
Underhill, Evelyn; Anonymous: The Cloud of Unknowing [1400]
Underhill, Evelyn; Kabir; Rabindranath Tagore: Songs of Kabîr [1915]
Underhill, Evelyn: Mysticism [1911]
Underhill, Eveyln; Jacob Boehme; W. Scott Palmer: The Confessions of Jacob Boehme [1920]
Upward, Allen: The New Word [1910]
Urides, Eros; J.L. Kennon: The Planet Mars and its Inhabitants [1922]
US Department of the Navy, Bureau of Naval Personnel,Chaplains Division: The Religions of South Vietnam in Faith and Fact [1967]
Lista Autori : V
Valentine, Basil: Triumphal Chariot of Antimony
Valera, Cipriano de; Casiodoro de Reina: Spanish Bible [1602]
Vemana; C.P. Brown: Verses of Vemana [1829]
Venantius; Lactantius; Asterius; Victorinus; Dionysius: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. VII [1847-50]
Venkataramanan, S.: Select Works of Sri Sankaracharya [1921]
Vermilye, Daniel B.; Théodore Flournoy: From India to the Planet Mars [1900]
Verne, Jules; Frederick Amadeus Malleson: Journey to the Center of the Earth [1877]
Victorinus; Lactantius; Venantius; Asterius; Dionysius: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. VII [1847-50]
Vijnanananda, Swami; Hari Prasanna Chatterji: The S'rimad Devî Bhâgawatam [1921]
Vijnanananda, Swami; Hari Prasanna Chatterji: The Devî Gita [1921]
Villars, Abbé N. de Montfaucon de: Comte de Gabalis [1913]
Vincent, Marvin R.: Vincent's Word Studies [1886]
Vinycomb, John: Fictitious and Symbolic Creatures in Art [1909]
Virgil; John Dryden: The Aeneid of Virgil [1697]
Virgil; J.W. MacKail: The Eclogues [1934]
Virgil; J.W. MacKail: The Georgics [1934]
Vivekananda, Swami: Karma-Yoga [1921]
Voth, H.R.: Traditions of the Hopi [1905]
Vyasa, Krishna-Dwaipayana; Kisari Mohan Ganguli: The Mahabharata, Book 1: Adi Parva [1847-50]
Vyasa, Krishna-Dwaipayana; Kisari Mohan Ganguli: The Mahabharata, Book 2: Sabha Parva [1847-50]
Vyasa, Krishna-Dwaipayana; Kisari Mohan Ganguli: The Mahabharata, Book 3: Vana Parva [1847-50]
Vyasa, Krishna-Dwaipayana; Kisari Mohan Ganguli: The Mahabharata, Book 4: Virata Parva [1847-50]
Vyasa, Krishna-Dwaipayana; Kisari Mohan Ganguli: The Mahabharata, Book 5: Udyoga Parva [1847-50]
Vyasa, Krishna-Dwaipayana; Kisari Mohan Ganguli: The Mahabharata, Book 6: Bhishma Parva [1847-50]
Vyasa, Krishna-Dwaipayana; Kisari Mohan Ganguli: The Mahabharata, Book 7: Drona Parva [1847-50]
Vyasa, Krishna-Dwaipayana; Kisari Mohan Ganguli: The Mahabharata, Book 8: Karna Parva [1847-50]
Vyasa, Krishna-Dwaipayana; Kisari Mohan Ganguli: The Mahabharata, Book 9: Shalya Parva [1847-50]
Vyasa, Krishna-Dwaipayana; Kisari Mohan Ganguli: The Mahabharata, Book 10: Sauptika Parva [1847-50]
Vyasa, Krishna-Dwaipayana; Kisari Mohan Ganguli: The Mahabharata, Book 11: Stri Parva [1847-50]
Vyasa, Krishna-Dwaipayana; Kisari Mohan Ganguli: The Mahabharata, Book 12: Santi Parva [1847-50]
Vyasa, Krishna-Dwaipayana; Kisari Mohan Ganguli: The Mahabharata, Book 13: Anusasana Parva [1847-50]
Vyasa, Krishna-Dwaipayana; Kisari Mohan Ganguli: The Mahabharata, Book 14: Aswamedha Parva [1847-50]
Vyasa, Krishna-Dwaipayana; Kisari Mohan Ganguli: The Mahabharata, Book 15: Asramavasika Parva [1847-50]
Vyasa, Krishna-Dwaipayana; Kisari Mohan Ganguli: The Mahabharata, Book 16: Mausala Parva [1847-50]
Vyasa, Krishna-Dwaipayana; Kisari Mohan Ganguli: The Mahabharata, Book 17: Mahaprasthanika Parva [1847-50]
Vyasa, Krishna-Dwaipayana; Kisari Mohan Ganguli: The Mahabharata, Book 18: Svargarohanika Parva [1847-50]
Lista Autori : W
Wagiswara, W.D.C.; K.J. Saunders: The Buddha's Way of Virtue [1920]
Wagner, Leopold: Manners, Customs, and Observances: Their Origin and Significance [1894]
Wagner, Richard; Margaret Armour; Arthur Rackham: Wagner's Ring of the Niblung [1910]
Waite, A. E.: Collectanea Chemica [1893]
Waite, A.E.; Paracelsus: Coelum philosophorum
Waite, A.E.; Paracelsus: The Treasure of Treasures for Alchemists
Waite, A.E.; Paracelsus: The Book Concerning The Tincture Of The Philosophers
Waite, A.E.; Paracelsus: The Aurora of the Philosophers
Waite, A.E.: Alchemical Catechism
Waite, A.E.; Karl Eckartshausen; Isabel de Steiger: The Cloud Upon the Sanctuary [1909]
Waite, A.E.: The Pictorial Key to the Tarot [1911]
Waite, Arthur Edward: The Hermetic Museum [1893]
Waite, Arthur Edward: Devil Worship in France [1896]
Waite, Arthur Edward: The Book of Ceremonial Magic [1913]
Waite, Arthur Edward: The Hidden Church of the Holy Graal [1909]
Waite, Arthur Edward: The Real History of the Rosicrucians [1887]
Wake, C. Staniland: The Origin and Significance of the Great Pyramid [1882]
Wake, C. Staniland: Influence of the Phallic Idea in the Religions of Antiquity [1870]
Waley, Arthur: More Translations from the Chinese [1919]
Waley, Arthur: Kutune Shirka, The Ainu Epic [1953]
Waley, Arthur: The Nō Plays of Japan [1921]
Walker, J. R.: The Sun Dance and Other Ceremonies of the Oglala Division of The Teton Dakota. [1917]
Wallis, Charles Glenn; Johannes Kepler: Harmonies of the World [1939]
Walsh, Clara A.: Master Singers of Japan [1914]
Ward, Charles A.: The Oracles of Nostradamus [1891]
Wardrop, Marjory: Georgian Folk Tales [1894]
Wardrop, Marjory Scott; Shota Rustaveli: The Man in the Panther's Skin [1912]
Warren, Henry Clarke: Buddhism in Translations [1896]
Warren, William F.: Paradise Found [1885]
Waterman, T. T.: Religious Practices of the Diegueño Indians [1910]
Watkins, Alfred: Early British Trackways, Moats, Mounds, Camps and Sites [1922]
Wattles, Wallace Delois: The Science of Geting Rich [1910]
Weber, W. L.: The Thunder Bird Tootooch Legends [1936]
Webster, Noah: Webster's Bible [1833]
Webster, Wentworth: Basque Legends [1879]
Wedeck, Harry E.; Solomon ibn Gabirol: The Fountain of Life [1962]
Weil, Dr. G.: The Bible, The Koran, and the Talmud [1863]
Wellhausen, Julius: Prolegomena to the History of Ancient Israel [1885]
Wells, H.G.: The War of the Worlds [1898]
Wells, H.G.: A Modern Utopia [1909]
Wells, Orson: The War of the Worlds [1938]
Werner, Alice: Myths and Legends of the Bantu [1933]
Werner, Edward T.C.: Myths and Legends of China [1922]
Wesley, John: Explanatory Notes on the Whole Bible [1754-65]
West, E.W.: Pahlavi Texts, Part I: (SBE 5) The Bundahis, Bahman Yast and Shayâst Lâ-Shâyast [1880]
West, E.W.: Pahlavi Texts, Part II (SBE 18) [1882]
West, E.W.: Pahlavi Texts, Part III (SBE 24) [1885]
West, E.W.: Pahlavi Texts, Part IV (SBE 37) [1892]
West, E.W.: Pahlavi Texts, Part V (SBE 47) [1897]
Westall, Laura M.: A Common-Sense View of the Mind Cure [1908]
Westbrook, Duncan; Zeb-un-Nissa; Magan Lal: The Diwan of Zeb-un-Nissa [1913]
Westcot, W.W.: Kabbalah - Sepher Yetzirah [1887]
Westcott, W. Wynn: The Chaldæan Oracles of Zoroaster [1895]
Westcott, W. Wynn: Historic Lecture [1847-50]
Westcott, W. Wynn: The Isiac Tablet of Cardinal Bembo [1887]
Westcott, W. Wynn: Numbers, Their Occult Power and Mystic Virtues [1911]
Westcott, William Wynn: The Rosicrucians [1847-50]
Westervelt, W.D.: Hawaiian Historical Legends [1923]
Westervelt, W.D.: Hawaiian Legends of Ghosts and Ghost-Gods [1916]
Westervelt, W.D.: Hawaiian Legends of Old Honolulu [1915]
Westervelt, W.D.: Hawaiian Legends of Volcanoes [1916]
Westervelt, W.D.: Legends of Maui [1910]
Weston, Jessie L.: From Ritual To Romance [1920]
Westropp, Hodder M.: Phallic Worship [1870]
Wheelwright, Mary C.; Hasteen Klah: Navajo Creation Myth [1942]
Whinfield, E.H.; Rumi: The Masnavi [1898]
Whiston, William; Josephus: The Works of Flavius Josephus [1737]
White, Ellen G.: The Great Controversy [1858]
Whitehead, John; Emanuel Swedenborg: Apocalypse Explained [1757-9]
Whitehead, John; Emanuel Swedenborg: Apocalypse Revealed [1766]
Whitehead, John; Emanuel Swedenborg: Brief Exposition [1769]
Whitehead, John; Emanuel Swedenborg: Canons [1769]
Whitehead, John; Emanuel Swedenborg: Charity [1766]
Whitehead, John; Emanuel Swedenborg: Coronis [1771]
Whitehead, John; Emanuel Swedenborg: De Conjugio [1766]
Whitehead, John; Emanuel Swedenborg: Divine Love [1762-3]
Whitehead, John; Emanuel Swedenborg: De Verbo [1762]
Whitehead, John; Emanuel Swedenborg: Divine Wisdom [1762-3]
Whitehead, John; Emanuel Swedenborg: Earths in the Universe [1758]
Whitehead, John; Emanuel Swedenborg: God the Savior [1768]
Whitehead, John; Emanuel Swedenborg: Invitation to the New Church [1771]
Whitehead, John; Emanuel Swedenborg: Interaction of the Soul and Body [1769]
Whitehead, John; Emanuel Swedenborg: Last Judgment [1758]
Whitehead, John; Emanuel Swedenborg: Last Judgment Continued [1758]
Whitehead, John; Emanuel Swedenborg: Last Judgment Posthumous [1757-9]
Whitehead, John; Emanuel Swedenborg: True Christian Religion [1771]
Whitehead, John; Emanuel Swedenborg: The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine [1758]
Whitehead, John; Emanuel Swedenborg: White Horse [1758]
Wilde, Francesca Speranza: Ancient Legends, Mystic Charms, and Superstitions of Ireland [1887]
Wilkins, W.J.: Hindu Mythology, Vedic and Puranic [1900]
Williams, A. Lukyn: Tractate Berakoth [1921]
Williams, John A.: Islam [1962]
Williams, Joseph J.: Psychic Phenomena of Jamaica [1934]
Williams, Joseph J.: Voodoo and Obeahs [1932]
Williamson, George Hunt: Other Tongues--Other Flesh [1953]
Williston, Teresa Peirce; Sanchi Ogawa: Japanese Fairy Tales [1911]
Willoughby, Harold R.: Pagan Regeneration [1929]
Wilmshurst, W. L.: The Meaning of Masonry [1922]
Wilson, H.H.: The Vishnu Purana [1840]
Wilson, Herbert Earl: The Lore and the Lure of The Yosemite [1922]
Wilson, Robert Anton: Principia Discordia [1847-50]
Wilson, Woodrow: John Wesley's Place in History [1915]
Winstedt, R.O.: Shaman, Saiva and Sufi [1925]
Withnell, John G.: The Customs and Traditions of the Aboriginal Natives of North Western Australia [1901]
Wollaston, Arthur N.: The Religion of the Koran [1911]
Wollaston, Arthur N.; Sadi: Sadi's Scroll of Wisdom [1906]
Wollstonecraft, Mary: Vindication of the Rights Of Woman [1792]
Wood, Ernest; S.V. Subrahmanyam: The Garuda Purana [1911]
Wood, Ernest: Great Systems of Yoga [1954]
Wood, Nathan R.: The Secret of the Universe [1932]
Woodhull, Victoria Claflin: The Garden of Eden; or The Paradise Lost & Found [1890]
Woodroffe, John; Arthur Avalon: Hymns to the Goddess [1913]
Woodroffe, John; Arthur Avalon: Hymn to Kâlî: Karpûrâdi-Stotra [1922]
Woodroffe, John; Arthur Avalon: Mahanirvana Tantra [1913]
Woodroffe, John; Arthur Avalon: Shakti and Shâkta [1918]
Worcester, Samuel H.; Emanuel Swedenborg: Athanasian Creed [1759]
Worcester, Samuel H.; Emanuel Swedenborg: De Domino [1760]
Worster, W.; Knud Rasmussen: Eskimo Folk-tales [1921]
Wortabet, John: Arabian Wisdom [1913]
Wratisalw, A. H.: Sixty Folk-Tales from Exclusively Slavonic Sources [1890]
Wright, Thomas: The Worship of the Generative Powers [1866]
Wunsch, William F.; Julian K. Smyth: The Gist of Swedenborg [1920]
Wunsch, William Frederic; Emanuel Swedenborg: Divine Providence [1764]
Wyeth, N.C.; Paul Creswick: Robin Hood [1902]
Wyndham, John: Myths of Ífè [1921]
Lista Autori : Y
Yamabe, S.; L. Adams Beck: Buddhist Psalms [1921]
Yeats, W. B.: Fairy and Folk Tales of the Irish Peasantry [1888]
Yeats, W. B.: In The Seven Woods [1903]
Yeats, W. B.: Later Poems [1922]
Yeats, W. B.: Celtic Twilight [1902]
Young, Ella: Celtic Wonder Tales [1910]
Young, Robert: Young's Literal Translation [1862]
Lista Autori : Z
Zadkiel; William Lilly: An Introduction to Astrology [1852]
Zangwill, Israel; Solomon ibn Gabirol: Selected Religious Poems of Solomon ibn Gabirol [1923]
Zeb-un-Nissa; Magan Lal; Duncan Westbrook: The Diwan of Zeb-un-Nissa [1913]
Zitkala-Sa: Old Indian Legends [1901]
Sursa : http://sacred-texts.com
Sursa : http://sacred-texts.com
Lista Titlu : A
Abdu'l-Baha in London 'Abdu'l-Baha
Abominable Snowmen: Legend Come to Life Ivan T. Sanderson [1961, 1847-50]
The Aborigines of Western Australia Albert F. Calvert [1894]
Abortion in the Bible J.B. Hare [2008, 1847-50]
About The Angel of the Prairies [1847-50]
Absurdities of the Bible Clarence Darrow
THE ABYSS EXPERIENCE -- Generating the Abyss Experience Benjamin Rowe [1847-50]
Achomawi and Atsugewi Tales and Achomawi Myths Roland B. Dixon [1908, 1909, 1847-50]
36. Acts, Part I John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
37. Acts, Part II John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
Açvaghosha's Discourse on the Awakening of Faith in the Mahâyâna Teitaro Suzuki [1900]
2500 Adages of Imam Ali [1847-50]
Adapa and the food of Life R. W. Rogers [1912]
Address to the Nobility R.S. Grignon, Martin Luther [1847-50]
The Adornment of the Spiritual Marriage Jan van Ruysbroeck, C. A. Wynschenk Dom, Evelyn Underhill [1916]
The Advent of Divine Justice Shoghi Effendi
The Adventures of Odysseus and the Tale of Troy Padraic Colum, Homer [1918, 1847-50]
ADVORPT -- 90th region in the progression of the Aethyrs Anon. [1847-50]
The Aeneid of Virgil John Dryden, Virgil [1697, 1847-50]
THE AEONIC PERSPECTIVE -- Temples, INRI/IRNI and the Set/Horus Duality Benjamin Rowe [1847-50]
Aethiopis (Fragments) Homer, Hugh G. Evelyn-White [1847-50]
Afrikaans Bible [1953]
Agamemnon Edmund Doidge Anderson Morshead, Aeschylus [1881, 1847-50]
Age of Reason Thomas Paine [1794]
Aino Folk-Tales Basil Hall Chamberlain [1888, 1847-50]
Ajax R. C. Trevelyan, Sophocles [1919, 1847-50]
The Alawite Boook Ali bin Abi-Talib [1847-50]
Albanian Bible
Alcestis Richard Aldington, Euripides [1847-50]
Alchemical Catechism A.E. Waite
An Alchemical Mass
The Alchemy of Happiness Al-Ghazzali, Claud Field [1909, 1847-50]
Alchemy Rediscovered and Restored A. Cockren [1941]
Alexandrines: translated from the "Cherubinischer Wandersmann" Julia Bilger, Angelus Silesius [1944]
The Algonquin Legends of New England Charles G. Leland [1898, 1847-50]
All's Well That Ends Well William Shakespeare [1847-50]
Altantida (L'Antlantide) Pierre Benoit, Mary C. Tongue, Mary Ross [1920]
The Amazons Guy Cadogan Rothery [1910, 1847-50]
American Indian Fairy Tales Margaret Compton [1907, 1847-50]
American Standard Version [1901]
Amharic Bible (NT)
Amitabha Paul Carus [1906]
The Ananga Ranga Richard Burton [1885, 1847-50]
Anathema of Zos: Automatic Writing Austin Osman Spare [1847-50]
Ancient and Modern Initiation Max Heindel [1847-50]
Ancient Art and Ritual Jane Harrison [1913, 1847-50]
Ancient Egyptian Legends Margaret Alice Murray [1920, 1847-50]
Ancient Fragments I. P. Cory [1832, 1847-50]
The Ancient Irish Goddess of War WM Hennessey [1870]
Ancient Jewish Proverbs Abraham Cohen [1911, 1847-50]
Ancient Legends, Mystic Charms, and Superstitions of Ireland Francesca Speranza Wilde [1887]
Ancient Tales and Folk-lore of Japan Richard Gordon Smith [1918, 1847-50]
Ancilla to the Pre-Socratic Philosophers Kathleen Freeman [1948, 1847-50]
Andromache E. P. Coleridge, Euripides [1910, 1847-50]
The Angel of the Prairies, A Dream of the Future Parley Parker Pratt [1880, 1847-50]
Animism G.W. Gilmore [1919, 1847-50]
Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol I Justin Martyr, Irenaeaus [1847-50]
Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. II Hermas, Tatian, Athenagoras, Theophilus, Clement of Alexandria [1847-50]
Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. III Tertullian [1847-50]
Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. IV Tertullian, Origen [1847-50]
Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. IX Clement, Origen [1847-50]
Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. V Hippolytus, Cyprian, Caius, Novatian [1847-50]
Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. VI Gregory Thaumaturgus, Dionysius the Great, Julius Africanus, Anatolius, Methodius, Arnobius [1847-50]
Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. VII Lactantius, Venantius, Asterius, Victorinus, Dionysius [1847-50]
Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. VIII [1847-50]
Antigone R. C. Jebb, Sophocles [1902, 1847-50]
Antony and Cleopatra William Shakespeare [1847-50]
Aphrodite (Ancient Manners) Pierre Louÿs, Willis L. Parker, Frank J. Buttera [1932, 1847-50]
Apocalypse Explained Emanuel Swedenborg, John Whitehead [1757-9, 1911, 1847-50]
Apocalypse Revealed Emanuel Swedenborg, John Whitehead [1766, 1912, 1847-50]
Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha
Apocrypha Arabica Margaret Dunlop Gibson [1901]
Apollonius of Tyana George Robert Stowe Mead [1901, 1847-50]
Apology (the Death of Socrates) Benjamin Jowett, Plato [1871, 1847-50]
The Apostles' Creed
Apu Ollantay Clements Markham [1910, 1847-50]
The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ Levi H. Dowling [1920]
The 1001 Arabian Nights Richard Burton [1850, 1847-50]
The Arabian Nights' Entertainments Andrew Lang, H. J. Ford [1898, 1847-50]
Arabian Poetry W. A. Clouston [1881, 1847-50]
Arabian Wisdom John Wortabet [1913, 1847-50]
Arabic Bible Eli Smith, Cornelius Van Allen Van Dyck [1865]
Arabic Thought and Its Place in History De Lacy O'Leary [1922, 1847-50]
Aradia, Gospel of the Witches Charles G. Leland [1899, 1847-50]
Aramaic Bible (NT)
The Aran Islands John M. Synge [1907]
Arcana Coelestia Emanuel Swedenborg, John F. Potts [1749-56, 1905-10, 1847-50]
Architecture, Mysticism and Myth W.R. Lethaby [1892, 1847-50]
The Argonautica R.C. Seaton, Apollonius Rhodius [1912, 1847-50]
Armenian Legends and Poems Zabelle C. Boyajian [1916]
Arohanui: Letters to New Zealand Shoghi Effendi
The Art of War Sun Tzu, Lionel Giles [1910, 1847-50]
The Art of Worldly Wisdom Balthasar Gracian, Joseph Jacobs [1892, 1847-50]
An Arthurian Miscellany [1847-50]
Articles of Faith from the Jewish Encyclopedia [1847-50]
The Articles of Faith of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints [1847-50]
As You Like It William Shakespeare [1847-50]
Astro-Diagnosis, A Guide To Healing Max Heindel, Augusta Foss Heindel [1847-50]
Astrology and Religion Among the Greeks and Romans Franz Cumont [1912]
At the Back of the Black Man's Mind R. E. Dennett [1906]
At the Earth's Core Edgar Rice Burroughs [1914, 1847-50]
The Athanasian Creed
Athanasian Creed Emanuel Swedenborg, Samuel H. Worcester [1759, 1885, 1847-50]
The Atharva-Veda Maurice Bloomfield [1897, 1847-50]
Atlantis, the Antediluvian World Ignatius Donnelly [1882]
Atom-Smashing Power of Mind Charles Fillmore [1949, 1847-50]
The Aurora of the Philosophers Paracelsus, A.E. Waite
Austin Osman Spare and the Zos Kia Cultus [1847-50]
Australian Legendary Tales K. Langloh Parker, Andrew Lang [1897]
Australian Legends C.W Peck [1925]
The Authoress of the Odyssey Samuel Butler [1922, 1847-50]
Aw-aw-tam Indian Nights (Myths and Legends of the Pima) J. William Lloyd [1911, 1847-50]
The Awakening of Faith of Ashvagosha Timothy Richard [1907]
Lista Titlu : B
The Babylonian Legends of Creation E. A. Wallis Budge [1921]
The Babylonian Story of the Deluge and the Epic of Gilgamish. E. A. Wallis Budge [1929]
The Babylonian Talmud in Selection Leo Auerbach [1944, 1847-50]
The Bacchantes Euripides [1847-50]
Baha'i Administration Shoghi Effendi
Baha'i Education
Baha'i Prayers
Baha'i World Faith
Baha'u'llah and the New Era Esslemont
Baloma; the Spirits of the Dead in the Trobriand Islands Bronislaw Malinowski [1916, 1847-50]
Baltic Wizards Frances Jenkins Olcott [1928, 1847-50]
The Baltimore (Catholic) Catechism [1891]
The Barddas, Vol. I Iolo Morganwg, J. Williams Ab Ithel [1862]
The Barddas, Vol. II Iolo Morganwg, J. Williams Ab Ithel [1874]
Basic English Bible S.H. Hooke [1941, 1949]
Basque Bible (NT)
Basque Legends Wentworth Webster [1879]
The Battle of Frogs and Mice Homer, Hugh G. Evelyn-White [1847-50]
The Battle of Karbala [1847-50]
Bede's Ecclesiastical History of England Bede, A.M. Sellar [731, 1907]
Beowulf (Anglo-Saxon) [1847-50]
Beowulf (Modern English) Francis B. Gummere [1910, 1847-50]
Beside the Fire Douglas Hyde [1910]
The Bhagavad Gita Edwin Arnold [1885, 1847-50]
The Bhagavad Gita International Gita Society [1847-50]
The Bhagavad Gita in Sanskrit [1847-50]
The Bhagavadgîtâ (SBE 8) Kâshinâth Trimbak Telang [1882, 1847-50]
Bible Maps
Bible, Greek New Testament
Bible, The Apocrypha
Bible, the King James Version
The Bible, The Koran, and the Talmud Dr. G. Weil [1863, 1847-50]
Bible, The Septuagint
Bible, the Tanakh
Bible, Vulgate
The Biblical Antiquities of Philo M. R. James [1917]
Biblical Blasphemy Thomas Paine
Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament Carl Friedrich Keil, Franz Delitzsch [1857-78]
The Biography of the Bible Ernest Sutherland Bates [1937]
Bird Parliament Farid ud-Din Attar, Edward Fitzgerald [1889, 1847-50]
Black Marigolds Bilhana, Edward Powys Mathers [1919, 1847-50]
Blackfoot Lodge Tales George Bird Grinnell [1892, 1847-50]
The Blue Fairy Book Andrew Lang [1889, 1847-50]
The Book Concerning The Tincture Of The Philosophers Paracelsus, A.E. Waite
The Book of Abraham, Its Authenticity Established... Geo. Reynolds [1879, 1847-50]
The Book of Ceremonial Magic Arthur Edward Waite [1913, 1847-50]
The Book of Chilam Balam of Chumayel Ralph L. Roys [1930, 1847-50]
The Book of Dzyan H.P. Blatavsky [1888]
The Book of Earths Edna Kenton [1928, 1847-50]
The Book of Enoch R.H. Charles [1917]
The Book of Enoch the Prophet Richard Laurence [1917]
The Book of Filial Duty Ivan Chen [1908, 1847-50]
A Book of Folklore Sabine Baring-Gould [1913]
The Book of Giants
The Book of Hallowe'en Ruth Edna Kelley [1919, 1847-50]
The Book of Jasher
The Book of Jubilees R.H. Charles [1917]
The Book of Kells Edward Sullivan [1920]
Book of Knowledge [1847-50]
The Book of Mormon [1847-50]
The Book of Nature Myths Florence Holbrook [1904, 1847-50]
The Book of Noodles W. A. Clouston [1888, 1847-50]
The Book of Odes L. Cranmer-Byng [1908, 1847-50]
A Book of Old English Ballads George Wharton Edwards, Hamilton W. Mabie [1896, 1847-50]
The Book of Pleasure (Self-Love). The Psychology of Ecstasy. Austin Osman Spare [1847-50]
The Book of Poetry James Legge [1876, 1847-50]
The Book of Revelation Clarence Larkin [1919]
A Book of Saints and Wonders Augusta Gregory [1906]
The Book of Talismans, Amulets and Zodiacal Gems William Thomas Pavitt, Kate Pavitt [1914, 1847-50]
The Book of Tea Kakuzo Okakura [1906]
THE BOOK OF THE ARCHER -- Using the Astrological Chart as a Lamen Benjamin Rowe [1847-50]
The Book of the Bee E. A. Wallis Budge [1886]
The Book of the Cave of Treasures E. A. Wallis Budge [1927]
Book of the Damned Charles Fort [1919, 1847-50]
The Book of the Goddess Anna Livia Plurabelle [2002, 1847-50]
The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage S.L. MacGregor Mathers [1900, 1847-50]
Book of the Seniors Benjamin Rowe [1847-50]
The Book of Were-Wolves Sabine Baring-Gould [1865, 1847-50]
The Books of Adam and Eve
Brahma-Knowledge L.D. Barnett [1911, 1847-50]
Breton Bible (NT Gospels)
Brief Exposition Emanuel Swedenborg, John Whitehead [1769, 1892, 1847-50]
British Goblins Wirt Sikes [1881]
Brother of the Third Degree Will L. Garver [1842, 1847-50]
The Brown Fairy Book Andrew Lang [1904, 1847-50]
The Buddha's Way of Virtue W.D.C. Wagiswara, K.J. Saunders [1920]
Buddha, the Word Paul Carus
Buddhism and Immortality William Sturgis Bigelow [1908]
Buddhism In Tibet Emil Schlaginteweit [1863]
Buddhism in Translations Henry Clarke Warren [1896]
A Buddhist Bible Dwight Goddard [1932]
The Buddhist Catechism Henry S. Olcott [1908]
Buddhist Mahâyâna Texts (SBE 49) E.B. Cowell, F. Max Müller, J. Kakakusu [1894]
Buddhist Psalms S. Yamabe, L. Adams Beck [1921]
Buddhist Scriptures E. J. Thomas [1913]
Buddhist Suttas (SBE11) T.W. Rhys Davids [1881]
The Builders Joseph Fort Newton [1914, 1847-50]
Bulfinch's Mythology Thomas Bulfinch [1855, 1847-50]
Bunyan James Anthony Froude [1901]
The Burden of Isis James Teackle Dennis [1910, 1847-50]
Bushido, The Soul of Japan Inazo Nitobe [1905, 1847-50]
The Bustan of Sadi Sadi, A. Hart Edwards [1911, 1847-50]
Bygone Beliefs Herbert Stanley Redgrove [1921, 1847-50]
Lista Titlu : C
The Cabala Bernhard Pick [1913, 1847-50]
THE CACODEMONS -- Invoking the Cacodemons with the Temples Benjamin Rowe [1847-50]
Cæsar's Column Ignatius Donnelly [1890, 1847-50]
The Call of Kumayl [1847-50]
The Calls of Enoch [1847-50]
The Calls of Enoch [1847-50]
The Candle of Vision AE, George William Russell [1918]
The Canon of Reason and Virtue D.T. Suzuki, Paul Carus [1913, 1847-50]
Canons Emanuel Swedenborg, John Whitehead [1769, 1914, 1847-50]
The Canterbury Tales and Other Works of Chaucer (Middle English) Geoffrey Chaucer [1400, 1847-50]
Carmina Gadelica, Vol. I Alexander Carmicheal [1900]
Carmina Gadelica, Vol. II Alexander Carmicheal [1900]
45. Catholic Epistles John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
The Cattle Raid of Cualnge L. Winifred Faraday [1904]
The Cattle-Raid of Cooley (Táin Bó Cúailnge)
The Cellular Cosmogony Koresh, Cyrus Reed Teed [1922, 1847-50]
The Celtic Dragon Myth J. F. Campbell, George Henderson [1911]
Celtic Fairy Tales Joseph Jacobs [1892]
Celtic Folklore: Welsh and Manx John Rhys [1900]
Celtic Myth and Legend Charles Squire [1905]
Celtic Twilight W. B. Yeats [1902, 1847-50]
Celtic Wonder Tales Ella Young [1910]
Ceremonies and Traditions of the Diegueño Indians Constance Goddard Du Bois [1908, 1847-50]
The Chaldæan Oracles of Zoroaster W. Wynn Westcott [1895, 1847-50]
The Chaldean Account of Genesis George Smith [1876]
The Chaldean Account of the Deluge George Smith [1873]
Chamorro Bible (partial)
The Champions of the Round Table Howard Pyle [1905, 1847-50]
Chaos Monasticism Peter Carroll [1847-50]
Charity Emanuel Swedenborg, John Whitehead [1766, 1914, 1847-50]
Charmides, or Temperance Benjamin Jowett, Plato [1871, 1847-50]
The Cherokee Ball Play James Mooney [1890, 1847-50]
Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair William Morris [1895, 1847-50]
The Children of Odin Padraic Colum, Willy Pogany [1920, 1847-50]
Chinese Buddhism Joseph Edkins [1893]
Chinese Occultism Paul Carus [1907, 1847-50]
Chinese Union Version Bible [1919]
Chinigchinich Geronimo Boscana, Alfred Robinson [1846, 1847-50]
Chinook Texts Franz Boas [1894, 1847-50]
The Choephori (Libation Bearers) Edmund Doidge Anderson Morshead, Aeschylus, Edmund Doidge Anderson Morshead [1881, 1847-50, 1881]
Christ In Islâm James Robson [1929, 1847-50]
Christ Our Great High Priest Martin Luther [1847-50]
Christ's Holy Sufferings Martin Luther [1847-50]
Christian Healing, The Science of Being Charles Fillmore [1926, 1847-50]
Christian Topography Cosmas Indiopleustes, J. W. McCrindle [1897, 1847-50]
A Christmas Carol Charles Dickens [1843, 1847-50]
Christmas in Ritual and Tradition Clement A. Miles [1912, 1847-50]
The Chronicles of Jerahmeel Moses Gaster [1899]
Chukchee Mythology Waldemar Bogoras [1910]
Church Order [1618-9]
Citadel of Faith Shoghi Effendi
The City of the Sun Tommaso Campanella [1637, 1847-50]
Civil Disobedience Henry David Thoreau [1849, 1847-50]
Clairvoyance Charles Webster Leadbeater [1899, 1847-50]
Cliges Chretien DeTroyes, W.W. Comfort [1914, 1847-50]
Clothed With The Sun Anna Kingsford [1889, 1847-50]
The Cloud of Unknowing Anonymous, Evelyn Underhill [1400, 1922]
The Cloud Upon the Sanctuary Karl Eckartshausen, Isabel de Steiger, A.E. Waite [1909, 1847-50]
Clowns, Priests, and Festivals of the Kâ'-kâ Frank Hamilton Cushing [1885, 1847-50]
The Code of Hammurabi L.W. King [1915]
The Code of Handsome Lake Arthur C. Parker [1913, 1847-50]
Code of the Illuminati Abbé Barreul, Robert Edward Clifford [1798, 1847-50]
Coelum philosophorum Paracelsus, A.E. Waite
Coffee in the Gourd J. Frank Dobie [1923]
Collectanea Chemica A. E. Waite [1893]
The Columbus Platform: The Guiding Principles Of Reform Judaism [1937] [1847-50]
Comedy of Errors William Shakespeare [1847-50]
The Coming of the Fairies Arthur Conan Doyle [1922, 1847-50]
Commentary on the Bible Adam Clarke [1831]
A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments Robert Jamieson, A. R. Fausset, David Brown [1882]
Common Sense Thomas Paine [1776]
A Common-Sense View of the Mind Cure Laura M. Westall [1908, 1847-50]
The Communistic Societies of the United States Charles Nordhoff [1875, 1847-50]
Complete Commentary on the Whole Bible Matthew Henry [1706]
The Complete Corpus of Anglo-Saxon Poetry [1847-50]
The Complete Sayings of Jesus Arthur Hinds, Norman Vincent Peale [1927]
Comte de Gabalis Abbé N. de Montfaucon de Villars [1913, 1847-50]
The Comte de St. Germain Isabel Cooper-Oakley [1912, 1847-50]
Concise Commentary on the Whole Bible Matthew Henry
Concordance of the King James Version
The Conference of Baghdad's Ulema [1847-50]
The Confessions of Jacob Boehme Jacob Boehme, W. Scott Palmer, Eveyln Underhill [1920, 1847-50]
The Confessions of Saint Augustine St. Augustine, Edward Bouverie Pusey [401, 1909-14]
Confucian Analects (Lun Yü) Confucius, James Legge [1893, 1847-50]
The Confucian Canon in Chinese and English Confucius, James Legge [1893, 1847-50]
Confucianism and Its Rivals Herbert Allen Giles [1915, 1847-50]
Conjugial Love Emanuel Swedenborg [1768, 1847-50]
The Consciousness of the Atom Alice A. Bailey [1922, 1847-50]
The Contest of Homer and Hesiod Homer, Hugh G. Evelyn-White [1847-50]
Conversation on Religion and Antisemitism Albert Einstein
Coos Texts Leo Frachtenberg [1913, 1847-50]
Coptic Bible (NT)
39. Corinthians, Part I John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
40. Corinthians, Part II John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
Coriolanus William Shakespeare [1847-50]
Corn Raising: The Decay of the Seed Frank Hamilton Cushing [1884, 1847-50]
Corn Raising: The Regeneration of the Seed Frank Hamilton Cushing [1884, 1847-50]
Coronis Emanuel Swedenborg, John Whitehead [1771, 1914, 1847-50]
Corpus Hermeticum G.R.S. Mead
Correspondence R.H.M. Elwes, Baruch Spinoza [1883, 1847-50]
Cosmic Consciousness Richard Maurice Bucke [1901, 1847-50]
Cratylus Benjamin Jowett, Plato [1871, 1847-50]
The Creation Account of the Uitoto of Colombia, South America [1847-50]
Creation and the Origin of Corn Frank Hamilton Cushing [1884, 1847-50]
Creation Myths of Primitive America Jeremiah Curtin [1898, 1847-50]
Creative Mind Ernest Holmes [1923, 1847-50]
Creative Mind and Success Ernest Holmes [1919, 1847-50]
The Creed of Buddha Edmond Holmes [1919]
The Creed of Half Japan Arthur Lloyd [1911]
The Crescent Moon Rabindranath Tagore [1913, 1847-50]
The Crest-Jewel of Wisdom Śankarâchârya, Charles Johnston [1946, 1847-50]
The Crimson Fairy Book Andrew Lang [1903, 1847-50]
Critias Benjamin Jowett, Plato [1871, 1847-50]
The Critique of Judgement Immanuel Kant [1790, 1847-50]
The Critique of Practical Reason Immanuel Kant [1788, 1847-50]
The Critique of Pure Reason Immanuel Kant [1781, 1847-50]
Crito Benjamin Jowett, Plato [1871, 1847-50]
Croatian Bible
The Crock of Gold James Stephens [1912]
Cuchulain of Muirthemne Augusta Gregory [1902]
The Culture of the Luiseño Indians Philip Stedman Sparkman [1908, 1847-50]
Cushing: Zuñi Folk Tales Frank Hamilton Cushing [1901, 1847-50]
The Customs and Traditions of the Aboriginal Natives of North Western Australia John G. Withnell [1901]
The Cyclops E. P. Coleridge, Euripides [1910, 1847-50]
Cymbeline William Shakespeare [1847-50]
The Cypria (Fragments) Homer, Hugh G. Evelyn-White [1847-50]
Lista Titlu : D
The Da Vinci Notebooks Leonardo Da Vinci, Jean Paul Richter [1883]
Dæmonology King James the First [1597, 1591, 1847-50]
Dakshinamurti Stotra Alladi Mahadeva Sastri [1920, 1847-50]
Dancing Gods Erna Fergusson [1931, 1847-50]
24. Daniel, Part I John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
25. Daniel, Part II John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
Danish Bible
The Danish History Saxo Grammaticus, Oliver Elton [1905, 1847-50]
Darby Bible J.N. Darby [1890]
The Dawn Breakers Nabil
The Dawn of a New Day Shoghi Effendi
The Dawn of the World C. Hart Merriam [1910, 1847-50]
De Conjugio Emanuel Swedenborg, John Whitehead [1766, 1914, 1847-50]
De Domino Emanuel Swedenborg, Samuel H. Worcester [1760, 1885, 1847-50]
De Iside et Osiride Plutarch [1847-50]
De Verbo Emanuel Swedenborg, John Whitehead [1762, 1914, 1847-50]
Death and Funeral Customs among the Omahas Francis La Flesche [1889, 1847-50]
Death Of Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui [1847-50]
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Vol. 1 Edward Gibbon [1847-50, 1788]
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Vol. 2 Edward Gibbon [1847-50, 1788]
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Vol. 3 Edward Gibbon [1847-50, 1788]
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Vol. 4 Edward Gibbon [1847-50, 1788]
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Vol. 5 Edward Gibbon [1847-50, 1788]
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Vol. 6 Edward Gibbon [1847-50, 1788]
Defining Chaos Jaq D. Hawkins, Mark Chao [1847-50]
The Delight Makers Adolf F. Bandelier [1890, 1847-50]
The Demotic Magical Papyrus of London and Leiden F.Ll. Griffith, Herbert Thompson [1904, 1847-50]
The Descent of Man Charles Darwin [1871]
Descent of the Goddess Ishtar into the Lower World M. Jastrow [1915]
The Destruction of Dá Derga's Hostel Whitely Stokes [1910]
Development of Muslim Theology, Jurisprudence and Constitutional Theory Duncan B. MacDonald [1903, 1847-50]
Development of Religion and Thought in Ancient Egypt James Henry Breasted [1912, 1847-50]
The Devî Gita Swami Vijnanananda, Hari Prasanna Chatterji [1921, 1847-50]
Devil Worship in France Arthur Edward Waite [1896, 1847-50]
Devil Worship: The Sacred Books and Traditions of the Yezidiz Isya Joseph [1919]
The Devils of Loudun Edmund Goldsmid [1887, 1847-50]
The Dhammapada and The Sutta Nipâta (SBE10), Max Müller, V. Fausböll [1881]
Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion David Hume [1779, 1847-50]
Dialogues of the Buddha T.W. Rhys Davids [1899]
Did Nostradamus predict the WTC disaster? John Bruno Hare [2001, 1847-50]
The Didache Charles H. Hoole [1894]
The Dionysian Artificers Hippolyto Joseph da Costa [1820, 1847-50]
Directives from the Guardian Shoghi Effendi
Discourse on the Method of Rightly Conducting the Reason, and Seeking Truth in the Sciences Rene Descartes [1847-50]
A Discourse on the Worship of Priapus Richard Payne Knight [1786, 1847-50]
The Discourses Epictetus [101, 1847-50]
The Discourses of Epictetus Arrian, P.E. Matheson [1916, 1847-50]
The Divine Comedy Dante Alighieri [1306-21, 1888]
DIVINE CREATION AND INTIATION -- The process of Aeonic Emanations Benjamin Rowe [1847-50]
Divine Love Emanuel Swedenborg, John Whitehead [1762-3, 1914, 1847-50]
Divine Love and Wisdom Emanuel Swedenborg, John C. Ager [1763, 1890, 1847-50]
Divine Providence Emanuel Swedenborg, William Frederic Wunsch [1764, 1851, 1847-50]
The Divine Pymander Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus, John Everard [1650, 1847-50]
Divine Wisdom Emanuel Swedenborg, John Whitehead [1762-3, 1914, 1847-50]
The Diwan of Abu'l-Ala Henry Baerlein [1911, 1847-50]
The Diwan of Zeb-un-Nissa Zeb-un-Nissa, Magan Lal, Duncan Westbrook [1913, 1847-50]
Doctrine and Covenants [1847-50]
Doctrine of Faith Emanuel Swedenborg, John F. Potts [1763, 1904, 1847-50]
Doctrine of Life Emanuel Swedenborg, John F. Potts [1763, 1904, 1847-50]
Doctrine of Sacred Scriptures Emanuel Swedenborg, John F. Potts [1763, 1904, 1847-50]
The Doctrine of the Last Things W.O.E. Oesterley [1908]
Doctrine of the Lord Emanuel Swedenborg, John F. Potts [1763, 1904, 1847-50]
The Doctrine Of The Mean (Chung Yung) Confucius, James Legge [1893, 1847-50]
The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ Anne Catherine Emmerich [1843]
Don Rodriguez Edward Plunkett, Lord Dunsany [1922, 1847-50]
The Dore Lectures on Mental Science Thomas Troward [1909, 1847-50]
Douay-Rheims Bible Richard Challoner [1752]
Dracula Bram Stoker [1897, 1847-50]
Dragons and Dragon Lore Ernest Ingersoll [1928, 1847-50]
A Dreamer's Tales Edward Plunkett, Lord Dunsany [1910, 1847-50]
The Druid Path Marah Ellis Ryan [1917]
Drums and Shadows Mary Granger [1940]
Duncan's Masonic Ritual and Monitor Malcolm C. Duncan [1866, 1847-50]
Dutch Statenvertaling Bible [1635]
The Duties of the Heart Rabbi Bachye, Edwin Collins [1909, 1847-50]
A Dweller on Two Planets Frederick S. Oliver [1905]
Dynamic Thought Henry Thomas Hamblin [1921, 1847-50]
Lista Titlu : E
Early British Trackways, Moats, Mounds, Camps and Sites Alfred Watkins [1922, 1847-50]
Early Life of the Pennsylvania Germans A. Monroe Aurand, Jr. [194?]
The Earthly Paradise, (December-February) William Morris [1870, 1847-50]
The Earthly Paradise, (March-August) William Morris [1868, 1847-50]
The Earthly Paradise, (September-November) William Morris [1870, 1847-50]
Earths in the Universe Emanuel Swedenborg, John Whitehead [1758, 1892, 1847-50]
Eastern Armenian Bible (partial)
Easton's Bible Dictionary
The Eclogues J.W. MacKail, Virgil [1934, 1847-50]
The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science Thomas Troward [1909, 1847-50]
The Egyptian Book of the Dead E. A. Wallis Budge [1895, 1847-50]
The Egyptian Heaven and Hell E. A. Wallis Budge [1905, 1847-50]
The Egyptian Heaven and Hell Vol II: The Book of Gates E. A. Wallis Budge [1905, 1847-50]
The Egyptian Heaven and Hell Vol III: The Egyptian Heaven and Hell E. A. Wallis Budge [1905, 1847-50]
The Egyptian Heaven and Hell Vol. I: The Book of the Am-Tuat E. A. Wallis Budge [1905, 1847-50]
Egyptian Magic E. A. Wallis Budge [1901, 1847-50]
Egyptian Myth and Legend Donald A. Mackenzie [1907, 1847-50]
Egyptian Mythology and Egyptian Christianity Samuel Sharpe, E. A. Wallis Budge [1863, 1847-50, 1900]
Eighteen Treatises from the Mishna D. A. Sola, M. J. Raphall [1843, 1847-50]
Electra E. P. Coleridge, Euripides [1910, 1847-50]
Electra R. C. Jebb, Sophocles [1873, 1847-50]
The Eleusinian and Bacchic Mysteries Thomas Taylor [1891, 1847-50]
Emerald Tablet of Hermes
The Enchiridion Epictetus [1847-50]
The Enclosed Garden of the Truth Hakîm Abû' L-Majd Majdûd Sanâ'î, J. Stephenson [1910, 1847-50]
Enemies of the Cross of Christ Martin Luther [1847-50]
The English and Scottish Popular Ballads Francis James Child [1882, 1898, 1847-50]
English Fairy and Other Folk Tales Edwin Sidney Hartland, C.E. Brock [1890, 1847-50]
English Fairy Tales Joseph Jacobs, John D. Batten [1890, 1847-50]
English Gipsies and Their Language Charles G. Leland [1874, 1847-50]
The Enneads of Plotinus Plotinus, Stephen MacKenna, B. S. Page [1917-1930, 1847-50]
An Enochian dictionary Fra:. Michael 111 [1847-50]
Enochian Magick Anon. [1847-50]
Enochian Rituals Anon. [1847-50]
ENOCHIAN TEMPLES -- Contruction of the Macrocosmic Enochian Temples Benjamin Rowe [1847-50]
An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding David Hume [1748, 1847-50]
The Enuma Elish (The Epic of Creation) L. W. King [1902]
The Epic of Gilgamish R. Campbell Thompson [1928]
The (Episcopal) Book of Common Prayer [1979]
Epistle to the Son of the Wolf
Epistle to the Son of the Wolf Baha'u'llah
The Epistles of Apollonius of Tyana Apollonius, F.C. Conybeare [1912, 1847-50]
Erec et Enide Chretien DeTroyes, W.W. Comfort [1914, 1847-50]
Erewhon, or Over the Range Samuel Butler [1872, 1847-50]
Eskimo Folk-tales Knud Rasmussen, W. Worster [1921, 1847-50]
Esoteric Teachings of the Tibetan Tantra C.A. Musés [1961]
Esperanto Bible
An Essay on Dream Thomas Paine
An essay on the pronunciation of Enochian Christeos Pir [1847-50]
Essays on Suicide and the Immortality of the Soul David Hume [1755, 1847-50]
Essays, First Series Ralph Waldo Emerson [1847-50]
Essays, Second Series Ralph Waldo Emerson [1847-50]
Estonian Bible (partial)
An Eternal Career Frank L. Hammer [1947, 1847-50]
Ethica (Latin text of The Ethics) Baruch Spinoza, Baruch Spinoza [1677, 1847-50]
Ethics R.H.M. Elwes, Baruch Spinoza [1883, 1847-50]
The Ethics of Confucius Miles Menander Dawson [1915, 1847-50]
Ethnography of the Cahuilla Indians A. L. Kroeber [1908, 1847-50]
Etidorhpa John Uri Lloyd [1897, 1847-50]
Etruscan Roman Remains in Popular Tradition Charles G. Leland [1893, 1847-50]
The Euahlayi Tribe K. Langloh Parker, Andrew Lang [1905]
Euripides and His Age Gilbert Murray, Euripides [1847-50]
Euthydemus Benjamin Jowett, Plato [1871, 1847-50]
Euthyphro Benjamin Jowett, Plato [1871, 1847-50]
Evidence from Scripture and History of the Second Coming of Christ William Miller [1842]
The Evil Eye Frederick Thomas Elworthy [1895, 1847-50]
The Evolution of the Dragon Grafton Elliot Smith [1919, 1847-50]
Examination Of The Prophecies Thomas Paine
Excerpts from Peter Carroll's Works part 1 Peter Carroll [1847-50]
Excerpts from Peter Carroll's Works part 2 Peter Carroll [1847-50]
Excerpts from Ssuma Ch'ien Ssuma Ch'ien, Herbert J. Allen [1894-5, 1847-50]
Excerpts from the Gospel of Mary
Explanatory Notes on the Whole Bible John Wesley [1754-65]
Exposition of the Entire Bible John Gill [1746-63]
Extra-Sensory Perception Joseph Banks Rhine [1934, 1847-50]
22. Ezekiel, Part I John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
23. Ezekiel, Part II John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
Lista Titlu : F
The Fables of Aesop Aesop, George Fyler Townsend [1887, 1847-50]
Facing Life Fearlessly Clarence Darrow
The Faerie Queene Edmund Spenser [1596, 1847-50]
Fairies Gertrude M. Faulding [1913]
Fairy and Folk Tales of the Irish Peasantry W. B. Yeats [1888, 1847-50]
Fairy Legends and Traditions Thomas Crofton Croker [1825]
The Fairy Mythology Thomas Keightley [1870]
Fairy Tales of Modern Greece Theodore P. Gianakoulis , Georgia H. MacPherson [1930, 1847-50]
The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries W.Y. Evans-Wentz [1911]
Famous Men of the Middle Ages John Henry Haaren [1910, 1847-50]
A Feast of Lanterns L. Cranmer-Byng [1916, 1847-50]
Feng Shui Ernest J. Eitel [1873, 1847-50]
The Festival of The Sun [1847-50]
Festivals of Western Europe Dorothy Gladys Spicer [1958, 1847-50]
Fetichism in West Africa Robert Hamill Nassau [1904]
The Feuds of the Clans Alexander MacGregor [1907]
Fictitious and Symbolic Creatures in Art John Vinycomb [1909, 1847-50]
Fifty Christmas Poems for Children Florence B. Hyett [1923, 1847-50]
Fifty-One Tales Edward Plunkett, Lord Dunsany [1915, 1847-50]
Finnish Bible [1776]
First 1000 lines of Chromosome One of the Human Genome. [1847-50]
THE FIRST KEY -- An Analysis of the First Enochian Call or Key Benjamin Rowe [1847-50]
Five Bodies and Eight Vargnas [1847-50]
Five Great Vows (Maha-vratas) [1847-50]
Five Stages of Greek Religion Gilbert Murray [1925, 1847-50]
The Fly Mark Twain
The Flying Saucers Are Real Donald Keyhoe [1950, 1847-50]
The Fo-Sho-Hing-Tsan-King (SBE19) Asvaghosha Bodhisattva, Dharmaraksha, Samuel Beal [1883]
The Focus of Life Austin Osman Spare [1847-50]
Folk Stories from Southern Nigeria Elphinstone Dayrell, Andrew Lang [1910]
Folk Tales From the Russian Verra Xenophontovna Kalamatiano de Blumenthal [1903, 1847-50]
Folk Tales of Brittany Elsie Masson [1929]
Folk-lore of Shakespeare T.F. Thiselton Dyer [1883, 1847-50]
Folk-lore of the Holy Land; Moslem, Christian and Jewish J. E. Hanauer [1907]
The Folk-Lore of the Isle of Man A.W. Moore [1891]
Folk-Lore of the Pennsylvania Germans W. J. Hoffman [1888-9]
Folk-Lore of Women Thomas Firminger Thiselton-Dyer [1906, 1847-50]
Folklore and Legends: Oriental Charles John Tibbitts [1889]
Footnotes to French ed. of The Dawn Breakers
The Forgotten Books of Eden Rutherford H. Platt, Jr. [1926]
Form and Form and the Dance Drama Frank Hamilton Cushing [1896, 1847-50]
Fortune-Telling by Cards P.R.S. Foli [1915, 1847-50]
Forty Modern Fables George Ade [1901, 1847-50]
Forty-four Turkish Fairy Tales Ignácz Kúnos, Willy Pogany [1913]
Foundations of World Unity 'Abdu'l-Baha
The Fountain of Life Solomon ibn Gabirol, Harry E. Wedeck [1962, 1847-50]
The Four Ancient Books of Wales William F. Skene [1868]
Fourteen Auspicious Dreams [1847-50]
Foxe's Book of Martyrs John Foxe [1560]
Fragments of a Faith Forgotten G.R.S. Mead [1900, 1847-50]
Fragments of the Epic Cycle Homer, Hugh G. Evelyn-White [1847-50]
Fragments that Remain of the Lost Writings of Proclus Proclus, Thomas Taylor [1825, 1847-50]
Frankenstein Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley [1831, 1847-50]
Freher's Process in the Philosophical Work
French Bible Louis Segond [1910]
Friar Bacon: His Discovery of the Miracles Of Art, Nature, And Magick [1659]
From India to the Planet Mars Théodore Flournoy, Daniel B. Vermilye [1900, 1847-50]
From Ritual To Romance Jessie L. Weston [1920, 1847-50]
From the Closed World to the Infinite Universe Alexandre Koyre [1957]
From the Upanishads Charles Johnston [1889, 1847-50]
Fruit-Gathering Rabindranath Tagore [1916, 1847-50]
Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals Immanuel Kant [1785, 1847-50]
Funeral Customs Bertram S. Puckle [1904, 1847-50]
Fusang Charles G. Leland [1875, 1847-50]
Lista Titlu : G
41. Galatians and Ephesians John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
The Game of Life and How to Play It Florence Scovel Shinn [1925, 1847-50]
Garden Cities of To-morrow Ebenezer Howard [1902, 1847-50]
The Garden of Eden; or The Paradise Lost & Found Victoria Claflin Woodhull [1890, 1847-50]
The Gardnerian Book of Shadows Gerald Gardner [1847-50]
The Garuda Purana Ernest Wood, S.V. Subrahmanyam [1911, 1847-50]
The Gateless Gate Ekai, Huikai, Mu-mon, Nyogen Senzaki, Paul Reps [1934]
Gematria Values of the Enochian Characters Anon. [1847-50]
General Ahiman Rezon Daniel Sickels [1868, 1847-50]
General Book of the Tarot A.E. Thierens [1930, 1847-50]
1. Genesis, Part I John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
2. Genesis, Part II John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
The Geneva Bible Translation Notes [1599]
Genji Monogatari Murasaki Shikibu, Suematsu Kencho [1900, 1847-50]
Geoffrey of Monmouth Geoffrey of Monmouth, Sebastian Evans [1129, 1904, 1847-50]
Georgian Bible (partial)
Georgian Folk Tales Marjory Wardrop [1894]
The Georgics J.W. MacKail, Virgil [1934, 1847-50]
German Bible Martin Luther [1545]
The Gist of Swedenborg Julian K. Smyth, William F. Wunsch [1920]
Gitanjali Rabindranath Tagore [1913, 1847-50]
Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah Baha'u'llah
Gleanings In Buddha-Fields Lafcadio Hearn [1897]
Gleanings of a Mystic Max Heindel [1847-50]
The Glory of the Shia World P. M. Sykes, Khan Bhadur Ahmad din Khan [1910, 1847-50]
Glory of the World
Gnosis Anon. [1847-50]
Gnostic John the Baptizer G.R.S. Mead [1924]
The Gnostics and Their Remains Charles William King [1887, 1847-50]
The Goal of Life Hiram Butler [1908, 1847-50]
God Passes By Shoghi Effendi
God the Savior Emanuel Swedenborg, John Whitehead [1768, 1914, 1847-50]
The Gododdin Poems William F. Skene [1868]
Gods and Fighting Men Augusta Gregory [1904]
The Gods of Pegana Edward Plunkett, Lord Dunsany [1905, 1847-50]
The Golden Asse Apuleius, William Adlington [1566, 1847-50]
The Golden Bough Sir James Frazer [1922, 1847-50]
Golden Chain of Homer
The Golden Mountain Meyer Levin [1932, 1847-50]
The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus
The Golden Verses of Pythagoras Florence M. Firth, Pythagoras [1902, 1847-50]
The Golden Verses of Pythagoras Fabre d'Olivet, Pythagoras [1917, 1847-50]
Gorgias Benjamin Jowett, Plato [1871, 1847-50]
The Gospel of Barnabas Lonsdale and Laura Ragg [1907, 1847-50]
The Gospel of Buddha: Compiled from Ancient Records Paul Carus [1909]
The Gospel of Ramakrishna Mahendra Nath Gupta, Swami Abhedananda [1907, 1847-50]
The Gospel of Thomas [200]
Gothic Bible (partial)
The Grateful Dead, the History of a Folk Story Gordon Hall Gerould [1908, 1847-50]
The Great Controversy Ellen G. White [1858]
The Great Learning (Ta Hsüeh) Confucius, James Legge [1893, 500 BCE, 200 BCE, 1847-50]
The Great March Rose G. Lurie [1931, 1847-50]
Great Systems of Yoga Ernest Wood [1954, 1847-50]
Greek Popular Religion Martin P. Nilsson [1940, 1847-50]
The Green Fairy Book Andrew Lang [1892, 1847-50]
The Grey Fairy Book Andrew Lang [1900, 1847-50]
The Grihya Sutras, Part 1 (SBE 29) Hermann Oldenberg [1886, 1847-50]
The Grihya Sutras, Part 2 (SBE 30) Hermann Oldenberg [1892, 1847-50]
Grimm's Household Tales Jakob Grimm, Wilhelm Grimm, Margaret Hunt [1812, 1847-50]
The Guide for the Perplexed Moses Maimonides, M. Freidländer [1904, 1847-50]
The Gulistan Sa'di, Edwin Arnold [1899, 1847-50]
Gypsy Folk Tales Francis Hindes Groomes [1899, 1847-50]
Gypsy Sorcery and Fortune Telling Charles G. Leland [1891, 1847-50]
Lista Titlu : H
An H.P. Lovecraft Anthology H.P. Lovecraft [1847-50]
29. Habakkuk, Zephaniah, and Haggai John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
Hadith of Bukhari [1847-50]
Haggada For Pesach According To Chabad-Lubavitch Custom [1847-50]
Haida Songs John R. Swanton [1912, 1847-50]
Hail Mary (Ave Maria)
Hamlet William Shakespeare [1847-50]
The Hanged Poems F.E. Johnson, Sheikh Faiz-ullah-bhai [1917, 1847-50]
Harmonies of the World Johannes Kepler, Charles Glenn Wallis [1939]
3. Harmony of the Law, Part I John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
4. Harmony of the Law, Part II John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
5. Harmony of the Law, Part III John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
6. Harmony of the Law, Part IV John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
The Hatha Yoga Pradipika Pancham Sinh [1914, 1847-50]
Hausa Folklore Maalam Shaihu, R. Sutherland Rattray [1913]
Hawaiian Folk Tales Thomas G. Thrum [1907, 1847-50]
Hawaiian Historical Legends W.D. Westervelt [1923, 1847-50]
Hawaiian Legends of Ghosts and Ghost-Gods W.D. Westervelt [1916, 1847-50]
Hawaiian Legends of Old Honolulu W.D. Westervelt [1915, 1847-50]
Hawaiian Legends of Volcanoes W.D. Westervelt [1916, 1847-50]
Hawaiian Mythology Martha Warren Beckwith [1940, 1847-50]
Heaven and Hell Emanuel Swedenborg, John C. Ager [1758, 1900, 1847-50]
Hebraic Literature Maurice Harris [1901, 1847-50]
44. Hebrews John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
Hecuba E. P. Coleridge, Euripides [1910, 1847-50]
Heidelberg Catechism
Heimskringla or The Chronicle of the Kings of Norway Snorri Sturlson, Samuel Laing [1844, 1847-50]
Helen E. P. Coleridge, Euripides [1910, 1847-50]
The Heracleidae E. P. Coleridge, Euripides [1910, 1847-50]
Heracles E. P. Coleridge, Euripides [1910, 1847-50]
Herland Charlotte Perkins Stetson Gilman [1906, 1847-50]
The Hermetic Arcanum
The Hermetic Museum Arthur Edward Waite [1893]
The Hero of Esthonia W. F. Kirby [1895, 1847-50]
Hero Tales and Legends of the Rhine Lewis Spence [1915, 1847-50]
Hero-Myths and Legends of the British Race Maud Isabel Ebbutt [1910, 1847-50]
The Heroes, or Greek Fairy Tales for my Children Charles Kingsley [1901, 1847-50]
Heroic Ballads of Servia George Rapnall Noyes, Leonard Bacon [1913, 1847-50]
The Heroic Enthusiasts [1887 and 1889]
Heroic Romances of Ireland (2 Vols.) A. H. Leahy [1905-6]
The Hidden Church of the Holy Graal Arthur Edward Waite [1909, 1847-50]
The Hidden Power Thomas Troward [1921, 1847-50]
Hidden Treasures of the Ancient Qabalah Elias Gewurz, William Walker Atkinson [1918, 1847-50]
The Hidden Words of Baha'u'llah Baha'u'llah
The Hieroglyphics of Horapollo Alexander Turner Cory [1840, 1847-50]
High Endeavours: Messages to Alaska Shoghi Effendi
The High History of the Holy Graal Chretien DeTroyes, Sebastian Evans [1898, 1847-50]
The Hindu Book of Astrology Bhakti Seva [1902]
Hindu Mysticism S.N. Dasgupta [1927, 1847-50]
Hindu Mythology, Vedic and Puranic W.J. Wilkins [1900, 1847-50]
Hippolytus E. P. Coleridge, Euripides [1910, 1847-50]
Historic Lecture W. Wynn Westcott [1847-50]
The History of Herodotus G. C. Macaulay, Herodotus [1890, 1847-50]
The History of Philosophy in Islam T. J. De Boer [1903, 1847-50]
The History of the Devil Paul Carus [1900, 1847-50]
The History of the Knights Templars Charles G. Addison [1842, 1847-50]
History of the Talmud Michael L. Rodkinson [1847-50, 1918]
History of Utah, 1540-1886 Hubert Howe Bancroft [1889, 1847-50]
The Hollow Land William Morris [1856, 1847-50]
The Holy Piby Robert Athlyi Rogers [1924-8]
The Holy Qur'an: Arabic Text, Pronunciation Guide Yusuf Ali [1847-50]
The Holy Quran Abdullah Yusuf Ali [1934, 1847-50]
The Holy Scriptures Jewish Publication Society [1917]
The Home and the World Rabindranath Tagore [1915, 1847-50]
Homeric Fragments Hugh G. Evelyn-White, Homer [1914, 1847-50]
The Homeric Hymns Hugh G. Evelyn-White, Homer [1914, 1847-50]
Hortulanus' Commentary on the Emerald Tablet
26. Hosea John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
The House of the Hidden Places W. Marsham Adams [1895, 1847-50]
The House of the Wolfings William Morris [1889, 1847-50]
How I Found the Lost Atlantis, The Source of All Civilization Paul Schliemann [1912]
How To Be A Yogi Swâmi Abhedânanda [1902, 1847-50]
The Human Atmosphere Walter J. Kilner [1920, 1847-50]
Human Nature in the Bible William Lyon Phelps [1922]
A Hundred Verses from Old Japan William N. Porter [1909, 1847-50]
Hungarian Bible Gáspár Károli [1590]
Hupa Texts Pliny Earle Goddard [1904, 1847-50]
The Hymn of Jesus, Echoes from the Gnosis G.R.S. Mead [1907]
Hymn to Kâlî: Karpûrâdi-Stotra Arthur Avalon, John Woodroffe [1922, 1847-50]
The Hymns of Orpheus Thomas Taylor, Orpheus [1792, 1847-50]
The Hymns of the Atharvaveda Ralph T.H. Griffith [1895-6, 1847-50]
Hymns of the Eastern Church J. Neale [1884]
Hymns of the Tamil Saivite Saints F. Kingsbury, G.P. Phillips [1829, 1847-50]
Hymns to the Goddess Arthur Avalon, John Woodroffe [1913, 1847-50]
Lista Titlu : I
I Remember Lemuria Richard S. Shaver [1948, 1847-50]
Icelandic Sagas, Vol. 3: The Orkneyingers Saga George W. Dasent [1894, 1847-50]
The Ideals of the East Kakuzo Okakura [1904, 1847-50]
The Idylls of the King Alfred Lord Tennyson [1847-50]
The Iliad and Odyssey [Unicode Greek] Homer [1847-50]
The Iliad of Homer Samuel Butler, Homer [1898, 1847-50]
Illustrations of Masonry William Morgan [1827, 1847-50]
Imitation of Christ Thomas a Kempis, William Benham [1418, 1886]
In Days To Come Ashtar, Ethel P. Hill [1957, 1847-50]
In Ghostly Japan Lafcadio Hearn [1899, 1847-50]
In the Beginning: A Navaho Creation Myth Frank Goldtooth, Stanley A. Fishler [1953, 1847-50]
In the Pronaos of the Temple of Wisdom Franz Hartmann [1890, 1847-50]
In The Seven Woods W. B. Yeats [1903, 1847-50]
In Tune with the Infinite Ralph Waldo Trine [1910, 1847-50]
In Wicklow and West Kerry John M. Synge [1912]
India in Primitive Christianity Arthur Lillie [1909]
Indian Fairy Tales Joseph Jacobs [1912, 1847-50]
Indian Idylls Edwin Arnold [1883, 1847-50]
Indian Myth and Legend Donald A. Mackenzie [1913, 1847-50]
Indian Myths of South Central California. A. L. Kroeber [1907, 1847-50]
Indian Why Stories Frank Linderman [1915, 1847-50]
Indians of the Yosemite Valley and Vicinity Galen Clark [1904, 1847-50]
Influence of the Phallic Idea in the Religions of Antiquity C. Staniland Wake [1870, 1847-50]
Initiation, Human and Solar Alice A. Bailey [1922, 1847-50]
An Inquiry into the Animism and Folk-Lore of the Guiana Indians. [1915, 1847-50]
An Inquiry into the Religious Tenets of the Yezeedees George Percy Badger [1852]
The Institutes of the Christian Religion John Calvin, Henry Beveridge [1845]
The Institutes of Vishnu (SBE 7) Julius Jolly [1880, 1847-50]
Interaction of the Soul and Body Emanuel Swedenborg, John Whitehead [1769, 1892, 1847-50]
The Interior Castle St. Teresa of Avila [1921]
Intermediate Types Among Primitive Folk Edward Carpenter [1914, 1847-50]
An Introduction to Astrology William Lilly, Zadkiel [1852]
Introduction to Cybercraft Mike Morgan [1847-50]
Introduction to the Metaphysic of Morals Immanuel Kant [1785, 1847-50]
Introduction to Zuñi Ceremonialism Ruth Bunzel [1847-50, 1929-1930]
Invitation to the New Church Emanuel Swedenborg, John Whitehead [1771, 1914, 1847-50]
Ioläus Edward Carpenter [1918, 1847-50]
Ion Robert Potter, Euripides [1887, 1847-50]
Ion Benjamin Jowett, Plato [1871, 1847-50]
IOT Anon. [1847-50]
Iphigenia At Aulis Euripides [1847-50]
Iphigenia in Tauris Robert Potter, Euripides [1887, 1847-50]
Irish Druids and Old Irish Religions James Bonwick [1894, 1847-50]
Irish Fairy Tales James Stephens [1920]
The Irish Sketch-book William Makepeace Thackeray [1845]
Irish Witchcraft and Demonology St. John D. Seymour [1913, 1847-50]
The Iron Heel Jack London [1909, 1847-50]
Iroquoian Cosmology J.N.B. Hewitt [1903, 1847-50]
The Iroquois Book of Rites H.E. Hale [1883, 1847-50]
13. Isaiah, Part I John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
14. Isaiah, Part II John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
15. Isaiah, Part III John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
16. Isaiah, Part IV John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
Ishtar and Izdubar Leonidas Le Cenci Hamilton [1884]
The Isiac Tablet of Cardinal Bembo W. Wynn Westcott [1887, 1847-50]
Isis Unveiled Helena P. Blavatsky [1877, 1847-50]
Islam John A. Williams [1962, 1847-50]
Italian Bible Giovanni Diodati [1649]
Lista Titlu : J
Jaina Sutras, Part I Hermann Jacobi [1884, 1847-50]
Jaina Sutras, Part II Hermann Jacobi [1884, 1847-50]
Jamaica Anansi Stories Martha Warren Beckwith [1924]
Japan Will Turn Ablaze
Japan, An Attempt At Interpretation Lafcadio Hearn [1904, 1847-50]
Japanese Fairy Tales Teresa Peirce Williston, Sanchi Ogawa [1911, 1847-50]
Japanese Haiku Peter Beilenson [1955, 1847-50]
Jataka Tales Ellen C. Babbit [1912]
The Jataka, Vol. I Robert Chalmers, E.B. Cowell [1895]
The Jataka, Vol. II W. H. D. Rouse, E.B. Cowell [1895]
The Jataka, Vol. III H.T. Francis, E.B. Cowell [1897]
The Jataka, Vol. IV W.H.D. Rouse, E.B. Cowell [1901]
The Jataka, Vol. V H.T. Francis, E.B. Cowell [1905]
The Jataka, Vol. VI E.B. Cowell, W.H.D. Rouse [1907]
The Jefferson Bible Thomas Jefferson [1902]
17. Jeremiah and Lamentations, Part I John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
18. Jeremiah and Lamentations, Part II John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
19. Jeremiah and Lamentations, Part III John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
20. Jeremiah and Lamentations, Part IV John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
21. Jeremiah and Lamentations, Part V John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
Jesus An Essene Edward Planta Nesbit [1895]
Jesus Christ Heals Charles Fillmore [1939, 1847-50]
Jesus, the Last Great Initiate Edouard Schuré, F. Rothwell [1908, 1847-50]
Jewish Fairy Tales and Legends Aunt Naomi, Gertrude Landa [1919, 1847-50]
Jewish Magic and Superstition: A Study in Folk Religion Joshua Trachtenberg [1939, 1847-50]
Jewish Mysticism J. Abelson [1913, 1847-50]
Jicarilla Apache Texts Pliny Earle Goddard [1911, 1847-50]
27. Joel, Amos, Obadiah John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
John Wesley's Place in History Woodrow Wilson [1915]
34. John, Part I John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
35. John, Part II John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
28. Jonah, Micah, Nahum John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
7. Joshua John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
A Journey in Southern Siberia Jeremiah Curtin [1909]
Journey to the Center of the Earth Jules Verne, Frederick Amadeus Malleson [1877, 1847-50]
A Journey to the Earth's Interior Marshall B. Gardner [1920, 1847-50]
Julius Caeser William Shakespeare [1847-50]
Lista Titlu : K
Kabbalah - Sepher Yetzirah W.W. Westcot [1887, 1847-50]
The Kabbalah Unveiled S.L. MacGregor Mathers [1912, 1847-50]
The Kabbalah, or the Religious Philosophy of the Hebrews Adolphe Franck [1926, 1847-50]
Kabyle Bible (NT)
Kaffir (Xhosa) Folk-Lore George McCall Theal [1886]
The Kalevala (English) John Martin Crawford [1888, 1847-50]
The Kalevala (Finnish) Elias Lönnrot [1847-50]
Kali the Mother Sister Nivedita, Margaret E. Noble [1900, 1847-50]
Kalidasa: Translations of Shakuntala and Other Works Kalidasa, Arthur W. Ryder [1914, 1847-50]
Kama Sutra of Vatsayayana Richard Burton [1883, 1847-50]
The Karezza Method J. William Lloyd [1931, 1847-50]
Karezza, Ethics of Marriage Alice B. Stockham [1903, 1847-50]
Karma-Yoga Swami Vivekananda [1921, 1847-50]
The Kasîdah Hâjî Abdû El-Yezdî, Sir Richard Burton [1880, 1847-50]
The Kebra Nagast E. A. Wallis Budge [1922]
Keep a True Lent Charles Fillmore [1953, 1847-50]
The Key of Gold: 23 Czech Folk Tales Josef Baudis [1917, 1847-50]
The Key of Solomon The King S. Liddell MacGregor Mathers [1888, 1847-50]
King Arthur: Tales of the Round Table Andrew Lang, H.J. Ford [1902, 1847-50]
King Henry the Eighth William Shakespeare [1847-50]
King Henry the Fifth William Shakespeare [1847-50]
King Henry the Fourth, Part I William Shakespeare [1847-50]
King Henry the Fourth, Part II William Shakespeare [1847-50]
King Henry the Sixth, Part I William Shakespeare [1847-50]
King Henry the Sixth, Part II William Shakespeare [1847-50]
King Henry the Sixth, Part III William Shakespeare [1847-50]
King John William Shakespeare [1847-50]
King Lear William Shakespeare [1847-50]
The King of Ireland's Son Padraic Colum [1916]
King Richard the Second William Shakespeare [1847-50]
King Richard the Third William Shakespeare [1847-50]
The Kitab al Khazari Judah Hallevi, Hartwig Hirschfeld [1905, 1847-50]
The Kitab-i-Aqdas
The Kitab-i-Aqdas (The Most Holy Book) Baha'u'llah
The Kitab-i-Iqan (Book of Certitude)
The Kitab-i-Iqan (The Book of Certitude) Baha'u'llah
Know Your Magnetic Field William E. Gray [1947, 1847-50]
Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and Its Attainment Rudolf Steiner, George Metaxa [1947, 1847-50]
Kogoshui: Gleanings from Ancient Stories Genchi Katō, Hikoshirō Hoshino [1926, 1847-50]
The Kojiki Basil Hall Chamberlain [1919, 1847-50]
The Kojiki Basil Hall Chamberlain [1919, 1847-50]
The Koran J.M. Rodwell [1876, 1847-50]
Korean Bible
Koryak Texts Waldemar Bogoras [1917]
The Kumulipo Liliuokalani [1897, 1847-50]
The Kumulipo, A Hawaiian Creation Chant Martha Warren Beckwith [1951, 1847-50]
Kundalini: The Mother of the Universe Rishi Singh Gherwal [1930, 1847-50]
Kung-Fu, or Tauist Medical Gymnastics John Dudgeon [1895, 1847-50]
Kutune Shirka, The Ainu Epic Arthur Waley [1953, 1847-50]
Kwaidan Lafcadio Hearn [1904, 1847-50]
Kwakiutl Tales Franz Boas [1910, 1847-50]
The Kybalion Three Initiates, William Walker Atkinson [1912, 1847-50]
Lista Titlu : L
Laches or Courage Benjamin Jowett, Plato [1871, 1847-50]
Lair of the White Worm Bram Stoker [1911, 1847-50]
THE LAND -- Medieval Social Structure and the Achadian Tree Benjamin Rowe [1847-50]
Laotzu's Tao and Wu Wei Dwight Goddard, Henri Borel [1919, 1847-50]
Laotzu's Tao and Wu Wei (2nd ed.) Dwight Goddard, Henri Borel [1939, 1847-50]
Large Catechism Martin Luther [1847-50]
Last Judgment Emanuel Swedenborg, John Whitehead [1758, 1892, 1847-50]
Last Judgment Continued Emanuel Swedenborg, John Whitehead [1758, 1892, 1847-50]
Last Judgment Posthumous Emanuel Swedenborg, John Whitehead [1757-9, 1914, 1847-50]
Last of the Voudoos Lafcadio Hearn [1885]
Later Poems W. B. Yeats [1922, 1847-50]
Latvian Bible (NT)
The Laughable Stories of Bar-Hebraeus E.A.W. Budge [1897]
The Law and the Word Thomas Troward [1921, 1847-50]
Laws Benjamin Jowett, Plato [1871, 1847-50]
The Laws of Manu George Bühler [1886, 1847-50]
The Laxdaela Saga Muriel Press [1899, 1847-50]
The Lay of the Cid R. Selden Rose, Leonard Bacon [1919, 1847-50]
Le Morte d'Arthur Sir Thomas Malory [1847-50]
The Legend of Tauquitch and Algoot George Wharton James [1903, 1847-50]
Legendary Fictions of the Irish Celts Patrick Kennedy [1891]
Legends and Myths of the Aboriginal Indians of British Guiana. William Henry Brett [1880, 1847-50]
Legends and Popular Tales of the Basque People Mariana Monteiro [1887]
Legends and Romances of Brittany Lewis Spence [1917]
Legends and Romances of Spain Lewis Spence [1920, 1847-50]
Legends and Stories of Ireland Samuel Lover [1831, 1834]
Legends of Babylonia and Egypt Leonard W. King [1916]
The Legends of Genesis Hermann Gunkel [1901]
Legends of Maui W.D. Westervelt [1910, 1847-50]
Legends of the Gods: The Egyptian Texts E. A. Wallis Budge [1912, 1847-50]
Legends of the Jews Louis Ginzberg [1909, 1847-50]
The Lesser Key of Solomon S.L. MacGregor Mathers, Aleister Crowley [1904, 1847-50]
Lessons in Truth H. Emilie Cady [1894, 1847-50]
A Letter from a Gentleman David Hume [1754, 1847-50]
Letter to Menoeceus Epicurus [1847-50]
Letters From The Earth Mark Twain [1909]
Letters from the Guardian to Australia and New Zealand Shoghi Effendi
Letters of Myrtle Fillmore Myrtle Fillmore [1936, 1847-50]
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft Sir Walter Scott [1885, 1847-50]
Leviathan Thomas Hobbes [1651, 1847-50]
The Life and Death of Cormac the Skalda W.G. Collingwood, J. Stefansson [1901, 1847-50]
The Life and Doctrines of Jacob Boehme Jacob Boehme, Franz Hartmann [1891, 1847-50]
Life and Its Mysteries Frank L. Hammer [1945, 1847-50]
The Life of Apollonius of Tyana Philostratus, F.C. Conybeare [1912, 1847-50]
The Life of Buddha Andre Ferdinand Herold, Paul C. Blum [1922, 1927]
Life Without Principle Henry David Thoreau [1863, 1847-50]
The Light of Divine Guidance (volume 1) [Message to Germany and Austria] Shoghi Effendi
The Light of Divine Guidance (volume 2) Shoghi Effendi
The Lilac Fairy Book Andrew Lang [1910, 1847-50]
The Little Clay Cart Shudraka, Arthur W. Ryder [1905, 1847-50]
The Little Flowers of St. Francis W. Heywood [1906]
The Little Iliad (Fragments) Homer, Hugh G. Evelyn-White [1847-50]
Little Known Facts about the Amish and the Mennonites A. Monroe Aurand, Jr. [1938]
The Liturgy of Funerary Offerings E. A. Wallis Budge [1909, 1847-50]
Liturgy of the Reformed Churches of the Netherlands
Lives of the Greek Heroines Louisa Menzies, Charles G. Leland [1880, 1847-50, 1899]
Lives of the Saints Alban Butler, John Gilmary Shea, Benziger [1894]
Lo! Charles Fort [1931, 1847-50]
Looking Backwards Edward Bellamy [1888, 1847-50]
The Lord's Prayer
The Lore and the Lure of The Yosemite Herbert Earl Wilson [1922, 1847-50]
Lore of the Unicorn Odell Shepard [1930, 1847-50]
The Lore of the Whare-Wananga S. Percy Smith [1913, 1847-50]
The Lost Books of the Bible Rutherford H. Platt, Jr. [1926]
The Lost Continent Cutcliffe Hyne [1900]
The Lost Lemuria W. Scott-Elliot [1904]
The Lotus of Power Ritual Josh Norton [1847-50]
Love and Death Sri Arobindo [1921, 1847-50]
The Love Books of Ovid J. Lewis May, Ovid, Publius Ovidius Naso [1930, 1847-50]
The Love Letters of Abelard and Heloise Israel Gollancz, Honnor Morten [1128, 1901]
Love's Coming of Age Edward Carpenter [1906, 1847-50]
A Lovers' Complaint William Shakespeare [1847-50]
Loves Labour Lost William Shakespeare [1847-50]
THE LOWER TEMPLE -- Construction of the Microcosmic Temples Benjamin Rowe [1847-50]
The Lusiad Luis de Camoens, William Julius Mickle [1776, 1877, 1847-50]
Lysis, or Friendship Benjamin Jowett, Plato [1871, 1847-50]
Lista Titlu : M
The Mabinogion Charlotte Guest [1877]
Macbeth William Shakespeare [1847-50]
The Magic of Horse-Shoes, with other Folk-Lore Notes Florence Holbrook [1904, 1847-50]
Magic Songs of the West Finns, Vol. I John Abercromby [1898, 1847-50]
Magic Songs of the West Finns, Vol. II John Abercromby, Elias Lönnrot [1898, 1847-50]
The Magical Pact of The Illuminnates Of Thanateros Peter Carroll [1847-50]
The Magus Francis Barrett [1801, 1847-50]
The Magus Peter Carroll [1847-50]
The Mahabharata Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1883-1896, 1847-50]
The Mahabharata in Sanskrit [1847-50]
The Mahabharata, Book 10: Sauptika Parva Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1847-50, 1883-1896]
The Mahabharata, Book 11: Stri Parva Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1847-50, 1883-1896]
The Mahabharata, Book 12: Santi Parva Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1847-50, 1883-1896]
The Mahabharata, Book 13: Anusasana Parva Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1847-50, 1883-1896]
The Mahabharata, Book 14: Aswamedha Parva Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1847-50, 1883-1896]
The Mahabharata, Book 15: Asramavasika Parva Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1847-50, 1883-1896]
The Mahabharata, Book 16: Mausala Parva Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1847-50, 1883-1896]
The Mahabharata, Book 17: Mahaprasthanika Parva Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1847-50, 1883-1896]
The Mahabharata, Book 18: Svargarohanika Parva Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1847-50, 1883-1896]
The Mahabharata, Book 1: Adi Parva Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1847-50, 1883-1896]
The Mahabharata, Book 2: Sabha Parva Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1847-50, 1883-1896]
The Mahabharata, Book 3: Vana Parva Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1847-50, 1883-1896]
The Mahabharata, Book 4: Virata Parva Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1847-50, 1883-1896]
The Mahabharata, Book 5: Udyoga Parva Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1847-50, 1883-1896]
The Mahabharata, Book 6: Bhishma Parva Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1847-50, 1883-1896]
The Mahabharata, Book 7: Drona Parva Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1847-50, 1883-1896]
The Mahabharata, Book 8: Karna Parva Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1847-50, 1883-1896]
The Mahabharata, Book 9: Shalya Parva Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Kisari Mohan Ganguli [1847-50, 1883-1896]
Mahanirvana Tantra Arthur Avalon, John Woodroffe [1913, 1847-50]
Maidu Texts Roland B. Dixon [1912, 1847-50]
Maimonides: Ani Maamin - I believe... [1847-50]
Male Continence John Humphrey Noyes [1872, 1847-50]
The Malleus Maleficarum Montague Summers [1486, 1928, 1847-50]
The Man in the Panther's Skin Shota Rustaveli, Marjory Scott Wardrop [1912]
The Man of Sorrows John Nelson Darby [no date (pre-1882)]
The Manifestation of Kali in Universe as an Astrophysical Anomaly Persona Navitae 353 [1847-50]
Mankind United Arthur Bell [1936, 1847-50]
Manners, Customs, and Observances: Their Origin and Significance Leopold Wagner [1894, 1847-50]
A Manual of Hadith Maulana Muhammad Ali [1944, 1847-50]
Manual of Zen Buddhism Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki [1935]
Manx Bible (partial) [1772]
Many Swans: Sun Myth of the North American Indians Amy Lowell [1920, 1847-50]
Maori Bible
Maori Religion and Mythology Edward Shortland [1882, 1847-50]
The Maqámát of Badí‘ al-Zamán al-Hamadhání Badí‘ al-Zamán al-Hamadhání, W.J. Prendergast [1915, 1847-50]
Mars Percivel Lowell [1895, 1847-50]
Martin Luther's 95 Theses Martin Luther [1517, 1847-50]
Mary the Prophetess
The Masculine Cross and Ancient Sex Worship Sha Rocco, Hargrave Jennings [1874, 1847-50]
The Masnavi Rumi, E.H. Whinfield [1898, 1847-50]
The Master Key System Charles F. Haanel [1919, 1847-50]
Master Singers of Japan Clara A. Walsh [1914, 1847-50]
31. Matthew, Mark and Luke, Part I John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
32. Matthew, Mark and Luke, Part II John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
33. Matthew, Mark and Luke, Part III John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
Max Heindel's Letters to Students Max Heindel [1910, 1919, 1847-50]
Maya Hieroglyphic Writing (excerpts) J. Eric S. Thompson [1950, 1847-50]
Mazes and Labyrinths W.H. Matthews [1922, 1847-50]
Meaning Of Ashta Prakari Puja [1847-50]
The Meaning of Masonry W. L. Wilmshurst [1922, 1847-50]
Measure for Measure William Shakespeare [1847-50]
Medea E. P. Coleridge, Euripides [1910, 1847-50]
Meditations Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, George Long [1847-50]
Meditations on First Philosophy Rene Descartes [1641, 1847-50]
Memorials of the Faithful 'Abdu'l-Baha
Mencius Mencius, James Legge [1895, 371-289 B.C.E., 1847-50]
Meno Benjamin Jowett, Plato [1871, 1847-50]
Mental Radio Upton Sinclair [1930, 1847-50]
Merchant of Venice William Shakespeare [1847-50]
Merry Wives of Windsor William Shakespeare [1847-50]
The Mesnevi Rumi, Eflaki, James W. Redhouse [1881, 1847-50]
Message of the Stars Max Heindel, Augusta Foss Heindel [1847-50]
Messages to America Shoghi Effendi
The Metamorphoses Sir Samuel Garth, John Dryden, Alexander Pope, Joseph Addison, William Congreve, Ovid, Publius Ovidius Naso [1717, 1847-50]
The Metaphysical Elements of Ethics Immanuel Kant [1780, 1847-50]
Midrash Tanhuma [1847-50]
Midsummers' Night Dream William Shakespeare [1847-50]
The Migration of Symbols Goblet d'Alviella [1894, 1847-50]
Mimes of the Courtesans A.L.H., Lucian of Samosata [1928, 1847-50]
The Minor Law Books (SBE 33) Julius Jolly [1880, 1847-50]
A Miracle in Stone: or The Great Pyramid of Egypt Joseph A. Seiss [1877, 1847-50]
The Mirror of Alchemy
The Mishkât Al-Anwar Al-Ghazzali, W.H.T. Gairdner [1924, 1847-50]
Mission Memories John Steven McGroarty, Frederick V. Carpenter [1929, 1847-50]
A Mission Record of the California Indians A. L. Kroeber [1908, 1847-50]
Miwok Myths Edward Winslow Gifford [1917, 1847-50]
Modern Hebrew Bible
A Modern Utopia H.G. Wells [1909, 1847-50]
The Monadology Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz [1898, 1847-50]
Monty Python. and the Holy Grail Monty Python [1847-50]
Moon Lore Timothy Harley [1885]
Morals and Dogma Albert Pike [1871, 1847-50]
More Celtic Fairy Tales Joseph Jacobs [1894]
More English Fairy Tales Joseph Jacobs, John D. Batten [1894, 1847-50]
More Translations from the Chinese Arthur Waley [1919, 1847-50]
The Most Holy Trinosophia Comte de Saint-Germain, Manly Palmer Hall [1933, 1847-50]
The Most Pleasant and Delectable Tale of The Marriage of Cupid and Psyche Apuleius, William Adlington, Dorothy Mullock [1914, 1847-50]
Mother Shipton Investigated William H. Harrison [1881, 1847-50]
The Mountain Chant, A Navajo Ceremony Washington Matthews [1887, 1847-50]
Much Ado About Nothing William Shakespeare [1847-50]
Musings of a Chinese Mystic Chuang Tzu, Lionel Giles [1909, 1847-50]
My Own Life David Hume [1777, 1847-50]
My Trip to Mars William Ferguson [1959, 1847-50]
The Mycenaean Origin of Greek Mythology Martin P. Nilsson [1932, 1847-50]
Mysteries of Genesis Charles Fillmore [1936, 1847-50]
Mysteries of John Charles Fillmore [1946, 1847-50]
The Mysteries of Mithra Franz Cumont [1903, 1847-50]
Mysteries of the Qabalah Elias Gewurz, William Walker Atkinson [1922, 1847-50]
Mysticism Evelyn Underhill [1911, 1847-50]
Mysticism, Christian and Buddhist Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki [1957]
The Mystics of Islam Reynold A. Nicholson [1914, 1847-50]
The Myth of the Birth of the Hero Otto Rank [1914, 1847-50]
Mythical Monsters Charles Gould [1886, 1847-50]
The Mythology of the Diegueños Constance Goddard Du Bois [1901, 1847-50]
Mythology of the Mission Indians Constance Goddard Du Bois [1904, 1906, 1847-50]
Myths and Folklore of Ireland Jeremiah Curtin [1890]
Myths and Legends of Babylonia and Assyria Donald A. Mackenzie [1915]
Myths and Legends of California and the Old Southwest Katherine Berry Judson [1912, 1847-50]
Myths and Legends of China Edward T.C. Werner [1922, 1847-50]
Myths and Legends of Our Own Land Charles M. Skinner [1896]
Myths and Legends of the Andamans A.R. Radcliffe-Brown [1922]
Myths and Legends of the Bantu Alice Werner [1933]
Myths and Legends of the Celtic Race Thomas Rolleston [1911]
Myths and Tales of the Southeastern Indians John R. Swanton [1929, 1847-50]
Myths of Crete and Pre-Hellenic Europe Donald A. Mackenzie [1917, 1847-50]
Myths of Greece and Rome Jane Harrison [1928, 1847-50]
Myths of Ífè John Wyndham [1921]
The Myths of Mexico and Peru Lewis Spence [1913, 1847-50]
Myths of the Cherokee James Mooney [1900, 1847-50]
Lista Titlu : N
The Nō Plays of Japan Arthur Waley [1921, 1847-50]
Narratives of the Rites and Laws of the Yncas Clements R. Markham [1873, 1847-50]
The Native Tribes of Central Australia Baldwin Spencer, F. J. Gillen [1899]
Native Tribes of the Northern Territory of Australia Baldwin Spencer [1914]
The Natural History of Religion David Hume [1757, 1847-50]
Navaho Myths, Prayers, and Songs Washington Matthews [1906, 1847-50]
Navaho Origin Legend A. M. Stephen [1930, 1847-50]
Navaho Texts Pliny Earle Goddard [1933, 1847-50]
Navajo Creation Myth Hasteen Klah, Mary C. Wheelwright [1942, 1847-50]
The Navajo Indians William M. Edwardy [1890, 1847-50]
The Negro W.E.B. Du Bois [1915]
The New Atlantis Francis Bacon [1627, 1847-50]
New England Primer [1843]
The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine Emanuel Swedenborg, John Whitehead [1758, 1892, 1847-50]
New Lands Charles Fort [1923, 1847-50]
New Orleans Superstitions Lafcadio Hearn [1886]
The New Word Allen Upward [1910, 1847-50]
News from Nowhere William Morris [1891, 1847-50]
The Nibelungenlied Daniel B. Shumway [1909, 1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. I Eusebius [1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. II Socrates Scholasticus, Sozomen [1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. III Theodoret, Jerome, Gennadius, Rufinus [1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. IV Athanasius [1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. IX Hilary of Poitiers, John of Damascus [1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. V [1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. VI Jerome [1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. VII Cyril of Jerusalem, Gregory Nazianzen [1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. VIII Basil [1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. X Ambrose [1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. XI Sulpitius Severus, Vincent of Lerins, John Cassian [1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. XII Leo the Great, Gregory the Great [1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. XIII Gregory the Great (II), Ephraim Syrus, Aphrahat [1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. XIV [1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. I St. Augustine [1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. II St. Augustine [1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. III St. Augustine [1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. IV St. Augustine [1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. IX St. Chrysostom [1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. V St. Augustine [1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. VI St. Augustine [1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. VII St. Augustine [1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. VIII St. Augustine [1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. X St. Chrysostom [1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. XI St. Chrysostom [1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. XII St. Chrysostom [1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. XIII St. Chrysostom [1847-50]
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. XIV St. Chrysostom [1847-50]
Nicene Creed
The Nicomachean Ethics William David Ross, Aristotle [1908, 1847-50]
Nihongi Part 1 W.G. Ashton [1847-50, 1896]
Nihongi Part 2 W.G. Ashton [1847-50, 1896]
Nihongi Part 3 W.G. Ashton [1847-50, 1896]
Nihongi Part 4 W.G. Ashton [1847-50, 1896]
Nine Tattvas (Principles) [1847-50]
Noa Noa Paul Gauguin, Otto Frederick Theis [1919, 1847-50]
Noqoìlpi, the Gambler: A Navajo Myth Washington Matthews [1889, 1847-50]
The Norse Discovery of America Arthur Middleton Reeves, North Ludlow Beamish, Rasmus B. Anderson [1906, 1847-50]
Norwegian Bible [1930]
Nostradamus: The Man Who Saw Through Time Lee McCann [1941, 1847-50]
Notes on the Bible Albert Barnes [1834]
Notes on the Book of the Revelation John Nelson Darby [1876]
Notes on the Folk-Lore of the North-East of Scotland Walter Gregor [1881]
Notes on the Folklore of the Fjort R. E. Dennett [1898]
Notes on the Shoshonean Dialects of Southern California A. L. Kroeber [1909, 1847-50]
Numbers, Their Occult Power and Mystic Virtues W. Wynn Westcott [1911, 1847-50]
Lista Titlu : O
Oahspe, A Kosmon Bible in the Words of Jehovih and his Angel Embassadors John Ballou Newbrough [1882, 1912, 1847-50]
Occult Science in India Louis Jacolliot, William L. Felt [1919, 1847-50]
Oceanic Mythology Roland B. Dixon [1916, 1847-50]
Octarine: Rituals and Spell Objectives and Design in Eight Magics Peter Carroll [1847-50]
The Odyssey of Homer Samuel Butler, Homer [1900, 1847-50]
Oedipus at Colonus F. Storr, Sophocles [1912-3, 1847-50]
Oedipus the King (Oedipus Rex) F. Storr, Sophocles [1912-3, 1847-50]
The Oera Linda Book Wiliam R. Sandbach [1876]
Of Essay Writing David Hume [1742, 1847-50]
Of Prayer John Calvin, Henry Beveridge [1845]
Of Superstition and Enthusiasm David Hume [1741, 1847-50]
Of the Delicacy of Taste and Passion David Hume [1741, 1847-50]
Of the Liberty of the Press David Hume [1741, 1847-50]
Of The Office of Preaching Martin Luther [1847-50]
Of the Rise and Progress of the Arts and Sciences David Hume [1742, 1847-50]
Of the Standard of Taste David Hume [1757, 1847-50]
Of Tragedy David Hume [1757, 1847-50]
The Official Monitor of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, State of Texas [1922, 1847-50]
Old Deccan Days Mary Frere [1868, 1847-50]
Old Indian Legends Zitkala-Sa [1901, 1847-50]
Old Norse Poems Lee M. Hollander [1936, 1847-50]
The Old North Trail Walter McClintock [1910, 1847-50]
Old Peter's Russian Tales Arthur Ransome [1916, 1847-50]
The Olive Fairy Book Andrew Lang [1910, 1847-50]
On Faith & Coming to Christ Martin Luther [1847-50]
On Generation and Corruption H. H. Joachim, Aristotle [1922, 1847-50]
On Liberty John Stuart Mill [1859, 1847-50]
On prayer; purpose in nature; meaning of life; the soul; a personal God Albert Einstein
On the Christian Life John Calvin, Henry Beveridge [1845]
On The Heavens J. L. Stocks, Aristotle [1922, 1847-50]
On the Improvement of Understanding R.H.M. Elwes, Baruch Spinoza [1883, 1847-50]
On the Migration of Fables Max Muller [1881, 1847-50]
On The Nature Of Things Titus Lucretius Carus, William Ellery Leonard [1847-50]
On the Philadelphian Gold
On the Study of Celtic Literature Matthew Arnold [1867]
Ophiolatreia Anonymous [1889, 1847-50]
The Oracles of Nostradamus Charles A. Ward [1891, 1847-50]
The Orange Fairy Book Andrew Lang [1906, 1847-50]
Ordinary of the Mass [1921]
Orestes E. P. Coleridge, Euripides [1910, 1847-50]
Oriental Mysticism E.H. Palmer [1867, 1847-50]
The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism Franz Cumont [1911, 1847-50]
The Origin and Significance of the Great Pyramid C. Staniland Wake [1882, 1847-50]
Origin Myth of Acoma Matthew W. Stirling [1942, 1847-50]
Origin Myths of the Navaho Indians Aileen O'Bryan [1956, 1847-50]
The Origin of Oahspe [1847-50]
Origin of Species Charles Darwin [1872]
Original Hebrew of a Portion of Ecclesiasticus A.E. Cowley, A. Neubauer [1897, 1847-50]
The Origins of Popular Superstitions and Customs T. Sharper Knowlson [1910, 1847-50]
The Origins of the Druze People and Religion Philip K. Hitti [1928]
Orlando Furioso Ludovico Ariosto, William Stewart Rose [1823-31, 1847-50]
Orpheus, Myths of the World Padraic Colum [1930, 1847-50]
Othello William Shakespeare [1847-50]
Other Tongues--Other Flesh George Hunt Williamson [1953, 1847-50]
Outline of Zuñi Mytho-Sociologic Organization Frank Hamilton Cushing [1891-1892, 1847-50]
Lista Titlu : P
The Pact (IOT) - The Story So Far Peter Carroll [1847-50]
Pagan and Christian Creeds Edward Carpenter [1922, 1847-50]
Pagan Christs: Studies in Comparative Hierology John M. Robertson [1911]
Pagan Prayers Marah Ellis Ryan [1913, 1847-50]
Pagan Regeneration Harold R. Willoughby [1929, 1847-50]
Pageant of the Popes John Farrow [1942]
Pahlavi Texts, Part I: (SBE 5) The Bundahis, Bahman Yast and Shayâst Lâ-Shâyast E.W. West [1880, 1847-50]
Pahlavi Texts, Part II (SBE 18) E.W. West [1882, 1847-50]
Pahlavi Texts, Part III (SBE 24) E.W. West [1885, 1847-50]
Pahlavi Texts, Part IV (SBE 37) E.W. West [1892, 1847-50]
Pahlavi Texts, Part V (SBE 47) E.W. West [1897, 1847-50]
Pale Ink Henriette Mertz [1953, 1847-50]
The Parable of the Sower Martin Luther [1847-50]
Paradigm Shifts and Aeonics Peter Carroll [1847-50]
Paradise Found William F. Warren [1885, 1847-50]
Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained John Milton [1667, 1671]
Paradoxes of the Highest Science Éliphas Lévi, Anonymous, H.P. Blavatsky [1922, 1847-50]
Paris Talks 'Abdu'l-Baha
Parmenides Benjamin Jowett, Plato [1871, 1847-50]
The Path of Light L.D. Barnett [1909]
The Path on the Rainbow George W. Cronyn [1918, 1847-50]
THE PATHS -- A brief listing of the Achadian Paths Benjamin Rowe [1847-50]
Pearl of Great Price [1847-50]
A Peep at the Pixies, or Legends of the West Anna Eliza Bray, Hablot K. Browne [1854, 1847-50]
Pellucidar Edgar Rice Burroughs [1915, 1847-50]
Pensees Blaise Pascal [1660, 1847-50]
The People's New Testament B.W. Johnson [1891]
The Perfumed Garden Shaykh Umar ibn Muhammed al-Nefzawi, Richard Burton [1886, 1847-50]
Pericles, Prince of Tyre William Shakespeare [1847-50]
The Persians Robert Potter, Aeschylus [1809, 1847-50]
The Peyote Cult Paul Radin [1925, 1847-50]
Phaedo Benjamin Jowett, Plato [1871, 1847-50]
Phaedrus Benjamin Jowett, Plato [1871, 1847-50]
Phallic Worship Hodder M. Westropp [1870, 1847-50]
The Phantom of the Poles William Reed [1909, 1847-50]
Philebus Benjamin Jowett, Plato [1871, 1847-50]
42. Philippians, Colossians, and Thessalonians John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
Philippine Folk Tales Mabel Cook Cole [1916]
Philippine Folklore Stories John Maurice Miller [1904]
The Philistines, Their History and Civilization Robert Alexander Stewart Macalister [1913]
Philoctetes Thomas Francklin, Sophocles [1759, 1847-50]
The Philosophy of Alfarabi Alfarabi, Robert Hammond [1947, 1847-50]
The Philosophy of Natural Magic Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, Henry Morley, L.W. de Laurence [1913, 1847-50]
The Phoenissae E. P. Coleridge, Euripides [1910, 1847-50]
The Phynodderree and Other Legends of the Isle of Man Edward Callow [1882]
The Phynodderree and Other Legends of the Isle of Man Edward Callow [1882]
The Pictorial Key to the Tarot A.E. Waite [1911, 1847-50]
Pilgrim's Progress John Bunyan [1678]
The Pink Fairy Book Andrew Lang [1897, 1847-50]
Pistis Sophia G.R.S. Mead [1921]
The Planet Mars and its Inhabitants Eros Urides, J.L. Kennon [1922, 1847-50]
Plays of Gods and Men Edward Plunkett, Lord Dunsany [1917, 1847-50]
A Plea for Captain John Brown Henry David Thoreau [1853, 1847-50]
Plutarch's Morals: Theosophical Essays Charles William King, Plutarch [1908, 1847-50]
Poems from the Divan of Hafiz Hafiz, Gertrude Lowthian Bell [1897, 1847-50]
The Poems of Ossian James Macpherson [1773]
The Poems of Sappho John Myers O'Hara, Sappho [1910, 1847-50]
The Poems of Sappho Edwin Marion Cox, Sappho [1925, 1847-50]
The Poems of Sappho (Unicode) Edwin Marion Cox, Sappho [1925, 1847-50]
The Poetic Edda Henry Adams Bellows [1936, 1847-50]
Poetics S.H. Butcher, Aristotle [1902, 1847-50]
The Political Aspects of S. Augustine's 'City of God' John Neville Figgis [1921]
Politics Benjamin Jowett, Aristotle [1885, 1847-50]
the Polyglot Bible
Polynesian Mythology George Grey [1854, 1847-50]
Pomo Bear Doctors S. B. Barrett [1917, 1847-50]
The Popul Vuh Lewis Spence [1908, 1847-50]
Popular Romances of the West of England Robert Hunt [1903, 1847-50]
Popular Tales from the Norse George Dasent [1904, 1847-50]
Popular Tales of the West Highlands, Vol. I J. F. Campbell [1890]
Popular Tales of the West Highlands, Vol. II J. F. Campbell [1890]
Popular Tales of the West Highlands, Vol. III J. F. Campbell [1890]
Popular Tales of the West Highlands, Vol. IV J. F. Campbell [1890]
Portuguese Bible João Ferreira de Almeida [1691]
Potawatomi Bible (partial) Lykins [1844]
Pow-wows; or Long Lost Friend by George Hohman [1820]
The Prayer of Abu Hamzah [1847-50]
Prayers and Meditations Baha'u'llah
The Prem Sagur Lallu Lal, W. Hollings [1848, 1847-50]
The Priapeia L.C. Smithers, Richard Burton [1890, 1847-50]
Principal Teachings of the True Sect of Pure Land Yejitsu Okusa [1915]
Principia Chaotica Peter Carroll [1847-50]
Principia Discordia Robert Anton Wilson [1847-50]
A Problem in Greek Ethics John Addington Symonds [1901, 1847-50]
A Problem in Modern Ethics John Addington Symonds [1896, 1847-50]
Proclamation of Baha'u'llah Baha'u'llah
Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics Immanuel Kant [1783, 1847-50]
Prolegomena to the History of Ancient Israel Julius Wellhausen [1885]
Prolegomena to the Study of Greek Religion Jane Harrison [1922, 1847-50]
Prolegomena to the Study of Old Welsh Poetry Edward Anwyl [1903]
Prometheus Bound Edmund Doidge Anderson Morshead, Aeschylus [1881, 1847-50]
The Promise of World Peace
The Promised Day is Come Shoghi Effendi
The Promised Key G.G. Maragh, Leonard Percival Howell [1935]
The Promulgation of Universal Peace 'Abdu'l-Baha
Proofs of a Conspiracy John Robison [1912, 1847-50]
The Prophecies of Nostradamus Nostradamus [1847-50]
The Prophecies of Paracelsus Paracelsus, J.K [1915, 1847-50]
The Prophecies of the Brahan Seer Alexander Mackenzie, Andrew Lang [1899]
Prophets and Psalms Emanuel Swedenborg, J.E. Schreck [1761, 1900, 1847-50]
The Prophets, Their Lives and Their Stories Abdul-Sâhib Al-Hasani Al-'âmili [1847-50]
The Prose Edda Snorri Sturlson, Arthur Gilchrist Brodeur [1916, 1847-50]
Prosperity Charles Fillmore [1936, 1847-50]
The Prosperity of Humankind
Protagoras Benjamin Jowett, Plato [1871, 1847-50]
The Provincial Letters Blaise Pascal [1657, 1847-50]
Psalms of the Sisters Caroline A. F. Rhys Davids [1909]
8. Psalms, Part I John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
9. Psalms, Part II John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
10. Psalms, Part III John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
11. Psalms, Part IV John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
12. Psalms, Part V John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
Psychic Phenomena of Jamaica Joseph J. Williams [1934]
Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos J.M. Ashmand [1833]
Pueblo Indian Folk-Stories Charles F. Lummis [1910, 1847-50]
The Punishment of the Stingy and Other Indian Stories George Bird Grinnell [1901, 1847-50]
The Pyramid Texts Samuel A. B. Mercer [1952, 1847-50]
Pythagoras and the Delphic Mysteries Edouard Schuré [1906, 1847-50]
The Questions of King Milinda, Part I (SBE35) T. W. Rhys Davids [1890]
The Questions of King Milinda, Part II (SBE36) T. W. Rhys Davids [1894]
The Quimby Manuscripts Phineas Parkhurst Quimby, Horatio W. Dresser [1921, 1847-50]
The Qur'an Mohammed Marmaduke Pickthall [1930, 1847-50]
The Qur’ân, Part I (SBE 6) E.H. Palmer [1880, 1847-50]
The Qur’ân, Part II (SBE 9) E.H. Palmer [1880, 1847-50]
Lista Titlu : R
A Rabbi's Impressions of the Oberammergau Passion Play Joseph Krauskopf [1901, 1847-50]
Ragnarok: The Age of Fire and Gravel Ignatius Donnelly [1883]
Raja Yoga Yogi Ramacharaka, William Walker Atkinson [1906, 1847-50]
Ramakrishna, His Life and Sayings F. Max Müller [1898, 1847-50]
Rámáyan Of Válmíki Ralph T. H. Griffith [1870-1874, 1847-50]
The Ramayana and Mahabharata R. Dutt [1899, 1847-50]
The Ramayana in Sanskrit [1847-50]
Rape of Lucrece William Shakespeare [1847-50]
The Real History of the Rosicrucians Arthur Edward Waite [1887, 1847-50]
The Realness of Witchcraft in America A. Monroe Aurand, Jr. [1942]
Records of the Past, 2nd Series, Vol. I A. H. Sayce [1888]
Records of the Past, 2nd Series, Vol. II A. H. Sayce [1888]
Records of the Past, 2nd Series, Vol. III A. H. Sayce [1890]
Records of the Past, 2nd Series, Vol. IV A. H. Sayce [1890]
The Red Fairy Book Andrew Lang [1890, 1847-50]
Reform Judaism - 1885 Pittsburgh Conference [1847-50]
Reform Judaism - A Centenary Perspective [1847-50]
Relax with Yoga Arthur Liebers [1960, 1847-50]
Religion and Myth James Macdonald [1883]
Religion and Science Albert Einstein
The Religion Of Babylonia And Assyria Theophilus G. Pinches
The Religion of Numa Jesse Benedict Carter [1906, 1847-50]
The Religion of the Ancient Celts J. A. MacCulloch [1911]
Religion of the Indians of California A. L. Kroeber [1907, 1847-50]
The Religion of the Koran Arthur N. Wollaston [1911, 1847-50]
The Religion of the Luiseño Indians of Southern California Constance Goddard Du Bois [1908, 1847-50]
The Religion of the Samurai Kaiten Nukariya [1913]
The Religion of the Sikhs Dorothy Field [1914, 1847-50]
The Religions of South Vietnam in Faith and Fact US Department of the Navy, Bureau of Naval Personnel,Chaplains Division [1967]
Religious Cults Associated with the Amazons Florence Mary Bennett [1912, 1847-50]
Religious Practices of the Diegueño Indians T. T. Waterman [1910, 1847-50]
The Religious System of the Amazulu Henry Callaway [1870]
Remarks on Shamanism Frank Hamilton Cushing [1897, 1847-50]
The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects Edward J. Ruppelt [1956, 1847-50]
Representative Government John Stuart Mill [1861, 1847-50]
The Republic Benjamin Jowett, Plato [1871, 1847-50]
The Returns and The Telegony (Fragments) Homer, Hugh G. Evelyn-White [1847-50]
The Revealing Word Charles Fillmore [1959, 1847-50]
Rhesus Euripides [1847-50]
Rig Veda Americanus (Aztec Hymns) Daniel G. Brinton [1890, 1847-50]
The Rig-Veda Ralph Griffith [1896, 1847-50]
Rig-Veda (Sanskrit) [1847-50]
Rights of Man Thomas Paine [1791]
THE RITUAL OF THE HEPTAGRAM -- Using Dee's Heptarchic System Benjamin Rowe [1847-50]
THE RITUAL OF THE HEXAGRAM -- An experimental Enochian Ritual Benjamin Rowe [1847-50]
Robin Hood Paul Creswick, N.C. Wyeth [1902, 1847-50]
Roe v. Wade US Supreme Court [1973, 1847-50]
The Roman and Greek Questions Plutarch, Frank Cole Babbitt, Plutarch [1938, 1847-50]
Romani Bible (NT)
38. Romans John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
Romeo and Juliet William Shakespeare [1847-50]
The Roots of the Mountains William Morris [1889, 1847-50]
The Rosetta Stone E. A. Wallis Budge [1893, 1905, 1847-50]
The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception Max Heindel [1847-50]
The Rosicrucian Mysteries Max Heindel [1847-50]
The Rosicrucians William Wynn Westcott [1847-50]
The Rosicrucians, Their Rites and Mysteries Hargrave Jennings [1907, 1870, 1847-50]
Roumanian Fairy Tales and Legends E.B. Mawr [1881, 1847-50]
The Royal Museum at Naples Stanislas Marie César Famin [1871, 1847-50]
The Royal Parchment Scroll of Black Supremacy Fitz Balintine Pettersburg [1926]
The Rubayyat of Omar Khayyam Omar Khayyam, Edward Fitzgerald [1859, 1847-50]
Russian Bible [1876]
Lista Titlu : S
The S'rimad Devî Bhâgawatam Swami Vijnanananda, Hari Prasanna Chatterji [1921, 1847-50]
A Saboba Origin-Myth George Wharton James [1902, 1847-50]
The Sack of Ilium (fragments) Arctinus of Miletus, Homer, Hugh G. Evelyn-White [1847-50]
The Sacred Books and Early Literature of the East, Vol. IV: Medieval Hebrew [1917, 1847-50]
Sacred Books of the East, Volume 16 James Legge [1899, 1847-50]
Sacred Books of the East, Volume 27 James Legge [1885, 1847-50]
Sacred Books of the East, Volume 28 James Legge [1885, 1847-50]
Sacred Books of the East, Volume 3 James Legge [1879, 1847-50]
The Sacred Fire Ben Zion Goldberg [1930, 1847-50]
Sacred Formulas of the Cherokee James Mooney [1891, 1847-50]
The Sacred Laws of the Âryas, Part I (SBE 2) George Bühler [1879, 1847-50]
The Sacred Laws of the Âryas, Part II (SBE 14) George Bühler [1879, 1847-50]
Sacred Places in China Carl F. Kupfer [1911, 1847-50]
The Sacred Symbols of Mu James Churchward [1933]
Sacred Texts Timeline John Bruno Hare [1999, 1847-50]
The Sacred Theory of the Earth Thomas Burnet [1691, 1847-50]
Saddhana, The Realisation of Life Rabindranath Tagore [1916, 1847-50]
Saddharma-pundarîka (The Lotus Sutra) (SBE 21) H. Kern [1884]
Sadi's Scroll of Wisdom Sadi, Arthur N. Wollaston [1906, 1847-50]
Salaman and Absal Nur ad-Din Abd ar-Rahman Jami, Edward Fitzgerald [1904, 1847-50]
The Sama-Veda Ralph Griffith [1895, 1847-50]
The Samoan Story of Creation John Fraser [1891, 1847-50]
The Sand Reckoner Archimedes, Thomas L. Heath [1881, 1847-50]
The Sánkhya Aphorisms of Kapila James R. Ballantyne [1885, 1847-50]
Sanskrit dictionary [1847-50]
Sappho and Phaon Mary Robinson, Sappho [1796, 1847-50]
The Satapatha Brahmana, Part I (SBE 12) Julius Eggeling [1882, 1847-50]
The Satapatha Brahmana, Part II (SBE 26) Julius Eggeling [1885, 1847-50]
The Satapatha Brahmana, Part III (SBE 41) Julius Eggeling [1894, 1847-50]
The Satapatha Brahmana, Part IV (SBE 43) Julius Eggeling [1897, 1847-50]
The Satapatha Brahmana, Part V (SBE 44) Julius Eggeling [1900, 1847-50]
The Satyricon of Petronius Gaius Petronius, Alfred R. Allinson [1930, 1847-50]
The Sayings of Lao Tzu Lao Tzu, Lionel Giles [1905, 1847-50]
Sayings of the Jewish Fathers (Pirqe Aboth) Charles Taylor [1897, 1847-50]
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures Mary Baker Eddy [1910]
The Science of Breath Yogi Ramacharaka, William Walker Atkinson [1904, 1847-50]
The Science of Fairy Tales Edwin Sidney Hartland [1891]
The Science of Geting Rich Wallace Delois Wattles [1910, 1847-50]
The Science of Mind Ernest Holmes [1926, 1847-50]
The Science of Right Immanuel Kant [1790, 1847-50]
Scofield Reference Notes Cyrus Ingerson Scofield [1917]
Scottish Fairy and Folk Tales Sir George Douglas [1773]
Scottish Gaelic Bible (Gospel of Mark)
The Second Battle of Mag Tuired (Cath Maige Tuired)
The Second Helvetic Confession
THE SECOND KEY -- Experiments with the Second Enochian Call or Key Benjamin Rowe [1847-50]
The Secret Common-Wealth of Elves, Fauns and Fairies Robert Kirk, Andrew Lang [1893]
The Secret Doctrine Helena P. Blavatsky [1888, 1847-50]
The Secret Doctrine of the Rosicrucians Magus Incognito, William Walker Atkinson [1918, 1847-50]
The Secret Door To Success Florence Scovel Shinn [1941, 1847-50]
The Secret History of Procopius Richard Atwater, Procopius [1927, 1847-50]
The Secret of Divine Civilization 'Abdu'l-Baha
The Secret of the Ages Robert Collier [1926, 1847-50]
The Secret of the Saucers Ofreo M. Angelucci, Ray Palmer [1955, 1847-50]
The Secret of the Universe Nathan R. Wood [1932, 1847-50]
The Secret Rose Garden Sa'd Ud Din Mahmud Shabistari, Florence Lederer [1920, 1847-50]
The Secret Science Behind Miracles Max Freedom Long [1948, 1847-50]
Secret Societies of the Middle Ages Thomas Keightley [1837, 1847-50]
The Secret Teachings of All Ages Manley Palmer Hall [1928, 1847-50]
The Secrets of the Self Muhammad Iqbal, Reynold A. Nicholson [1920, 1847-50]
The Seeming Unreality of the Spiritual Life Henry Churchill King [1908]
Select Works of Sri Sankaracharya S. Venkataramanan [1921, 1847-50]
Selected Religious Poems of Solomon ibn Gabirol Solomon ibn Gabirol, Israel Zangwill [1923, 1847-50]
Selections from The Cherubinic Wanderer J. E. Crawford Flitch, Angelus Silesius [1932]
Selections from the Poetry of the Afghans H. G. Raverty [1867, 1847-50]
Selections from the Writings of `Abdu'l-Baha 'Abdu'l-Baha
Selections from the Writings of Lord Dunsany Edward Plunkett, Lord Dunsany [1912, 1847-50]
Selections from the Writings of the Bab Bab
Selestor's Men of Atlantis Clara Iza von Ravn [1937]
Self-Contradictions of the Bible William Henry Burr [1860]
Self-Suggestion Max Freedom Long [1958, 1847-50]
Seneca Indian Myths Jeremiah Curtin [1922, 1847-50]
Sepher Yezirah Isidor Kalisch [1877, 1847-50]
SET / HORUS -- Further examination of the Set/Horus Mythos Benjamin Rowe [1847-50]
The Seven Against Thebes Edmund Doidge Anderson Morshead, Aeschylus [1881, 1847-50]
The Seven Evil Spirits R. C. Thompson [1903]
The Seven Tablets of Creation L.W. King [1902]
The Seven Valleys and the Four Valleys Baha'u'llah
Seventh Book of Moses [1847-50]
The Seventh Letter J. Harward, Plato [1928, 1847-50]
The Shah Namah Ferdowsi, Helen Zimmern [1883, 1847-50]
Shakti and Shâkta Arthur Avalon, John Woodroffe [1918, 1847-50]
Shaman, Saiva and Sufi R.O. Winstedt [1925, 1847-50]
Shamanism in Siberia M. A. Czaplicka [1914, 1847-50]
She-rab Dong-bu (The Tree of Wisdom) W. L. Cambell [1919]
The Shepherd And The Daughter Of The Sun [1847-50]
Shibboleth: A Templar Monitor George Cooper Connor [1894, 1847-50]
Shinran and His Work: Studies in Shinshu Theology Arthur Lloyd [1910]
Shri Guru Granth Sahib [1847-50]
The Shundai Zatsuwa (A Japanese Philosopher) Kyuso, Muro Naokiyo, George William Knox [1892, 1847-50]
The Sibylline Oracles Milton S. Terry [1899, 1847-50]
The Signature of All Things Jacob Boehme, Anonymous [1912, 1847-50]
The Sikh Religion, Volume 1 Max Arthur MacAuliffe [1909, 1847-50]
The Six Keys of Eudoxus
Six Universal Substances (Dravyas) [1847-50]
Sixth Book of Moses [1847-50]
Sixty Folk-Tales from Exclusively Slavonic Sources A. H. Wratisalw [1890, 1847-50]
Skullfuck ritual Anon. [1847-50]
Slavery in Massachusetts Henry David Thoreau [1854, 1847-50]
Slavonic Life of Adam and Eve
Small Catechism Martin Luther [1847-50]
The Smokey the Bear Sutra Gary Snyder
The Smoky God Willis George Emerson [1908, 1847-50]
Solar Biology Hiram A. Butler [1887]
Solomon Schechter - Studies in Judaism - The Dogmas of Judaism [1847-50]
Some Answered Questions 'Abdu'l-Baha
Some Myths and Legends of the Australian Aborigines William Jenkyn Thomas [1923]
SOME NOTES ON GEMATRIA IN LIBER AL -- Random musings on Liber AL Benjamin Rowe [1847-50]
Some Western Shoshoni Myths Julian H. Steward [1943, 1847-50]
The Song of Roland Charles Scott Moncrief [1919, 1847-50]
The Songs of Bilitis Pierre Louÿs, Alvah C. Bessie, Bilitis, Pierre Louys [1926, 1847-50]
Songs of Innocence and of Experience William Blake [1789-1794, 1847-50]
Songs of Kabîr Kabir, Rabindranath Tagore, Evelyn Underhill [1915, 1847-50]
The Songs of the Russian People W.R.S. Ralston [1872, 1847-50]
Songs of the Tewa Herbert Joseph Spinden [1931, 1847-50]
Sonnets William Shakespeare [1847-50]
Sophist Benjamin Jowett, Plato [1871, 1847-50]
The Sorceress Jules Michelet, Alfred Richard Allinson [1939, 1847-50]
The Sorceries of Zos Austin O. Spare, Kenneth Grant [1847-50]
The Soul of the Indian Charles Eastman [1911, 1847-50]
South African Folk-Tales James A. Honey [1910]
Spanish Bible Casiodoro de Reina, Cipriano de Valera [1602, 1909]
Specimens of Ainu Folk-lore John Batchelor [1888-1893, 1847-50]
Specimens of Bushman Folklore W.H.I. Bleek, L.C. Lloyd [1911]
Spider Woman, A Story of Navajo Weavers and Chanters Gladys Reichard [1934, 1847-50]
Spiritual Diary Emanuel Swedenborg, George Bush, John H. Smithson, James F. Buss [1747-65, 1883-9, 1847-50]
The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola St. Ignatius of Loyola, Elder Mullan [1522-1524, 1548, 1909]
The Splendour of God Eric Hammond [1909]
Sports and Pastimes of the People of England Joseph Strutt [1903, 1847-50]
Srimad-Bhagavad-Gita Swami Swarupananda [1909, 1847-50]
The Standard Prayer Book Simeon Singer [1915, 1847-50]
Statement on Baha'u'llah
Statesman Benjamin Jowett, Plato [1871, 1847-50]
Stolen Legacy George G.M. James [1954]
The Stone of the Philosophers Edward Kelly
Stonehenge and Other British Stone Monuments Astronomically Considered Norman Lockyer [1906, 1847-50]
Stonehenge, A Temple Restor'd to the British Druids William Stukeley [1740, 1847-50]
Stories from the Faerie Queene Mary Macleod [1916, 1847-50]
Stories of Russian Folk-Life Donald A. Mackenzie [1916, 1847-50]
The Stories of the Months and Days Reginald C. Couzens [1923, 1847-50]
The Story of Atlantis W. Scott-Elliot [1896]
The Story of Beowulf Strafford Riggs, Henry Pitz [1933, 1847-50]
The Story of Burnt Njal George Webbe Dasent [1861, 1847-50]
The Story of Egil Skallagrimsson (Egil's Saga) W.C. Green [1893, 1847-50]
The Story of Gio Ridgely Torrence [1935, 1847-50]
The Story of Gisli the Outlaw George Webbe Dasent [1866, 1847-50]
The Story of Grettir the Strong Eirikr Magnusson, William Morris [1869, 1847-50]
The Story of Mormonism James E. Talmage [1918, 1847-50]
The Story of My Misfortunes: The Autobiography of Peter Abelard Peter Abelard, Henry Adams Bellows [1922]
The Story of the Chaup; A Myth of the Diegueños Constance Goddard Du Bois [1904, 1847-50]
The Story of the Glittering Plain William Morris [1891, 1847-50]
The Story of the Volsungs William Morris, Eirikr Magnusson [1888, 1847-50]
The Story of Utopias Lewis Mumford [1922, 1847-50]
The Story of Viga-Glum Sir Edmund Head [1866, 1847-50]
Stray Birds Rabindranath Tagore [1916, 1847-50]
Studies from an Eastern Home Sister Nivedita, Margaret E. Noble [1913, 1847-50]
Studies in Islamic Mysticism Reynold Alleyne Nicholson [1921, 1847-50]
A Study of Fairy Tales Laura F. Kready [1916, 1847-50]
The SubGenius Manifesto Bob Dobbs [1847-50]
The Subjection of Women John Stuart Mill [1869, 1847-50]
A Sufi Message of Spritual Liberty Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan [1914, 1847-50]
Sumerian Mythology Samuel Noah Kramer [1944, 1961]
Summa Theologica St. Thomas Aquinas, The Fathers of the English Dominican Province [1948]
Summer Legends Rudolph Baumbach, Helen B. Dole [1888, 1847-50]
The Sun Dance and Other Ceremonies of the Oglala Division of The Teton Dakota. J. R. Walker [1917, 1847-50]
Sun Lore of All Ages William Tyler Olcott [1914]
The Sundering Flood William Morris [1897, 1847-50]
The Suppliants E. P. Coleridge, Euripides [1910, 1847-50]
The Suppliants Edmund Doidge Anderson Morshead, Aeschylus [1881, 1847-50]
Survivals in Belief Among the Celts George Henderson [1911]
Swahili Bible (NT)
Swedish Bible [1917]
The Sword of Welleran and Other Stories Edward Plunkett, Lord Dunsany [1908, 1847-50]
Symbolical Masonry H. L. Haywood [1923, 1847-50]
The Symbolism of Freemasonry Albert G. Mackey [1882, 1847-50]
The Symbolism of the Tarot P. D. Ouspensky [1913, 1847-50]
Symposium Benjamin Jowett, Plato [1871, 1847-50]
Symzonia; Voyage of Discovery Adam Seaborn, John Cleves Symmes [1820, 1847-50]
Synod of Dordrecht [1618-9]
Synopsis of the Books of the Bible John Nelson Darby [1857-62]
The Syrian Goddess Herbert A. Strong, Lucian of Samosata [1913, 1847-50]
Lista Titlu : T
T'ai Shang Kan-Ying P'ien Teitaro Suzuki, Paul Carus [1906, 1847-50]
Table of Zuñi Sounds Ruth Bunzel [1847-50, 1929-1930]
Tablet to August Forel 'Abdu'l-Baha
Tablets of 'Abdu'l-Baha 'Abdu'l-Baha
Tablets of Baha'u'llah Revealed after the Kitab-i-Aqdas Baha'u'llah
Tablets of the Divine Plan 'Abdu'l-Baha
Taboo, Magic, Spirits Eli Edward Burriss [1931, 1847-50]
Tagalog Bible [1905]
The Tale of the Armament of Igor Leonard A. Magnus [1915, 1847-50]
Tales and Maxims from the Midrash Samuel Rapaport [1907, 1847-50]
Tales and Traditions of the Eskimo Henry Rink [1875, 1847-50]
Tales from Chaucer Geoffrey Chaucer, Charles Cowden Clarke [1833, 1847-50]
Tales of Fairies and of the Ghost World Jeremiah Curtin [1895]
Tales of the Cochiti Indians Ruth Benedict [1931, 1847-50]
Tales of the Dartmoor Pixies William Crossing [1890, 1847-50]
Tales of the Enchanted Islands of the Atlantic Thomas Wentworth Higginson [1898, 1847-50]
Tales of the North American Indians Stith Thompson [1929, 1847-50]
Tales of Wonder Edward Plunkett, Lord Dunsany [1916, 1847-50]
Tales of Yukaghir, Lamut, and Russianized Natives of Eastern Siberia Waldemar Bogoras [1918]
Talks on Truth Charles Fillmore [1912, 1847-50]
The Talmud Joseph Barclay [1878, 1847-50]
The Talmud, Tract Baba Bathra (Last Gate) Michael L. Rodkinson [1847-50, 1918]
The Talmud, Tract Baba Kama (First Gate), Part II and Tract Baba Metzia (Middle Gate) Michael L. Rodkinson [1847-50, 1918]
The Talmud, Tract Sabbath Michael L. Rodkinson [1847-50, 1918]
The Talmud, Tract Sanhedrin: Section Jurisprudence (Damages) Michael L. Rodkinson [1847-50, 1918]
The Talmud, Tracts Aboth, Derech Eretz-Rabba, Derech Eretz-Zuta, and Baba Kama (First Gate) Michael L. Rodkinson [1847-50, 1918]
The Talmud, Tracts Betzh, Succah, Moed Katan, Taanith, Megilla and Ebel Rabbathi or Semahoth Michael L. Rodkinson [1847-50, 1918]
The Talmud, Tracts Erubin, Shekalim, Rosh Hashana Michael L. Rodkinson [1847-50, 1918]
The Talmud, Tracts Maccoth, Shebuoth, Eduyoth, Abuda Zara, and Horioth Michael L. Rodkinson [1847-50, 1918]
The Talmud, Tracts Pesachim, Yomah and Hagiga Michael L. Rodkinson [1847-50, 1918]
The Talmud: Selections H. Polano [1876, 1847-50]
Taming of the Shrew William Shakespeare [1847-50]
The Tao Teh King: A Short Study in Comparative Religion C. Spurgeon Medhurst [1905, 1847-50]
Tao, The Great Luminant Evan S. Morgan [1933, 1847-50]
Tao-te Ching James Legge [1891, 1847-50]
Taoist Teachings Translated from the Book of Lieh-Tzü Lionel Giles [1912, 1847-50]
Taoist Texts Frederic Henry Balfour [1884, 1847-50]
Taoist Texts, Part I (SBE 39) Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Jame Legge [1891, 1847-50]
Taoist Texts, Part II (SBE40) Chuang Tzu, Jame Legge [1891, 1847-50]
The Tarjuman al-Ashwaq al-Arabi, Reynold A. Nicholson [1911, 1847-50]
The Tarot S.L. MacGregor Mathers [1888, 1847-50]
The Tarot of the Bohemians Papus, A. P Morton [1896, 1847-50]
Te Pito Te Henua, Or Easter Island William J. Thomson [1891, 1847-50]
Teach Us to Pray Charles Fillmore [1941, 1847-50]
Teachings of An Initiate Max Heindel [1847-50]
The Teachings of Zoroaster S.A. Kapadia [1905, 1847-50]
Tempest William Shakespeare [1847-50]
THE TEMPLE OF FIRE -- Consecrating the Temple of the Fire Tablet Benjamin Rowe [1847-50]
The Temporary Autonomous Zone, Ontological Anarchy, Poetic Terrorism Hakim Bey [1847-50]
Ten Virtues Of Monks [1847-50]
Tenderfoot Days George Robert Bird [1918, 1847-50]
Tertium Organum P.D. Ouspensky [1922, 1847-50]
Teutonic Myth and Legend Donald Mackenzie [1912, 1847-50]
A Textbook of Theosophy C.W. Leadbeater [1912, 1847-50]
The Texts of the White Yajurveda Ralph T.H. Griffith [1899, 1847-50]
The Book of Wonder Edward Plunkett, Lord Dunsany [1912, 1847-50]
Theaetetus Benjamin Jowett, Plato [1871, 1847-50]
The Theogony Hugh G. Evelyn-White, Hesiod [1914, 1847-50]
The Theogony in Greek Hesiod [1847-50]
The Theological Declaration of Barmen [1934]
A Theologico-Political Treatise R.H.M. Elwes, Baruch Spinoza [1883, 1847-50]
Theory of the Earth James Hutton [1788, 1795, 1847-50]
Theosophy Rudolf Steiner, Elizabeth Douglas Shields [1910, 1847-50]
Think and Grow Rich Napoleon Hill [1938, 1847-50]
The Thirteen Wants by Mordecai M. Kaplan [1847-50]
Thirty Minor Upanishads K. Narayanasvami Aiyar [1914, 1847-50]
Thou Shalt Not Kill Mark Twain
Thought Relics Rabindranath Tagore [1921, 1847-50]
Three Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonous George Berkeley [1713, 1847-50]
Three Inca Prayers [1847-50]
Thrice-Greatest Hermes, Vol. 1 G.R.S. Mead [1906, 1847-50]
Thrice-Greatest Hermes, Vol. 2 G.R.S. Mead [1906, 1847-50]
Thrice-Greatest Hermes, Vol. 3 G.R.S. Mead [1906, 1847-50]
The Thunder Bird Tootooch Legends W. L. Weber [1936, 1847-50]
Thus Spake Zarathustra Friedrich Nietzsche [1891, 1847-50]
Tibetan Folk Tales A.L. Shelton [1925]
Tilak of Tibet Ann Hackett [1944, 1847-50]
Timaeus Benjamin Jowett, Plato [1871, 1847-50]
Time and the Gods Edward Plunkett, Lord Dunsany [1906, 1847-50]
Timeline: Origin of Major Religions John Bruno Hare [1999, 1847-50]
Timon of Athens William Shakespeare [1847-50]
43. Timothy, Titus, and Philemon John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
Titus Andronicus William Shakespeare [1847-50]
Tlingit Myths and Texts John R. Swanton [1909, 1847-50]
Tom Tit Tot, An Essay on Savage Philosophy in Folk-Tale Edward Clodd [1898]
Tower Legends Bertha Palmer Lane [1932, 1847-50]
Traces of a Hidden Tradition in Masonry and Medieval Mysticism Isabel Cooper-Oakley [1900, 1847-50]
Traces of the Norse Mythology in the Isle of Man P.M.C. Kermode [1904]
The Trachiniae R. C. Jebb, Sophocles [1902, 1847-50]
Tract on the Tincture and Oil of Antimony Roger Bacon
Tractate Berakoth A. Lukyn Williams [1921, 1847-50]
Tractate Sanhedrin, Mishnah and Tosefta Herbert Danby [1919, 1847-50]
Traditions and Hearthside Stories of West Cornwall, (Volume 1) William Bottrell [1870]
Traditions and Hearthside Stories of West Cornwall, (Volume 2) William Bottrell [1873]
Traditions of the Hopi H.R. Voth [1905, 1847-50]
The Transcendalist Ralph Waldo Emerson [1847-50]
The Transmigration of the Seven Brahmans Henry David Thoreau [1931, 1847-50]
A Travellers Narrative 'Abdu'l-Baha
The Treasure of Atlantis J. Allan Dunn [1916]
The Treasure of Treasures for Alchemists Paracelsus, A.E. Waite
The Treasury of David Charles Haddon Spurgeon [1869-85]
Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge R. A. Torrey [1880]
A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge George Berkeley [1710, 1847-50]
The Treatise of Eusebius Against the Life of Apollonius by Philostratus Eusebius, F.C. Conybeare [1912, 1847-50]
A Treatise on Jainism [1847-50]
The Trial of Christ David K. Breed [1948]
The Tribes of the Thirty-Fifth Parallel [1858, 1847-50]
Triumphal Chariot of Antimony Basil Valentine
Troilus and Cressida William Shakespeare [1847-50]
The Trojan Women Gilbert Murray, Euripides [1847-50]
The Trojan Women Euripides [1847-50]
True Christian Religion Emanuel Swedenborg, John Whitehead [1771, 1906, 1847-50]
True Irish Ghost Stories St. John D. Seymour, Harry L. Neligan [1914]
A True Story: Parallel English/Greek Lucian of Samosata [1847-50]
Truth of a Hopi Edmund Nequatewa [1936, 1847-50]
Tsimshian Texts (Nass River Dialect) Franz Boas [1902, 1847-50]
Tsimshian Texts (New Series) Franz Boas [1912, 1847-50]
Turba Philosophorum (part 1)
Turba Philosophorum (part 2)
Turkish Bible
Tutankhamen: Amenism, Atenism and Egyptian Monotheism E. A. Wallis Budge [1923, 1847-50]
Twelfth Night William Shakespeare [1847-50]
Twelve Powers of Man Charles Fillmore [1930, 1847-50]
Twelve Reflections or Bhavnas [1847-50]
Twelve Vows Of Layperson [1847-50]
Twenty-two Goblins Arthur W. Ryder [1912, 1847-50]
Two Gentlemen of Verona William Shakespeare [1847-50]
Two Myths of the Mission Indians A. L. Kroeber [1906, 1847-50]
Two Noble Kinsmen William Shakespeare [1847-50]
Two Orations of the Emperor Julian Thomas Taylor, Julian [1793, 1847-50]
The Twofold Use of the Law & Gospel: "Letter" & "Spirit" Martin Luther [1847-50]
Lista Titlu : U
The Udâna Dawsonne Melanchthon Strong [1902]
Ukrainian Bible (NT) Paneleimon Kulish [1871]
Under the Prophet in Utah Frank J. Cannon, Harvey J. O'Higgins [1911, 1847-50]
Unfolding Destiny Shoghi Effendi
Unicode Qur'an [1847-50]
The Unicorn: A Mythological Investigation Robert Brown [1881, 1847-50]
The Union Haggadah The Central Conference of American Rabbis, Isidore Lipton [1923, 1847-50]
Unitarian Christianity William Ellery Channing [1819]
The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ Nicolas Notovitch, J. H. Connelly, L. Landsberg [1890]
Unveiled Mysteries Godfré Ray King, Guy Warran Ballard [1934, 1847-50]
Unveiling a Parallel Alice Ilgenfritz Jones, Ella Merchant [1893, 1847-50]
Unwritten Literature of Hawaii: The Sacred Songs of the Hula Nathaniel B. Emerson [1909, 1847-50]
The Upanishads, Part I (SBE 1) Max Müller [1879, 1847-50]
The Upanishads, Part II (SBE 15) Max Müller [1884, 1847-50]
Utilitarianism John Stuart Mill [1863, 1847-50]
Utopia Thomas More [1516, 1847-50]
Lista Titlu : V
The Vampire Codex Michelle Belanger [1847-50]
The Vampire Ritual Book Michelle Belanger [2003, 1847-50]
The Vampire, his Kith and Kin Montague Summers [1928, 1847-50]
The Vampyre John Polidori [1819, 1847-50]
The Varieties of Religious Experience William James [1902, 1847-50]
The Vedântâ-Sûtras (SBE 48) Râmânuja, George Thibaut [1904, 1847-50]
The Vedântâ-Sûtras Part I (SBE 34) Sankarâkârya, George Thibaut [1890, 1847-50]
The Vedântâ-Sûtras Part II (SBE 38) Sankarâkârya, George Thibaut [1896, 1847-50]
Vedic Hymns, Part I (SBE 32) F. Max Müller [1891, 1847-50]
Vedic Hymns, Part II (SBE 46) Hermann Oldenberg [1897, 1847-50]
A Vedic Reader for Students A.A. Macdonell [1917, 1847-50]
The Veil of Isis or Mysteries of the Druids W. Winwood Reade [1861, 1847-50]
Venus and Adonis William Shakespeare [1847-50]
Verses of Vemana Vemana, C.P. Brown [1829, 1847-50]
Vietnamese Bible [1934]
Vikram and The Vampire Richard R. Burton [1870, 1847-50]
Vinaya Texts (Part I) (SBE13) T.W. Rhys Davids, Herman Oldenberg [1881]
Vinaya Texts (Part II) (SBE17) T.W. Rhys Davids, Herman Oldenberg [1882]
Vinaya Texts (Part III) (SBE20) T.W. Rhys Davids, Herman Oldenberg [1885]
Vincent's Word Studies Marvin R. Vincent [1886]
Vindication of the Rights Of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft [1792, 1847-50]
The Violet Fairy Book Andrew Lang [1901, 1847-50]
Viracocha And The Coming Of The Incas [1847-50]
The Virgin of the World Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus, Anna Kingsford, Edward Maitland [1885, 1847-50]
The Vishnu Purana H.H. Wilson [1840, 1847-50]
A vision of the Square "T" of ISMT of the Fiery Lesser Angle of the Earth Tablet Anon. [1847-50]
Visions and Beliefs in the West of Ireland Augusta Gregory [1920]
A Visit from St. Nicholas Clement C. Moore [1823, 1847-50]
The Vita Merlini Geoffrey of Monmouth, John Jay Parry [1925, 1847-50]
Vol. II: The Descent of the Sun F.W. Bain [1903, 1847-50]
Vol. III: A Heifer of the Dawn F.W. Bain [1904, 1847-50]
Vol. IV: In the Great God's Hair F.W. Bain [1905, 1847-50]
Volume I: Lectures Robert G. Ingersoll
Volume II: Lectures Robert G. Ingersoll
Voodoo and Obeahs Joseph J. Williams [1932]
The Voyage of Bran Meyer Kuno [1895]
Voyage of the Beagle Charles Darwin [1909]
Vril, the Power of the Coming Race Edward Bulwer-Lytton [1871]
Lista Titlu : W
Wagner's Ring of the Niblung Richard Wagner, Margaret Armour, Arthur Rackham [1910, 1847-50]
Walam Olum Daniel G. Brinton [1885, 1847-50]
Walden, or Life in the Woods Henry David Thoreau [1854, 1847-50]
A Wanderer in the Spirit Lands Franchezzo, A. Farnese [1896, 1847-50]
The Wandering Host David Starr Jordan [1904, 1847-50]
The War of the Worlds Orson Wells [1938, 1847-50]
The War of the Worlds H.G. Wells [1898, 1847-50]
The War Prayer Mark Twain
The Water of the Wondrous Isles William Morris [1897, 1847-50]
The Way of Power Lily Adams Beck [1928, 1847-50]
The Way to Nirvana L. de la Vallée Poussin [1917]
We Met the Space People Helen Mitchell, Betty Mitchell [1959, 1847-50]
The Web of Indian Life Sister Nivedita, Margaret E. Noble [1904, 1847-50]
Webster's Bible Noah Webster [1833]
The Well at the World's End William Morris [1896, 1847-50]
The Welsh Fairy Book W. Jenkyn Thomas [1907]
Western Armenian Bible (NT)
The Westminster Confession of Faith
Westminster Larger Catechism
Westminster Shorter Catechism [1674]
Weymouth New Testament [1903]
What All the World's A-Seeking Ralph Waldo Trine [1896, 1847-50]
What is Man Mark Twain
The Wheat & The Tares Martin Luther [1847-50]
When the Storm God Rides: Tejas and other Indian Legends Florence Stratton, Bessie M. Reid, Berniece Burrough [1936, 1847-50]
White Horse Emanuel Swedenborg, John Whitehead [1758, 1892, 1847-50]
Why I Am An Agnostic Clarence Darrow
Wild Talents Charles Fort [1933, 1847-50]
The Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Baha 'Abdu'l-Baha
The Winter's Tale William Shakespeare [1847-50]
The Wisdom of Israel Edwin Collins [1910, 1847-50]
The Wisdom of Rastafari by Haile Selassie
Wisdom of the Ages Zertoulem, George A. Fuller [1916, 1847-50]
The Wisdom of the Egyptians Brian Brown [1923, 1847-50]
The Wisdom of the Talmud Ben Zion Bokser [1951, 1847-50]
The Witch-Cult in Western Europe Margaret Murray [1921, 1847-50]
The Witch-Persecutions George L. Burr [1896, 1847-50]
With the Adepts: An Adventure Among the Rosicrucians Franz Hartmann [1910, 1847-50]
Wolof Bible (NT)
Woman and the New Race Margaret Sanger [1920, 1847-50]
The Woman's Bible Elizabeth Cady Stanton [1895, 1847-50]
Woman's Mysteries of a Primitive People D. Amaury Talbot [1915]
Woman, Church, and State Matilda Joslyn Gage [1893, 1847-50]
Wonder Tales from Scottish Myth and Legend Donald Alexander Mackenzie [1917]
Wonderful Ethiopians of the Ancient Cushite Empire Drusilla Dunjee Houston [1927]
The Wood Beyond the World William Morris [1894, 1847-50]
Works and Days Hugh G. Evelyn-White, Hesiod [1914, 1847-50]
The Works of Dionysius the Areopagite Dionysius the Areopagite, John Parker [400, 1897]
The Works of Flavius Josephus Josephus, William Whiston [1737, 1847-50]
Works of Julius Caesar Julius Caesar, W.A. McDevitte, W.S. Bohn [1869, 1847-50]
The Works of Lucian H. W. Fowler, F. G. Fowler, Lucian of Samosata [1905, 1847-50]
The works of Margaret Murray John Bruno Hare [1847-50]
Works of St. Anselm St. Anselm, Sidney Norton Deane [1903]
The Works of Stephen Charnock Stephen Charnock [1629-1690]
The Works of Tacitus Alfred John Church, William Jackson Brodribb [1864-1877, 1847-50]
World English Bible [2000]
The World Order of Baha'u'llah Shoghi Effendi
The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors Kersey Graves [1860]
The Worm Ouroboros E. R. Eddison [1922, 1847-50]
The Worship of the Generative Powers Thomas Wright [1866, 1847-50]
Worship of the Serpent John Bathurst Deane [1833, 1847-50]
The Writings of St. Francis of Assisi Paschal Robinson [1905]
Lista Titlu :X
Xhosa Bible
Lista Titlu : Y
The Yajur Veda (Taittiriya Sanhita) Arthur Berriedale Keith [1914, 1847-50]
Yana Texts Edward Sapir [1910, 1847-50]
Yang Chu's Garden of Pleasure Anton Forke [1912, 1847-50]
Yaqui Myths and Legends Ruth Warner Giddings [1959, 1847-50]
The Yatkar-i-Zariran or Memoirs of Zarir [1847-50]
The Yellow Fairy Book Andrew Lang [1894, 1847-50]
The Yengishiki or Shinto Rituals [1847-50]
Yin Chih Wen, The Tract of the Quiet Way Teitaro Suzuki, Paul Carus [1906, 1847-50]
Yoga Lessons for Developing Spiritual Consciousness A. P. Mukerji, William Walker Atkinson [1911, 1847-50]
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Charles Johnston, Patanjali [1912, 1847-50]
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali [1847-50]
Yoga Vashisht or Heaven Found Rishi Singh Gherwal [1930, 1847-50]
Yoruba Legends M. I. Ogumefu [1929]
The Yoruba Speaking Peoples A.B. Ellis [1894]
Young's Literal Translation Robert Young [1862]
Your Forces and How to Use Them Christian D. Larson [1912, 1847-50]
Your Word Is Your Wand Florence Scovel Shinn [1928, 1847-50]
Yucatan Before and After the Conquest Diego de Landa, William Gates [1937, 1847-50]
Yukara, epos of the Ainus Kiyoko Miura [1847-50]
Title List: Z
Zanoni Edward Bulwer Lytton [1842, 1847-50]
30. Zechariah, Malachai John Calvin, John King [1847-50]
Zen for Americans Soyen Shaku, Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki [1906]
The Zend Avesta, Part I: Vendîdâd (SBE 4) James Darmesteter [1880, 1847-50]
The Zend Avesta, Part II: The Sîrôzahs, Yasts and Nyâyis (SBE 23) James Darmesteter [1882, 1847-50]
The Zend Avesta, Part III: (SBE 31) The Yasna, Visparad, Âfrînagân, Gâhs and Miscellaneous Fragments L.H. Mills [1887, 1847-50]
Zetetic Astronomy: Earth Not a Globe Parallax, Samuel Birley Rowbotham [1881, 1847-50]
THE ZODIACAL ROUND -- The precessional sequence as steps in Creativity Benjamin Rowe [1847-50]
The Zohar: Bereshith to Lekh Lekha Nurho de Manhar [1900-14, 1847-50]
Zuñi Fetiches Frank Hamilton Cushing [1883, 1847-50]
Zuñi Origin Myths Ruth Bunzel [1847-50, 1929-1930]
Lista Autori : A
A.L.H.; Lucian of Samosata: Mimes of the Courtesans [1928]
'Abdu'l-Baha: Abdu'l-Baha in London
'Abdu'l-Baha: Foundations of World Unity
'Abdu'l-Baha: Memorials of the Faithful
'Abdu'l-Baha: Paris Talks
'Abdu'l-Baha: The Promulgation of Universal Peace
'Abdu'l-Baha: Some Answered Questions
'Abdu'l-Baha: The Secret of Divine Civilization
'Abdu'l-Baha: Selections from the Writings of `Abdu'l-Baha
'Abdu'l-Baha: Tablets of 'Abdu'l-Baha
'Abdu'l-Baha: Tablet to August Forel
'Abdu'l-Baha: Tablets of the Divine Plan
'Abdu'l-Baha: A Travellers Narrative
'Abdu'l-Baha: The Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Baha
Abelard, Peter; Henry Adams Bellows: The Story of My Misfortunes: The Autobiography of Peter Abelard [1922]
Abelson, J.: Jewish Mysticism [1913]
Abercromby, John: Magic Songs of the West Finns, Vol. I [1898]
Abercromby, John; Elias Lönnrot: Magic Songs of the West Finns, Vol. II [1898]
Abhedananda, Swami; Mahendra Nath Gupta: The Gospel of Ramakrishna [1907]
Abhedânanda, Swâmi: How To Be A Yogi [1902]
Abi-Talib, Ali bin: The Alawite Boook [1847-50]
Adams, W. Marsham: The House of the Hidden Places [1895]
Addison, Charles G.: The History of the Knights Templars [1842]
Addison, Joseph; Sir Samuel Garth; John Dryden; Alexander Pope; William Congreve; Ovid; Publius Ovidius Naso: The Metamorphoses [1717]
Ade, George: Forty Modern Fables [1901]
Adlington, William; Apuleius; Dorothy Mullock: The Most Pleasant and Delectable Tale of The Marriage of Cupid and Psyche [1914]
Adlington, William; Apuleius: The Golden Asse [1566]
AE; George William Russell: The Candle of Vision [1918]
Aeschylus; Edmund Doidge Anderson Morshead: Agamemnon [1881]
Aeschylus; Edmund Doidge Anderson Morshead; Edmund Doidge Anderson Morshead: The Choephori (Libation Bearers) [1881]
Aeschylus; Robert Potter: The Persians [1809]
Aeschylus; Edmund Doidge Anderson Morshead: Prometheus Bound [1881]
Aeschylus; Edmund Doidge Anderson Morshead: The Seven Against Thebes [1881]
Aeschylus; Edmund Doidge Anderson Morshead: The Suppliants [1881]
Aesop; George Fyler Townsend: The Fables of Aesop [1887]
Africanus, Julius; Gregory Thaumaturgus; Dionysius the Great; Anatolius; Methodius; Arnobius: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. VI [1847-50]
Ager, John C.; Emanuel Swedenborg: Divine Love and Wisdom [1763]
Ager, John C.; Emanuel Swedenborg: Heaven and Hell [1758]
Agrippa, Heinrich Cornelius; Henry Morley; L.W. de Laurence: The Philosophy of Natural Magic [1913]
Aiyar, K. Narayanasvami: Thirty Minor Upanishads [1914]
Al-'âmili, Abdul-Sâhib Al-Hasani: The Prophets, Their Lives and Their Stories [1847-50]
al-Arabi; Reynold A. Nicholson: The Tarjuman al-Ashwaq [1911]
Al-Ghazzali; W.H.T. Gairdner: The Mishkât Al-Anwar [1924]
Al-Ghazzali; Claud Field: The Alchemy of Happiness [1909]
al-Hamadhání, Badí‘ al-Zamán; W.J. Prendergast: The Maqámát of Badí‘ al-Zamán al-Hamadhání [1915]
al-Nefzawi, Shaykh Umar ibn Muhammed; Richard Burton: The Perfumed Garden [1886]
Aldington, Richard; Euripides: Alcestis [1847-50]
Alexandria, Clement of; Hermas; Tatian; Athenagoras; Theophilus: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. II [1847-50]
Alfarabi; Robert Hammond: The Philosophy of Alfarabi [1947]
Ali, Abdullah Yusuf: The Holy Quran [1934]
Ali, Maulana Muhammad: A Manual of Hadith [1944]
Ali, Yusuf: The Holy Qur'an: Arabic Text, Pronunciation Guide [1847-50]
Alighieri, Dante: The Divine Comedy [1306-21]
Allen, Herbert J.; Ssuma Ch'ien: Excerpts from Ssuma Ch'ien [1894-5]
Allinson, Alfred R.; Gaius Petronius: The Satyricon of Petronius [1930]
Allinson, Alfred Richard; Jules Michelet: The Sorceress [1939]
Almeida, João Ferreira de: Portuguese Bible [1691]
Ambrose: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. X [1847-50]
Anatolius; Gregory Thaumaturgus; Dionysius the Great; Julius Africanus; Methodius; Arnobius: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. VI [1847-50]
Anderson, Rasmus B.; Arthur Middleton Reeves; North Ludlow Beamish: The Norse Discovery of America [1906]
Angelucci, Ofreo M.; Ray Palmer: The Secret of the Saucers [1955]
Anon.: Enochian Rituals [1847-50]
Anon.: Gnosis [1847-50]
Anon.: IOT [1847-50]
Anon.: Skullfuck ritual [1847-50]
Anon.: ADVORPT -- 90th region in the progression of the Aethyrs [1847-50]
Anon.: A vision of the Square "T" of ISMT of the Fiery Lesser Angle of the Earth Tablet [1847-50]
Anon.: Gematria Values of the Enochian Characters [1847-50]
Anon.: Enochian Magick [1847-50]
Anonymous; Evelyn Underhill: The Cloud of Unknowing [1400]
Anonymous; Éliphas Lévi; H.P. Blavatsky: Paradoxes of the Highest Science [1922]
Anonymous; Jacob Boehme: The Signature of All Things [1912]
Anonymous: Ophiolatreia [1889]
Anselm, St.; Sidney Norton Deane: Works of St. Anselm [1903]
Antoninus, Marcus Aurelius; George Long: Meditations [1847-50]
Anwyl, Edward: Prolegomena to the Study of Old Welsh Poetry [1903]
Aphrahat; Gregory the Great (II); Ephraim Syrus: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. XIII [1847-50]
Apollonius; F.C. Conybeare: The Epistles of Apollonius of Tyana [1912]
Apuleius; William Adlington; Dorothy Mullock: The Most Pleasant and Delectable Tale of The Marriage of Cupid and Psyche [1914]
Apuleius; William Adlington: The Golden Asse [1566]
Aquinas, St. Thomas; The Fathers of the English Dominican Province: Summa Theologica [1948]
Archimedes; Thomas L. Heath: The Sand Reckoner [1881]
Areopagite, Dionysius the; John Parker: The Works of Dionysius the Areopagite [400]
Ariosto, Ludovico; William Stewart Rose: Orlando Furioso [1823-31]
Aristotle; William David Ross: The Nicomachean Ethics [1908]
Aristotle; H. H. Joachim: On Generation and Corruption [1922]
Aristotle; J. L. Stocks: On The Heavens [1922]
Aristotle; S.H. Butcher: Poetics [1902]
Aristotle; Benjamin Jowett: Politics [1885]
Armour, Margaret; Richard Wagner; Arthur Rackham: Wagner's Ring of the Niblung [1910]
Arnobius; Gregory Thaumaturgus; Dionysius the Great; Julius Africanus; Anatolius; Methodius: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. VI [1847-50]
Arnold, Edwin: The Bhagavad Gita [1885]
Arnold, Edwin: Indian Idylls [1883]
Arnold, Edwin; Sa'di: The Gulistan [1899]
Arnold, Matthew: On the Study of Celtic Literature [1867]
Arobindo, Sri: Love and Death [1921]
Arrian; P.E. Matheson: The Discourses of Epictetus [1916]
Ashmand, J.M.: Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos [1833]
Ashtar; Ethel P. Hill: In Days To Come [1957]
Ashton, W.G.: Nihongi Part 1 [1847-50]
Ashton, W.G.: Nihongi Part 2 [1847-50]
Ashton, W.G.: Nihongi Part 3 [1847-50]
Ashton, W.G.: Nihongi Part 4 [1847-50]
Asterius; Lactantius; Venantius; Victorinus; Dionysius: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. VII [1847-50]
Athanasius: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. IV [1847-50]
Athenagoras; Hermas; Tatian; Theophilus; Clement of Alexandria: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. II [1847-50]
Atkinson, William Walker; A. P. Mukerji: Yoga Lessons for Developing Spiritual Consciousness [1911]
Atkinson, William Walker; Elias Gewurz: Hidden Treasures of the Ancient Qabalah [1918]
Atkinson, William Walker; Three Initiates: The Kybalion [1912]
Atkinson, William Walker; Elias Gewurz: Mysteries of the Qabalah [1922]
Atkinson, William Walker; Yogi Ramacharaka: Raja Yoga [1906]
Atkinson, William Walker; Yogi Ramacharaka: The Science of Breath [1904]
Atkinson, William Walker; Magus Incognito: The Secret Doctrine of the Rosicrucians [1918]
Attar, Farid ud-Din; Edward Fitzgerald: Bird Parliament [1889]
Atwater, Richard; Procopius: The Secret History of Procopius [1927]
Auerbach, Leo: The Babylonian Talmud in Selection [1944]
Augustine, St.; Edward Bouverie Pusey: The Confessions of Saint Augustine [401]
Augustine, St.: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. I [1847-50]
Augustine, St.: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. II [1847-50]
Augustine, St.: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. III [1847-50]
Augustine, St.: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. IV [1847-50]
Augustine, St.: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. V [1847-50]
Augustine, St.: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. VI [1847-50]
Augustine, St.: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. VII [1847-50]
Augustine, St.: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. VIII [1847-50]
Avalon, Arthur; John Woodroffe: Hymns to the Goddess [1913]
Avalon, Arthur; John Woodroffe: Hymn to Kâlî: Karpûrâdi-Stotra [1922]
Avalon, Arthur; John Woodroffe: Mahanirvana Tantra [1913]
Avalon, Arthur; John Woodroffe: Shakti and Shâkta [1918]
Avila, St. Teresa of: The Interior Castle [1921]
Lista Autori : B
Bab: Selections from the Writings of the Bab
Babbit, Ellen C.: Jataka Tales [1912]
Babbitt, Frank Cole; Plutarch; Plutarch: The Roman and Greek Questions [1938]
Bachye, Rabbi; Edwin Collins: The Duties of the Heart [1909]
Bacon, Francis: The New Atlantis [1627]
Bacon, Leonard; R. Selden Rose: The Lay of the Cid [1919]
Bacon, Leonard; George Rapnall Noyes: Heroic Ballads of Servia [1913]
Bacon, Roger: Tract on the Tincture and Oil of Antimony
Badger, George Percy: An Inquiry into the Religious Tenets of the Yezeedees [1852]
Baerlein, Henry: The Diwan of Abu'l-Ala [1911]
Baha'u'llah: Epistle to the Son of the Wolf
Baha'u'llah: Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah
Baha'u'llah: The Hidden Words of Baha'u'llah
Baha'u'llah: The Kitab-i-Iqan (The Book of Certitude)
Baha'u'llah: The Kitab-i-Aqdas (The Most Holy Book)
Baha'u'llah: Proclamation of Baha'u'llah
Baha'u'llah: Prayers and Meditations
Baha'u'llah: The Seven Valleys and the Four Valleys
Baha'u'llah: Tablets of Baha'u'llah Revealed after the Kitab-i-Aqdas
Bailey, Alice A.: The Consciousness of the Atom [1922]
Bailey, Alice A.: Initiation, Human and Solar [1922]
Bain, F.W.: Vol. II: The Descent of the Sun [1903]
Bain, F.W.: Vol. III: A Heifer of the Dawn [1904]
Bain, F.W.: Vol. IV: In the Great God's Hair [1905]
Balfour, Frederic Henry: Taoist Texts [1884]
Ballantyne, James R.: The Sánkhya Aphorisms of Kapila [1885]
Ballard, Guy Warran; Godfré Ray King: Unveiled Mysteries [1934]
Bancroft, Hubert Howe: History of Utah, 1540-1886 [1889]
Bandelier, Adolf F.: The Delight Makers [1890]
Barclay, Joseph: The Talmud [1878]
Baring-Gould, Sabine: The Book of Were-Wolves [1865]
Baring-Gould, Sabine: A Book of Folklore [1913]
Barnes, Albert: Notes on the Bible [1834]
Barnett, L.D.: The Path of Light [1909]
Barnett, L.D.: Brahma-Knowledge [1911]
Barrett, Francis: The Magus [1801]
Barrett, S. B.: Pomo Bear Doctors [1917]
Barreul, Abbé; Robert Edward Clifford: Code of the Illuminati [1798]
Basil: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. VIII [1847-50]
Batchelor, John: Specimens of Ainu Folk-lore [1888-1893]
Bates, Ernest Sutherland: The Biography of the Bible [1937]
Batten, John D.; Joseph Jacobs: English Fairy Tales [1890]
Batten, John D.; Joseph Jacobs: More English Fairy Tales [1894]
Baudis, Josef: The Key of Gold: 23 Czech Folk Tales [1917]
Baumbach, Rudolph; Helen B. Dole: Summer Legends [1888]
Beal, Samuel; Asvaghosha Bodhisattva; Dharmaraksha: The Fo-Sho-Hing-Tsan-King (SBE19) [1883]
Beamish, North Ludlow; Arthur Middleton Reeves; Rasmus B. Anderson: The Norse Discovery of America [1906]
Beck, L. Adams; S. Yamabe: Buddhist Psalms [1921]
Beck, Lily Adams: The Way of Power [1928]
Beckwith, Martha Warren: Jamaica Anansi Stories [1924]
Beckwith, Martha Warren: Hawaiian Mythology [1940]
Beckwith, Martha Warren: The Kumulipo, A Hawaiian Creation Chant [1951]
Bede; A.M. Sellar: Bede's Ecclesiastical History of England [731]
Beilenson, Peter: Japanese Haiku [1955]
Belanger, Michelle: The Vampire Codex [1847-50]
Belanger, Michelle: The Vampire Ritual Book [2003]
Bell, Arthur: Mankind United [1936]
Bell, Gertrude Lowthian; Hafiz: Poems from the Divan of Hafiz [1897]
Bellamy, Edward: Looking Backwards [1888]
Bellows, Henry Adams; Peter Abelard: The Story of My Misfortunes: The Autobiography of Peter Abelard [1922]
Bellows, Henry Adams: The Poetic Edda [1936]
Benedict, Ruth: Tales of the Cochiti Indians [1931]
Benham, William; Thomas a Kempis: Imitation of Christ [1418]
Bennett, Florence Mary: Religious Cults Associated with the Amazons [1912]
Benoit, Pierre; Mary C. Tongue; Mary Ross: Altantida (L'Antlantide) [1920]
Benziger; Alban Butler; John Gilmary Shea: Lives of the Saints [1894]
Berkeley, George: Three Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonous [1713]
Berkeley, George: A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge [1710]
Bessie, Alvah C.; Pierre Louÿs; Bilitis; Pierre Louys: The Songs of Bilitis [1926]
Beveridge, Henry; John Calvin: The Institutes of the Christian Religion [1845]
Beveridge, Henry; John Calvin: On the Christian Life [1845]
Beveridge, Henry; John Calvin: Of Prayer [1845]
Bey, Hakim: The Temporary Autonomous Zone, Ontological Anarchy, Poetic Terrorism [1847-50]
Bigelow, William Sturgis: Buddhism and Immortality [1908]
Bilger, Julia; Angelus Silesius: Alexandrines: translated from the "Cherubinischer Wandersmann" [1944]
Bilhana; Edward Powys Mathers: Black Marigolds [1919]
Bilitis; Pierre Louÿs; Alvah C. Bessie; Pierre Louys: The Songs of Bilitis [1926]
Bird, George Robert: Tenderfoot Days [1918]
Blake, William: Songs of Innocence and of Experience [1789-1794]
Blatavsky, H.P.: The Book of Dzyan [1888]
Blavatsky, H.P.; Éliphas Lévi; Anonymous: Paradoxes of the Highest Science [1922]
Blavatsky, Helena P.: Isis Unveiled [1877]
Blavatsky, Helena P.: The Secret Doctrine [1888]
Bleek, W.H.I.; L.C. Lloyd: Specimens of Bushman Folklore [1911]
Bloomfield, Maurice: The Atharva-Veda [1897]
Blum, Paul C.; Andre Ferdinand Herold: The Life of Buddha [1922]
Blumenthal, Verra Xenophontovna Kalamatiano de: Folk Tales From the Russian [1903]
Boas, Franz: Chinook Texts [1894]
Boas, Franz: Kwakiutl Tales [1910]
Boas, Franz: Tsimshian Texts (Nass River Dialect) [1902]
Boas, Franz: Tsimshian Texts (New Series) [1912]
Bodhisattva, Asvaghosha; Dharmaraksha; Samuel Beal: The Fo-Sho-Hing-Tsan-King (SBE19) [1883]
Boehme, Jacob; W. Scott Palmer; Eveyln Underhill: The Confessions of Jacob Boehme [1920]
Boehme, Jacob; Franz Hartmann: The Life and Doctrines of Jacob Boehme [1891]
Boehme, Jacob; Anonymous: The Signature of All Things [1912]
Bogoras, Waldemar: Chukchee Mythology [1910]
Bogoras, Waldemar: Koryak Texts [1917]
Bogoras, Waldemar: Tales of Yukaghir, Lamut, and Russianized Natives of Eastern Siberia [1918]
Bohn, W.S.; Julius Caesar; W.A. McDevitte: Works of Julius Caesar [1869]
Bokser, Ben Zion: The Wisdom of the Talmud [1951]
Bonwick, James: Irish Druids and Old Irish Religions [1894]
Borel, Henri; Dwight Goddard: Laotzu's Tao and Wu Wei [1919]
Borel, Henri; Dwight Goddard: Laotzu's Tao and Wu Wei (2nd ed.) [1939]
Boscana, Geronimo; Alfred Robinson: Chinigchinich [1846]
Bottrell, William: Traditions and Hearthside Stories of West Cornwall, (Volume 1) [1870]
Bottrell, William: Traditions and Hearthside Stories of West Cornwall, (Volume 2) [1873]
Boyajian, Zabelle C.: Armenian Legends and Poems [1916]
Bray, Anna Eliza; Hablot K. Browne: A Peep at the Pixies, or Legends of the West [1854]
Breasted, James Henry: Development of Religion and Thought in Ancient Egypt [1912]
Breed, David K.: The Trial of Christ [1948]
Brett, William Henry: Legends and Myths of the Aboriginal Indians of British Guiana. [1880]
Brinton, Daniel G.: Rig Veda Americanus (Aztec Hymns) [1890]
Brinton, Daniel G.: Walam Olum [1885]
Brock, C.E.; Edwin Sidney Hartland: English Fairy and Other Folk Tales [1890]
Brodeur, Arthur Gilchrist; Snorri Sturlson: The Prose Edda [1916]
Brodribb, William Jackson; Alfred John Church: The Works of Tacitus [1864-1877]
Brown, Brian: The Wisdom of the Egyptians [1923]
Brown, C.P.; Vemana: Verses of Vemana [1829]
Brown, David; Robert Jamieson; A. R. Fausset: A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments [1882]
Brown, Robert: The Unicorn: A Mythological Investigation [1881]
Browne, Hablot K.; Anna Eliza Bray: A Peep at the Pixies, or Legends of the West [1854]
Bucke, Richard Maurice: Cosmic Consciousness [1901]
Budge, E. A. Wallis: The Kebra Nagast [1922]
Budge, E. A. Wallis: The Babylonian Legends of Creation [1921]
Budge, E. A. Wallis: The Babylonian Story of the Deluge and the Epic of Gilgamish. [1929]
Budge, E. A. Wallis: The Book of the Bee [1886]
Budge, E. A. Wallis: The Book of the Cave of Treasures [1927]
Budge, E. A. Wallis: The Egyptian Heaven and Hell Vol. I: The Book of the Am-Tuat [1905]
Budge, E. A. Wallis: The Egyptian Book of the Dead [1895]
Budge, E. A. Wallis: The Egyptian Heaven and Hell [1905]
Budge, E. A. Wallis: The Egyptian Heaven and Hell Vol III: The Egyptian Heaven and Hell [1905]
Budge, E. A. Wallis: Egyptian Magic [1901]
Budge, E. A. Wallis; Samuel Sharpe: Egyptian Mythology and Egyptian Christianity [1863]
Budge, E. A. Wallis: The Egyptian Heaven and Hell Vol II: The Book of Gates [1905]
Budge, E. A. Wallis: Legends of the Gods: The Egyptian Texts [1912]
Budge, E. A. Wallis: The Liturgy of Funerary Offerings [1909]
Budge, E. A. Wallis: The Rosetta Stone [1893]
Budge, E. A. Wallis: Tutankhamen: Amenism, Atenism and Egyptian Monotheism [1923]
Budge, E.A.W.: The Laughable Stories of Bar-Hebraeus [1897]
Bühler, George: The Laws of Manu [1886]
Bühler, George: The Sacred Laws of the Âryas, Part I (SBE 2) [1879]
Bühler, George: The Sacred Laws of the Âryas, Part II (SBE 14) [1879]
Bulfinch, Thomas: Bulfinch's Mythology [1855]
Bulwer-Lytton, Edward: Vril, the Power of the Coming Race [1871]
Bunyan, John: Pilgrim's Progress [1678]
Bunzel, Ruth: Table of Zuñi Sounds [1847-50]
Bunzel, Ruth: Zuñi Origin Myths [1847-50]
Bunzel, Ruth: Introduction to Zuñi Ceremonialism [1847-50]
Burnet, Thomas: The Sacred Theory of the Earth [1691]
Burr, George L.: The Witch-Persecutions [1896]
Burr, William Henry: Self-Contradictions of the Bible [1860]
Burriss, Eli Edward: Taboo, Magic, Spirits [1931]
Burrough, Berniece; Florence Stratton; Bessie M. Reid: When the Storm God Rides: Tejas and other Indian Legends [1936]
Burroughs, Edgar Rice: At the Earth's Core [1914]
Burroughs, Edgar Rice: Pellucidar [1915]
Burton, Richard; L.C. Smithers: The Priapeia [1890]
Burton, Richard: The 1001 Arabian Nights [1850]
Burton, Richard: The Ananga Ranga [1885]
Burton, Richard; Shaykh Umar ibn Muhammed al-Nefzawi: The Perfumed Garden [1886]
Burton, Richard: Kama Sutra of Vatsayayana [1883]
Burton, Richard R.: Vikram and The Vampire [1870]
Burton, Sir Richard; Hâjî Abdû El-Yezdî: The Kasîdah [1880]
Bush, George; Emanuel Swedenborg; John H. Smithson; James F. Buss: Spiritual Diary [1747-65]
Buss, James F.; Emanuel Swedenborg; George Bush; John H. Smithson: Spiritual Diary [1747-65]
Butcher, S.H.; Aristotle: Poetics [1902]
Butler, Alban; John Gilmary Shea; Benziger: Lives of the Saints [1894]
Butler, Hiram: The Goal of Life [1908]
Butler, Hiram A.: Solar Biology [1887]
Butler, Samuel: The Authoress of the Odyssey [1922]
Butler, Samuel; Homer: The Iliad of Homer [1898]
Butler, Samuel; Homer: The Odyssey of Homer [1900]
Butler, Samuel: Erewhon, or Over the Range [1872]
Buttera, Frank J.; Pierre Louÿs; Willis L. Parker: Aphrodite (Ancient Manners) [1932]
Lista Autori : C
Cady, H. Emilie: Lessons in Truth [1894]
Caesar, Julius; W.A. McDevitte; W.S. Bohn: Works of Julius Caesar [1869]
Caius; Hippolytus; Cyprian; Novatian: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. V [1847-50]
Callaway, Henry: The Religious System of the Amazulu [1870]
Callow, Edward: The Phynodderree and Other Legends of the Isle of Man [1882]
Callow, Edward: The Phynodderree and Other Legends of the Isle of Man [1882]
Calvert, Albert F.: The Aborigines of Western Australia [1894]
Calvin, John; John King: 1. Genesis, Part I [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 2. Genesis, Part II [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 3. Harmony of the Law, Part I [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 4. Harmony of the Law, Part II [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 5. Harmony of the Law, Part III [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 6. Harmony of the Law, Part IV [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 7. Joshua [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 8. Psalms, Part I [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 9. Psalms, Part II [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 10. Psalms, Part III [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 11. Psalms, Part IV [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 12. Psalms, Part V [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 13. Isaiah, Part I [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 14. Isaiah, Part II [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 15. Isaiah, Part III [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 16. Isaiah, Part IV [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 17. Jeremiah and Lamentations, Part I [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 18. Jeremiah and Lamentations, Part II [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 19. Jeremiah and Lamentations, Part III [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 20. Jeremiah and Lamentations, Part IV [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 21. Jeremiah and Lamentations, Part V [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 22. Ezekiel, Part I [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 23. Ezekiel, Part II [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 24. Daniel, Part I [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 25. Daniel, Part II [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 26. Hosea [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 27. Joel, Amos, Obadiah [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 28. Jonah, Micah, Nahum [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 29. Habakkuk, Zephaniah, and Haggai [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 30. Zechariah, Malachai [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 31. Matthew, Mark and Luke, Part I [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 32. Matthew, Mark and Luke, Part II [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 33. Matthew, Mark and Luke, Part III [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 34. John, Part I [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 35. John, Part II [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 36. Acts, Part I [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 37. Acts, Part II [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 38. Romans [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 39. Corinthians, Part I [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 40. Corinthians, Part II [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 41. Galatians and Ephesians [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 42. Philippians, Colossians, and Thessalonians [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 43. Timothy, Titus, and Philemon [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 44. Hebrews [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 45. Catholic Epistles [1847-50]
Calvin, John; Henry Beveridge: The Institutes of the Christian Religion [1845]
Calvin, John; Henry Beveridge: On the Christian Life [1845]
Calvin, John; Henry Beveridge: Of Prayer [1845]
Cambell, W. L.: She-rab Dong-bu (The Tree of Wisdom) [1919]
Camoens, Luis de; William Julius Mickle: The Lusiad [1776]
Campanella, Tommaso: The City of the Sun [1637]
Campbell, J. F.; George Henderson: The Celtic Dragon Myth [1911]
Campbell, J. F.: Popular Tales of the West Highlands, Vol. I [1890]
Campbell, J. F.: Popular Tales of the West Highlands, Vol. II [1890]
Campbell, J. F.: Popular Tales of the West Highlands, Vol. III [1890]
Campbell, J. F.: Popular Tales of the West Highlands, Vol. IV [1890]
Cannon, Frank J.; Harvey J. O'Higgins: Under the Prophet in Utah [1911]
Carmicheal, Alexander: Carmina Gadelica, Vol. I [1900]
Carmicheal, Alexander: Carmina Gadelica, Vol. II [1900]
Carpenter, Edward: Pagan and Christian Creeds [1922]
Carpenter, Edward: Ioläus [1918]
Carpenter, Edward: Intermediate Types Among Primitive Folk [1914]
Carpenter, Edward: Love's Coming of Age [1906]
Carpenter, Frederick V.; John Steven McGroarty: Mission Memories [1929]
Carroll, Peter: Excerpts from Peter Carroll's Works part 1 [1847-50]
Carroll, Peter: Excerpts from Peter Carroll's Works part 2 [1847-50]
Carroll, Peter: The Magus [1847-50]
Carroll, Peter: Chaos Monasticism [1847-50]
Carroll, Peter: Octarine: Rituals and Spell Objectives and Design in Eight Magics [1847-50]
Carroll, Peter: The Pact (IOT) - The Story So Far [1847-50]
Carroll, Peter: Paradigm Shifts and Aeonics [1847-50]
Carroll, Peter: Principia Chaotica [1847-50]
Carroll, Peter: The Magical Pact of The Illuminnates Of Thanateros [1847-50]
Carter, Jesse Benedict: The Religion of Numa [1906]
Carus, Paul: Amitabha [1906]
Carus, Paul: The Gospel of Buddha: Compiled from Ancient Records [1909]
Carus, Paul: Buddha, the Word
Carus, Paul: Chinese Occultism [1907]
Carus, Paul: The History of the Devil [1900]
Carus, Paul; D.T. Suzuki: The Canon of Reason and Virtue [1913]
Carus, Paul; Teitaro Suzuki: T'ai Shang Kan-Ying P'ien [1906]
Carus, Paul; Teitaro Suzuki: Yin Chih Wen, The Tract of the Quiet Way [1906]
Carus, Titus Lucretius; William Ellery Leonard: On The Nature Of Things [1847-50]
Cassian, John; Sulpitius Severus; Vincent of Lerins: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. XI [1847-50]
Ch'ien, Ssuma; Herbert J. Allen: Excerpts from Ssuma Ch'ien [1894-5]
Challoner, Richard: Douay-Rheims Bible [1752]
Chalmers, Robert; E.B. Cowell: The Jataka, Vol. I [1895]
Chamberlain, Basil Hall: Aino Folk-Tales [1888]
Chamberlain, Basil Hall: The Kojiki [1919]
Chamberlain, Basil Hall: The Kojiki [1919]
Channing, William Ellery: Unitarian Christianity [1819]
Chao, Mark; Jaq D. Hawkins: Defining Chaos [1847-50]
Charles, R.H.: The Book of Enoch [1917]
Charles, R.H.: The Book of Jubilees [1917]
Charnock, Stephen: The Works of Stephen Charnock [1629-1690]
Chatterji, Hari Prasanna; Swami Vijnanananda: The S'rimad Devî Bhâgawatam [1921]
Chatterji, Hari Prasanna; Swami Vijnanananda: The Devî Gita [1921]
Chaucer, Geoffrey: The Canterbury Tales and Other Works of Chaucer (Middle English) [1400]
Chaucer, Geoffrey; Charles Cowden Clarke: Tales from Chaucer [1833]
Chen, Ivan: The Book of Filial Duty [1908]
Child, Francis James: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads [1882]
Chrysostom, St.: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. IX [1847-50]
Chrysostom, St.: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. X [1847-50]
Chrysostom, St.: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. XI [1847-50]
Chrysostom, St.: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. XII [1847-50]
Chrysostom, St.: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. XIII [1847-50]
Chrysostom, St.: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. XIV [1847-50]
Church, Alfred John; William Jackson Brodribb: The Works of Tacitus [1864-1877]
Churchward, James: The Sacred Symbols of Mu [1933]
Clark, Galen: Indians of the Yosemite Valley and Vicinity [1904]
Clarke, Adam: Commentary on the Bible [1831]
Clarke, Charles Cowden; Geoffrey Chaucer: Tales from Chaucer [1833]
Clement; Origen: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. IX [1847-50]
Clifford, Robert Edward; Abbé Barreul: Code of the Illuminati [1798]
Clodd, Edward: Tom Tit Tot, An Essay on Savage Philosophy in Folk-Tale [1898]
Clouston, W. A.: The Book of Noodles [1888]
Clouston, W. A.: Arabian Poetry [1881]
Cockren, A.: Alchemy Rediscovered and Restored [1941]
Cohen, Abraham: Ancient Jewish Proverbs [1911]
Cole, Mabel Cook: Philippine Folk Tales [1916]
Coleridge, E. P.; Euripides: Andromache [1910]
Coleridge, E. P.; Euripides: The Cyclops [1910]
Coleridge, E. P.; Euripides: Electra [1910]
Coleridge, E. P.; Euripides: Hecuba [1910]
Coleridge, E. P.; Euripides: Helen [1910]
Coleridge, E. P.; Euripides: The Heracleidae [1910]
Coleridge, E. P.; Euripides: Heracles [1910]
Coleridge, E. P.; Euripides: Hippolytus [1910]
Coleridge, E. P.; Euripides: Medea [1910]
Coleridge, E. P.; Euripides: Orestes [1910]
Coleridge, E. P.; Euripides: The Phoenissae [1910]
Coleridge, E. P.; Euripides: The Suppliants [1910]
Collier, Robert: The Secret of the Ages [1926]
Collingwood, W.G.; J. Stefansson: The Life and Death of Cormac the Skalda [1901]
Collins, Edwin; Rabbi Bachye: The Duties of the Heart [1909]
Collins, Edwin: The Wisdom of Israel [1910]
Colum, Padraic; Homer: The Adventures of Odysseus and the Tale of Troy [1918]
Colum, Padraic: Orpheus, Myths of the World [1930]
Colum, Padraic: The King of Ireland's Son [1916]
Colum, Padraic; Willy Pogany: The Children of Odin [1920]
Comfort, W.W.; Chretien DeTroyes: Cliges [1914]
Comfort, W.W.; Chretien DeTroyes: Erec et Enide [1914]
Compton, Margaret: American Indian Fairy Tales [1907]
Confucius; James Legge: The Confucian Canon in Chinese and English [1893]
Confucius; James Legge: Confucian Analects (Lun Yü) [1893]
Confucius; James Legge: The Great Learning (Ta Hsüeh) [1893]
Confucius; James Legge: The Doctrine Of The Mean (Chung Yung) [1893]
Congreve, William; Sir Samuel Garth; John Dryden; Alexander Pope; Joseph Addison; Ovid; Publius Ovidius Naso: The Metamorphoses [1717]
Connelly, J. H.; Nicolas Notovitch; L. Landsberg: The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ [1890]
Connor, George Cooper: Shibboleth: A Templar Monitor [1894]
Conybeare, F.C.; Apollonius: The Epistles of Apollonius of Tyana [1912]
Conybeare, F.C.; Philostratus: The Life of Apollonius of Tyana [1912]
Conybeare, F.C.; Eusebius: The Treatise of Eusebius Against the Life of Apollonius by Philostratus [1912]
Cooper-Oakley, Isabel: The Comte de St. Germain [1912]
Cooper-Oakley, Isabel: Traces of a Hidden Tradition in Masonry and Medieval Mysticism [1900]
Cory, Alexander Turner: The Hieroglyphics of Horapollo [1840]
Cory, I. P.: Ancient Fragments [1832]
Costa, Hippolyto Joseph da: The Dionysian Artificers [1820]
Court, US Supreme: Roe v. Wade [1973]
Couzens, Reginald C.: The Stories of the Months and Days [1923]
Cowell, E.B.; Robert Chalmers: The Jataka, Vol. I [1895]
Cowell, E.B.; W. H. D. Rouse: The Jataka, Vol. II [1895]
Cowell, E.B.; H.T. Francis: The Jataka, Vol. III [1897]
Cowell, E.B.; W.H.D. Rouse: The Jataka, Vol. IV [1901]
Cowell, E.B.; H.T. Francis: The Jataka, Vol. V [1905]
Cowell, E.B.; W.H.D. Rouse: The Jataka, Vol. VI [1907]
Cowell, E.B.; F. Max Müller; J. Kakakusu: Buddhist Mahâyâna Texts (SBE 49) [1894]
Cowley, A.E.; A. Neubauer: Original Hebrew of a Portion of Ecclesiasticus [1897]
Cox, Edwin Marion; Sappho: The Poems of Sappho [1925]
Cox, Edwin Marion; Sappho: The Poems of Sappho (Unicode) [1925]
Cranmer-Byng, L.: The Book of Odes [1908]
Cranmer-Byng, L.: A Feast of Lanterns [1916]
Crawford, John Martin: The Kalevala (English) [1888]
Creswick, Paul; N.C. Wyeth: Robin Hood [1902]
Croker, Thomas Crofton: Fairy Legends and Traditions [1825]
Cronyn, George W.: The Path on the Rainbow [1918]
Crossing, William: Tales of the Dartmoor Pixies [1890]
Crowley, Aleister; S.L. MacGregor Mathers: The Lesser Key of Solomon [1904]
Cumont, Franz: Astrology and Religion Among the Greeks and Romans [1912]
Cumont, Franz: The Mysteries of Mithra [1903]
Cumont, Franz: The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism [1911]
Curtin, Jeremiah: A Journey in Southern Siberia [1909]
Curtin, Jeremiah: Creation Myths of Primitive America [1898]
Curtin, Jeremiah: Seneca Indian Myths [1922]
Curtin, Jeremiah: Myths and Folklore of Ireland [1890]
Curtin, Jeremiah: Tales of Fairies and of the Ghost World [1895]
Cushing, Frank Hamilton: Outline of Zuñi Mytho-Sociologic Organization [1891-1892]
Cushing, Frank Hamilton: Zuñi Fetiches [1883]
Cushing, Frank Hamilton: Remarks on Shamanism [1897]
Cushing, Frank Hamilton: Form and Form and the Dance Drama [1896]
Cushing, Frank Hamilton: Corn Raising: The Decay of the Seed [1884]
Cushing, Frank Hamilton: Corn Raising: The Regeneration of the Seed [1884]
Cushing, Frank Hamilton: Clowns, Priests, and Festivals of the Kâ'-kâ [1885]
Cushing, Frank Hamilton: Creation and the Origin of Corn [1884]
Cushing, Frank Hamilton: Cushing: Zuñi Folk Tales [1901]
Cyprian; Hippolytus; Caius; Novatian: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. V [1847-50]
Czaplicka, M. A.: Shamanism in Siberia [1914]
Lista Autori : D
d'Alviella, Goblet: The Migration of Symbols [1894]
d'Olivet, Fabre; Pythagoras: The Golden Verses of Pythagoras [1917]
Da Vinci, Leonardo; Jean Paul Richter: The Da Vinci Notebooks [1883]
Damascus, John of; Hilary of Poitiers: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. IX [1847-50]
Danby, Herbert: Tractate Sanhedrin, Mishnah and Tosefta [1919]
Darby, J.N.: Darby Bible [1890]
Darby, John Nelson: Synopsis of the Books of the Bible [1857-62]
Darby, John Nelson: The Man of Sorrows [no date (pre-1882)]
Darby, John Nelson: Notes on the Book of the Revelation [1876]
Darmesteter, James: The Zend Avesta, Part I: Vendîdâd (SBE 4) [1880]
Darmesteter, James: The Zend Avesta, Part II: The Sîrôzahs, Yasts and Nyâyis (SBE 23) [1882]
Darrow, Clarence: Absurdities of the Bible
Darrow, Clarence: Facing Life Fearlessly
Darrow, Clarence: Why I Am An Agnostic
Darwin, Charles: Voyage of the Beagle [1909]
Darwin, Charles: The Descent of Man [1871]
Darwin, Charles: Origin of Species [1872]
Dasent, George: Popular Tales from the Norse [1904]
Dasent, George W.: Icelandic Sagas, Vol. 3: The Orkneyingers Saga [1894]
Dasent, George Webbe: The Story of Gisli the Outlaw [1866]
Dasent, George Webbe: The Story of Burnt Njal [1861]
Dasgupta, S.N.: Hindu Mysticism [1927]
Davids, Caroline A. F. Rhys: Psalms of the Sisters [1909]
Davids, T. W. Rhys: The Questions of King Milinda, Part I (SBE35) [1890]
Davids, T. W. Rhys: The Questions of King Milinda, Part II (SBE36) [1894]
Davids, T.W. Rhys: Dialogues of the Buddha [1899]
Davids, T.W. Rhys: Buddhist Suttas (SBE11) [1881]
Davids, T.W. Rhys; Herman Oldenberg: Vinaya Texts (Part I) (SBE13) [1881]
Davids, T.W. Rhys; Herman Oldenberg: Vinaya Texts (Part II) (SBE17) [1882]
Davids, T.W. Rhys; Herman Oldenberg: Vinaya Texts (Part III) (SBE20) [1885]
Dawson, Miles Menander: The Ethics of Confucius [1915]
Dayrell, Elphinstone; Andrew Lang: Folk Stories from Southern Nigeria [1910]
De Boer, T. J.: The History of Philosophy in Islam [1903]
Deane, John Bathurst: Worship of the Serpent [1833]
Deane, Sidney Norton; St. Anselm: Works of St. Anselm [1903]
Delitzsch, Franz; Carl Friedrich Keil: Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament [1857-78]
Dennett, R. E.: Notes on the Folklore of the Fjort [1898]
Dennett, R. E.: At the Back of the Black Man's Mind [1906]
Dennis, James Teackle: The Burden of Isis [1910]
Descartes, Rene: Discourse on the Method of Rightly Conducting the Reason, and Seeking Truth in the Sciences [1847-50]
Descartes, Rene: Meditations on First Philosophy [1641]
DeTroyes, Chretien; W.W. Comfort: Cliges [1914]
DeTroyes, Chretien; W.W. Comfort: Erec et Enide [1914]
DeTroyes, Chretien; Sebastian Evans: The High History of the Holy Graal [1898]
Dharmaraksha; Asvaghosha Bodhisattva; Samuel Beal: The Fo-Sho-Hing-Tsan-King (SBE19) [1883]
Dickens, Charles: A Christmas Carol [1843]
Diodati, Giovanni: Italian Bible [1649]
Dionysius; Lactantius; Venantius; Asterius; Victorinus: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. VII [1847-50]
Dixon, Roland B.: Achomawi and Atsugewi Tales and Achomawi Myths [1908]
Dixon, Roland B.: Maidu Texts [1912]
Dixon, Roland B.: Oceanic Mythology [1916]
Dobbs, Bob: The SubGenius Manifesto [1847-50]
Dobie, J. Frank: Coffee in the Gourd [1923]
Dole, Helen B.; Rudolph Baumbach: Summer Legends [1888]
Dom, C. A. Wynschenk; Jan van Ruysbroeck; Evelyn Underhill: The Adornment of the Spiritual Marriage [1916]
Donnelly, Ignatius: Atlantis, the Antediluvian World [1882]
Donnelly, Ignatius: Ragnarok: The Age of Fire and Gravel [1883]
Donnelly, Ignatius: Cæsar's Column [1890]
Douglas, Sir George: Scottish Fairy and Folk Tales [1773]
Dowling, Levi H.: The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ [1920]
Doyle, Arthur Conan: The Coming of the Fairies [1922]
Dresser, Horatio W.; Phineas Parkhurst Quimby: The Quimby Manuscripts [1921]
Dryden, John; Sir Samuel Garth; Alexander Pope; Joseph Addison; William Congreve; Ovid; Publius Ovidius Naso: The Metamorphoses [1717]
Dryden, John; Virgil: The Aeneid of Virgil [1697]
Du Bois, Constance Goddard: The Story of the Chaup; A Myth of the Diegueños [1904]
Du Bois, Constance Goddard: Ceremonies and Traditions of the Diegueño Indians [1908]
Du Bois, Constance Goddard: Mythology of the Mission Indians [1904]
Du Bois, Constance Goddard: The Mythology of the Diegueños [1901]
Du Bois, Constance Goddard: The Religion of the Luiseño Indians of Southern California [1908]
Du Bois, W.E.B.: The Negro [1915]
Dudgeon, John: Kung-Fu, or Tauist Medical Gymnastics [1895]
Duncan, Malcolm C.: Duncan's Masonic Ritual and Monitor [1866]
Dunn, J. Allan: The Treasure of Atlantis [1916]
Dunsany, Edward Plunkett, Lord: A Dreamer's Tales [1910]
Dunsany, Edward Plunkett, Lord: Don Rodriguez [1922]
Dunsany, Edward Plunkett, Lord: Fifty-One Tales [1915]
Dunsany, Edward Plunkett, Lord: The Gods of Pegana [1905]
Dunsany, Edward Plunkett, Lord: Plays of Gods and Men [1917]
Dunsany, Edward Plunkett, Lord: Selections from the Writings of Lord Dunsany [1912]
Dunsany, Edward Plunkett, Lord: The Sword of Welleran and Other Stories [1908]
Dunsany, Edward Plunkett, Lord: Time and the Gods [1906]
Dunsany, Edward Plunkett, Lord: Tales of Wonder [1916]
Dunsany, Edward Plunkett, Lord: The Book of Wonder [1912]
Dutt, R.: The Ramayana and Mahabharata [1899]
Dyck, Cornelius Van Allen Van; Eli Smith: Arabic Bible [1865]
Dyer, T.F. Thiselton: Folk-lore of Shakespeare [1883]
Lista Autori : E
Eastman, Charles: The Soul of the Indian [1911]
Ebbutt, Maud Isabel: Hero-Myths and Legends of the British Race [1910]
Eckartshausen, Karl; Isabel de Steiger; A.E. Waite: The Cloud Upon the Sanctuary [1909]
Eddison, E. R.: The Worm Ouroboros [1922]
Eddy, Mary Baker: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures [1910]
Edkins, Joseph: Chinese Buddhism [1893]
Edwards, A. Hart; Sadi: The Bustan of Sadi [1911]
Edwards, George Wharton; Hamilton W. Mabie: A Book of Old English Ballads [1896]
Edwardy, William M.: The Navajo Indians [1890]
Effendi, Shoghi: The Advent of Divine Justice
Effendi, Shoghi: Arohanui: Letters to New Zealand
Effendi, Shoghi: Baha'i Administration
Effendi, Shoghi: Citadel of Faith
Effendi, Shoghi: Directives from the Guardian
Effendi, Shoghi: The Dawn of a New Day
Effendi, Shoghi: God Passes By
Effendi, Shoghi: High Endeavours: Messages to Alaska
Effendi, Shoghi: The Light of Divine Guidance (volume 1) [Message to Germany and Austria]
Effendi, Shoghi: The Light of Divine Guidance (volume 2)
Effendi, Shoghi: Letters from the Guardian to Australia and New Zealand
Effendi, Shoghi: Messages to America
Effendi, Shoghi: The Promised Day is Come
Effendi, Shoghi: Unfolding Destiny
Effendi, Shoghi: The World Order of Baha'u'llah
Eflaki; Rumi; James W. Redhouse: The Mesnevi [1881]
Eggeling, Julius: The Satapatha Brahmana, Part I (SBE 12) [1882]
Eggeling, Julius: The Satapatha Brahmana, Part II (SBE 26) [1885]
Eggeling, Julius: The Satapatha Brahmana, Part III (SBE 41) [1894]
Eggeling, Julius: The Satapatha Brahmana, Part IV (SBE 43) [1897]
Eggeling, Julius: The Satapatha Brahmana, Part V (SBE 44) [1900]
Einstein, Albert: Conversation on Religion and Antisemitism
Einstein, Albert: On prayer; purpose in nature; meaning of life; the soul; a personal God
Einstein, Albert: Religion and Science
Eitel, Ernest J.: Feng Shui [1873]
Ekai; Huikai; Mu-mon; Nyogen Senzaki; Paul Reps: The Gateless Gate [1934]
El-Yezdî, Hâjî Abdû; Sir Richard Burton: The Kasîdah [1880]
Ellis, A.B.: The Yoruba Speaking Peoples [1894]
Elton, Oliver; Saxo Grammaticus: The Danish History [1905]
Elwes, R.H.M.; Baruch Spinoza: Correspondence [1883]
Elwes, R.H.M.; Baruch Spinoza: Ethics [1883]
Elwes, R.H.M.; Baruch Spinoza: A Theologico-Political Treatise [1883]
Elwes, R.H.M.; Baruch Spinoza: On the Improvement of Understanding [1883]
Elworthy, Frederick Thomas: The Evil Eye [1895]
Emerson, Nathaniel B.: Unwritten Literature of Hawaii: The Sacred Songs of the Hula [1909]
Emerson, Ralph Waldo: Essays, First Series [1847-50]
Emerson, Ralph Waldo: Essays, Second Series [1847-50]
Emerson, Ralph Waldo: The Transcendalist [1847-50]
Emerson, Willis George: The Smoky God [1908]
Emmerich, Anne Catherine: The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ [1843]
Epictetus: The Discourses [101]
Epictetus: The Enchiridion [1847-50]
Epicurus: Letter to Menoeceus [1847-50]
Esslemont: Baha'u'llah and the New Era
Euripides; Richard Aldington: Alcestis [1847-50]
Euripides; E. P. Coleridge: Andromache [1910]
Euripides: The Bacchantes [1847-50]
Euripides; E. P. Coleridge: The Cyclops [1910]
Euripides; Gilbert Murray: Euripides and His Age [1847-50]
Euripides; E. P. Coleridge: Electra [1910]
Euripides; E. P. Coleridge: Hecuba [1910]
Euripides; E. P. Coleridge: Helen [1910]
Euripides; E. P. Coleridge: The Heracleidae [1910]
Euripides; E. P. Coleridge: Heracles [1910]
Euripides; E. P. Coleridge: Hippolytus [1910]
Euripides; Robert Potter: Ion [1887]
Euripides; Robert Potter: Iphigenia in Tauris [1887]
Euripides: Iphigenia At Aulis [1847-50]
Euripides; E. P. Coleridge: Medea [1910]
Euripides; E. P. Coleridge: Orestes [1910]
Euripides; E. P. Coleridge: The Phoenissae [1910]
Euripides: Rhesus [1847-50]
Euripides; E. P. Coleridge: The Suppliants [1910]
Euripides: The Trojan Women [1847-50]
Euripides; Gilbert Murray: The Trojan Women [1847-50]
Eusebius: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. I [1847-50]
Eusebius; F.C. Conybeare: The Treatise of Eusebius Against the Life of Apollonius by Philostratus [1912]
Evans, Sebastian; Geoffrey of Monmouth: Geoffrey of Monmouth [1129]
Evans, Sebastian; Chretien DeTroyes: The High History of the Holy Graal [1898]
Evans-Wentz, W.Y.: The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries [1911]
Evelyn-White, Hugh G.; Hesiod: The Theogony [1914]
Evelyn-White, Hugh G.; Hesiod: Works and Days [1914]
Evelyn-White, Hugh G.; Homer: Aethiopis (Fragments) [1847-50]
Evelyn-White, Hugh G.; Homer: The Cypria (Fragments) [1847-50]
Evelyn-White, Hugh G.; Homer: Fragments of the Epic Cycle [1847-50]
Evelyn-White, Hugh G.; Homer: The Battle of Frogs and Mice [1847-50]
Evelyn-White, Hugh G.; Homer: Homeric Fragments [1914]
Evelyn-White, Hugh G.; Homer: The Contest of Homer and Hesiod [1847-50]
Evelyn-White, Hugh G.; Homer: The Homeric Hymns [1914]
Evelyn-White, Hugh G.; Arctinus of Miletus; Homer: The Sack of Ilium (fragments) [1847-50]
Evelyn-White, Hugh G.; Homer: The Little Iliad (Fragments) [1847-50]
Evelyn-White, Hugh G.; Homer: The Returns and The Telegony (Fragments) [1847-50]
Everard, John; Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus: The Divine Pymander [1650]
Lista Autori : F
Faiz-ullah-bhai, Sheikh; F.E. Johnson: The Hanged Poems [1917]
Famin, Stanislas Marie César: The Royal Museum at Naples [1871]
Faraday, L. Winifred: The Cattle Raid of Cualnge [1904]
Farnese, A.; Franchezzo: A Wanderer in the Spirit Lands [1896]
Farrow, John: Pageant of the Popes [1942]
Faulding, Gertrude M.: Fairies [1913]
Fausböll, V.; Max Müller: The Dhammapada and The Sutta Nipâta (SBE10), [1881]
Fausset, A. R.; Robert Jamieson; David Brown: A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments [1882]
Felt, William L.; Louis Jacolliot: Occult Science in India [1919]
Ferdowsi; Helen Zimmern: The Shah Namah [1883]
Ferguson, William: My Trip to Mars [1959]
Fergusson, Erna: Dancing Gods [1931]
Field, Claud; Al-Ghazzali: The Alchemy of Happiness [1909]
Field, Dorothy: The Religion of the Sikhs [1914]
Figgis, John Neville: The Political Aspects of S. Augustine's 'City of God' [1921]
Fillmore, Charles: Atom-Smashing Power of Mind [1949]
Fillmore, Charles: Christian Healing, The Science of Being [1926]
Fillmore, Charles: Jesus Christ Heals [1939]
Fillmore, Charles: Keep a True Lent [1953]
Fillmore, Charles: Mysteries of Genesis [1936]
Fillmore, Charles: Mysteries of John [1946]
Fillmore, Charles: Prosperity [1936]
Fillmore, Charles: Talks on Truth [1912]
Fillmore, Charles: Twelve Powers of Man [1930]
Fillmore, Charles: The Revealing Word [1959]
Fillmore, Charles: Teach Us to Pray [1941]
Fillmore, Myrtle: Letters of Myrtle Fillmore [1936]
First, King James the: Dæmonology [1597]
Firth, Florence M.; Pythagoras: The Golden Verses of Pythagoras [1902]
Fishler, Stanley A.; Frank Goldtooth: In the Beginning: A Navaho Creation Myth [1953]
Fitzgerald, Edward; Farid ud-Din Attar: Bird Parliament [1889]
Fitzgerald, Edward; Omar Khayyam: The Rubayyat of Omar Khayyam [1859]
Fitzgerald, Edward; Nur ad-Din Abd ar-Rahman Jami: Salaman and Absal [1904]
Flesche, Francis La: Death and Funeral Customs among the Omahas [1889]
Flitch, J. E. Crawford; Angelus Silesius: Selections from The Cherubinic Wanderer [1932]
Flournoy, Théodore; Daniel B. Vermilye: From India to the Planet Mars [1900]
Foli, P.R.S.: Fortune-Telling by Cards [1915]
Ford, H. J.; Andrew Lang: The Arabian Nights' Entertainments [1898]
Ford, H.J.; Andrew Lang: King Arthur: Tales of the Round Table [1902]
Forke, Anton: Yang Chu's Garden of Pleasure [1912]
Fort, Charles: Book of the Damned [1919]
Fort, Charles: New Lands [1923]
Fort, Charles: Lo! [1931]
Fort, Charles: Wild Talents [1933]
Fowler, F. G.; H. W. Fowler; Lucian of Samosata: The Works of Lucian [1905]
Fowler, H. W.; F. G. Fowler; Lucian of Samosata: The Works of Lucian [1905]
Foxe, John: Foxe's Book of Martyrs [1560]
Frachtenberg, Leo: Coos Texts [1913]
Franchezzo; A. Farnese: A Wanderer in the Spirit Lands [1896]
Francis, H.T.; E.B. Cowell: The Jataka, Vol. III [1897]
Francis, H.T.; E.B. Cowell: The Jataka, Vol. V [1905]
Franck, Adolphe: The Kabbalah, or the Religious Philosophy of the Hebrews [1926]
Francklin, Thomas; Sophocles: Philoctetes [1759]
Fraser, John: The Samoan Story of Creation [1891]
Frazer, Sir James: The Golden Bough [1922]
Freeman, Kathleen: Ancilla to the Pre-Socratic Philosophers [1948]
Freidländer, M.; Moses Maimonides: The Guide for the Perplexed [1904]
Frere, Mary: Old Deccan Days [1868]
Froude, James Anthony: Bunyan [1901]
Fuller, George A.; Zertoulem: Wisdom of the Ages [1916]
Lista Autori : G
Gabirol, Solomon ibn; Harry E. Wedeck: The Fountain of Life [1962]
Gabirol, Solomon ibn; Israel Zangwill: Selected Religious Poems of Solomon ibn Gabirol [1923]
Gage, Matilda Joslyn: Woman, Church, and State [1893]
Gairdner, W.H.T.; Al-Ghazzali: The Mishkât Al-Anwar [1924]
Ganguli, Kisari Mohan; Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa: The Mahabharata, Book 1: Adi Parva [1847-50]
Ganguli, Kisari Mohan; Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa: The Mahabharata, Book 2: Sabha Parva [1847-50]
Ganguli, Kisari Mohan; Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa: The Mahabharata, Book 3: Vana Parva [1847-50]
Ganguli, Kisari Mohan; Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa: The Mahabharata, Book 4: Virata Parva [1847-50]
Ganguli, Kisari Mohan; Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa: The Mahabharata, Book 5: Udyoga Parva [1847-50]
Ganguli, Kisari Mohan; Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa: The Mahabharata, Book 6: Bhishma Parva [1847-50]
Ganguli, Kisari Mohan; Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa: The Mahabharata, Book 7: Drona Parva [1847-50]
Ganguli, Kisari Mohan; Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa: The Mahabharata, Book 8: Karna Parva [1847-50]
Ganguli, Kisari Mohan; Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa: The Mahabharata, Book 9: Shalya Parva [1847-50]
Ganguli, Kisari Mohan; Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa: The Mahabharata, Book 10: Sauptika Parva [1847-50]
Ganguli, Kisari Mohan; Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa: The Mahabharata, Book 11: Stri Parva [1847-50]
Ganguli, Kisari Mohan; Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa: The Mahabharata, Book 12: Santi Parva [1847-50]
Ganguli, Kisari Mohan; Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa: The Mahabharata, Book 13: Anusasana Parva [1847-50]
Ganguli, Kisari Mohan; Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa: The Mahabharata, Book 14: Aswamedha Parva [1847-50]
Ganguli, Kisari Mohan; Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa: The Mahabharata, Book 15: Asramavasika Parva [1847-50]
Ganguli, Kisari Mohan; Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa: The Mahabharata, Book 16: Mausala Parva [1847-50]
Ganguli, Kisari Mohan; Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa: The Mahabharata, Book 17: Mahaprasthanika Parva [1847-50]
Ganguli, Kisari Mohan; Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa: The Mahabharata, Book 18: Svargarohanika Parva [1847-50]
Ganguli, Kisari Mohan: The Mahabharata [1883-1896]
Gardner, Gerald: The Gardnerian Book of Shadows [1847-50]
Gardner, Marshall B.: A Journey to the Earth's Interior [1920]
Garth, Sir Samuel; John Dryden; Alexander Pope; Joseph Addison; William Congreve; Ovid; Publius Ovidius Naso: The Metamorphoses [1717]
Garver, Will L.: Brother of the Third Degree [1842]
Gaster, Moses: The Chronicles of Jerahmeel [1899]
Gates, William; Diego de Landa: Yucatan Before and After the Conquest [1937]
Gauguin, Paul; Otto Frederick Theis: Noa Noa [1919]
Gennadius; Theodoret; Jerome; Rufinus: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. III [1847-50]
Gerould, Gordon Hall: The Grateful Dead, the History of a Folk Story [1908]
Gewurz, Elias; William Walker Atkinson: Hidden Treasures of the Ancient Qabalah [1918]
Gewurz, Elias; William Walker Atkinson: Mysteries of the Qabalah [1922]
Gherwal, Rishi Singh: Kundalini: The Mother of the Universe [1930]
Gherwal, Rishi Singh: Yoga Vashisht or Heaven Found [1930]
Gibbon, Edward: Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Vol. 1 [1847-50]
Gibbon, Edward: Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Vol. 2 [1847-50]
Gibbon, Edward: Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Vol. 3 [1847-50]
Gibbon, Edward: Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Vol. 4 [1847-50]
Gibbon, Edward: Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Vol. 5 [1847-50]
Gibbon, Edward: Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Vol. 6 [1847-50]
Gibson, Margaret Dunlop: Apocrypha Arabica [1901]
Giddings, Ruth Warner: Yaqui Myths and Legends [1959]
Gifford, Edward Winslow: Miwok Myths [1917]
Giles, Herbert Allen: Confucianism and Its Rivals [1915]
Giles, Lionel; Sun Tzu: The Art of War [1910]
Giles, Lionel; Chuang Tzu: Musings of a Chinese Mystic [1909]
Giles, Lionel; Lao Tzu: The Sayings of Lao Tzu [1905]
Giles, Lionel: Taoist Teachings Translated from the Book of Lieh-Tzü [1912]
Gill, John: Exposition of the Entire Bible [1746-63]
Gillen, F. J.; Baldwin Spencer: The Native Tribes of Central Australia [1899]
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins Stetson: Herland [1906]
Gilmore, G.W.: Animism [1919]
Ginzberg, Louis: Legends of the Jews [1909]
Goddard, Dwight: A Buddhist Bible [1932]
Goddard, Dwight; Henri Borel: Laotzu's Tao and Wu Wei [1919]
Goddard, Dwight; Henri Borel: Laotzu's Tao and Wu Wei (2nd ed.) [1939]
Goddard, Pliny Earle: Hupa Texts [1904]
Goddard, Pliny Earle: Navaho Texts [1933]
Goddard, Pliny Earle: Jicarilla Apache Texts [1911]
Goldberg, Ben Zion: The Sacred Fire [1930]
Goldsmid, Edmund: The Devils of Loudun [1887]
Goldtooth, Frank; Stanley A. Fishler: In the Beginning: A Navaho Creation Myth [1953]
Gollancz, Israel; Honnor Morten: The Love Letters of Abelard and Heloise [1128]
Gould, Charles: Mythical Monsters [1886]
Gracian, Balthasar; Joseph Jacobs: The Art of Worldly Wisdom [1892]
Grammaticus, Saxo; Oliver Elton: The Danish History [1905]
Granger, Mary: Drums and Shadows [1940]
Grant, Kenneth; Austin O. Spare: The Sorceries of Zos [1847-50]
Graves, Kersey: The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors [1860]
Gray, William E.: Know Your Magnetic Field [1947]
Great, Dionysius the; Gregory Thaumaturgus; Julius Africanus; Anatolius; Methodius; Arnobius: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. VI [1847-50]
Great, Gregory the; Leo the Great: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. XII [1847-50]
Great, Leo the; Gregory the Great: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. XII [1847-50]
Green, W.C.: The Story of Egil Skallagrimsson (Egil's Saga) [1893]
Gregor, Walter: Notes on the Folk-Lore of the North-East of Scotland [1881]
Gregory the Great (II); Ephraim Syrus; Aphrahat: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. XIII [1847-50]
Gregory, Augusta: Cuchulain of Muirthemne [1902]
Gregory, Augusta: Gods and Fighting Men [1904]
Gregory, Augusta: A Book of Saints and Wonders [1906]
Gregory, Augusta: Visions and Beliefs in the West of Ireland [1920]
Grey, George: Polynesian Mythology [1854]
Griffith, F.Ll.; Herbert Thompson: The Demotic Magical Papyrus of London and Leiden [1904]
Griffith, Ralph: The Rig-Veda [1896]
Griffith, Ralph: The Sama-Veda [1895]
Griffith, Ralph T. H.: Rámáyan Of Válmíki [1870-1874]
Griffith, Ralph T.H.: The Hymns of the Atharvaveda [1895-6]
Griffith, Ralph T.H.: The Texts of the White Yajurveda [1899]
Grignon, R.S.; Martin Luther: Address to the Nobility [1847-50]
Grimm, Jakob; Wilhelm Grimm; Margaret Hunt: Grimm's Household Tales [1812]
Grimm, Wilhelm; Jakob Grimm; Margaret Hunt: Grimm's Household Tales [1812]
Grinnell, George Bird: Blackfoot Lodge Tales [1892]
Grinnell, George Bird: The Punishment of the Stingy and Other Indian Stories [1901]
Groomes, Francis Hindes: Gypsy Folk Tales [1899]
Guest, Charlotte: The Mabinogion [1877]
Gummere, Francis B.: Beowulf (Modern English) [1910]
Gunkel, Hermann: The Legends of Genesis [1901]
Gupta, Mahendra Nath; Swami Abhedananda: The Gospel of Ramakrishna [1907]
Lista Autori : H
Haanel, Charles F.: The Master Key System [1919]
Haaren, John Henry: Famous Men of the Middle Ages [1910]
Hackett, Ann: Tilak of Tibet [1944]
Hafiz; Gertrude Lowthian Bell: Poems from the Divan of Hafiz [1897]
Hale, H.E.: The Iroquois Book of Rites [1883]
Hall, Manley Palmer: The Secret Teachings of All Ages [1928]
Hall, Manly Palmer; Comte de Saint-Germain: The Most Holy Trinosophia [1933]
Hallevi, Judah; Hartwig Hirschfeld: The Kitab al Khazari [1905]
Hamblin, Henry Thomas: Dynamic Thought [1921]
Hamilton, Leonidas Le Cenci: Ishtar and Izdubar [1884]
Hammer, Frank L.: An Eternal Career [1947]
Hammer, Frank L.: Life and Its Mysteries [1945]
Hammond, Eric: The Splendour of God [1909]
Hammond, Robert; Alfarabi: The Philosophy of Alfarabi [1947]
Hanauer, J. E.: Folk-lore of the Holy Land; Moslem, Christian and Jewish [1907]
Hare, J.B.: Abortion in the Bible [2008]
Hare, John Bruno: Did Nostradamus predict the WTC disaster? [2001]
Hare, John Bruno: The works of Margaret Murray [1847-50]
Hare, John Bruno: Timeline: Origin of Major Religions [1999]
Hare, John Bruno: Sacred Texts Timeline [1999]
Harley, Timothy: Moon Lore [1885]
Harris, Maurice: Hebraic Literature [1901]
Harrison, Jane: Ancient Art and Ritual [1913]
Harrison, Jane: Myths of Greece and Rome [1928]
Harrison, Jane: Prolegomena to the Study of Greek Religion [1922]
Harrison, William H.: Mother Shipton Investigated [1881]
Hartland, Edwin Sidney: The Science of Fairy Tales [1891]
Hartland, Edwin Sidney; C.E. Brock: English Fairy and Other Folk Tales [1890]
Hartmann, Franz; Jacob Boehme: The Life and Doctrines of Jacob Boehme [1891]
Hartmann, Franz: In the Pronaos of the Temple of Wisdom [1890]
Hartmann, Franz: With the Adepts: An Adventure Among the Rosicrucians [1910]
Harward, J.; Plato: The Seventh Letter [1928]
Hawkins, Jaq D.; Mark Chao: Defining Chaos [1847-50]
Haywood, H. L.: Symbolical Masonry [1923]
Head, Sir Edmund: The Story of Viga-Glum [1866]
Hearn, Lafcadio: Last of the Voudoos [1885]
Hearn, Lafcadio: New Orleans Superstitions [1886]
Hearn, Lafcadio: Gleanings In Buddha-Fields [1897]
Hearn, Lafcadio: In Ghostly Japan [1899]
Hearn, Lafcadio: Japan, An Attempt At Interpretation [1904]
Hearn, Lafcadio: Kwaidan [1904]
Heath, Thomas L.; Archimedes: The Sand Reckoner [1881]
Heindel, Augusta Foss; Max Heindel: Astro-Diagnosis, A Guide To Healing [1847-50]
Heindel, Augusta Foss; Max Heindel: Message of the Stars [1847-50]
Heindel, Max; Augusta Foss Heindel: Astro-Diagnosis, A Guide To Healing [1847-50]
Heindel, Max: Ancient and Modern Initiation [1847-50]
Heindel, Max: Gleanings of a Mystic [1847-50]
Heindel, Max; Augusta Foss Heindel: Message of the Stars [1847-50]
Heindel, Max: The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception [1847-50]
Heindel, Max: Max Heindel's Letters to Students [1910]
Heindel, Max: The Rosicrucian Mysteries [1847-50]
Heindel, Max: Teachings of An Initiate [1847-50]
Henderson, George; J. F. Campbell: The Celtic Dragon Myth [1911]
Henderson, George: Survivals in Belief Among the Celts [1911]
Hennessey, WM: The Ancient Irish Goddess of War [1870]
Henry, Matthew: Complete Commentary on the Whole Bible [1706]
Henry, Matthew: Concise Commentary on the Whole Bible
Hermas; Tatian; Athenagoras; Theophilus; Clement of Alexandria: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. II [1847-50]
Herodotus; G. C. Macaulay: The History of Herodotus [1890]
Herold, Andre Ferdinand; Paul C. Blum: The Life of Buddha [1922]
Hesiod: The Theogony in Greek [1847-50]
Hesiod; Hugh G. Evelyn-White: The Theogony [1914]
Hesiod; Hugh G. Evelyn-White: Works and Days [1914]
Hewitt, J.N.B.: Iroquoian Cosmology [1903]
Heywood, W.: The Little Flowers of St. Francis [1906]
Higginson, Thomas Wentworth: Tales of the Enchanted Islands of the Atlantic [1898]
Hill, Ethel P.; Ashtar: In Days To Come [1957]
Hill, Napoleon: Think and Grow Rich [1938]
Hinds, Arthur; Norman Vincent Peale: The Complete Sayings of Jesus [1927]
Hippolytus; Cyprian; Caius; Novatian: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. V [1847-50]
Hirschfeld, Hartwig; Judah Hallevi: The Kitab al Khazari [1905]
Hitti, Philip K.: The Origins of the Druze People and Religion [1928]
Hobbes, Thomas: Leviathan [1651]
Hoffman, W. J.: Folk-Lore of the Pennsylvania Germans [1888-9]
Hohman, by George: Pow-wows; or Long Lost Friend [1820]
Holbrook, Florence: The Book of Nature Myths [1904]
Holbrook, Florence: The Magic of Horse-Shoes, with other Folk-Lore Notes [1904]
Hollander, Lee M.: Old Norse Poems [1936]
Hollings, W.; Lallu Lal: The Prem Sagur [1848]
Holmes, Edmond: The Creed of Buddha [1919]
Holmes, Ernest: Creative Mind [1923]
Holmes, Ernest: The Science of Mind [1926]
Holmes, Ernest: Creative Mind and Success [1919]
Homer; Hugh G. Evelyn-White: Aethiopis (Fragments) [1847-50]
Homer; Padraic Colum: The Adventures of Odysseus and the Tale of Troy [1918]
Homer; Hugh G. Evelyn-White: The Cypria (Fragments) [1847-50]
Homer; Hugh G. Evelyn-White: Fragments of the Epic Cycle [1847-50]
Homer; Hugh G. Evelyn-White: The Battle of Frogs and Mice [1847-50]
Homer: The Iliad and Odyssey [Unicode Greek] [1847-50]
Homer; Hugh G. Evelyn-White: Homeric Fragments [1914]
Homer; Hugh G. Evelyn-White: The Contest of Homer and Hesiod [1847-50]
Homer; Hugh G. Evelyn-White: The Homeric Hymns [1914]
Homer; Samuel Butler: The Iliad of Homer [1898]
Homer; Arctinus of Miletus; Hugh G. Evelyn-White: The Sack of Ilium (fragments) [1847-50]
Homer; Hugh G. Evelyn-White: The Little Iliad (Fragments) [1847-50]
Homer; Samuel Butler: The Odyssey of Homer [1900]
Homer; Hugh G. Evelyn-White: The Returns and The Telegony (Fragments) [1847-50]
Honey, James A.: South African Folk-Tales [1910]
Hooke, S.H.: Basic English Bible [1941]
Hoole, Charles H.: The Didache [1894]
Hoshino, Hikoshirō; Genchi Katō: Kogoshui: Gleanings from Ancient Stories [1926]
Houston, Drusilla Dunjee: Wonderful Ethiopians of the Ancient Cushite Empire [1927]
Howard, Ebenezer: Garden Cities of To-morrow [1902]
Howell, Leonard Percival; G.G. Maragh: The Promised Key [1935]
Huikai; Ekai; Mu-mon; Nyogen Senzaki; Paul Reps: The Gateless Gate [1934]
Hume, David: Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion [1779]
Hume, David: An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding [1748]
Hume, David: Essays on Suicide and the Immortality of the Soul [1755]
Hume, David: A Letter from a Gentleman [1754]
Hume, David: My Own Life [1777]
Hume, David: The Natural History of Religion [1757]
Hume, David: Of Superstition and Enthusiasm [1741]
Hume, David: Of Tragedy [1757]
Hume, David: Of the Standard of Taste [1757]
Hume, David: Of Essay Writing [1742]
Hume, David: Of the Delicacy of Taste and Passion [1741]
Hume, David: Of the Liberty of the Press [1741]
Hume, David: Of the Rise and Progress of the Arts and Sciences [1742]
Hunt, Margaret; Jakob Grimm; Wilhelm Grimm: Grimm's Household Tales [1812]
Hunt, Robert: Popular Romances of the West of England [1903]
Hutton, James: Theory of the Earth [1788]
Hyde, Douglas: Beside the Fire [1910]
Hyett, Florence B.: Fifty Christmas Poems for Children [1923]
Hyne, Cutcliffe: The Lost Continent [1900]
Lista Autori : I
Incognito, Magus; William Walker Atkinson: The Secret Doctrine of the Rosicrucians [1918]
Indiopleustes, Cosmas; J. W. McCrindle: Christian Topography [1897]
Ingersoll, Ernest: Dragons and Dragon Lore [1928]
Ingersoll, Robert G.: Volume I: Lectures
Ingersoll, Robert G.: Volume II: Lectures
Initiates, Three; William Walker Atkinson: The Kybalion [1912]
Iqbal, Muhammad; Reynold A. Nicholson: The Secrets of the Self [1920]
Irenaeaus; Justin Martyr: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol I [1847-50]
Ithel, J. Williams Ab; Iolo Morganwg: The Barddas, Vol. I [1862]
Ithel, J. Williams Ab; Iolo Morganwg: The Barddas, Vol. II [1874]
Lista Autori : J
J.K; Paracelsus: The Prophecies of Paracelsus [1915]
Jacobi, Hermann: Jaina Sutras, Part I [1884]
Jacobi, Hermann: Jaina Sutras, Part II [1884]
Jacobs, Joseph; Balthasar Gracian: The Art of Worldly Wisdom [1892]
Jacobs, Joseph: Indian Fairy Tales [1912]
Jacobs, Joseph: Celtic Fairy Tales [1892]
Jacobs, Joseph: More Celtic Fairy Tales [1894]
Jacobs, Joseph; John D. Batten: English Fairy Tales [1890]
Jacobs, Joseph; John D. Batten: More English Fairy Tales [1894]
Jacolliot, Louis; William L. Felt: Occult Science in India [1919]
James, George G.M.: Stolen Legacy [1954]
James, George Wharton: The Legend of Tauquitch and Algoot [1903]
James, George Wharton: A Saboba Origin-Myth [1902]
James, M. R.: The Biblical Antiquities of Philo [1917]
James, William: The Varieties of Religious Experience [1902]
Jami, Nur ad-Din Abd ar-Rahman; Edward Fitzgerald: Salaman and Absal [1904]
Jamieson, Robert; A. R. Fausset; David Brown: A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments [1882]
Jastrow, M.: Descent of the Goddess Ishtar into the Lower World [1915]
Jebb, R. C.; Sophocles: Antigone [1902]
Jebb, R. C.; Sophocles: Electra [1873]
Jebb, R. C.; Sophocles: The Trachiniae [1902]
Jefferson, Thomas: The Jefferson Bible [1902]
Jennings, Hargrave; Sha Rocco: The Masculine Cross and Ancient Sex Worship [1874]
Jennings, Hargrave: The Rosicrucians, Their Rites and Mysteries [1907]
Jerome; Theodoret; Gennadius; Rufinus: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. III [1847-50]
Jerome: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. VI [1847-50]
Jerusalem, Cyril of; Gregory Nazianzen: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. VII [1847-50]
Joachim, H. H.; Aristotle: On Generation and Corruption [1922]
Johnson, B.W.: The People's New Testament [1891]
Johnson, F.E.; Sheikh Faiz-ullah-bhai: The Hanged Poems [1917]
Johnston, Charles; Śankarâchârya: The Crest-Jewel of Wisdom [1946]
Johnston, Charles: From the Upanishads [1889]
Johnston, Charles; Patanjali: The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali [1912]
Jolly, Julius: The Institutes of Vishnu (SBE 7) [1880]
Jolly, Julius: The Minor Law Books (SBE 33) [1880]
Jones, Alice Ilgenfritz; Ella Merchant: Unveiling a Parallel [1893]
Jordan, David Starr: The Wandering Host [1904]
Joseph, Isya: Devil Worship: The Sacred Books and Traditions of the Yezidiz [1919]
Josephus; William Whiston: The Works of Flavius Josephus [1737]
Jowett, Benjamin; Aristotle: Politics [1885]
Jowett, Benjamin; Plato: Apology (the Death of Socrates) [1871]
Jowett, Benjamin; Plato: Charmides, or Temperance [1871]
Jowett, Benjamin; Plato: Cratylus [1871]
Jowett, Benjamin; Plato: Critias [1871]
Jowett, Benjamin; Plato: Crito [1871]
Jowett, Benjamin; Plato: Euthydemus [1871]
Jowett, Benjamin; Plato: Euthyphro [1871]
Jowett, Benjamin; Plato: Gorgias [1871]
Jowett, Benjamin; Plato: Ion [1871]
Jowett, Benjamin; Plato: Laches or Courage [1871]
Jowett, Benjamin; Plato: Laws [1871]
Jowett, Benjamin; Plato: Lysis, or Friendship [1871]
Jowett, Benjamin; Plato: Meno [1871]
Jowett, Benjamin; Plato: Parmenides [1871]
Jowett, Benjamin; Plato: Phaedo [1871]
Jowett, Benjamin; Plato: Phaedrus [1871]
Jowett, Benjamin; Plato: Philebus [1871]
Jowett, Benjamin; Plato: Protagoras [1871]
Jowett, Benjamin; Plato: The Republic [1871]
Jowett, Benjamin; Plato: Sophist [1871]
Jowett, Benjamin; Plato: Statesman [1871]
Jowett, Benjamin; Plato: Symposium [1871]
Jowett, Benjamin; Plato: Theaetetus [1871]
Jowett, Benjamin; Plato: Timaeus [1871]
Jr., A. Monroe Aurand,: Little Known Facts about the Amish and the Mennonites [1938]
Jr., A. Monroe Aurand,: Early Life of the Pennsylvania Germans [194?]
Jr., A. Monroe Aurand,: The Realness of Witchcraft in America [1942]
Jr., Rutherford H. Platt,: The Forgotten Books of Eden [1926]
Jr., Rutherford H. Platt,: The Lost Books of the Bible [1926]
Judson, Katherine Berry: Myths and Legends of California and the Old Southwest [1912]
Julian; Thomas Taylor: Two Orations of the Emperor Julian [1793]
Lista Autori : K
Kabir; Rabindranath Tagore; Evelyn Underhill: Songs of Kabîr [1915]
Kakakusu, J.; E.B. Cowell; F. Max Müller: Buddhist Mahâyâna Texts (SBE 49) [1894]
Kalidasa; Arthur W. Ryder: Kalidasa: Translations of Shakuntala and Other Works [1914]
Kalisch, Isidor: Sepher Yezirah [1877]
Kant, Immanuel: The Critique of Judgement [1790]
Kant, Immanuel: The Critique of Practical Reason [1788]
Kant, Immanuel: The Critique of Pure Reason [1781]
Kant, Immanuel: Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals [1785]
Kant, Immanuel: Introduction to the Metaphysic of Morals [1785]
Kant, Immanuel: The Metaphysical Elements of Ethics [1780]
Kant, Immanuel: Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics [1783]
Kant, Immanuel: The Science of Right [1790]
Kapadia, S.A.: The Teachings of Zoroaster [1905]
Károli, Gáspár: Hungarian Bible [1590]
Katō, Genchi; Hikoshirō Hoshino: Kogoshui: Gleanings from Ancient Stories [1926]
Keightley, Thomas: The Fairy Mythology [1870]
Keightley, Thomas: Secret Societies of the Middle Ages [1837]
Keil, Carl Friedrich; Franz Delitzsch: Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament [1857-78]
Keith, Arthur Berriedale: The Yajur Veda (Taittiriya Sanhita) [1914]
Kelley, Ruth Edna: The Book of Hallowe'en [1919]
Kelly, Edward: The Stone of the Philosophers
Kempis, Thomas a; William Benham: Imitation of Christ [1418]
Kencho, Suematsu; Murasaki Shikibu: Genji Monogatari [1900]
Kennedy, Patrick: Legendary Fictions of the Irish Celts [1891]
Kennon, J.L.; Eros Urides: The Planet Mars and its Inhabitants [1922]
Kenton, Edna: The Book of Earths [1928]
Kepler, Johannes; Charles Glenn Wallis: Harmonies of the World [1939]
Kermode, P.M.C.: Traces of the Norse Mythology in the Isle of Man [1904]
Kern, H.: Saddharma-pundarîka (The Lotus Sutra) (SBE 21) [1884]
Keyhoe, Donald: The Flying Saucers Are Real [1950]
Khan, Khan Bhadur Ahmad din; P. M. Sykes: The Glory of the Shia World [1910]
Khan, Pir-o-Murshid Inayat: A Sufi Message of Spritual Liberty [1914]
Khayyam, Omar; Edward Fitzgerald: The Rubayyat of Omar Khayyam [1859]
Kilner, Walter J.: The Human Atmosphere [1920]
King, Charles William; Plutarch: Plutarch's Morals: Theosophical Essays [1908]
King, Charles William: The Gnostics and Their Remains [1887]
King, Godfré Ray; Guy Warran Ballard: Unveiled Mysteries [1934]
King, Henry Churchill: The Seeming Unreality of the Spiritual Life [1908]
King, John; John Calvin: 1. Genesis, Part I [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 2. Genesis, Part II [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 3. Harmony of the Law, Part I [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 4. Harmony of the Law, Part II [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 5. Harmony of the Law, Part III [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 6. Harmony of the Law, Part IV [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 7. Joshua [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 8. Psalms, Part I [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 9. Psalms, Part II [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 10. Psalms, Part III [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 11. Psalms, Part IV [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 12. Psalms, Part V [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 13. Isaiah, Part I [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 14. Isaiah, Part II [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 15. Isaiah, Part III [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 16. Isaiah, Part IV [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 17. Jeremiah and Lamentations, Part I [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 18. Jeremiah and Lamentations, Part II [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 19. Jeremiah and Lamentations, Part III [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 20. Jeremiah and Lamentations, Part IV [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 21. Jeremiah and Lamentations, Part V [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 22. Ezekiel, Part I [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 23. Ezekiel, Part II [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 24. Daniel, Part I [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 25. Daniel, Part II [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 26. Hosea [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 27. Joel, Amos, Obadiah [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 28. Jonah, Micah, Nahum [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 29. Habakkuk, Zephaniah, and Haggai [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 30. Zechariah, Malachai [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 31. Matthew, Mark and Luke, Part I [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 32. Matthew, Mark and Luke, Part II [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 33. Matthew, Mark and Luke, Part III [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 34. John, Part I [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 35. John, Part II [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 36. Acts, Part I [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 37. Acts, Part II [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 38. Romans [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 39. Corinthians, Part I [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 40. Corinthians, Part II [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 41. Galatians and Ephesians [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 42. Philippians, Colossians, and Thessalonians [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 43. Timothy, Titus, and Philemon [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 44. Hebrews [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 45. Catholic Epistles [1847-50]
King, L. W.: The Enuma Elish (The Epic of Creation) [1902]
King, L.W.: The Code of Hammurabi [1915]
King, L.W.: The Seven Tablets of Creation [1902]
King, Leonard W.: Legends of Babylonia and Egypt [1916]
Kingsbury, F.; G.P. Phillips: Hymns of the Tamil Saivite Saints [1829]
Kingsford, Anna; Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus; Edward Maitland: The Virgin of the World [1885]
Kingsford, Anna: Clothed With The Sun [1889]
Kingsley, Charles: The Heroes, or Greek Fairy Tales for my Children [1901]
Kirby, W. F.: The Hero of Esthonia [1895]
Kirk, Robert; Andrew Lang: The Secret Common-Wealth of Elves, Fauns and Fairies [1893]
Klah, Hasteen; Mary C. Wheelwright: Navajo Creation Myth [1942]
Knight, Richard Payne: A Discourse on the Worship of Priapus [1786]
Knowlson, T. Sharper: The Origins of Popular Superstitions and Customs [1910]
Knox, George William; Kyuso; Muro Naokiyo: The Shundai Zatsuwa (A Japanese Philosopher) [1892]
Koresh; Cyrus Reed Teed: The Cellular Cosmogony [1922]
Koyre, Alexandre: From the Closed World to the Infinite Universe [1957]
Kramer, Samuel Noah: Sumerian Mythology [1944, 1961]
Krauskopf, Joseph: A Rabbi's Impressions of the Oberammergau Passion Play [1901]
Kready, Laura F.: A Study of Fairy Tales [1916]
Kroeber, A. L.: Ethnography of the Cahuilla Indians [1908]
Kroeber, A. L.: A Mission Record of the California Indians [1908]
Kroeber, A. L.: Notes on the Shoshonean Dialects of Southern California [1909]
Kroeber, A. L.: Religion of the Indians of California [1907]
Kroeber, A. L.: Indian Myths of South Central California. [1907]
Kroeber, A. L.: Two Myths of the Mission Indians [1906]
Kulish, Paneleimon: Ukrainian Bible (NT) [1871]
Kuno, Meyer: The Voyage of Bran [1895]
Kúnos, Ignácz; Willy Pogany: Forty-four Turkish Fairy Tales [1913]
Kupfer, Carl F.: Sacred Places in China [1911]
Kyuso; Muro Naokiyo; George William Knox: The Shundai Zatsuwa (A Japanese Philosopher) [1892]
Lista Autori : L
Lactantius; Venantius; Asterius; Victorinus; Dionysius: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. VII [1847-50]
Laing, Samuel; Snorri Sturlson: Heimskringla or The Chronicle of the Kings of Norway [1844]
Lal, Lallu; W. Hollings: The Prem Sagur [1848]
Lal, Magan; Zeb-un-Nissa; Duncan Westbrook: The Diwan of Zeb-un-Nissa [1913]
Landa, Diego de; William Gates: Yucatan Before and After the Conquest [1937]
Landa, Gertrude; Aunt Naomi: Jewish Fairy Tales and Legends [1919]
Landsberg, L.; Nicolas Notovitch; J. H. Connelly: The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ [1890]
Lane, Bertha Palmer: Tower Legends [1932]
Lang, Andrew; Elphinstone Dayrell: Folk Stories from Southern Nigeria [1910]
Lang, Andrew; K. Langloh Parker: Australian Legendary Tales [1897]
Lang, Andrew; K. Langloh Parker: The Euahlayi Tribe [1905]
Lang, Andrew; Alexander Mackenzie: The Prophecies of the Brahan Seer [1899]
Lang, Andrew; Robert Kirk: The Secret Common-Wealth of Elves, Fauns and Fairies [1893]
Lang, Andrew; H. J. Ford: The Arabian Nights' Entertainments [1898]
Lang, Andrew: The Blue Fairy Book [1889]
Lang, Andrew: The Brown Fairy Book [1904]
Lang, Andrew: The Crimson Fairy Book [1903]
Lang, Andrew: The Green Fairy Book [1892]
Lang, Andrew: The Grey Fairy Book [1900]
Lang, Andrew: The Lilac Fairy Book [1910]
Lang, Andrew: The Olive Fairy Book [1910]
Lang, Andrew: The Orange Fairy Book [1906]
Lang, Andrew: The Pink Fairy Book [1897]
Lang, Andrew: The Red Fairy Book [1890]
Lang, Andrew: The Violet Fairy Book [1901]
Lang, Andrew: The Yellow Fairy Book [1894]
Lang, Andrew; H.J. Ford: King Arthur: Tales of the Round Table [1902]
Larkin, Clarence: The Book of Revelation [1919]
Larson, Christian D.: Your Forces and How to Use Them [1912]
Laurence, L.W. de; Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa; Henry Morley: The Philosophy of Natural Magic [1913]
Laurence, Richard: The Book of Enoch the Prophet [1917]
Leadbeater, C.W.: A Textbook of Theosophy [1912]
Leadbeater, Charles Webster: Clairvoyance [1899]
Leahy, A. H.: Heroic Romances of Ireland (2 Vols.) [1905-6]
Lederer, Florence; Sa'd Ud Din Mahmud Shabistari: The Secret Rose Garden [1920]
Legge, Jame; Lao Tzu; Chuang Tzu: Taoist Texts, Part I (SBE 39) [1891]
Legge, Jame; Chuang Tzu: Taoist Texts, Part II (SBE40) [1891]
Legge, James: The Book of Poetry [1876]
Legge, James; Confucius: The Confucian Canon in Chinese and English [1893]
Legge, James; Confucius: Confucian Analects (Lun Yü) [1893]
Legge, James; Confucius: The Great Learning (Ta Hsüeh) [1893]
Legge, James; Confucius: The Doctrine Of The Mean (Chung Yung) [1893]
Legge, James: Sacred Books of the East, Volume 27 [1885]
Legge, James: Sacred Books of the East, Volume 28 [1885]
Legge, James; Mencius: Mencius [1895]
Legge, James: Sacred Books of the East, Volume 3 [1879]
Legge, James: Sacred Books of the East, Volume 16 [1899]
Legge, James: Tao-te Ching [1891]
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm: The Monadology [1898]
Leland, Charles G.: Fusang [1875]
Leland, Charles G.: The Algonquin Legends of New England [1898]
Leland, Charles G.: English Gipsies and Their Language [1874]
Leland, Charles G.: Aradia, Gospel of the Witches [1899]
Leland, Charles G.: Etruscan Roman Remains in Popular Tradition [1893]
Leland, Charles G.: Gypsy Sorcery and Fortune Telling [1891]
Leland, Charles G.; Louisa Menzies: Lives of the Greek Heroines [1880]
Leonard, William Ellery; Titus Lucretius Carus: On The Nature Of Things [1847-50]
Lerins, Vincent of; Sulpitius Severus; John Cassian: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. XI [1847-50]
Lethaby, W.R.: Architecture, Mysticism and Myth [1892]
Lévi, Éliphas; Anonymous; H.P. Blavatsky: Paradoxes of the Highest Science [1922]
Levin, Meyer: The Golden Mountain [1932]
Liebers, Arthur: Relax with Yoga [1960]
Liliuokalani: The Kumulipo [1897]
Lillie, Arthur: India in Primitive Christianity [1909]
Lilly, William; Zadkiel: An Introduction to Astrology [1852]
Linderman, Frank: Indian Why Stories [1915]
Lipton, Isidore; The Central Conference of American Rabbis: The Union Haggadah [1923]
Lloyd, Arthur: The Creed of Half Japan [1911]
Lloyd, Arthur: Shinran and His Work: Studies in Shinshu Theology [1910]
Lloyd, J. William: Aw-aw-tam Indian Nights (Myths and Legends of the Pima) [1911]
Lloyd, J. William: The Karezza Method [1931]
Lloyd, John Uri: Etidorhpa [1897]
Lloyd, L.C.; W.H.I. Bleek: Specimens of Bushman Folklore [1911]
Lockyer, Norman: Stonehenge and Other British Stone Monuments Astronomically Considered [1906]
London, Jack: The Iron Heel [1909]
Long, George; Marcus Aurelius Antoninus: Meditations [1847-50]
Long, Max Freedom: The Secret Science Behind Miracles [1948]
Long, Max Freedom: Self-Suggestion [1958]
Lönnrot, Elias: The Kalevala (Finnish) [1847-50]
Lönnrot, Elias; John Abercromby: Magic Songs of the West Finns, Vol. II [1898]
Louÿs, Pierre; Willis L. Parker; Frank J. Buttera: Aphrodite (Ancient Manners) [1932]
Louÿs, Pierre; Alvah C. Bessie; Bilitis; Pierre Louys: The Songs of Bilitis [1926]
Louys, Pierre; Pierre Louÿs; Alvah C. Bessie; Bilitis: The Songs of Bilitis [1926]
Lovecraft, H.P.: An H.P. Lovecraft Anthology [1847-50]
Lover, Samuel: Legends and Stories of Ireland [1831, 1834]
Lowell, Amy: Many Swans: Sun Myth of the North American Indians [1920]
Lowell, Percivel: Mars [1895]
Loyola, St. Ignatius of; Elder Mullan: The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola [1522-1524]
Lummis, Charles F.: Pueblo Indian Folk-Stories [1910]
Lurie, Rose G.: The Great March [1931]
Luther, Martin: German Bible [1545]
Luther, Martin; R.S. Grignon: Address to the Nobility [1847-50]
Luther, Martin: Christ's Holy Sufferings [1847-50]
Luther, Martin: Enemies of the Cross of Christ [1847-50]
Luther, Martin: Christ Our Great High Priest [1847-50]
Luther, Martin: Large Catechism [1847-50]
Luther, Martin: The Twofold Use of the Law & Gospel: "Letter" & "Spirit" [1847-50]
Luther, Martin: Of The Office of Preaching [1847-50]
Luther, Martin: Small Catechism [1847-50]
Luther, Martin: The Parable of the Sower [1847-50]
Luther, Martin: On Faith & Coming to Christ [1847-50]
Luther, Martin: The Wheat & The Tares [1847-50]
Luther, Martin: Martin Luther's 95 Theses [1517]
Lykins: Potawatomi Bible (partial) [1844]
Lytton, Edward Bulwer: Zanoni [1842]
Lista Autori : M
Mabie, Hamilton W.; George Wharton Edwards: A Book of Old English Ballads [1896]
Macalister, Robert Alexander Stewart: The Philistines, Their History and Civilization [1913]
Macaulay, G. C.; Herodotus: The History of Herodotus [1890]
MacAuliffe, Max Arthur: The Sikh Religion, Volume 1 [1909]
MacCulloch, J. A.: The Religion of the Ancient Celts [1911]
MacDonald, Duncan B.: Development of Muslim Theology, Jurisprudence and Constitutional Theory [1903]
Macdonald, James: Religion and Myth [1883]
Macdonell, A.A.: A Vedic Reader for Students [1917]
MacGregor, Alexander: The Feuds of the Clans [1907]
MacKail, J.W.; Virgil: The Eclogues [1934]
MacKail, J.W.; Virgil: The Georgics [1934]
MacKenna, Stephen; Plotinus; B. S. Page: The Enneads of Plotinus [1917-1930]
Mackenzie, Alexander; Andrew Lang: The Prophecies of the Brahan Seer [1899]
Mackenzie, Donald: Teutonic Myth and Legend [1912]
Mackenzie, Donald A.: Myths and Legends of Babylonia and Assyria [1915]
Mackenzie, Donald A.: Myths of Crete and Pre-Hellenic Europe [1917]
Mackenzie, Donald A.: Egyptian Myth and Legend [1907]
Mackenzie, Donald A.: Indian Myth and Legend [1913]
Mackenzie, Donald A.: Stories of Russian Folk-Life [1916]
Mackenzie, Donald Alexander: Wonder Tales from Scottish Myth and Legend [1917]
Mackey, Albert G.: The Symbolism of Freemasonry [1882]
Macleod, Mary: Stories from the Faerie Queene [1916]
MacPherson, Georgia H.; Theodore P. Gianakoulis : Fairy Tales of Modern Greece [1930]
Macpherson, James: The Poems of Ossian [1773]
Magnus, Leonard A.: The Tale of the Armament of Igor [1915]
Magnusson, Eirikr; William Morris: The Story of Grettir the Strong [1869]
Magnusson, Eirikr; William Morris: The Story of the Volsungs [1888]
Maimonides, Moses; M. Freidländer: The Guide for the Perplexed [1904]
Maitland, Edward; Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus; Anna Kingsford: The Virgin of the World [1885]
Malinowski, Bronislaw: Baloma; the Spirits of the Dead in the Trobriand Islands [1916]
Malleson, Frederick Amadeus; Jules Verne: Journey to the Center of the Earth [1877]
Malory, Sir Thomas: Le Morte d'Arthur [1847-50]
Manhar, Nurho de: The Zohar: Bereshith to Lekh Lekha [1900-14]
Maragh, G.G.; Leonard Percival Howell: The Promised Key [1935]
Markham, Clements: Apu Ollantay [1910]
Markham, Clements R.: Narratives of the Rites and Laws of the Yncas [1873]
Martyr, Justin; Irenaeaus: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol I [1847-50]
Masson, Elsie: Folk Tales of Brittany [1929]
Mathers, Edward Powys; Bilhana: Black Marigolds [1919]
Mathers, S. Liddell MacGregor: The Key of Solomon The King [1888]
Mathers, S.L. MacGregor: The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage [1900]
Mathers, S.L. MacGregor; Aleister Crowley: The Lesser Key of Solomon [1904]
Mathers, S.L. MacGregor: The Kabbalah Unveiled [1912]
Mathers, S.L. MacGregor: The Tarot [1888]
Matheson, P.E.; Arrian: The Discourses of Epictetus [1916]
Matthews, W.H.: Mazes and Labyrinths [1922]
Matthews, Washington: Noqoìlpi, the Gambler: A Navajo Myth [1889]
Matthews, Washington: Navaho Myths, Prayers, and Songs [1906]
Matthews, Washington: The Mountain Chant, A Navajo Ceremony [1887]
Mawr, E.B.: Roumanian Fairy Tales and Legends [1881]
May, J. Lewis; Ovid; Publius Ovidius Naso: The Love Books of Ovid [1930]
McCann, Lee: Nostradamus: The Man Who Saw Through Time [1941]
McClintock, Walter: The Old North Trail [1910]
McCrindle, J. W.; Cosmas Indiopleustes: Christian Topography [1897]
McDevitte, W.A.; Julius Caesar; W.S. Bohn: Works of Julius Caesar [1869]
McGroarty, John Steven; Frederick V. Carpenter: Mission Memories [1929]
Mead, G.R.S.: Gnostic John the Baptizer [1924]
Mead, G.R.S.: The Hymn of Jesus, Echoes from the Gnosis [1907]
Mead, G.R.S.: Corpus Hermeticum
Mead, G.R.S.: Pistis Sophia [1921]
Mead, G.R.S.: Fragments of a Faith Forgotten [1900]
Mead, G.R.S.: Thrice-Greatest Hermes, Vol. 1 [1906]
Mead, G.R.S.: Thrice-Greatest Hermes, Vol. 2 [1906]
Mead, G.R.S.: Thrice-Greatest Hermes, Vol. 3 [1906]
Mead, George Robert Stowe: Apollonius of Tyana [1901]
Medhurst, C. Spurgeon: The Tao Teh King: A Short Study in Comparative Religion [1905]
Mencius; James Legge: Mencius [1895]
Menzies, Louisa; Charles G. Leland: Lives of the Greek Heroines [1880]
Mercer, Samuel A. B.: The Pyramid Texts [1952]
Merchant, Ella; Alice Ilgenfritz Jones: Unveiling a Parallel [1893]
Merriam, C. Hart: The Dawn of the World [1910]
Mertz, Henriette: Pale Ink [1953]
Metaxa, George; Rudolf Steiner: Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and Its Attainment [1947]
Methodius; Gregory Thaumaturgus; Dionysius the Great; Julius Africanus; Anatolius; Arnobius: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. VI [1847-50]
Michael 111, Fra:.: An Enochian dictionary [1847-50]
Michelet, Jules; Alfred Richard Allinson: The Sorceress [1939]
Mickle, William Julius; Luis de Camoens: The Lusiad [1776]
Miles, Clement A.: Christmas in Ritual and Tradition [1912]
Miletus, Arctinus of; Homer; Hugh G. Evelyn-White: The Sack of Ilium (fragments) [1847-50]
Mill, John Stuart: On Liberty [1859]
Mill, John Stuart: Representative Government [1861]
Mill, John Stuart: Utilitarianism [1863]
Mill, John Stuart: The Subjection of Women [1869]
Miller, John Maurice: Philippine Folklore Stories [1904]
Miller, William: Evidence from Scripture and History of the Second Coming of Christ [1842]
Mills, L.H.: The Zend Avesta, Part III: (SBE 31) The Yasna, Visparad, Âfrînagân, Gâhs and Miscellaneous Fragments [1887]
Milton, John: Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained [1667]
Mitchell, Betty; Helen Mitchell: We Met the Space People [1959]
Mitchell, Helen; Betty Mitchell: We Met the Space People [1959]
Miura, Kiyoko: Yukara, epos of the Ainus [1847-50]
Moncrief, Charles Scott: The Song of Roland [1919]
Monmouth, Geoffrey of; Sebastian Evans: Geoffrey of Monmouth [1129]
Monmouth, Geoffrey of; John Jay Parry: The Vita Merlini [1925]
Monteiro, Mariana: Legends and Popular Tales of the Basque People [1887]
Mooney, James: The Cherokee Ball Play [1890]
Mooney, James: Myths of the Cherokee [1900]
Mooney, James: Sacred Formulas of the Cherokee [1891]
Moore, A.W.: The Folk-Lore of the Isle of Man [1891]
Moore, Clement C.: A Visit from St. Nicholas [1823]
More, Thomas: Utopia [1516]
Morgan, Evan S.: Tao, The Great Luminant [1933]
Morgan, Mike: Introduction to Cybercraft [1847-50]
Morgan, William: Illustrations of Masonry [1827]
Morganwg, Iolo; J. Williams Ab Ithel: The Barddas, Vol. I [1862]
Morganwg, Iolo; J. Williams Ab Ithel: The Barddas, Vol. II [1874]
Morley, Henry; Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa; L.W. de Laurence: The Philosophy of Natural Magic [1913]
Morris, William; Eirikr Magnusson: The Story of Grettir the Strong [1869]
Morris, William: Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair [1895]
Morris, William: The Earthly Paradise, (March-August) [1868]
Morris, William: The Earthly Paradise, (September-November) [1870]
Morris, William: The Earthly Paradise, (December-February) [1870]
Morris, William: The Roots of the Mountains [1889]
Morris, William: The Story of the Glittering Plain [1891]
Morris, William: The Sundering Flood [1897]
Morris, William: The Hollow Land [1856]
Morris, William: The House of the Wolfings [1889]
Morris, William: The Well at the World's End [1896]
Morris, William: The Water of the Wondrous Isles [1897]
Morris, William; Eirikr Magnusson: The Story of the Volsungs [1888]
Morris, William: The Wood Beyond the World [1894]
Morris, William: News from Nowhere [1891]
Morshead, Edmund Doidge Anderson; Aeschylus: Agamemnon [1881]
Morshead, Edmund Doidge Anderson; Aeschylus: The Choephori (Libation Bearers) [1881]
Morshead, Edmund Doidge Anderson; Aeschylus: The Choephori (Libation Bearers) [1881]
Morshead, Edmund Doidge Anderson; Aeschylus: Prometheus Bound [1881]
Morshead, Edmund Doidge Anderson; Aeschylus: The Seven Against Thebes [1881]
Morshead, Edmund Doidge Anderson; Aeschylus: The Suppliants [1881]
Morten, Honnor; Israel Gollancz: The Love Letters of Abelard and Heloise [1128]
Morton, A. P; Papus: The Tarot of the Bohemians [1896]
Mu-mon; Ekai; Huikai; Nyogen Senzaki; Paul Reps: The Gateless Gate [1934]
Mukerji, A. P.; William Walker Atkinson: Yoga Lessons for Developing Spiritual Consciousness [1911]
Mullan, Elder; St. Ignatius of Loyola: The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola [1522-1524]
Müller, F. Max; E.B. Cowell; J. Kakakusu: Buddhist Mahâyâna Texts (SBE 49) [1894]
Müller, F. Max: Ramakrishna, His Life and Sayings [1898]
Müller, F. Max: Vedic Hymns, Part I (SBE 32) [1891]
Müller, Max; V. Fausböll: The Dhammapada and The Sutta Nipâta (SBE10), [1881]
Muller, Max: On the Migration of Fables [1881]
Müller, Max: The Upanishads, Part I (SBE 1) [1879]
Müller, Max: The Upanishads, Part II (SBE 15) [1884]
Mullock, Dorothy; Apuleius; William Adlington: The Most Pleasant and Delectable Tale of The Marriage of Cupid and Psyche [1914]
Mumford, Lewis: The Story of Utopias [1922]
Murray, Gilbert; Euripides: Euripides and His Age [1847-50]
Murray, Gilbert; Euripides: The Trojan Women [1847-50]
Murray, Gilbert: Five Stages of Greek Religion [1925]
Murray, Margaret: The Witch-Cult in Western Europe [1921]
Murray, Margaret Alice: Ancient Egyptian Legends [1920]
Musés, C.A.: Esoteric Teachings of the Tibetan Tantra [1961]
Lista Autori : N
Nabil: The Dawn Breakers
Naokiyo, Muro; Kyuso; George William Knox: The Shundai Zatsuwa (A Japanese Philosopher) [1892]
Naomi, Aunt; Gertrude Landa: Jewish Fairy Tales and Legends [1919]
Naso, Publius Ovidius; J. Lewis May; Ovid: The Love Books of Ovid [1930]
Naso, Publius Ovidius; Sir Samuel Garth; John Dryden; Alexander Pope; Joseph Addison; William Congreve; Ovid: The Metamorphoses [1717]
Nassau, Robert Hamill: Fetichism in West Africa [1904]
Nazianzen, Gregory; Cyril of Jerusalem: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. VII [1847-50]
Neale, J.: Hymns of the Eastern Church [1884]
Neligan, Harry L.; St. John D. Seymour: True Irish Ghost Stories [1914]
Nequatewa, Edmund: Truth of a Hopi [1936]
Nesbit, Edward Planta: Jesus An Essene [1895]
Neubauer, A.; A.E. Cowley: Original Hebrew of a Portion of Ecclesiasticus [1897]
Newbrough, John Ballou: Oahspe, A Kosmon Bible in the Words of Jehovih and his Angel Embassadors [1882]
Newton, Joseph Fort: The Builders [1914]
Nicholson, Reynold A.; Muhammad Iqbal: The Secrets of the Self [1920]
Nicholson, Reynold A.: The Mystics of Islam [1914]
Nicholson, Reynold A.; al-Arabi: The Tarjuman al-Ashwaq [1911]
Nicholson, Reynold Alleyne: Studies in Islamic Mysticism [1921]
Nietzsche, Friedrich: Thus Spake Zarathustra [1891]
Nilsson, Martin P.: Greek Popular Religion [1940]
Nilsson, Martin P.: The Mycenaean Origin of Greek Mythology [1932]
Nitobe, Inazo: Bushido, The Soul of Japan [1905]
Nivedita, Sister; Margaret E. Noble: Kali the Mother [1900]
Nivedita, Sister; Margaret E. Noble: Studies from an Eastern Home [1913]
Nivedita, Sister; Margaret E. Noble: The Web of Indian Life [1904]
Noble, Margaret E.; Sister Nivedita: Kali the Mother [1900]
Noble, Margaret E.; Sister Nivedita: Studies from an Eastern Home [1913]
Noble, Margaret E.; Sister Nivedita: The Web of Indian Life [1904]
Nordhoff, Charles: The Communistic Societies of the United States [1875]
Norton, Josh: The Lotus of Power Ritual [1847-50]
Nostradamus: The Prophecies of Nostradamus [1847-50]
Notovitch, Nicolas; J. H. Connelly; L. Landsberg: The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ [1890]
Novatian; Hippolytus; Cyprian; Caius: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. V [1847-50]
Noyes, George Rapnall; Leonard Bacon: Heroic Ballads of Servia [1913]
Noyes, John Humphrey: Male Continence [1872]
Nukariya, Kaiten: The Religion of the Samurai [1913]
Lista Autori : O
O'Bryan, Aileen: Origin Myths of the Navaho Indians [1956]
O'Hara, John Myers; Sappho: The Poems of Sappho [1910]
O'Higgins, Harvey J.; Frank J. Cannon: Under the Prophet in Utah [1911]
O'Leary, De Lacy: Arabic Thought and Its Place in History [1922]
Oesterley, W.O.E.: The Doctrine of the Last Things [1908]
Ogawa, Sanchi; Teresa Peirce Williston: Japanese Fairy Tales [1911]
Ogumefu, M. I.: Yoruba Legends [1929]
Okakura, Kakuzo: The Book of Tea [1906]
Okakura, Kakuzo: The Ideals of the East [1904]
Okusa, Yejitsu: Principal Teachings of the True Sect of Pure Land [1915]
Olcott, Frances Jenkins: Baltic Wizards [1928]
Olcott, Henry S.: The Buddhist Catechism [1908]
Olcott, William Tyler: Sun Lore of All Ages [1914]
Oldenberg, Herman; T.W. Rhys Davids: Vinaya Texts (Part I) (SBE13) [1881]
Oldenberg, Herman; T.W. Rhys Davids: Vinaya Texts (Part II) (SBE17) [1882]
Oldenberg, Herman; T.W. Rhys Davids: Vinaya Texts (Part III) (SBE20) [1885]
Oldenberg, Hermann: The Grihya Sutras, Part 1 (SBE 29) [1886]
Oldenberg, Hermann: The Grihya Sutras, Part 2 (SBE 30) [1892]
Oldenberg, Hermann: Vedic Hymns, Part II (SBE 46) [1897]
Oliver, Frederick S.: A Dweller on Two Planets [1905]
Origen; Tertullian: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. IV [1847-50]
Origen; Clement: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. IX [1847-50]
Orpheus; Thomas Taylor: The Hymns of Orpheus [1792]
Ouspensky, P. D.: The Symbolism of the Tarot [1913]
Ouspensky, P.D.: Tertium Organum [1922]
Ovid; J. Lewis May; Publius Ovidius Naso: The Love Books of Ovid [1930]
Ovid; Sir Samuel Garth; John Dryden; Alexander Pope; Joseph Addison; William Congreve; Publius Ovidius Naso: The Metamorphoses [1717]
Lista Autori : P
Page, B. S.; Plotinus; Stephen MacKenna: The Enneads of Plotinus [1917-1930]
Paine, Thomas: Age of Reason [1794]
Paine, Thomas: Common Sense [1776]
Paine, Thomas: An Essay on Dream
Paine, Thomas: Biblical Blasphemy
Paine, Thomas: Examination Of The Prophecies
Paine, Thomas: Rights of Man [1791]
Palmer, E.H.: Oriental Mysticism [1867]
Palmer, E.H.: The Qur’ân, Part I (SBE 6) [1880]
Palmer, E.H.: The Qur’ân, Part II (SBE 9) [1880]
Palmer, Ray; Ofreo M. Angelucci: The Secret of the Saucers [1955]
Palmer, W. Scott; Jacob Boehme; Eveyln Underhill: The Confessions of Jacob Boehme [1920]
Papus; A. P Morton: The Tarot of the Bohemians [1896]
Paracelsus; A.E. Waite: Coelum philosophorum
Paracelsus; A.E. Waite: The Treasure of Treasures for Alchemists
Paracelsus; A.E. Waite: The Book Concerning The Tincture Of The Philosophers
Paracelsus; A.E. Waite: The Aurora of the Philosophers
Paracelsus; J.K: The Prophecies of Paracelsus [1915]
Parallax; Samuel Birley Rowbotham: Zetetic Astronomy: Earth Not a Globe [1881]
Parker, Arthur C.: The Code of Handsome Lake [1913]
Parker, John; Dionysius the Areopagite: The Works of Dionysius the Areopagite [400]
Parker, K. Langloh; Andrew Lang: Australian Legendary Tales [1897]
Parker, K. Langloh; Andrew Lang: The Euahlayi Tribe [1905]
Parker, Willis L.; Pierre Louÿs; Frank J. Buttera: Aphrodite (Ancient Manners) [1932]
Parry, John Jay; Geoffrey of Monmouth: The Vita Merlini [1925]
Pascal, Blaise: Pensees [1660]
Pascal, Blaise: The Provincial Letters [1657]
Patanjali; Charles Johnston: The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali [1912]
Pavitt, Kate; William Thomas Pavitt: The Book of Talismans, Amulets and Zodiacal Gems [1914]
Pavitt, William Thomas; Kate Pavitt: The Book of Talismans, Amulets and Zodiacal Gems [1914]
Peale, Norman Vincent; Arthur Hinds: The Complete Sayings of Jesus [1927]
Peck, C.W : Australian Legends [1925]
Persona Navitae 353: The Manifestation of Kali in Universe as an Astrophysical Anomaly [1847-50]
Petronius, Gaius; Alfred R. Allinson: The Satyricon of Petronius [1930]
Pettersburg, Fitz Balintine: The Royal Parchment Scroll of Black Supremacy [1926]
Phelps, William Lyon: Human Nature in the Bible [1922]
Phillips, G.P.; F. Kingsbury: Hymns of the Tamil Saivite Saints [1829]
Philostratus; F.C. Conybeare: The Life of Apollonius of Tyana [1912]
Pick, Bernhard: The Cabala [1913]
Pickthall, Mohammed Marmaduke: The Qur'an [1930]
Pike, Albert: Morals and Dogma [1871]
Pinches, Theophilus G.: The Religion Of Babylonia And Assyria
Pir, Christeos: An essay on the pronunciation of Enochian [1847-50]
Pitz, Henry; Strafford Riggs: The Story of Beowulf [1933]
Plato; Benjamin Jowett: Apology (the Death of Socrates) [1871]
Plato; Benjamin Jowett: Charmides, or Temperance [1871]
Plato; Benjamin Jowett: Cratylus [1871]
Plato; Benjamin Jowett: Critias [1871]
Plato; Benjamin Jowett: Crito [1871]
Plato; Benjamin Jowett: Euthydemus [1871]
Plato; Benjamin Jowett: Euthyphro [1871]
Plato; Benjamin Jowett: Gorgias [1871]
Plato; Benjamin Jowett: Ion [1871]
Plato; Benjamin Jowett: Laches or Courage [1871]
Plato; Benjamin Jowett: Laws [1871]
Plato; Benjamin Jowett: Lysis, or Friendship [1871]
Plato; Benjamin Jowett: Meno [1871]
Plato; Benjamin Jowett: Parmenides [1871]
Plato; Benjamin Jowett: Phaedo [1871]
Plato; Benjamin Jowett: Phaedrus [1871]
Plato; Benjamin Jowett: Philebus [1871]
Plato; Benjamin Jowett: Protagoras [1871]
Plato; Benjamin Jowett: The Republic [1871]
Plato; J. Harward: The Seventh Letter [1928]
Plato; Benjamin Jowett: Sophist [1871]
Plato; Benjamin Jowett: Statesman [1871]
Plato; Benjamin Jowett: Symposium [1871]
Plato; Benjamin Jowett: Theaetetus [1871]
Plato; Benjamin Jowett: Timaeus [1871]
Plotinus; Stephen MacKenna; B. S. Page: The Enneads of Plotinus [1917-1930]
Plurabelle, Anna Livia: The Book of the Goddess [2002]
Plutarch; Charles William King: Plutarch's Morals: Theosophical Essays [1908]
Plutarch; Frank Cole Babbitt: The Roman and Greek Questions [1938]
Plutarch; Frank Cole Babbitt: The Roman and Greek Questions [1938]
Plutarch: De Iside et Osiride [1847-50]
Pogany, Willy; Ignácz Kúnos: Forty-four Turkish Fairy Tales [1913]
Pogany, Willy; Padraic Colum: The Children of Odin [1920]
Poitiers, Hilary of; John of Damascus: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. IX [1847-50]
Polano, H.: The Talmud: Selections [1876]
Polidori, John: The Vampyre [1819]
Pope, Alexander; Sir Samuel Garth; John Dryden; Joseph Addison; William Congreve; Ovid; Publius Ovidius Naso: The Metamorphoses [1717]
Porter, William N.: A Hundred Verses from Old Japan [1909]
Potter, Robert; Aeschylus: The Persians [1809]
Potter, Robert; Euripides: Ion [1887]
Potter, Robert; Euripides: Iphigenia in Tauris [1887]
Potts, John F.; Emanuel Swedenborg: Arcana Coelestia [1749-56]
Potts, John F.; Emanuel Swedenborg: Doctrine of the Lord [1763]
Potts, John F.; Emanuel Swedenborg: Doctrine of Faith [1763]
Potts, John F.; Emanuel Swedenborg: Doctrine of Life [1763]
Potts, John F.; Emanuel Swedenborg: Doctrine of Sacred Scriptures [1763]
Poussin, L. de la Vallée: The Way to Nirvana [1917]
Pratt, Parley Parker: The Angel of the Prairies, A Dream of the Future [1880]
Prendergast, W.J.; Badí‘ al-Zamán al-Hamadhání: The Maqámát of Badí‘ al-Zamán al-Hamadhání [1915]
Press, Muriel: The Laxdaela Saga [1899]
Proclus; Thomas Taylor: Fragments that Remain of the Lost Writings of Proclus [1825]
Procopius; Richard Atwater: The Secret History of Procopius [1927]
Province, The Fathers of the English Dominican; St. Thomas Aquinas: Summa Theologica [1948]
Puckle, Bertram S.: Funeral Customs [1904]
Pusey, Edward Bouverie; St. Augustine: The Confessions of Saint Augustine [401]
Pyle, Howard: The Champions of the Round Table [1905]
Pythagoras; Florence M. Firth: The Golden Verses of Pythagoras [1902]
Pythagoras; Fabre d'Olivet: The Golden Verses of Pythagoras [1917]
Python, Monty: Monty Python. and the Holy Grail [1847-50]
Lista Autori : Q
Quimby, Phineas Parkhurst; Horatio W. Dresser: The Quimby Manuscripts [1921]
Lista Autori : R
Rabbis, The Central Conference of American; Isidore Lipton: The Union Haggadah [1923]
Rackham, Arthur; Richard Wagner; Margaret Armour: Wagner's Ring of the Niblung [1910]
Radcliffe-Brown, A.R.: Myths and Legends of the Andamans [1922]
Radin, Paul: The Peyote Cult [1925]
Ragg, Lonsdale and Laura: The Gospel of Barnabas [1907]
Ralston, W.R.S.: The Songs of the Russian People [1872]
Ramacharaka, Yogi; William Walker Atkinson: Raja Yoga [1906]
Ramacharaka, Yogi; William Walker Atkinson: The Science of Breath [1904]
Râmânuja; George Thibaut: The Vedântâ-Sûtras (SBE 48) [1904]
Rank, Otto: The Myth of the Birth of the Hero [1914]
Ransome, Arthur: Old Peter's Russian Tales [1916]
Rapaport, Samuel: Tales and Maxims from the Midrash [1907]
Raphall, M. J.; D. A. Sola: Eighteen Treatises from the Mishna [1843]
Rasmussen, Knud; W. Worster: Eskimo Folk-tales [1921]
Rattray, R. Sutherland; Maalam Shaihu: Hausa Folklore [1913]
Raverty, H. G.: Selections from the Poetry of the Afghans [1867]
Ravn, Clara Iza von: Selestor's Men of Atlantis [1937]
Reade, W. Winwood: The Veil of Isis or Mysteries of the Druids [1861]
Redgrove, Herbert Stanley: Bygone Beliefs [1921]
Redhouse, James W.; Rumi; Eflaki: The Mesnevi [1881]
Reed, William: The Phantom of the Poles [1909]
Reeves, Arthur Middleton; North Ludlow Beamish; Rasmus B. Anderson: The Norse Discovery of America [1906]
Reichard, Gladys: Spider Woman, A Story of Navajo Weavers and Chanters [1934]
Reid, Bessie M.; Florence Stratton; Berniece Burrough: When the Storm God Rides: Tejas and other Indian Legends [1936]
Reina, Casiodoro de; Cipriano de Valera: Spanish Bible [1602]
Reps, Paul; Ekai; Huikai; Mu-mon; Nyogen Senzaki: The Gateless Gate [1934]
Reynolds, Geo.: The Book of Abraham, Its Authenticity Established... [1879]
Rhine, Joseph Banks: Extra-Sensory Perception [1934]
Rhodius, Apollonius; R.C. Seaton: The Argonautica [1912]
Rhys, John: Celtic Folklore: Welsh and Manx [1900]
Richard, Timothy: The Awakening of Faith of Ashvagosha [1907]
Richter, Jean Paul; Leonardo Da Vinci: The Da Vinci Notebooks [1883]
Riggs, Strafford; Henry Pitz: The Story of Beowulf [1933]
Rink, Henry: Tales and Traditions of the Eskimo [1875]
Robertson, John M.: Pagan Christs: Studies in Comparative Hierology [1911]
Robinson, Alfred; Geronimo Boscana: Chinigchinich [1846]
Robinson, Mary; Sappho: Sappho and Phaon [1796]
Robinson, Paschal: The Writings of St. Francis of Assisi [1905]
Robison, John: Proofs of a Conspiracy [1912]
Robson, James: Christ In Islâm [1929]
Rocco, Sha; Hargrave Jennings: The Masculine Cross and Ancient Sex Worship [1874]
Rodkinson, Michael L.: The Talmud, Tract Sabbath [1847-50]
Rodkinson, Michael L.: The Talmud, Tracts Erubin, Shekalim, Rosh Hashana [1847-50]
Rodkinson, Michael L.: The Talmud, Tracts Pesachim, Yomah and Hagiga [1847-50]
Rodkinson, Michael L.: The Talmud, Tracts Betzh, Succah, Moed Katan, Taanith, Megilla and Ebel Rabbathi or Semahoth [1847-50]
Rodkinson, Michael L.: The Talmud, Tracts Aboth, Derech Eretz-Rabba, Derech Eretz-Zuta, and Baba Kama (First Gate) [1847-50]
Rodkinson, Michael L.: The Talmud, Tract Baba Kama (First Gate), Part II and Tract Baba Metzia (Middle Gate) [1847-50]
Rodkinson, Michael L.: The Talmud, Tract Baba Bathra (Last Gate) [1847-50]
Rodkinson, Michael L.: The Talmud, Tract Sanhedrin: Section Jurisprudence (Damages) [1847-50]
Rodkinson, Michael L.: The Talmud, Tracts Maccoth, Shebuoth, Eduyoth, Abuda Zara, and Horioth [1847-50]
Rodkinson, Michael L.: History of the Talmud [1847-50]
Rodwell, J.M.: The Koran [1876]
Rogers, R. W.: Adapa and the food of Life [1912]
Rogers, Robert Athlyi: The Holy Piby [1924-8]
Rolleston, Thomas: Myths and Legends of the Celtic Race [1911]
Rose, R. Selden; Leonard Bacon: The Lay of the Cid [1919]
Rose, William Stewart; Ludovico Ariosto: Orlando Furioso [1823-31]
Ross, Mary; Pierre Benoit; Mary C. Tongue: Altantida (L'Antlantide) [1920]
Ross, William David; Aristotle: The Nicomachean Ethics [1908]
Rothery, Guy Cadogan: The Amazons [1910]
Rothwell, F.; Edouard Schuré: Jesus, the Last Great Initiate [1908]
Rouse, W. H. D.; E.B. Cowell: The Jataka, Vol. II [1895]
Rouse, W.H.D.; E.B. Cowell: The Jataka, Vol. IV [1901]
Rouse, W.H.D.; E.B. Cowell: The Jataka, Vol. VI [1907]
Rowbotham, Samuel Birley; Parallax: Zetetic Astronomy: Earth Not a Globe [1881]
Rowe, Benjamin: THE FIRST KEY -- An Analysis of the First Enochian Call or Key [1847-50]
Rowe, Benjamin: THE ABYSS EXPERIENCE -- Generating the Abyss Experience [1847-50]
Rowe, Benjamin: THE AEONIC PERSPECTIVE -- Temples, INRI/IRNI and the Set/Horus Duality [1847-50]
Rowe, Benjamin: SOME NOTES ON GEMATRIA IN LIBER AL -- Random musings on Liber AL [1847-50]
Rowe, Benjamin: THE BOOK OF THE ARCHER -- Using the Astrological Chart as a Lamen [1847-50]
Rowe, Benjamin: THE CACODEMONS -- Invoking the Cacodemons with the Temples [1847-50]
Rowe, Benjamin: ENOCHIAN TEMPLES -- Contruction of the Macrocosmic Enochian Temples [1847-50]
Rowe, Benjamin: THE TEMPLE OF FIRE -- Consecrating the Temple of the Fire Tablet [1847-50]
Rowe, Benjamin: THE RITUAL OF THE HEXAGRAM -- An experimental Enochian Ritual [1847-50]
Rowe, Benjamin: THE RITUAL OF THE HEPTAGRAM -- Using Dee's Heptarchic System [1847-50]
Rowe, Benjamin: DIVINE CREATION AND INTIATION -- The process of Aeonic Emanations [1847-50]
Rowe, Benjamin: THE SECOND KEY -- Experiments with the Second Enochian Call or Key [1847-50]
Rowe, Benjamin: THE LOWER TEMPLE -- Construction of the Microcosmic Temples [1847-50]
Rowe, Benjamin: THE PATHS -- A brief listing of the Achadian Paths [1847-50]
Rowe, Benjamin: Book of the Seniors [1847-50]
Rowe, Benjamin: SET / HORUS -- Further examination of the Set/Horus Mythos [1847-50]
Rowe, Benjamin: THE LAND -- Medieval Social Structure and the Achadian Tree [1847-50]
Rowe, Benjamin: THE ZODIACAL ROUND -- The precessional sequence as steps in Creativity [1847-50]
Roys, Ralph L.: The Book of Chilam Balam of Chumayel [1930]
Rufinus; Theodoret; Jerome; Gennadius: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. III [1847-50]
Rumi; E.H. Whinfield: The Masnavi [1898]
Rumi; Eflaki; James W. Redhouse: The Mesnevi [1881]
Ruppelt, Edward J.: The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects [1956]
Russell, George William; AE: The Candle of Vision [1918]
Rustaveli, Shota; Marjory Scott Wardrop: The Man in the Panther's Skin [1912]
Ruysbroeck, Jan van; C. A. Wynschenk Dom; Evelyn Underhill: The Adornment of the Spiritual Marriage [1916]
Ryan, Marah Ellis: The Druid Path [1917]
Ryan, Marah Ellis: Pagan Prayers [1913]
Ryder, Arthur W.; Shudraka: The Little Clay Cart [1905]
Ryder, Arthur W.; Kalidasa: Kalidasa: Translations of Shakuntala and Other Works [1914]
Ryder, Arthur W.: Twenty-two Goblins [1912]
Lista Autori : S
Śankarâchârya; Charles Johnston: The Crest-Jewel of Wisdom [1946]
Sa'di; Edwin Arnold: The Gulistan [1899]
Sadi; A. Hart Edwards: The Bustan of Sadi [1911]
Sadi; Arthur N. Wollaston: Sadi's Scroll of Wisdom [1906]
Saint-Germain, Comte de; Manly Palmer Hall: The Most Holy Trinosophia [1933]
Samosata, Lucian of; H. W. Fowler; F. G. Fowler: The Works of Lucian [1905]
Samosata, Lucian of; A.L.H.: Mimes of the Courtesans [1928]
Samosata, Lucian of: A True Story: Parallel English/Greek [1847-50]
Samosata, Lucian of; Herbert A. Strong: The Syrian Goddess [1913]
Sanâ'î, Hakîm Abû' L-Majd Majdûd; J. Stephenson: The Enclosed Garden of the Truth [1910]
Sandbach, Wiliam R.: The Oera Linda Book [1876]
Sanderson, Ivan T.: Abominable Snowmen: Legend Come to Life [1961]
Sanger, Margaret: Woman and the New Race [1920]
Sankarâkârya; George Thibaut: The Vedântâ-Sûtras Part I (SBE 34) [1890]
Sankarâkârya; George Thibaut: The Vedântâ-Sûtras Part II (SBE 38) [1896]
Sapir, Edward: Yana Texts [1910]
Sappho; John Myers O'Hara: The Poems of Sappho [1910]
Sappho; Mary Robinson: Sappho and Phaon [1796]
Sappho; Edwin Marion Cox: The Poems of Sappho [1925]
Sappho; Edwin Marion Cox: The Poems of Sappho (Unicode) [1925]
Sastri, Alladi Mahadeva: Dakshinamurti Stotra [1920]
Saunders, K.J.; W.D.C. Wagiswara: The Buddha's Way of Virtue [1920]
Sayce, A. H.: Records of the Past, 2nd Series, Vol. I [1888]
Sayce, A. H.: Records of the Past, 2nd Series, Vol. II [1888]
Sayce, A. H.: Records of the Past, 2nd Series, Vol. III [1890]
Sayce, A. H.: Records of the Past, 2nd Series, Vol. IV [1890]
Schlaginteweit, Emil: Buddhism In Tibet [1863]
Schliemann, Paul: How I Found the Lost Atlantis, The Source of All Civilization [1912]
Scholasticus, Socrates; Sozomen: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. II [1847-50]
Schreck, J.E.; Emanuel Swedenborg: Prophets and Psalms [1761]
Schuré, Edouard: Pythagoras and the Delphic Mysteries [1906]
Schuré, Edouard; F. Rothwell: Jesus, the Last Great Initiate [1908]
Scofield, Cyrus Ingerson: Scofield Reference Notes [1917]
Scott, Sir Walter: Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft [1885]
Scott-Elliot, W.: The Story of Atlantis [1896]
Scott-Elliot, W.: The Lost Lemuria [1904]
Seaborn, Adam; John Cleves Symmes: Symzonia; Voyage of Discovery [1820]
Seaton, R.C.; Apollonius Rhodius: The Argonautica [1912]
Segond, Louis: French Bible [1910]
Seiss, Joseph A.: A Miracle in Stone: or The Great Pyramid of Egypt [1877]
Selassie, by Haile: The Wisdom of Rastafari
Sellar, A.M.; Bede: Bede's Ecclesiastical History of England [731]
Senzaki, Nyogen; Ekai; Huikai; Mu-mon; Paul Reps: The Gateless Gate [1934]
Seva, Bhakti: The Hindu Book of Astrology [1902]
Severus, Sulpitius; Vincent of Lerins; John Cassian: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. XI [1847-50]
Seymour, St. John D.; Harry L. Neligan: True Irish Ghost Stories [1914]
Seymour, St. John D.: Irish Witchcraft and Demonology [1913]
Shabistari, Sa'd Ud Din Mahmud; Florence Lederer: The Secret Rose Garden [1920]
Shaihu, Maalam; R. Sutherland Rattray: Hausa Folklore [1913]
Shakespeare, William: Antony and Cleopatra [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: A Lovers' Complaint [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: All's Well That Ends Well [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: As You Like It [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Comedy of Errors [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Coriolanus [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Cymbeline [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Hamlet [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Julius Caeser [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: King Henry the Fourth, Part I [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: King Henry the Fourth, Part II [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: King Henry the Fifth [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: King Henry the Sixth, Part I [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: King Henry the Sixth, Part II [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: King Henry the Sixth, Part III [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: King Henry the Eighth [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: King John [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: King Richard the Second [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: King Richard the Third [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: King Lear [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Loves Labour Lost [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Macbeth [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Much Ado About Nothing [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Measure for Measure [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Midsummers' Night Dream [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Merchant of Venice [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Merry Wives of Windsor [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Othello [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Pericles, Prince of Tyre [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Romeo and Juliet [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Rape of Lucrece [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Sonnets [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Titus Andronicus [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Troilus and Cressida [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Tempest [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Two Gentlemen of Verona [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Two Noble Kinsmen [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Timon of Athens [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Taming of the Shrew [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Twelfth Night [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: The Winter's Tale [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Venus and Adonis [1847-50]
Shaku, Soyen; Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki: Zen for Americans [1906]
Sharpe, Samuel; E. A. Wallis Budge: Egyptian Mythology and Egyptian Christianity [1863]
Shaver, Richard S.: I Remember Lemuria [1948]
Shea, John Gilmary; Alban Butler; Benziger: Lives of the Saints [1894]
Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft: Frankenstein [1831]
Shelton, A.L.: Tibetan Folk Tales [1925]
Shepard, Odell: Lore of the Unicorn [1930]
Shields, Elizabeth Douglas; Rudolf Steiner: Theosophy [1910]
Shikibu, Murasaki; Suematsu Kencho: Genji Monogatari [1900]
Shinn, Florence Scovel: The Game of Life and How to Play It [1925]
Shinn, Florence Scovel: The Secret Door To Success [1941]
Shinn, Florence Scovel: Your Word Is Your Wand [1928]
Shortland, Edward: Maori Religion and Mythology [1882]
Shudraka; Arthur W. Ryder: The Little Clay Cart [1905]
Shumway, Daniel B.: The Nibelungenlied [1909]
Sickels, Daniel: General Ahiman Rezon [1868]
Sikes, Wirt: British Goblins [1881]
Silesius, Angelus; Julia Bilger: Alexandrines: translated from the "Cherubinischer Wandersmann" [1944]
Silesius, Angelus; J. E. Crawford Flitch: Selections from The Cherubinic Wanderer [1932]
Sinclair, Upton: Mental Radio [1930]
Singer, Simeon: The Standard Prayer Book [1915]
Sinh, Pancham: The Hatha Yoga Pradipika [1914]
Skene, William F.: The Gododdin Poems [1868]
Skene, William F.: The Four Ancient Books of Wales [1868]
Skinner, Charles M.: Myths and Legends of Our Own Land [1896]
Smith, Eli; Cornelius Van Allen Van Dyck: Arabic Bible [1865]
Smith, George: The Chaldean Account of Genesis [1876]
Smith, George: The Chaldean Account of the Deluge [1873]
Smith, Grafton Elliot: The Evolution of the Dragon [1919]
Smith, Richard Gordon: Ancient Tales and Folk-lore of Japan [1918]
Smith, S. Percy: The Lore of the Whare-Wananga [1913]
Smithers, L.C.; Richard Burton: The Priapeia [1890]
Smithson, John H.; Emanuel Swedenborg; George Bush; James F. Buss: Spiritual Diary [1747-65]
Smyth, Julian K.; William F. Wunsch: The Gist of Swedenborg [1920]
Snyder, Gary: The Smokey the Bear Sutra
Society, International Gita: The Bhagavad Gita [1847-50]
Society, Jewish Publication: The Holy Scriptures [1917]
Sola, D. A.; M. J. Raphall: Eighteen Treatises from the Mishna [1843]
Sophocles; R. C. Trevelyan: Ajax [1919]
Sophocles; R. C. Jebb: Antigone [1902]
Sophocles; F. Storr: Oedipus at Colonus [1912-3]
Sophocles; R. C. Jebb: Electra [1873]
Sophocles; F. Storr: Oedipus the King (Oedipus Rex) [1912-3]
Sophocles; Thomas Francklin: Philoctetes [1759]
Sophocles; R. C. Jebb: The Trachiniae [1902]
Sozomen; Socrates Scholasticus: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. II [1847-50]
Spare, Austin O.; Kenneth Grant: The Sorceries of Zos [1847-50]
Spare, Austin Osman: Anathema of Zos: Automatic Writing [1847-50]
Spare, Austin Osman: The Focus of Life [1847-50]
Spare, Austin Osman: The Book of Pleasure (Self-Love). The Psychology of Ecstasy. [1847-50]
Sparkman, Philip Stedman: The Culture of the Luiseño Indians [1908]
Spence, Lewis: The Myths of Mexico and Peru [1913]
Spence, Lewis: The Popul Vuh [1908]
Spence, Lewis: Legends and Romances of Brittany [1917]
Spence, Lewis: Hero Tales and Legends of the Rhine [1915]
Spence, Lewis: Legends and Romances of Spain [1920]
Spencer, Baldwin; F. J. Gillen: The Native Tribes of Central Australia [1899]
Spencer, Baldwin: Native Tribes of the Northern Territory of Australia [1914]
Spenser, Edmund: The Faerie Queene [1596]
Spicer, Dorothy Gladys: Festivals of Western Europe [1958]
Spinden, Herbert Joseph: Songs of the Tewa [1931]
Spinoza, Baruch; R.H.M. Elwes: Correspondence [1883]
Spinoza, Baruch; R.H.M. Elwes: Ethics [1883]
Spinoza, Baruch: Ethica (Latin text of The Ethics) [1677]
Spinoza, Baruch: Ethica (Latin text of The Ethics) [1677]
Spinoza, Baruch; R.H.M. Elwes: A Theologico-Political Treatise [1883]
Spinoza, Baruch; R.H.M. Elwes: On the Improvement of Understanding [1883]
Spurgeon, Charles Haddon: The Treasury of David [1869-85]
Squire, Charles: Celtic Myth and Legend [1905]
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady: The Woman's Bible [1895]
Stefansson, J.; W.G. Collingwood: The Life and Death of Cormac the Skalda [1901]
Steiger, Isabel de; Karl Eckartshausen; A.E. Waite: The Cloud Upon the Sanctuary [1909]
Steiner, Rudolf; George Metaxa: Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and Its Attainment [1947]
Steiner, Rudolf; Elizabeth Douglas Shields: Theosophy [1910]
Stephen, A. M.: Navaho Origin Legend [1930]
Stephens, James: The Crock of Gold [1912]
Stephens, James: Irish Fairy Tales [1920]
Stephenson, J.; Hakîm Abû' L-Majd Majdûd Sanâ'î: The Enclosed Garden of the Truth [1910]
Steward, Julian H.: Some Western Shoshoni Myths [1943]
Stirling, Matthew W.: Origin Myth of Acoma [1942]
Stockham, Alice B.: Karezza, Ethics of Marriage [1903]
Stocks, J. L.; Aristotle: On The Heavens [1922]
Stoker, Bram: Dracula [1897]
Stoker, Bram: Lair of the White Worm [1911]
Stokes, Whitely: The Destruction of Dá Derga's Hostel [1910]
Storr, F.; Sophocles: Oedipus at Colonus [1912-3]
Storr, F.; Sophocles: Oedipus the King (Oedipus Rex) [1912-3]
Stratton, Florence; Bessie M. Reid; Berniece Burrough: When the Storm God Rides: Tejas and other Indian Legends [1936]
Strong, Dawsonne Melanchthon: The Udâna [1902]
Strong, Herbert A.; Lucian of Samosata: The Syrian Goddess [1913]
Strutt, Joseph: Sports and Pastimes of the People of England [1903]
Stukeley, William: Stonehenge, A Temple Restor'd to the British Druids [1740]
Sturlson, Snorri; Samuel Laing: Heimskringla or The Chronicle of the Kings of Norway [1844]
Sturlson, Snorri; Arthur Gilchrist Brodeur: The Prose Edda [1916]
Subrahmanyam, S.V.; Ernest Wood: The Garuda Purana [1911]
Sullivan, Edward: The Book of Kells [1920]
Summers, Montague: The Vampire, his Kith and Kin [1928]
Summers, Montague: The Malleus Maleficarum [1486]
Suzuki, D.T.; Paul Carus: The Canon of Reason and Virtue [1913]
Suzuki, Daisetz Teitaro: Mysticism, Christian and Buddhist [1957]
Suzuki, Daisetz Teitaro: Manual of Zen Buddhism [1935]
Suzuki, Daisetz Teitaro; Soyen Shaku: Zen for Americans [1906]
Suzuki, Teitaro: Açvaghosha's Discourse on the Awakening of Faith in the Mahâyâna [1900]
Suzuki, Teitaro; Paul Carus: T'ai Shang Kan-Ying P'ien [1906]
Suzuki, Teitaro; Paul Carus: Yin Chih Wen, The Tract of the Quiet Way [1906]
Swanton, John R.: Haida Songs [1912]
Swanton, John R.: Tlingit Myths and Texts [1909]
Swanton, John R.: Myths and Tales of the Southeastern Indians [1929]
Swarupananda, Swami: Srimad-Bhagavad-Gita [1909]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John F. Potts: Arcana Coelestia [1749-56]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: Apocalypse Explained [1757-9]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: Apocalypse Revealed [1766]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; Samuel H. Worcester: Athanasian Creed [1759]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: Brief Exposition [1769]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: Canons [1769]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: Charity [1766]
Swedenborg, Emanuel: Conjugial Love [1768]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: Coronis [1771]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: De Conjugio [1766]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; Samuel H. Worcester: De Domino [1760]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: Divine Love [1762-3]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John F. Potts: Doctrine of the Lord [1763]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John C. Ager: Divine Love and Wisdom [1763]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John F. Potts: Doctrine of Faith [1763]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John F. Potts: Doctrine of Life [1763]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; William Frederic Wunsch: Divine Providence [1764]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John F. Potts: Doctrine of Sacred Scriptures [1763]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: De Verbo [1762]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: Divine Wisdom [1762-3]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: Earths in the Universe [1758]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: God the Savior [1768]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John C. Ager: Heaven and Hell [1758]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: Invitation to the New Church [1771]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: Interaction of the Soul and Body [1769]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: Last Judgment [1758]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: Last Judgment Continued [1758]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: Last Judgment Posthumous [1757-9]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; J.E. Schreck: Prophets and Psalms [1761]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; George Bush; John H. Smithson; James F. Buss: Spiritual Diary [1747-65]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: True Christian Religion [1771]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine [1758]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: White Horse [1758]
Sykes, P. M.; Khan Bhadur Ahmad din Khan: The Glory of the Shia World [1910]
Symmes, John Cleves; Adam Seaborn: Symzonia; Voyage of Discovery [1820]
Symonds, John Addington: A Problem in Greek Ethics [1901]
Symonds, John Addington: A Problem in Modern Ethics [1896]
Synge, John M.: In Wicklow and West Kerry [1912]
Synge, John M.: The Aran Islands [1907]
Syrus, Ephraim; Gregory the Great (II); Aphrahat: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. XIII [1847-50]
Lista Autori : T
Tagore, Rabindranath; Kabir; Evelyn Underhill: Songs of Kabîr [1915]
Tagore, Rabindranath: The Crescent Moon [1913]
Tagore, Rabindranath: Fruit-Gathering [1916]
Tagore, Rabindranath: Gitanjali [1913]
Tagore, Rabindranath: The Home and the World [1915]
Tagore, Rabindranath: Saddhana, The Realisation of Life [1916]
Tagore, Rabindranath: Stray Birds [1916]
Tagore, Rabindranath: Thought Relics [1921]
Talbot, D. Amaury: Woman's Mysteries of a Primitive People [1915]
Talmage, James E.: The Story of Mormonism [1918]
Tatian; Hermas; Athenagoras; Theophilus; Clement of Alexandria: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. II [1847-50]
Taylor, Charles: Sayings of the Jewish Fathers (Pirqe Aboth) [1897]
Taylor, Thomas: The Eleusinian and Bacchic Mysteries [1891]
Taylor, Thomas; Proclus: Fragments that Remain of the Lost Writings of Proclus [1825]
Taylor, Thomas; Orpheus: The Hymns of Orpheus [1792]
Taylor, Thomas; Julian: Two Orations of the Emperor Julian [1793]
Teed, Cyrus Reed; Koresh: The Cellular Cosmogony [1922]
Telang, Kâshinâth Trimbak: The Bhagavadgîtâ (SBE 8) [1882]
Tennyson, Alfred Lord: The Idylls of the King [1847-50]
Terry, Milton S.: The Sibylline Oracles [1899]
Tertullian: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. III [1847-50]
Tertullian; Origen: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. IV [1847-50]
Thackeray, William Makepeace: The Irish Sketch-book [1845]
Thaumaturgus, Gregory; Dionysius the Great; Julius Africanus; Anatolius; Methodius; Arnobius: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. VI [1847-50]
Theal, George McCall: Kaffir (Xhosa) Folk-Lore [1886]
Theis, Otto Frederick; Paul Gauguin: Noa Noa [1919]
Theodoret; Jerome; Gennadius; Rufinus: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. III [1847-50]
Theophilus; Hermas; Tatian; Athenagoras; Clement of Alexandria: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. II [1847-50]
Thibaut, George; Sankarâkârya: The Vedântâ-Sûtras Part I (SBE 34) [1890]
Thibaut, George; Sankarâkârya: The Vedântâ-Sûtras Part II (SBE 38) [1896]
Thibaut, George; Râmânuja: The Vedântâ-Sûtras (SBE 48) [1904]
Thierens, A.E.: General Book of the Tarot [1930]
Thiselton-Dyer, Thomas Firminger: Folk-Lore of Women [1906]
Thomas, E. J.: Buddhist Scriptures [1913]
Thomas, W. Jenkyn: The Welsh Fairy Book [1907]
Thomas, William Jenkyn: Some Myths and Legends of the Australian Aborigines [1923]
Thompson, Herbert; F.Ll. Griffith: The Demotic Magical Papyrus of London and Leiden [1904]
Thompson, J. Eric S.: Maya Hieroglyphic Writing (excerpts) [1950]
Thompson, R. C.: The Seven Evil Spirits [1903]
Thompson, R. Campbell: The Epic of Gilgamish [1928]
Thompson, Stith: Tales of the North American Indians [1929]
Thomson, William J.: Te Pito Te Henua, Or Easter Island [1891]
Thoreau, Henry David: The Transmigration of the Seven Brahmans [1931]
Thoreau, Henry David: Civil Disobedience [1849]
Thoreau, Henry David: Life Without Principle [1863]
Thoreau, Henry David: A Plea for Captain John Brown [1853]
Thoreau, Henry David: Slavery in Massachusetts [1854]
Thoreau, Henry David: Walden, or Life in the Woods [1854]
Thrum, Thomas G.: Hawaiian Folk Tales [1907]
Tibbitts, Charles John: Folklore and Legends: Oriental [1889]
Tongue, Mary C.; Pierre Benoit; Mary Ross: Altantida (L'Antlantide) [1920]
Torrence, Ridgely: The Story of Gio [1935]
Torrey, R. A.: Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge [1880]
Townsend, George Fyler; Aesop: The Fables of Aesop [1887]
Trachtenberg, Joshua: Jewish Magic and Superstition: A Study in Folk Religion [1939]
Trevelyan, R. C.; Sophocles: Ajax [1919]
Trine, Ralph Waldo: In Tune with the Infinite [1910]
Trine, Ralph Waldo: What All the World's A-Seeking [1896]
Trismegistus, Hermes Mercurius; John Everard: The Divine Pymander [1650]
Trismegistus, Hermes Mercurius; Anna Kingsford; Edward Maitland: The Virgin of the World [1885]
Troward, Thomas: The Hidden Power [1921]
Troward, Thomas: The Law and the Word [1921]
Troward, Thomas: The Dore Lectures on Mental Science [1909]
Troward, Thomas: The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science [1909]
Twain, Mark: Letters From The Earth [1909]
Twain, Mark: Thou Shalt Not Kill
Twain, Mark: The Fly
Twain, Mark: The War Prayer
Twain, Mark: What is Man
Tzu, Chuang; Lionel Giles: Musings of a Chinese Mystic [1909]
Tzu, Chuang; Lao Tzu; Jame Legge: Taoist Texts, Part I (SBE 39) [1891]
Tzu, Chuang; Jame Legge: Taoist Texts, Part II (SBE40) [1891]
Tzu, Lao; Lionel Giles: The Sayings of Lao Tzu [1905]
Tzu, Lao; Chuang Tzu; Jame Legge: Taoist Texts, Part I (SBE 39) [1891]
Tzu, Sun; Lionel Giles: The Art of War [1910]
Lista Autori : U
Underhill, Evelyn; Jan van Ruysbroeck; C. A. Wynschenk Dom: The Adornment of the Spiritual Marriage [1916]
Underhill, Evelyn; Anonymous: The Cloud of Unknowing [1400]
Underhill, Evelyn; Kabir; Rabindranath Tagore: Songs of Kabîr [1915]
Underhill, Evelyn: Mysticism [1911]
Underhill, Eveyln; Jacob Boehme; W. Scott Palmer: The Confessions of Jacob Boehme [1920]
Upward, Allen: The New Word [1910]
Urides, Eros; J.L. Kennon: The Planet Mars and its Inhabitants [1922]
US Department of the Navy, Bureau of Naval Personnel,Chaplains Division: The Religions of South Vietnam in Faith and Fact [1967]
Lista Autori : V
Valentine, Basil: Triumphal Chariot of Antimony
Valera, Cipriano de; Casiodoro de Reina: Spanish Bible [1602]
Vemana; C.P. Brown: Verses of Vemana [1829]
Venantius; Lactantius; Asterius; Victorinus; Dionysius: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. VII [1847-50]
Venkataramanan, S.: Select Works of Sri Sankaracharya [1921]
Vermilye, Daniel B.; Théodore Flournoy: From India to the Planet Mars [1900]
Verne, Jules; Frederick Amadeus Malleson: Journey to the Center of the Earth [1877]
Victorinus; Lactantius; Venantius; Asterius; Dionysius: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. VII [1847-50]
Vijnanananda, Swami; Hari Prasanna Chatterji: The S'rimad Devî Bhâgawatam [1921]
Vijnanananda, Swami; Hari Prasanna Chatterji: The Devî Gita [1921]
Villars, Abbé N. de Montfaucon de: Comte de Gabalis [1913]
Vincent, Marvin R.: Vincent's Word Studies [1886]
Vinycomb, John: Fictitious and Symbolic Creatures in Art [1909]
Virgil; John Dryden: The Aeneid of Virgil [1697]
Virgil; J.W. MacKail: The Eclogues [1934]
Virgil; J.W. MacKail: The Georgics [1934]
Vivekananda, Swami: Karma-Yoga [1921]
Voth, H.R.: Traditions of the Hopi [1905]
Vyasa, Krishna-Dwaipayana; Kisari Mohan Ganguli: The Mahabharata, Book 1: Adi Parva [1847-50]
Vyasa, Krishna-Dwaipayana; Kisari Mohan Ganguli: The Mahabharata, Book 2: Sabha Parva [1847-50]
Vyasa, Krishna-Dwaipayana; Kisari Mohan Ganguli: The Mahabharata, Book 3: Vana Parva [1847-50]
Vyasa, Krishna-Dwaipayana; Kisari Mohan Ganguli: The Mahabharata, Book 4: Virata Parva [1847-50]
Vyasa, Krishna-Dwaipayana; Kisari Mohan Ganguli: The Mahabharata, Book 5: Udyoga Parva [1847-50]
Vyasa, Krishna-Dwaipayana; Kisari Mohan Ganguli: The Mahabharata, Book 6: Bhishma Parva [1847-50]
Vyasa, Krishna-Dwaipayana; Kisari Mohan Ganguli: The Mahabharata, Book 7: Drona Parva [1847-50]
Vyasa, Krishna-Dwaipayana; Kisari Mohan Ganguli: The Mahabharata, Book 8: Karna Parva [1847-50]
Vyasa, Krishna-Dwaipayana; Kisari Mohan Ganguli: The Mahabharata, Book 9: Shalya Parva [1847-50]
Vyasa, Krishna-Dwaipayana; Kisari Mohan Ganguli: The Mahabharata, Book 10: Sauptika Parva [1847-50]
Vyasa, Krishna-Dwaipayana; Kisari Mohan Ganguli: The Mahabharata, Book 11: Stri Parva [1847-50]
Vyasa, Krishna-Dwaipayana; Kisari Mohan Ganguli: The Mahabharata, Book 12: Santi Parva [1847-50]
Vyasa, Krishna-Dwaipayana; Kisari Mohan Ganguli: The Mahabharata, Book 13: Anusasana Parva [1847-50]
Vyasa, Krishna-Dwaipayana; Kisari Mohan Ganguli: The Mahabharata, Book 14: Aswamedha Parva [1847-50]
Vyasa, Krishna-Dwaipayana; Kisari Mohan Ganguli: The Mahabharata, Book 15: Asramavasika Parva [1847-50]
Vyasa, Krishna-Dwaipayana; Kisari Mohan Ganguli: The Mahabharata, Book 16: Mausala Parva [1847-50]
Vyasa, Krishna-Dwaipayana; Kisari Mohan Ganguli: The Mahabharata, Book 17: Mahaprasthanika Parva [1847-50]
Vyasa, Krishna-Dwaipayana; Kisari Mohan Ganguli: The Mahabharata, Book 18: Svargarohanika Parva [1847-50]
Lista Autori : W
Wagiswara, W.D.C.; K.J. Saunders: The Buddha's Way of Virtue [1920]
Wagner, Leopold: Manners, Customs, and Observances: Their Origin and Significance [1894]
Wagner, Richard; Margaret Armour; Arthur Rackham: Wagner's Ring of the Niblung [1910]
Waite, A. E.: Collectanea Chemica [1893]
Waite, A.E.; Paracelsus: Coelum philosophorum
Waite, A.E.; Paracelsus: The Treasure of Treasures for Alchemists
Waite, A.E.; Paracelsus: The Book Concerning The Tincture Of The Philosophers
Waite, A.E.; Paracelsus: The Aurora of the Philosophers
Waite, A.E.: Alchemical Catechism
Waite, A.E.; Karl Eckartshausen; Isabel de Steiger: The Cloud Upon the Sanctuary [1909]
Waite, A.E.: The Pictorial Key to the Tarot [1911]
Waite, Arthur Edward: The Hermetic Museum [1893]
Waite, Arthur Edward: Devil Worship in France [1896]
Waite, Arthur Edward: The Book of Ceremonial Magic [1913]
Waite, Arthur Edward: The Hidden Church of the Holy Graal [1909]
Waite, Arthur Edward: The Real History of the Rosicrucians [1887]
Wake, C. Staniland: The Origin and Significance of the Great Pyramid [1882]
Wake, C. Staniland: Influence of the Phallic Idea in the Religions of Antiquity [1870]
Waley, Arthur: More Translations from the Chinese [1919]
Waley, Arthur: Kutune Shirka, The Ainu Epic [1953]
Waley, Arthur: The Nō Plays of Japan [1921]
Walker, J. R.: The Sun Dance and Other Ceremonies of the Oglala Division of The Teton Dakota. [1917]
Wallis, Charles Glenn; Johannes Kepler: Harmonies of the World [1939]
Walsh, Clara A.: Master Singers of Japan [1914]
Ward, Charles A.: The Oracles of Nostradamus [1891]
Wardrop, Marjory: Georgian Folk Tales [1894]
Wardrop, Marjory Scott; Shota Rustaveli: The Man in the Panther's Skin [1912]
Warren, Henry Clarke: Buddhism in Translations [1896]
Warren, William F.: Paradise Found [1885]
Waterman, T. T.: Religious Practices of the Diegueño Indians [1910]
Watkins, Alfred: Early British Trackways, Moats, Mounds, Camps and Sites [1922]
Wattles, Wallace Delois: The Science of Geting Rich [1910]
Weber, W. L.: The Thunder Bird Tootooch Legends [1936]
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Lista Autori : Z
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Zangwill, Israel; Solomon ibn Gabirol: Selected Religious Poems of Solomon ibn Gabirol [1923]
Zeb-un-Nissa; Magan Lal; Duncan Westbrook: The Diwan of Zeb-un-Nissa [1913]
Zertoulem; George A. Fuller: Wisdom of the Ages [1916]
Zimmern, Helen; Ferdowsi: The Shah Namah [1883]Zitkala-Sa: Old Indian Legends [1901]
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